Jesus Was An Illegal Alien?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Christian Living / Jesus Was An Illegal Alien?
Jesus Was An Illegal Alien?
September 6, 2006 By Laura 17 Comments
A recent post on contended that, because Mary and Joseph took Jesus and fled to Egypt, that Jesus was an illegal immigrant. I can certainly understand the desire to use the Bible to buttress your political philosophy – for Christians there is no higher authority. But, really, that’s just weak. And the commenters don’t hesitate to say so. Another example, but this time one whose conclusions I largely agree with, is this post.

Edited for content, read more @ link.

Do religion and politics mix? Certainly, because religion mixes with everything, if you truly believe in your faith. It’s not possible to truly believe, and yet somehow segregate that belief from another part of your life. My faith influences my politics as it does everything else from my clothing choices to the stores I patronize. But I think we need to be very careful not to allow political doctrine to influence our theological doctrine.
This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition and let me know at what level you would like to participate.
Jesus Was An Illegal Alien? ? Pursuing Holiness
Because Jesus was the son of God, and a part of the "Holy Trinity", i.e., Father, Son and Holy Ghost, I would think that no matter where he went, he was at home and not an "alien".
Christian Living / Jesus Was An Illegal Alien?
Jesus Was An Illegal Alien?
September 6, 2006 By Laura 17 Comments
A recent post on contended that, because Mary and Joseph took Jesus and fled to Egypt, that Jesus was an illegal immigrant. I can certainly understand the desire to use the Bible to buttress your political philosophy – for Christians there is no higher authority. But, really, that’s just weak. And the commenters don’t hesitate to say so. Another example, but this time one whose conclusions I largely agree with, is this post.
So, what does the Bible teach about immigration? While it does not directly confront illegal immigrants, it has some basic principles we can follow. Hebrews 13 provides us with one of the most common verses on the issue of obeying and submitting to leadership. The over-all context is mainly recognized as referring to spiritual leaders, but I think the general principles found in the Bible can be applied to everyday situations. Verse seventeen reads: “Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.”
[...]Some believe we should reach out to illegal immigrants. Of course, we must share the Gospel with them, and show them the love of Christ, but beyond that I feel inclined to think this strategy will only place us “in harms way.” After all, by breaking the laws of our nation (which is rebellion against government), these people ultimately are breaking God’s laws of submission.
Interesting perspective. Chuck Colson has warned about the “demonizing” of illegal aliens, and of course we must remember that they are fellow human beings. Joel Belz had a column in World Magazine that bluntly stated “The big fear for evangelical Christians should not be the ire of Hispanic voters, but the wrath of God.” Mr. Belz’s problem is that he views illegal immigrants as immigrants, and not as colonizers. It’s an important distinction, and Jay Tea at Wizbang summed it up well.
Immigrants leave behind their native culture and society to join another. They might bring pieces of it, but their main motivation is to be a part of that society, perhaps improve it a bit with parts of their own, but the mainly intend to assimilate. They see something better for them, and want to be a part of it.
Colonists, though, intend to extend their homeland. They feel an obligation (“white man’s burden”) to bring the benefits of “civilization” to a new land. They come bearing all the baggage from home that immigrants leave behind, determined to recreate the best parts of home. And if there happen to be people already there, why then they must be made to share the blessings of liberty.
[...]Nowadays, in America, we are being colonized again. We have groups coming in and establishing their own little ghettos and havens, where their own language, customs, and beliefs reign supreme. In one town in southern Texas, the local government passed an ordinanace proclaiming Spanish as their official language.
Something to think about… as Christians, we are obviously required – and should want – to share both the Gospel and the love of Christ. But nowhere in the bible does it say that we must allow our culture and society to be overtaken by colonizers – especially when these actions will hinder our continuing to feed the hungry and help the poor. Mexico is not poor because it lacks resources – it has oil, plenty of arable land, and many other blessings. It’s poor largely because of corruption and bad government. For example, a Mexican illegal immigrant left California and moved to Kentucky, saying, “California now resembles Mexico — everyone thinks like in Mexico. California’s broken.” That woman has assimilated, but far too many others have not, and California and other parts of the country have paid the price.
Is a failure to welcome illegal aliens going to invite the wrath of God into my life, as Mr. Belz contends? Or as C.S. Lewis contends in “Why I Am Not A Pacifist,” is “the suppression of a higher religion by a lower, or even a higher secular culture by a lower, a much greater evil.” ? Although he was referring to war as being preferable to some alternatives, I think the concept of one culture taking over another can still apply here. Certainly this is a bloodless takeover of land, and with all due respect to Mexican heritage, the current culture in Mexico is obviously lacking or its citizens would stay and fight for it. And the current culture in California and the border states is now also lacking, or illegal aliens wouldn’t be moving inland to escape it.
Do religion and politics mix? Certainly, because religion mixes with everything, if you truly believe in your faith. It’s not possible to truly believe, and yet somehow segregate that belief from another part of your life. My faith influences my politics as it does everything else from my clothing choices to the stores I patronize. But I think we need to be very careful not to allow political doctrine to influence our theological doctrine.
This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition and let me know at what level you would like to participate.
Jesus Was An Illegal Alien? ? Pursuing Holiness

