"Jew Eat?" Do Israeli's get Woody Allen? Is Every Disagreement on Israel Anti-semitism in your eyes?

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum

a youtube comment that I consider very telling:
Woody Allen of course demonstrates that Antisemitism is something Jews since Child hood are trained to see weather it is there or not.. Very funny and very heretical...

Now. I was in a thread and have been attacked by what I assume are people with Israeli citizenship. Getting attacked by supporters of the Palestinians I am used too. But this is new.

I have been a loyal supporter of Israel since I was a very young man. I remember when Israel was viewed as the underdog...

But since I have walked away from unquestioned support of Israel, I am assumed to be a supporter of the PAL's or worse, an anti-semite.

How do people think imagine there will ever be a peace, forget about a lasting one in the Levant?

Re: Klinghoffer and the MS Achille Lauro

Woody Allen thinks Jew is a race. Ha Ha.
Israel's just as much to blame as the Palestinians. Neither side has moral superiority and it takes two to fight. And until somenone on eithe rside forgoes vengeance and says enough, no more, neither side is in the right.

If you blanket agree or oppose a side that shares in something in common with your own, you're not fit to offer an opinion. You're just a hack. Pleanty of Jewish Israelis living fulltime in Israel disagree passionately with their government, just as here in the US with our's. Doesn't mean you're anti-semitic or un-American. More like a true patriot if you can admit your own sides faults than if you never do.
Israel's just as much to blame as the Palestinians. Neither side has moral superiority and it takes two to fight. And until somenone on eithe rside forgoes vengeance and says enough, no more, neither side is in the right.

If you blanket agree or oppose a side that shares in something in common with your own, you're not fit to offer an opinion. You're just a hack. Pleanty of Jewish Israelis living fulltime in Israel disagree passionately with their government, just as here in the US with our's. Doesn't mean you're anti-semitic or un-American. More like a true patriot if you can admit your own sides faults than if you never do.
Surely there is no shortage by the Palestinians of criticism of their leadership. This is just one example of many.

Israel's just as much to blame as the Palestinians. Neither side has moral superiority and it takes two to fight. And until somenone on eithe rside forgoes vengeance and says enough, no more, neither side is in the right.

If you blanket agree or oppose a side that shares in something in common with your own, you're not fit to offer an opinion. You're just a hack. Pleanty of Jewish Israelis living fulltime in Israel disagree passionately with their government, just as here in the US with our's. Doesn't mean you're anti-semitic or un-American. More like a true patriot if you can admit your own sides faults than if you never do.
Surely there is no shortage by the Palestinians of criticism of their leadership. This is just one example of many.

Hello? You idiot! She would not live long if she marched in the streets over there. She's in the safety of Georgetown :lol:
Israel's just as much to blame as the Palestinians. Neither side has moral superiority and it takes two to fight. And until somenone on eithe rside forgoes vengeance and says enough, no more, neither side is in the right.

If you blanket agree or oppose a side that shares in something in common with your own, you're not fit to offer an opinion. You're just a hack. Pleanty of Jewish Israelis living fulltime in Israel disagree passionately with their government, just as here in the US with our's. Doesn't mean you're anti-semitic or un-American. More like a true patriot if you can admit your own sides faults than if you never do.
Surely there is no shortage by the Palestinians of criticism of their leadership. This is just one example of many.

It's yet another face-palm moment or otherwise known as a Tinmore'ism.

And yes, as noted, put a woman on the streets of Hamas'istan after being critical of Islamic terrorism and she would be subjected to a bit of 7th century muhammedan "behavior modification".

That woman would not be down for breakfast... ever again.
Israel's just as much to blame as the Palestinians. Neither side has moral superiority and it takes two to fight. And until somenone on eithe rside forgoes vengeance and says enough, no more, neither side is in the right.

If you blanket agree or oppose a side that shares in something in common with your own, you're not fit to offer an opinion. You're just a hack. Pleanty of Jewish Israelis living fulltime in Israel disagree passionately with their government, just as here in the US with our's. Doesn't mean you're anti-semitic or un-American. More like a true patriot if you can admit your own sides faults than if you never do.

'If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more war If the Jews put ‎down their weapons ‎today, there would be genocide"

Woody Allen thinks Jew is a race. Ha Ha.
And I bet you think people of color equals a few races.


Well I understand Jew is not a race. He was also born in the US, and does not sound like he even practices Judaism. His family is not from Judea. If he is a nationality would he not be American Hebrew, since if he does not practice Judaism. Even today , on one practices Judaism it does not make them a Jew.
I was raised RC, but never consider RC a race, I was born in America and am American. I think its important, I mean is an arab who does not practice Muslim , a Muslim ?

a youtube comment that I consider very telling:
Woody Allen of course demonstrates that Antisemitism is something Jews since Child hood are trained to see weather it is there or not.. Very funny and very heretical...

Now. I was in a thread and have been attacked by what I assume are people with Israeli citizenship. Getting attacked by supporters of the Palestinians I am used too. But this is new.

I have been a loyal supporter of Israel since I was a very young man. I remember when Israel was viewed as the underdog...

But since I have walked away from unquestioned support of Israel, I am assumed to be a supporter of the PAL's or worse, an anti-semite.

How do people think imagine there will ever be a peace, forget about a lasting one in the Levant?

