Jewish race, Jewish State, where did this Jewish race start and what country ?

You think yearning for the Jewish inheritence can be stopped just because its "inconvenient" to Jew haters and Arab clans?

2000 years of endless spiritual desire cannot be defeated by selfishness. Zionism was and still is a living ideology. Those who believe they can turn it off are fools or naives.

Yearn as much as you like, darling.
Just don't expect the world to continue to sign off on your violent annexation of other peoples land, your murders and atrocities against a people you are trying to make non-existent.

Zionism is a fascist ideology from the 19th Century, where colonialism was routine.
It is past its use-by date. It will not be allowed to continue, even if Palestinians did not exist because yours is a racist and elitist philosophy.

The joke is, that you don't even realise you are on the list for being pushed onto the lowest rung of society, as the cannon fodder, human shields and eventually the wage slaves who will really benefit from the gangster state of Israel, if it gets its way.

You call up to destroy entire states but blame me of fascism.


Pot, meet kettle. Take a tan.
The Israelites, Jacobs kids by 2 wife's and their handmaidens, 4 women were not Jews, Jews is not a race and a religion. Its one or the other, how can it be both. And how can Israelites born of Jacob be Jew when he was not a Jew but a Hebrew. You are really messed up.

Who are the Palestinians is relevant, so who are the Jews are relevant to the conflict. The Israelites spent 400 years in Egypt, and according to EZRA there was intermarriage. So how do you expect the PLO to agree to Israel as a Jewish state? Why wouldn't your state then be called Jew? What is and who are Jews?

You turn philosophical on us?

Try and answer this without vomiting, how did Cain have any offspring to creat humanity? who was the unlucky mate?

Now, bother yourself with this question regarding humanity, it's much more useful than any other crap.

Penny has a very valid point there Lipush.

Namely that all your witchy-woo, "special friend of god" racial purity bullshit is just that.
Trying to be a 'Jewish' state with racial purity tests really is a big give-away as to what sort of people run Israel.

Racisl purity? How does that work in a state that many of its ministers are Arabs?

How is that "racially pure"?

Please explain.
Now since Jew is a race, what is their native country and if its Israel how can they call Israel a Jewish state. That would be racist. A Jew is from only one tribe of Jacob and Jacob was not a Jew, he was a Hebrew. He did not practice Judaism nor the law of Moses. How can all Israelites be said to be Jews and how could all Israelites be from Judea?

Who are the Jews?

There is no such thing as "Jewish race". If there was, it wouldn't have been able to convert to Judaism.

If your not a race, then we can't have a Jewish State, that is why your leaders insist Jew is a race. Read what PM Bibl says about it. One can't covert to the Jewish race , anymore than you can become French , one may convert to Judaism or practice it , but they can't become a Jew according to your leaders.

I'm a convert myself, so you just made yourself sound really stupid.

Nowhere any leaders of us defined us as a state, so either bring proof of that or admit you just said nonsense
You think yearning for the Jewish inheritence can be stopped just because its "inconvenient" to Jew haters and Arab clans?

2000 years of endless spiritual desire cannot be defeated by selfishness. Zionism was and still is a living ideology. Those who believe they can turn it off are fools or naives.

Yearn as much as you like, darling.
Just don't expect the world to continue to sign off on your violent annexation of other peoples land, your murders and atrocities against a people you are trying to make non-existent.

Zionism is a fascist ideology from the 19th Century, where colonialism was routine.
It is past its use-by date. It will not be allowed to continue, even if Palestinians did not exist because yours is a racist and elitist philosophy.

The joke is, that you don't even realise you are on the list for being pushed onto the lowest rung of society, as the cannon fodder, human shields and eventually the wage slaves who will really benefit from the gangster state of Israel, if it gets its way.

You call up to destroy entire states but blame me of fascism.


Pot, meet kettle. Take a tan.