Do you honestly believe everything you copy and paste? I mean seriously are you that fucking stupid?
Christian Living / Jesus Was An Illegal Alien?
Jesus Was An Illegal Alien?
September 6, 2006 By Laura 17 Comments
A recent post on contended that, because Mary and Joseph took Jesus and fled to Egypt, that Jesus was an illegal immigrant. I can certainly understand the desire to use the Bible to buttress your political philosophy – for Christians there is no higher authority. But, really, that’s just weak. And the commenters don’t hesitate to say so. Another example, but this time [...]Some believe we should reach out to illegal immigrants. Of course, we must share the Gospel with them, and show them the
This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition and let me know at what level you would like to participate.
Jesus Was An Illegal Alien? ? Pursuing Holiness

Do you honestly believe everything you copy and paste? I mean seriously are you that fucking stupid?

Do you think I belive everything I copy and paste? Are you that fucking stupid?
Christian Living / Jesus Was An Illegal Alien?
Jesus Was An Illegal Alien?
September 6, 2006 By Laura 17 Comments
A recent post on contended that, because Mary and Joseph took Jesus and fled to Egypt, that Jesus was an illegal immigrant. I can certainly understand the desire to use the Bible to buttress your political philosophy – for Christians there is no higher authority. But, really, that’s just weak. And the commenters don’t hesitate to say so. Another example, but this time one whose conclusions I largely agree with, is this post.
So, what does the Bible teach about immigration? While it does not directly confront illegal immigrants, it has some basic
Jesus Was An Illegal Alien? ? Pursuing Holiness

Do you honestly believe everything you copy and paste? I mean seriously are you that fucking stupid?

Do you think I belive everything I copy and paste? Are you that fucking stupid?

Yes I do think you believe everything you post. Why else would you post it?

Besides if you didn't believe it then you would post your commentary explaining your opposition.
Do you honestly believe everything you copy and paste? I mean seriously are you that fucking stupid?

Do you think I belive everything I copy and paste? Are you that fucking stupid?

Yes I do think you believe everything you post. Why else would you post it?

Besides if you didn't believe it then you would post your commentary explaining your opposition.

Topic of interest? Idiot
So you say.:cuckoo:
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Do you think I belive everything I copy and paste? Are you that fucking stupid?

Yes I do think you believe everything you post. Why else would you post it?

Besides if you didn't believe it then you would post your commentary explaining your opposition.

Topic of interest? Idiot
So you say.:cuckoo:

I see, so you're interested in this kind of bullshit and you think everyone else should be interested in it too? Oh and thanks for answering my question, you are indeed STUPID.

