Jewish Activists Delivered Over 17,000 Sig's of Protest at Romney's Campaign HQ's


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
Long Beach, Ca
A Jewish human rights group (JVP) in Israel, blasts Romney for his racist comments towards the Palestinian's and demand an apology from brain-dead, reality-challenged, Governor. In addition to that, they also refute the statements from several Israeli ass-kissing racists here at USMB, who are claiming the Pals problems stem from their religion, not their situation.

"Governor Romney is ignoring the elephant in the room, which is Israel's 45-year-old military occupation of Palestinian lands,” said Rabbi Joseph Berman of JVP. "Palestinians do not have freedom of movement for people or goods. They are not free to go and study or work as they please. They are not free to import or export raw materials or completed products without restrictions imposed by discriminatory Israeli policies and controls."

"Governor Romney says that he believes in the importance of a 'culture of freedom' for economic development, yet he seems oblivious to the fact that millions of Palestinians living under Israeli occupation are not free, and that their lack of freedom is the first and most important obstacle to their economic progress," said JVP’s Pam Rogers. "Governor Romney should do the right thing and apologize to the Palestinian people for his uninformed and derogatory comments."
These are the jews I support and have total respect for.
A Jewish human rights group (JVP) in Israel, blasts Romney for his racist comments towards the Palestinian's and demand an apology from brain-dead, reality-challenged, Governor. In addition to that, they also refute the statements from several Israeli ass-kissing racists here at USMB, who are claiming the Pals problems stem from their religion, not their situation.

"Governor Romney is ignoring the elephant in the room, which is Israel's 45-year-old military occupation of Palestinian lands,” said Rabbi Joseph Berman of JVP. "Palestinians do not have freedom of movement for people or goods. They are not free to go and study or work as they please. They are not free to import or export raw materials or completed products without restrictions imposed by discriminatory Israeli policies and controls."

"Governor Romney says that he believes in the importance of a 'culture of freedom' for economic development, yet he seems oblivious to the fact that millions of Palestinians living under Israeli occupation are not free, and that their lack of freedom is the first and most important obstacle to their economic progress," said JVP’s Pam Rogers. "Governor Romney should do the right thing and apologize to the Palestinian people for his uninformed and derogatory comments."
These are the jews I support and have total respect for.

Thank You Loinboy for bringing this to our attention, it is a story that needs to be told. I read the link that you provided and the paragraph that I found most interesting was this one;

In addition to facing severe impediments to economic growth due to Israel's occupation regime, including theft of land and natural resources and restrictions on movement, Palestinians in the West Bank are a captive market for Israeli consumer products and a cheap labor force for Israeli industry, without any of the labor protections that Israeli workers enjoy under Israeli law

Jewish Activists Delivered Over 17,000 Signatures of Protest at Romney's Campaign Headquarters | Jewish Voice for Peace

Can someone, anyone please tell me how this relationship of the Israeli Government and the Palestinian People is any different than the relationship between whites and blacks in Apartheid South Africa.
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The statement that "palestinians" are a cheap labor force for Israel is sheer nonsense-----in fact "palestinians" have not been working in Israel for many years because of the difficulty in keeping them from coming in with bombs on their asses. It is true that "palestinians" ---several years ago DID work in Israel as a kind of "day laborer" type thing------at that time the complaints of "USING THEM AS CHEAP LABOR" made a bit of sense-----and there were LOTS OF COMPLAINTS -----but when the program ended (if I remember correctly--more than 10 years ago) ----it was the "palestinians" who complained bitterly and the Israeli mothers and wives who sighed with relief. Now----my brother-in-law, who used to carry his pistol to work each day------can go to work without it. As to the "protesters" I learned long ago-----that when it comes to PROTESTING jews are always eager to join even without knowing all the issues. My own grandmother was an original UNION and FEMALE SUFFERAGE protester in the early 1900s As a child of seven I learned "NEVER CROSS A PICKETT LINE" from my mother. Every member of the family was in CIVIL RIGHTS PROTESTS in the 60s over time I came to the conclusion that the way to gather a crowd of jews and a million signatures is simply put up a sign-----that says "PROTEST"----with an arrow pointing to wherever you want the jews to gather and a blank paper for them to sign.
Can someone, anyone please tell me how this relationship of the Israeli Government and the Palestinian People is any different than the relationship between whites and blacks in Apartheid South Africa.
It's not. And although it's nowhere near the magnitude of the Holocaust, it's heading in that direction.
Can someone, anyone please tell me how this relationship of the Israeli Government and the Palestinian People is any different than the relationship between whites and blacks in Apartheid South Africa.
It's not. And although it's nowhere near the magnitude of the Holocaust, it's heading in that direction.

The relationship between the Israeli government and the people who now call themselves "the palestinian" people is in no way comparable to the situation between whites and blacks in Apartheid South Africa It is comparable to the situation between the US government and the people of OCCUPIED JAPAN-----post world war II except for the fact that the vanquished arabs who call themselves "palestinians" have not yet surrendered
The relationship between the Israeli government and the people who now call themselves "the palestinian" people is in no way comparable to the situation between whites and blacks in Apartheid South Africa It is comparable to the situation between the US government and the people of OCCUPIED JAPAN-----post world war II except for the fact that the vanquished arabs who call themselves "palestinians" have not yet surrendered
Japan was allowed to keep their military.

Are the Pals given the same consideration?
Jewish human rights group (JVP) in Israel, blasts Romney for his racist comments towards the Palestinian's and demand an apology from brain-dead, reality-challenged, Governor.
Shitt happens, not every jew's an Einstein, of course.
A Jewish human rights group (JVP) in Israel, blasts Romney for his racist comments towards the Palestinian's and demand an apology from brain-dead, reality-challenged, Governor. In addition to that, they also refute the statements from several Israeli ass-kissing racists here at USMB, who are claiming the Pals problems stem from their religion, not their situation.