Calling to destroy a fascist state is not fascism.
Try to think before your type Lipush.
The Israelites, Jacobs kids by 2 wife's and their handmaidens, 4 women were not Jews, Jews is not a race and a religion. Its one or the other, how can it be both. And how can Israelites born of Jacob be Jew when he was not a Jew but a Hebrew. You are really messed up.

Who are the Palestinians is relevant, so who are the Jews are relevant to the conflict. The Israelites spent 400 years in Egypt, and according to EZRA there was intermarriage. So how do you expect the PLO to agree to Israel as a Jewish state? Why wouldn't your state then be called Jew? What is and who are Jews?

You turn philosophical on us?

Try and answer this without vomiting, how did Cain have any offspring to creat humanity? who was the unlucky mate?

Now, bother yourself with this question regarding humanity, it's much more useful than any other crap.

Penny has a very valid point there Lipush.

Namely that all your witchy-woo, "special friend of god" racial purity bullshit is just that.
Trying to be a 'Jewish' state with racial purity tests really is a big give-away as to what sort of people run Israel.

Racisl purity? How does that work in a state that many of its ministers are Arabs?

How is that "racially pure"?

Please explain.
Now since Jew is a race, what is their native country and if its Israel how can they call Israel a Jewish state. That would be racist. A Jew is from only one tribe of Jacob and Jacob was not a Jew, he was a Hebrew. He did not practice Judaism nor the law of Moses. How can all Israelites be said to be Jews and how could all Israelites be from Judea?

Who are the Jews?

There is no such thing as "Jewish race". If there was, it wouldn't have been able to convert to Judaism.

If your not a race, then we can't have a Jewish State, that is why your leaders insist Jew is a race. Read what PM Bibl says about it. One can't covert to the Jewish race , anymore than you can become French , one may convert to Judaism or practice it , but they can't become a Jew according to your leaders.

I'm a convert myself, so you just made yourself sound really stupid.

Nowhere any leaders of us defined us as a state, so either bring proof of that or admit you just said nonsense

Your not Jew? you converted to Judaism from what? You can't convert to Jew anymore than I can convert to British.
You turn philosophical on us?

Try and answer this without vomiting, how did Cain have any offspring to creat humanity? who was the unlucky mate?

Now, bother yourself with this question regarding humanity, it's much more useful than any other crap.

Penny has a very valid point there Lipush.

Namely that all your witchy-woo, "special friend of god" racial purity bullshit is just that.
Trying to be a 'Jewish' state with racial purity tests really is a big give-away as to what sort of people run Israel.

Racisl purity? How does that work in a state that many of its ministers are Arabs?

How is that "racially pure"?

Please explain.
Now since Jew is a race, what is their native country and if its Israel how can they call Israel a Jewish state. That would be racist. A Jew is from only one tribe of Jacob and Jacob was not a Jew, he was a Hebrew. He did not practice Judaism nor the law of Moses. How can all Israelites be said to be Jews and how could all Israelites be from Judea?

Who are the Jews?

There is no such thing as "Jewish race". If there was, it wouldn't have been able to convert to Judaism.

If your not a race, then we can't have a Jewish State, that is why your leaders insist Jew is a race. Read what PM Bibl says about it. One can't covert to the Jewish race , anymore than you can become French , one may convert to Judaism or practice it , but they can't become a Jew according to your leaders.

I'm a convert myself, so you just made yourself sound really stupid.

Nowhere any leaders of us defined us as a state, so either bring proof of that or admit you just said nonsense

Your not Jew? you converted to Judaism from what? You can't convert to Jew anymore than I can convert to British.

You are aware of the fact that King David's grandmother was a convert, right?

Please, don't make yourself sound anymore stupid than you already are, Penelope. Ignorance isn't graceful
What constitutes the formal process of conversion?

In that regard Israel should not be called a Jewish state, and I agree with the PLO, if anyone can become a Jew.
Your not Jew? you converted to Judaism from what? You can't convert to Jew anymore than I can convert to British.

You can. Through different hurdles depending on which authority you are going through.
Which makes the point that it is a religion. Not a genetic trait.