Tell me for the sake of argument, what were Egypt's immigration laws?
Yes I do think you believe everything you post. Why else would you post it?

Besides if you didn't believe it then you would post your commentary explaining your opposition.

Topic of interest? Idiot
So you say.:cuckoo:

I see, so you're interested in this kind of bullshit and you think everyone else should be interested in it too? Oh and thanks for answering my question, you are indeed STUPID.

Tell me for the sake of argument, what were Egypt's immigration laws?

If you are such a narrow minded fuck, go on to another subject and shut the fuck up.

Maybe if you took time of from your ranting and raving long enough to read the post you would know what was being discussed in the post. NO, you just got a wedgie and went off on yourself. Typical Fucking Cretin Village Idiot. I doubt if you got pass Jesus was an illegal aliens????
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Lonestar-illogic. want to go over and discuss Was Jesus an anchor baby. You can bring your conscending and sarcastic remarks since that all you have in the Cretin head of yours. Usually when people don't have an answer they use the pitt bull attacks. Bring it on ass wipe.
Tell me something ass wipe. Do I believe Jesus is an illegal alien or not??
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Illegal alien? Who knows.

What is true is that many of the Christians opposed to illegal immigration here who always get super excited and think they have outwitted someone one is when they pop-up with the very original and enlightening "What about illegal do you not understand?"

Would they say that to him while he hung on the cross?

This thought just makes my stomach turn and brain spin a little...
Illegal alien? Who knows.

What is true is that many of the Christians opposed to illegal immigration here who always get super excited and think they have outwitted someone one is when they pop-up with the very original and enlightening "What about illegal do you not understand?"

Would they say that to him while he hung on the cross?

This thought just makes my stomach turn and brain spin a little...

Jesus did NOTHING illegal, however he certainly knew that men would accuse him of doing so and accepted his fate.

Are you suggesting the illegal aliens should accept their fate? Excellent.
Yes I do think you believe everything you post. Why else would you post it?

Besides if you didn't believe it then you would post your commentary explaining your opposition.

Topic of interest? Idiot
So you say.:cuckoo:

I see, so you're interested in this kind of bullshit and you think everyone else should be interested in it too? Oh and thanks for answering my question, you are indeed STUPID.

Tell me for the sake of argument, what were Egypt's immigration laws?

Those that are interested will reply and those that are not interested will not. So what is your reason for replying? Because you, a little nat fucker the only thing big about you is you can spew your obscenities without facing people directly you disagree with and not having to really reply with an intelligent opposition or agreement and this site allows you to do just that.
Articles like this is used by many to excuse illegal immigraiton. Since you don't have the attention span to read the entire article, it does not agree that Jesus was an illegal aliens. You little rock dwelling nat fucking little cretin, try to think before you reply.:eusa_hand:
Does this site allow you to show what is lacking in your miserable little state of existence?:cuckoo:
Topic of interest? Idiot
So you say.:cuckoo:

I see, so you're interested in this kind of bullshit and you think everyone else should be interested in it too? Oh and thanks for answering my question, you are indeed STUPID.

Tell me for the sake of argument, what were Egypt's immigration laws?

If you are such a narrow minded fuck, go on to another subject and shut the fuck up.

Maybe if you took time of from your ranting and raving long enough to read the post you would know what was being discussed in the post. NO, you just got a wedgie and went off on yourself. Typical Fucking Cretin Village Idiot. I doubt if you got pass Jesus was an illegal aliens????

Narrow minded? You bring up an article about a man that walked on this earth a couple of thousand years ago as if it pertains to current events. With headlines like that the article is sure to be pure conjecture and fantasy. But idiots like you probably believe every word of it. Now answer my questions.
Lonestar-illogic. want to go over and discuss Was Jesus an anchor baby. You can bring your conscending and sarcastic remarks since that all you have in the Cretin head of yours. Usually when people don't have an answer they use the pitt bull attacks. Bring it on ass wipe.
Tell me something ass wipe. Do I believe Jesus is an illegal alien or not??

