Jewish Rabbi Condemns Vatican Agenda With Israel

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This is a very alarming message that has been given by a Jewish Rabbi condemning the Vatican Agenda with Israel. I believe that this Jewish Rabbi is sounding the alarm in Zion and that the Jews and Christians had better listen to what he has to say! I am listening! Keep in mind, people, that the oracles of God were given to the Jews! Look at the Scriptures! .......and watch this video!

Video description: President Obama's visit to Israel may be greeted with enthusiasm with some but Jewish Rabbi Steven Ben-Nun/DeNoon reveals the hidden agenda and the UN-Holy alliance the White House and Vatican are making to divide the Land of Israel. Palestinians are only a pawn in a game of world domination by the New Pontiff, Pope Francis.
רב מגן הוותיקן אג'נדה
I praise God for Rabbi Steven Ben-Nun! Praise God for his holy boldness and his honesty and courage! This Jewish Rabbi is a blessing not only the Jewish people but to the Christian people too! I also agree with him that the 70th week has not begun yet but that we are at the door!
Yeah that has been a problem for some time, they know the Temple movement is near, they even know something else that makes them know their time is short, the only chess move they have left is to thwart The ability of Israel to have full control of the holy city thus Temple by making it an international control. However while they are so busy trying to prevent our temple they have neglected to notice the wolves circling their imposter one.
And then there is this! Listen to this, people! LISTEN!

Video description: What is going on behind the scenes in Jerusalem and who really owns the Holy City. According to a spokesman for the Institute its not owned by the Israeli's. And Pope Francis apparent humility at his inauguration, dressed in all white like the High Priest of Israel. Simply put "actions speak louder than words!"
Yeah that has benn a problem for sone time, they know the Temple movement is near, they even know something else that makes them know their time is short, the only chess move they have left is to thwart The ability of Israel to have full control of the holy city thus Temple by making it an international control. However while they are so busy trying to prevent our temple they have neglected to notice the wolves circling their imposter one.

Why do you permit this son of hell on your holy ground? Do you not realize the Scriptures prophesy of an imposter to come? Why do you invite this man and honor him when he is plotting your destruction? Was not one Holocaust enough?! What is going on with the Jews that they would ever trust the Roman Catholic System again after what they did to the Jews during the Inquisition torturing and putting them to death for 605 years (the 68 Million people they murdered included Jews!) and the Romanists involvment / instigation of World War I, World War II, The Holocaust! From the beginning - they murdered 1 million Jews in 70 A.D. according to Josephus! Remember Masada and the 900?

And now you want to trust them again?? This is insanity!!! Throw these Romanists out of Israel! Throw them out of your Holy Land, tear down their high places and forbid them to ever return! WAKE UP!
This is a very alarming message that has been given by a Jewish Rabbi condemning the Vatican Agenda with Israel. I believe that this Jewish Rabbi is sounding the alarm in Zion and that the Jews and Christians had better listen to what he has to say! I am listening! Keep in mind, people, that the oracles of God were given to the Jews! Look at the Scriptures! .......and watch this video!

Video description: President Obama's visit to Israel may be greeted with enthusiasm with some but Jewish Rabbi Steven Ben-Nun/DeNoon reveals the hidden agenda and the UN-Holy alliance the White House and Vatican are making to divide the Land of Israel. Palestinians are only a pawn in a game of world domination by the New Pontiff, Pope Francis.
רב מגן הוותיקן אג'נדה

I assume you know about these two particular events Jeri?

Israel responsible for Gaza strikes on UN schools and shelters inquiry finds US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Israel has violated ceasefire over 400 times since Aug 26 Pals 4 times US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
HaSHev, this pope has been the first to wear "ALL WHITE". He is telling the world by his own actions that he is the high priest. No other pope has ever done this (although they were sons of hell by their false teachings none the less) and although you do not believe Revelation you must know that the Antichrist who brings war upon the earth rides upon a white horse - yet the Messiah when he comes shall come upon a white horse - so how can both horses be white? They are not the same. The color white represents to different things. It either represents purity or complete evil. This pope is the representation of complete evil. He is an imposter. This man is very dangerous and the Jews should flee from him - have nothing to do with him - do not trust him!
This is a very alarming message that has been given by a Jewish Rabbi condemning the Vatican Agenda with Israel. I believe that this Jewish Rabbi is sounding the alarm in Zion and that the Jews and Christians had better listen to what he has to say! I am listening! Keep in mind, people, that the oracles of God were given to the Jews! Look at the Scriptures! .......and watch this video!