Matthew 3:9
And do not presume to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father,’ for I tell you, God is able from these stones to raise up children for Abraham.

It is all just racist bollocks.
And you have to remember that although Israel pays lip service to "protecting Jews" it treats them abominably, in the name of Zionism. If Israel wanted to protect Jews it would be a good neighbour, foster peace and understanding and no try for eternal border expansion at the cost of lives and love.

"Since its establishment, more Jews were hurt in wars and terror attacks in Israel than anywhere else. The war in Gaza endangered world Jews as well, as no other war has before it.

Israel is today the most dangerous place in the world for Jews. Since its establishment, more Jews were hurt in wars and terror attacks that took place in Israel than anywhere else. The war in Gaza took this one step backward – it endangered world Jews as well, as no other war has before it. The Jewish home, the national refuge, not only doesn’t provide refuge, but even threatens Jews everywhere else. When you tote up the results of the war, include that too in the loss column.

A wave of animosity is washing over world public opinion. In contrast to the complacent, blind, smug Israeli public opinion, people abroad saw the pictures in Gaza and were aghast. No conscientious person could have remained unaffected. The shock was translated into hatred toward the state that did all that, and in extreme cases the hatred also awakened anti-Semitism from its lair. Yes, there is anti-Semitism in the world, even in the 21st century, and Israel has fueled it. Israel provided it with abundant excuses for hatred."

Haaretz Opinion Piece The State of Israel Fuels Anti-Semitism True Torah Jews

If you consider how much Judaism has in common with Islam, they are natural allies, friends and brothers.
~ It is only Zionism which wants to eradicate any 'competing' interests in the region.

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Race or Religion? I wish they would make up their minds...
My money is on Religion since I have seen Jews that were of different races.
What constitutes the formal process of conversion?

In that regard Israel should not be called a Jewish state, and I agree with the PLO, if anyone can become a Jew.

I don't understand how that's connected.
A Jew is any person whose mother was a Jew or any person who has gone through the formal process of conversion to Judaism.
It is important to note that being a Jew has nothing to do with what you believe or what you do

. A person born to non-Jewish parents who has not undergone the formal process of conversion but who believes everything that Orthodox Jews believe and observes every law and custom of Judaism is still a non-Jew, even in the eyes of the most liberal movements of Judaism, and a person born to a Jewish mother who is an atheist and never practices the Jewish religion is still a Jew, even in the eyes of the ultra-Orthodox. In this sense, Judaism is more like a nationality than like other religions, and being Jewish is like a citizenship. See What Is Judaism?

This has been established since the earliest days of Judaism. In the Torah, you will see many references to "the strangers who dwell among you" or "righteous proselytes" or "righteous strangers." These are various classifications of non-Jews who lived among Jews, adopting some or all of the beliefs and practices of Judaism without going through the formal process of conversion and becoming Jews. Once a person has converted to Judaism, he is not referred to by any special term; he is as much a Jew as anyone born Jewish.

Then as well "Leviticus 24:10 speaks of the son of an Israelite woman and an Egyptian man as being "among the community of Israel" (i.e., a Jew).
On the other hand, in Ezra 10:2-3, the Jews returning to Israel vowed to put aside their non-Jewish wives and the children born to those wives. They could not have put aside those children if those children were Jews.

Several people have written to me asking about King David: was he a Jew, given that one of his female ancestors, Ruth, was not a Jew? This conclusion is based on two faulty premises: first of all, Ruth was a Jew, and even if she wasn't, that would not affect David's status as a Jew. Ruth converted to Judaism before marrying Boaz and bearing Obed. See Ruth 1:16, where Ruth states her intention to convert. After Ruth converted, she was a Jew, and all of her children born after the conversion were Jewish as well. But even if Ruth were not Jewish at the time Obed was born, that would not affect King David's status as a Jew, because Ruth is an ancestor of David's father, not of David's mother, and David's Jewish status is determined by his mother.
Judaism 101 Who Is a Jew
Your so called "clever insights" don't impress me, and it's far from the reason why you think a Jewish state should not exist.