"Governor Romney is ignoring the elephant in the room, which is Israel's 45-year-old military occupation of Palestinian lands,” said Rabbi Joseph Berman of JVP. "Palestinians do not have freedom of movement for people or goods. They are not free to go and study or work as they please. They are not free to import or export raw materials or completed products without restrictions imposed by discriminatory Israeli policies and controls."

"Governor Romney says that he believes in the importance of a 'culture of freedom' for economic development, yet he seems oblivious to the fact that millions of Palestinians living under Israeli occupation are not free, and that their lack of freedom is the first and most important obstacle to their economic progress," said JVP’s Pam Rogers. "Governor Romney should do the right thing and apologize to the Palestinian people for his uninformed and derogatory comments."
These are the jews I support and have total respect for.

These Jews who met with Romney are traitors. They are like the kapos of the Nazi era.
Can someone, anyone please tell me how this relationship of the Israeli Government and the Palestinian People is any different than the relationship between whites and blacks in Apartheid South Africa.
It's not. And although it's nowhere near the magnitude of the Holocaust, it's heading in that direction.

The relationship between the Israeli government and the people who now call themselves "the palestinian" people is in no way comparable to the situation between whites and blacks in Apartheid South Africa It is comparable to the situation between the US government and the people of OCCUPIED JAPAN-----post world war II except for the fact that the vanquished arabs who call themselves "palestinians" have not yet surrendered

except for the fact that the vanquished arabs who call themselves "palestinians" have not yet surrendered

Interesting observation and quite correct.

Until such time that the Palestinians surrender, Israel has won nothing.
It's not. And although it's nowhere near the magnitude of the Holocaust, it's heading in that direction.

The relationship between the Israeli government and the people who now call themselves "the palestinian" people is in no way comparable to the situation between whites and blacks in Apartheid South Africa It is comparable to the situation between the US government and the people of OCCUPIED JAPAN-----post world war II except for the fact that the vanquished arabs who call themselves "palestinians" have not yet surrendered

except for the fact that the vanquished arabs who call themselves "palestinians" have not yet surrendered

Interesting observation and quite correct.

Until such time that the Palestinians surrender, Israel has won nothing.
Seems the Palis are masochistic, eh?
It's not. And although it's nowhere near the magnitude of the Holocaust, it's heading in that direction.

The relationship between the Israeli government and the people who now call themselves "the palestinian" people is in no way comparable to the situation between whites and blacks in Apartheid South Africa It is comparable to the situation between the US government and the people of OCCUPIED JAPAN-----post world war II except for the fact that the vanquished arabs who call themselves "palestinians" have not yet surrendered

except for the fact that the vanquished arabs who call themselves "palestinians" have not yet surrendered

Interesting observation and quite correct.

Until such time that the Palestinians surrender, Israel has won nothing.

Israel - 23,000 days of STATEHOOD and still winning!
"Palestine" - 0 days of statehood and still WHINING!
A Jewish human rights group (JVP) in Israel, blasts Romney for his racist comments towards the Palestinian's and demand an apology from brain-dead, reality-challenged, Governor. In addition to that, they also refute the statements from several Israeli ass-kissing racists here at USMB, who are claiming the Pals problems stem from their religion, not their situation.

"Governor Romney is ignoring the elephant in the room, which is Israel's 45-year-old military occupation of Palestinian lands,” said Rabbi Joseph Berman of JVP. "Palestinians do not have freedom of movement for people or goods. They are not free to go and study or work as they please. They are not free to import or export raw materials or completed products without restrictions imposed by discriminatory Israeli policies and controls."

"Governor Romney says that he believes in the importance of a 'culture of freedom' for economic development, yet he seems oblivious to the fact that millions of Palestinians living under Israeli occupation are not free, and that their lack of freedom is the first and most important obstacle to their economic progress," said JVP’s Pam Rogers. "Governor Romney should do the right thing and apologize to the Palestinian people for his uninformed and derogatory comments."
These are the jews I support and have total respect for.

These Jews who met with Romney are traitors. They are like the kapos of the Nazi era.

more like die Weiße Rose
You know you're f-ed up when even Jews criticize you for being too pro-Jew.
A Jewish human rights group (JVP) in Israel, blasts Romney for his racist comments towards the Palestinian's and demand an apology from brain-dead, reality-challenged, Governor. In addition to that, they also refute the statements from several Israeli ass-kissing racists here at USMB, who are claiming the Pals problems stem from their religion, not their situation.

"Governor Romney is ignoring the elephant in the room, which is Israel's 45-year-old military occupation of Palestinian lands,” said Rabbi Joseph Berman of JVP. "Palestinians do not have freedom of movement for people or goods. They are not free to go and study or work as they please. They are not free to import or export raw materials or completed products without restrictions imposed by discriminatory Israeli policies and controls."

"Governor Romney says that he believes in the importance of a 'culture of freedom' for economic development, yet he seems oblivious to the fact that millions of Palestinians living under Israeli occupation are not free, and that their lack of freedom is the first and most important obstacle to their economic progress," said JVP’s Pam Rogers. "Governor Romney should do the right thing and apologize to the Palestinian people for his uninformed and derogatory comments."
These are the jews I support and have total respect for.

Those leftist Jews will be used by muslims for all their worth...after that they'd be executed in a fascist Arab state run by Hamas...idiots:cuckoo:


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