Jesus' birth or life has no bearing on current US law, you stupid fuck.
Topic of interest? Idiot
So you say.:cuckoo:

I see, so you're interested in this kind of bullshit and you think everyone else should be interested in it too? Oh and thanks for answering my question, you are indeed STUPID.

Tell me for the sake of argument, what were Egypt's immigration laws?

Those that are interested will reply and those that are not interested will not. So what is your reason for replying? Because you, a little nat fucker the only thing big about you is you can spew your obscenities without facing people directly you disagree with and not having to really reply with an intelligent opposition or agreement and this site allows you to do just that.
Articles like this is used by many to excuse illegal immigraiton. Since you don't have the attention span to read the entire article, it does not agree that Jesus was an illegal aliens. You little rock dwelling nat fucking little cretin, try to think before you reply.:eusa_hand:
Does this site allow you to show what is lacking in your miserable little state of existence?:cuckoo:

My reason for replying is to fuck with your head. Fact is, I despise anyone that would use Jesus in an attempt to justify breaking laws.

And it's gnat not "nat" you stupid fuck.
I see, so you're interested in this kind of bullshit and you think everyone else should be interested in it too? Oh and thanks for answering my question, you are indeed STUPID.

Tell me for the sake of argument, what were Egypt's immigration laws?

If you are such a narrow minded fuck, go on to another subject and shut the fuck up.

Maybe if you took time of from your ranting and raving long enough to read the post you would know what was being discussed in the post. NO, you just got a wedgie and went off on yourself. Typical Fucking Cretin Village Idiot. I doubt if you got pass Jesus was an illegal aliens????

Narrow minded? You bring up an article about a man that walked on this earth a couple of thousand years ago as if it pertains to current events. With headlines like that the article is sure to be pure conjecture and fantasy. But idiots like you probably believe every word of it. Now answer my questions.

I agree with most of what the article say, but you, read it and them come back and make your silly comments without the obscenities,
Idiot the bible and what Jesus did and preached do apple to us today.
The article did get those with a mind to thinking and responding to those who try to say since Jesus was an illegal aliens we should accept illegal aliens.
Jesus was an anchor baby, Jesus was a socialist or a communist, Jesus was black, People, especially religious fanatics, have posted these article to excuse their being pro-illlegal immigration. Read nothing more or less into it. :cuckoo:
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If you are such a narrow minded fuck, go on to another subject and shut the fuck up.

Maybe if you took time of from your ranting and raving long enough to read the post you would know what was being discussed in the post. NO, you just got a wedgie and went off on yourself. Typical Fucking Cretin Village Idiot. I doubt if you got pass Jesus was an illegal aliens????

Narrow minded? You bring up an article about a man that walked on this earth a couple of thousand years ago as if it pertains to current events. With headlines like that the article is sure to be pure conjecture and fantasy. But idiots like you probably believe every word of it. Now answer my questions.

I agree with most of what the article say, but you, read it and them come back and make your silly comments without the obscenities,
Idiot the bible and what Jesus did and preached do apple to us today.
The article did get those with a mind to thinking and responding to those who try to say since Jesus was an illegal aliens we should accept illegal aliens.
Jesus was an anchor baby, Jesus was a socialist or a communist, Jesus was black, People, especially religious fanatics, have posted these article to excuse their being pro-illlegal immigration. Read nothing more or less into it. :cuckoo:

Like I said Jesus has no bearing on current events. People should stop using his name to further their agendas.
I dunno about all of that. What I do know is that his father was apparently a "rapist" who impregnated a married woman without her consent.
That was a couple of thousand years after he went off on a psychotic rage and killed every living thing on the planet except for a few Jews on a boat with a bunch of animals.
Inflation had now made it necessary to ask for 20% of your paycheck to be deposited in the plate at the Son day story telling session.:cuckoo:

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