Well as no one on this board called them 'clever insights' I can only conclude that you did at home. In which case they clearly DO impress you.

Thank you Lipush.

Actually, the nonsense of 'race' is about the best argument against setting up Israel as a mono-ethnic state, or state for Jews only, or a theocracy, or however you want to portray it.

The only better argument for not doing it is that those who wish to do that are demonstrably fascists, who think not only that they can pick and choose from their territory who is permitted to be part of their Master Race, but to eliminate anyone resisting, and expand their control and terrortory (sic) though violence and ethnic cleansing.

Fascists should never be allowed to have their own country. Which is why Zionists must be stopped in their project.

I have become convinced that Jew is a religion , its a person who practices Judaism. I am of this opinion due to people being able to become a Jew, convert, same as RC, Baptist, Muslim etc. Therefore for the PLO to recognize Israel as a Jewish state would be wrong and racist. I also have no idea how they got approval to change the name of Palestine to Israel, all the British said was they could move there.

Also since its a religion of which anyone is free to join, Jews are not chosen among others. I mean If I become a Jew, does that make me better than my neighbor?

One other point, the spoken language is what set a country apart from another years ago , centuries. When one tribe who spoke Hebrew, ran into another who spoke Arabic, they had a hard time understanding each other which lead often lead to fear, so as they say birds of a feather flock together, that was how countries use to be made, but sooner or later we get curious and we want to make friends or war, depending on our needs. Right now Israel needs land, and the Pals are in the way, but no where to go and nor do they want to go any where.

I wonder when we get rid of Assad, will Israel take over Syria or try and send the Pals there?
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Your so called "clever insights" don't impress me, and it's far from the reason why you think a Jewish state should not exist.

Well as no one on this board called them 'clever insights' I can only conclude that you did at home. In which case they clearly DO impress you.

Thank you Lipush.

Actually, the nonsense of 'race' is about the best argument against setting up Israel as a mono-ethnic state, or state for Jews only, or a theocracy, or however you want to portray it.

The only better argument for not doing it is that those who wish to do that are demonstrably fascists, who think not only that they can pick and choose from their territory who is permitted to be part of their Master Race, but to eliminate anyone resisting, and expand their control and terrortory (sic) though violence and ethnic cleansing.

Fascists should never be allowed to have their own country. Which is why Zionists must be stopped in their project.

I have become convinced that Jew is a religion , its a person who practices Judaism. I am of this opinion due to people being able to become a Jew, convert, same as RC, Baptist, Muslim etc. Therefore for the PLO to recognize Israel as a Jewish state would be wrong and racist. I also have no idea how they got approval to change the name of Palestine to Israel, all the British said was they could move there.

Also since its a religion of which anyone is free to join, Jews are not chosen among others. I mean If I become a Jew, does that make me better than my neighbor?

You are completely right, Penelope.
Even in the questions you choose to present.
Now since Jew is a race, what is their native country and if its Israel how can they call Israel a Jewish state. That would be racist. A Jew is from only one tribe of Jacob and Jacob was not a Jew, he was a Hebrew. He did not practice Judaism nor the law of Moses. How can all Israelites be said to be Jews and how could all Israelites be from Judea?

Who are the Jews?

More to the point since arab is a race what is their native country, and if it is Arabia how can they call Palestine an arab state. That would be racist. An arab is from only one arab country and is traced back to 627C.E. and Mohamed.

So what right have they to claim non arab land as theirs ?

What to change your words above to less ANTISEMITIC NAZI JEW HATRED ONES ?
Wrong, the origin is 12 tribes(sons of Jacob named the Israelites following Jacobs second name Israel)
All the tribes had their land and unique features, Google the map of the 12 tribes, and again I'm wondering what is this has to do with the conflict?

Wrong, the origin is 12 tribes(sons of Jacob named the Israelites following Jacobs second name Israel)
All the tribes had their land and unique features, Google the map of the 12 tribes, and again I'm wondering what is this has to do with the conflict?

yes but the Israelites were not Jews. It has everything to do with the conflict. Why should the PLO recognize Israel as a Jewish State??