Video description: President Obama's visit to Israel may be greeted with enthusiasm with some but Jewish Rabbi Steven Ben-Nun/DeNoon reveals the hidden agenda and the UN-Holy alliance the White House and Vatican are making to divide the Land of Israel. Palestinians are only a pawn in a game of world domination by the New Pontiff, Pope Francis.
רב מגן הוותיקן אג'נדה

I assume you know about these two particular events Jeri?

Israel responsible for Gaza strikes on UN schools and shelters inquiry finds US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Israel has violated ceasefire over 400 times since Aug 26 Pals 4 times US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

No, I have not read any news about Gaza and Israel for some time. I know that Obadiah prophesied that Gaza shall be emptied and Benjamin shall possess it. See Obadiah 1:19. Why will this happen?

It is written: For the day of the LORD is near upon all the heathen: as thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee: thy reward shall return upon thine own head. For as ye have drunk upon my holy mountain, so shall all the heathen drink continually, yes, they shall drink, and they shall swallow down, and they shall be as though they had not been. But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness, and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions and the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them, and there shall be not be any remaining of the house of Esau, for the LORD hath spoken it.
Obadiah 1:15-18

The truth is this land was given to the Jews who are Gods' people and this land shall be taken back in the future. The modern day house of Esau are the Palestinians, 9/11. They shall be destroyed according to scripture because of the works of their own hands. Whatsoever a man sows that shall he reap. They shall reap the destruction they plotted against the Israelites. If they were to repent and turn from their sin and leave? They would live. But if they do not? They shall perish. All those who are enemies of the Jews are enemies of Jesus Christ. These are His brethren. You cannot be a Christian and hate the Jews. It is impossible. You cannot love God and hate the Jews. It is impossible.

It would be like telling God - I'd like to move into your house (Heaven) and live there eternally but there is only one problem. I hate your wife and I hate your children. Would you mind killing them first and then I'll move in? What would you say to such a request?
The Pope and the Vatican have been irrelevant for a long time, and this one does not scare me.
He admited that his position will soon end as in there won't be a head of the chuch for to long.
Do they think he's the last or the next one is supposed to be?
This is a very alarming message that has been given by a Jewish Rabbi condemning the Vatican Agenda with Israel. I believe that this Jewish Rabbi is sounding the alarm in Zion and that the Jews and Christians had better listen to what he has to say! I am listening! Keep in mind, people, that the oracles of God were given to the Jews! Look at the Scriptures! .......and watch this video!

Video description: President Obama's visit to Israel may be greeted with enthusiasm with some but Jewish Rabbi Steven Ben-Nun/DeNoon reveals the hidden agenda and the UN-Holy alliance the White House and Vatican are making to divide the Land of Israel. Palestinians are only a pawn in a game of world domination by the New Pontiff, Pope Francis.
רב מגן הוותיקן אג'נדה

I assume you know about these two particular events Jeri?

Israel responsible for Gaza strikes on UN schools and shelters inquiry finds US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Israel has violated ceasefire over 400 times since Aug 26 Pals 4 times US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

No, I have not read any news about Gaza and Israel for some time. I know that Obadiah prophesied that Gaza shall be emptied and Benjamin shall possess it. See Obadiah 1:19. Why will this happen?

It is written: For the day of the LORD is near upon all the heathen: as thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee: thy reward shall return upon thine own head. For as ye have drunk upon my holy mountain, so shall all the heathen drink continually, yes, they shall drink, and they shall swallow down, and they shall be as though they had not been. But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness, and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions and the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them, and there shall be not be any remaining of the house of Esau, for the LORD hath spoken it.
Obadiah 1:15-18

The truth is this land was given to the Jews who are Gods' people and this land shall be taken back in the future. The modern day house of Esau are the Palestinians, 9/11. They shall be destroyed according to scripture because of the works of their own hands. Whatsoever a man sows that shall he reap. They shall reap the destruction they plotted against the Israelites. If they were to repent and turn from their sin and leave? They would live. But if they do not? They shall perish. All those who are enemies of the Jews are enemies of Jesus Christ. These are His brethren. You cannot be a Christian and hate the Jews. It is impossible. You cannot love God and hate the Jews. It is impossible.

It would be like telling God - I'd like to move into your house (Heaven) and live there eternally but there is only one problem. I hate your wife and I hate your children. Would you mind killing them first and then I'll move in? What would you say to such a request?

that sentence there-you cannot be a christian and hate jews is partially correct.Hate it not good no matter how bad an act someone commits so i dont like to use the word hate,disgust yeah,but not hate. at least in this case since were talking about certain people.presidents and politicians another story.

