“Jesus Had a Wife” Gets Coverage on CBS and ABC


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

But ignore the skeptics. Wonder why?

Read more @ CBS, ABC Tout Document Claiming Jesus Had a 'Wife' But Ignore the Skeptics | NewsBusters

And these say it's not a forgery @ Scientists: 'Jesus's Wife' Papyrus Fragment No Forgery
Why wouldn't He have a wife? What is soooooo scarey that He could love a woman and marry her? Because the bible now read and worshipped (Didn't God say something about not worshipping anything other than Himself?) left that part out, that's why.
But the question is...why leave it out? I think we all know the answer to that one.
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And then we will always have the deniers and close minded that think He lived 33 years as a man but without knowledge of all that Man experiences.
Nope, but I have known and been around Mormons (LDS, Strangites, Community of Christ, FLDS, Restorationists, etc,) most of my life.
IN the NT, Yeshuah was addressed more than once as "Rabbi". At that time in history, a person was addressed as Rabbi if he had a wife and children. It was rare to find a single Rabbi, and Rabbis who were widowers did not stay that way for long. If I recall, Yeshuah was addressed as "Rabbi" at least 16 times within the four Gospels at the beginning of the NT. "Rabbi" was not a title that people threw around loosely or lightly. Not only that, the Mishnah clearly describes the stations in young man's life needed to become a "Rabbi" and the sparse description of Yeshuah's youth pretty much parallels that. Plus, the Sanhedrin had some pretty heavy punishments for people who abused titles back then.

So, either Yeshuah could very well have had a wife and a child (or two or more), or the the writers of the Gospels were not telling the truth when they called him "Rabbi". Take your pick.

It should also be noted that Yeshua's way of speaking in parables was a very common technique among Rabbis for many, many centuries. In fact, even today, many Rabbis still teach using numerous parables.

The entire legend of the Merovingian Dynasty is a claim that Yeshuah's children were spirited out of Israel after his crucifixion and landed on the southern coast of today's France. But there is no real evidence for this. Some even believe that the founding of the Templar Knights actually had nothing to do with the "Holy Grail", but rather, to protect this secret. Were that the case, then it would be theoretically possible that direct blood descendants of Yeshuah lived in France for many, many centuries, perhaps even till today. But for this, there is also no conclusive evidence.

What IS fascinating is that one gospel did not make it into the NT, namely the Gospel of Miryam Midgal (Mary Magdalena). Could she perhaps have been his wife? Who knows for sure?

Jewish archeologists believe they may have found the family grave-cave of Yeshua's family. They found stones in the same "vault" with the names Jusef, Miryam, Yeshuah, at least one of his brothers (I believe it was Simon), and Miryam Migdal. The names Jusef and Miryam were pretty common, Yeshuah was a less common name. You can google this if you like.

The question is: would his having been married in any way affected his divinity, according to Christian doctrine and/or dogma? Not a question I am qualified to answer, but it is an interesting one.
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^^ That's what one of my Sunday School teachers told me about the implications of the title Rabbi, but since he was LDS and not Jewish I wasn't certain enough to say it here.
Why would he have a wife when he had such a great girlfriend in Mary Magdalene?

Nope. No way.

He screwed around with MM but he didn't get married.

But hey, who cares?
If Jesus was married, a load of Catholic priests are going to be really pissed off.
If Jesus was married, a load of Catholic priests are going to be really pissed off.

Actually, you may not know this, but until around the 14th century, Catholic priests DID marry and they DID have children.

The Church's decision to make priests chaste had nothing to do with anything sacred. It had to do with money. The Church did not want to have to pay any form of compensation to widows. And so, priestly chastity was invented.
If Jesus was married, a load of Catholic priests are going to be really pissed off.

Actually, you may not know this, but until around the 14th century, Catholic priests DID marry and they DID have children.

The Church's decision to make priests chaste had nothing to do with anything sacred. It had to do with money. The Church did not want to have to pay any form of compensation to widows. And so, priestly chastity was invented.

I thought that marriage of priests was theoretically prohibited early on but that it took centuries to get the priests to more or less universally follow the rules.
If only there was some law that forced broadcast media to show "both sides"...

Good thing there's not. Having two and only two official sides? Who would get to decide what the two sides were on religious subjects, historical subjects, scientific subjects, etc.?
If only there was some law that forced broadcast media to show "both sides"...

Good thing there's not. Having two and only two official sides? Who would get to decide what the two sides were on religious subjects, historical subjects, scientific subjects, etc.?

It was a sarcastic reference to the Fairness Doctrine.

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