And the Palestinians were not arabs either going on your criteria, so what is your point apart from ANTISEMITIC JEW HATRED
The Israelites were the very first Jews, the name Jew comes from Judaism the Israelites recognized by, according to Judaism there is a unique genetic heritage which is why being Jew is also by race and religion.
Jews addressed by non Jews as both religion and race, you can find Christian Jew and Arab Jew.
But Jews always married Jews by religion reasons and remained Jewish - the descendants of Jacob the first Israelite and third Jew.

Again how is that related to the conflict?
The Palestinians have been shown to be Genetically closer to the ancient Israelites than the present Israeli population...In a sense the present Jews of Israel are killing their ancestors.

Do you mean the 85% match that is also the same match for arab and monkey and arab and banana. The European Jews and Ethiopian Jews have a 93% match in the Mitochondrial DNA with the Sephardic Jews. The arabs still only manage 85%.

So do you want to try again using proper up to date research of genetics
Now since Jew is a race, what is their native country and if its Israel how can they call Israel a Jewish state. That would be racist. A Jew is from only one tribe of Jacob and Jacob was not a Jew, he was a Hebrew. He did not practice Judaism nor the law of Moses. How can all Israelites be said to be Jews and how could all Israelites be from Judea?

Who are the Jews?


Yes with a 95% match to other Jewish people from all over the world, the best the rest of humanity can muster is around 89% to 90% match
Your so called "clever insights" don't impress me, and it's far from the reason why you think a Jewish state should not exist.

Well as no one on this board called them 'clever insights' I can only conclude that you did at home. In which case they clearly DO impress you.

Thank you Lipush.

Actually, the nonsense of 'race' is about the best argument against setting up Israel as a mono-ethnic state, or state for Jews only, or a theocracy, or however you want to portray it.

The only better argument for not doing it is that those who wish to do that are demonstrably fascists, who think not only that they can pick and choose from their territory who is permitted to be part of their Master Race, but to eliminate anyone resisting, and expand their control and terrortory (sic) though violence and ethnic cleansing.

Fascists should never be allowed to have their own country. Which is why Zionists must be stopped in their project.

I have become convinced that Jew is a religion , its a person who practices Judaism. I am of this opinion due to people being able to become a Jew, convert, same as RC, Baptist, Muslim etc. Therefore for the PLO to recognize Israel as a Jewish state would be wrong and racist. I also have no idea how they got approval to change the name of Palestine to Israel, all the British said was they could move there.

Also since its a religion of which anyone is free to join, Jews are not chosen among others. I mean If I become a Jew, does that make me better than my neighbor?

One other point, the spoken language is what set a country apart from another years ago , centuries. When one tribe who spoke Hebrew, ran into another who spoke Arabic, they had a hard time understanding each other which lead often lead to fear, so as they say birds of a feather flock together, that was how countries use to be made, but sooner or later we get curious and we want to make friends or war, depending on our needs. Right now Israel needs land, and the Pals are in the way, but no where to go and nor do they want to go any where.

I wonder when we get rid of Assad, will Israel take over Syria or try and send the Pals there?

Then all muslim states are also racist and should be forced to alter their titles.

You are once again using the wrong criteria for describing the Jews, at no time have the Jews ever claimed to be better than anyone else. That is an ISLAMONAZI BLOOD LIBEL AND LIE, what you are talking about is Gods word when he said the Jews were his chosen people. This is the same as you saying this is my chosen charity, or my chosen Gym it does not elevate them to a higher status. The religion that does have this is islam who says that god chose them to rule the world and to be the only religion in existence. The founder misinterpreted the Torah's teachings, much as you are doing here, and went one better.
There are states which have populations which are predominantly Muslim, but to claim this are Muslim states is to miss the point that they are multi faith states, with a majority of Muslims. They do not define who can become a citizen based on whether they are Muslim or not.

Only Israel defines who can be a citizen based on whether they are Jewish or not.

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