I hope you realise that the good jews who are peace loving,are judism jews,they are very good people.zionists jews are a different story,they seek death and destruction against the palestines and others,they are NOT true jews.

they rule the evil mossad in that country which is as evil as the CIA here in america which i have always said makes the third reich look like a bunch of choir boys.

these people here below are good jews,they are true judisem jews speaking out against their evil government the zionists in Israel.:thup:

Thousands of good Jewish folks protest Netanyahu and the state of Isreal US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

you may not realise this,but this message board just like all other message boards out there,has been penetrated by shills on Israel's payroll as well as agents for our government to troll this message board and other political message boards defending the atrocities of the government of Israel. so many of them did that on my thread you will notice if you read the replies on it.

all the people that came on that thread of mine i created and attacked me are all paid shills on their payroll.

they wont watch that video and look at the facts.they evaded that video.thats what their handlers instruct them to do.evade the facts and engage in flame wars.
Last edited:
This is a very alarming message that has been given by a Jewish Rabbi condemning the Vatican Agenda with Israel. I believe that this Jewish Rabbi is sounding the alarm in Zion and that the Jews and Christians had better listen to what he has to say! I am listening! Keep in mind, people, that the oracles of God were given to the Jews! Look at the Scriptures! .......and watch this video!

Video description: President Obama's visit to Israel may be greeted with enthusiasm with some but Jewish Rabbi Steven Ben-Nun/DeNoon reveals the hidden agenda and the UN-Holy alliance the White House and Vatican are making to divide the Land of Israel. Palestinians are only a pawn in a game of world domination by the New Pontiff, Pope Francis.
רב מגן הוותיקן אג'נדה

I assume you know about these two particular events Jeri?

Israel responsible for Gaza strikes on UN schools and shelters inquiry finds US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Israel has violated ceasefire over 400 times since Aug 26 Pals 4 times US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

No, I have not read any news about Gaza and Israel for some time. I know that Obadiah prophesied that Gaza shall be emptied and Benjamin shall possess it. See Obadiah 1:19. Why will this happen?

It is written: For the day of the LORD is near upon all the heathen: as thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee: thy reward shall return upon thine own head. For as ye have drunk upon my holy mountain, so shall all the heathen drink continually, yes, they shall drink, and they shall swallow down, and they shall be as though they had not been. But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness, and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions and the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them, and there shall be not be any remaining of the house of Esau, for the LORD hath spoken it.
Obadiah 1:15-18

The truth is this land was given to the Jews who are Gods' people and this land shall be taken back in the future. The modern day house of Esau are the Palestinians, 9/11. They shall be destroyed according to scripture because of the works of their own hands. Whatsoever a man sows that shall he reap. They shall reap the destruction they plotted against the Israelites. If they were to repent and turn from their sin and leave? They would live. But if they do not? They shall perish. All those who are enemies of the Jews are enemies of Jesus Christ. These are His brethren. You cannot be a Christian and hate the Jews. It is impossible. You cannot love God and hate the Jews. It is impossible.

It would be like telling God - I'd like to move into your house (Heaven) and live there eternally but there is only one problem. I hate your wife and I hate your children. Would you mind killing them first and then I'll move in? What would you say to such a request?

that sentence there-you cannot be a christian and hate jews is partially correct.Hate it not good no matter how bad an act someone commits so i dont like to use the word hate,disgust yeah,but not hate. at least in this case since were talking about certain people.presidents and politicians another story.

I hope you realise that the good jews who are peace loving,are judism jews,they are very good people.zionists jews are a different story,they seek death and destruction against the palestines and others,they are NOT true jews.

they rule the evil mossad in that country which is as evil as the CIA here in america which i have always said makes the third reich look like a bunch of choir boys.

these people here below are good jews,they are true judisem jews speaking out against their evil government the zionists in Israel.:thup:

Thousands of good Jewish folks protest Netanyahu and the state of Isreal US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

you may not realise this,but this message board just like all other message boards out there,has been penetrated by shills on Israel's payroll as well as agents for our government to troll this message board and other political message boards defending the atrocities of the government of Israel. so many of them did that on my thread you will notice if you read the replies on it.

all the people that came on that thread of mine i created and attacked me are all paid shills on their payroll.

they wont watch that video and look at the facts.they evaded that video.thats what their handlers instruct them to do.evade the facts and engage in flame wars.

No, 9/11. It is totally correct. There is not such thing as a grey area with God! There is no such thing as sitting on the fence - part truths. It is either 100% the truth or it is not 100% the truth. I believe you are hearing information from one source where the Jews are concerned. Give yourself an opportunity to hear the real story by reading the Bible first. Especially the account of Abraham. It is very important for you to understand that the land of Israel was given to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their descendants. Not the arabs who are presently calling themselves Palestinians (and are not).

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