Re: Klinghoffer and the MS Achille Lauro

Many Jews make fun of their own and it is not racist or anti semitic. A good example is the scenes In many films that poke fun at the Jews coming from other Jews. All comedy send ups of serious films. Or when Striesand talks about her "Yiddisher Momma" and the things she would say. Imagine the uproar if it was about the Negro's or the arabs and poked fun at them

Woody Allen thinks Jew is a race. Ha Ha.

And so do the arab muslims, which is why they want to wipe them all out. But who are you to call geneticists wrong who have shown that there is a 97% to 98% match with all Jews making them even more distinctive than the arabs. What you mean is you wish they were not a race as then you could argue against being arrested on civil rights issues.

Woody Allen thinks Jew is a race. Ha Ha.
And I bet you think people of color equals a few races.


They do as you have negro's from Africa that are not all the same, and you can see distinct differences. Then there are the Australian Aborigines, just as dark skinned but a separate race. Far eastern people are again people of colour and a distinctive race. People see the colour of a persons skin and that is where it stops
Israel's just as much to blame as the Palestinians. Neither side has moral superiority and it takes two to fight. And until somenone on eithe rside forgoes vengeance and says enough, no more, neither side is in the right.

If you blanket agree or oppose a side that shares in something in common with your own, you're not fit to offer an opinion. You're just a hack. Pleanty of Jewish Israelis living fulltime in Israel disagree passionately with their government, just as here in the US with our's. Doesn't mean you're anti-semitic or un-American. More like a true patriot if you can admit your own sides faults than if you never do.
Surely there is no shortage by the Palestinians of criticism of their leadership. This is just one example of many.

Just more islamonazi propaganda without any balance

Woody Allen thinks Jew is a race. Ha Ha.
And I bet you think people of color equals a few races.


Well I understand Jew is not a race. He was also born in the US, and does not sound like he even practices Judaism. His family is not from Judea. If he is a nationality would he not be American Hebrew, since if he does not practice Judaism. Even today , on one practices Judaism it does not make them a Jew.
I was raised RC, but never consider RC a race, I was born in America and am American. I think its important, I mean is an arab who does not practice Muslim , a Muslim ?

Then you understand wrong as Jew is a race and you have as yet failed to prove otherwise.

No he would be American, anything else and he would be two faced

True it makes the a person who practises Judaism, but the majority are Jews.

Because it isn't, it is a hateful religion.

No he is an arab

Woody Allen thinks Jew is a race. Ha Ha.
And I bet you think people of color equals a few races.


Well I understand Jew is not a race. He was also born in the US, and does not sound like he even practices Judaism. His family is not from Judea. If he is a nationality would he not be American Hebrew, since if he does not practice Judaism. Even today , on one practices Judaism it does not make them a Jew.
I was raised RC, but never consider RC a race, I was born in America and am American. I think its important, I mean is an arab who does not practice Muslim , a Muslim ?

another :cuckoo: post?

no wonder Dante usually stays out of Israel/PAL and Religious threads

Woody Allen thinks Jew is a race. Ha Ha.

And so do the arab muslims, which is why they want to wipe them all out. But who are you to call geneticists wrong who have shown that there is a 97% to 98% match with all Jews making them even more distinctive than the arabs. What you mean is you wish they were not a race as then you could argue against being arrested on civil rights issues.

Unproven and no supporting link... :9:
Israel's just as much to blame as the Palestinians. Neither side has moral superiority and it takes two to fight. And until somenone on eithe rside forgoes vengeance and says enough, no more, neither side is in the right.

If you blanket agree or oppose a side that shares in something in common with your own, you're not fit to offer an opinion. You're just a hack. Pleanty of Jewish Israelis living fulltime in Israel disagree passionately with their government, just as here in the US with our's. Doesn't mean you're anti-semitic or un-American. More like a true patriot if you can admit your own sides faults than if you never do.
Surely there is no shortage by the Palestinians of criticism of their leadership. This is just one example of many.

Just more islamonazi propaganda without any balance

Why do you call everything islamonazi propaganda when no religion is mentioned?

Woody Allen thinks Jew is a race. Ha Ha.

And so do the arab muslims, which is why they want to wipe them all out. But who are you to call geneticists wrong who have shown that there is a 97% to 98% match with all Jews making them even more distinctive than the arabs. What you mean is you wish they were not a race as then you could argue against being arrested on civil rights issues.

Unproven and no supporting link... :9:

Your own links on another thread said this, so are you now admitting your source is unproven and unsupported ?
Israel's just as much to blame as the Palestinians. Neither side has moral superiority and it takes two to fight. And until somenone on eithe rside forgoes vengeance and says enough, no more, neither side is in the right.

If you blanket agree or oppose a side that shares in something in common with your own, you're not fit to offer an opinion. You're just a hack. Pleanty of Jewish Israelis living fulltime in Israel disagree passionately with their government, just as here in the US with our's. Doesn't mean you're anti-semitic or un-American. More like a true patriot if you can admit your own sides faults than if you never do.
Surely there is no shortage by the Palestinians of criticism of their leadership. This is just one example of many.

Just more islamonazi propaganda without any balance

Why do you call everything islamonazi propaganda when no religion is mentioned?

because that is all you post propaganda from Nazis that happen to be Islamic. No religion named, just a culture islamonazi

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