Jesus Christ Superstar


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011

That's the 1973 version. The next is from 2000.I like elements of both. There are things from the 2000 version that are fantastic.


Same scene from 1973

I just about wore the album out as a child...on vinyl for pity's sake...I loved it and still listen to it. I realize some of Jesus' take on His own mission is loosey-goosey in places but never caught onto that when I was young. However I only listened to the audio, never watched the vids and still don't--the blonde Jesus here is a hoot and the costumes are kinda funny too. I've never seen the musical either. I think I'd like to keep this one an audio memory....

That's the 1973 version. The next is from 2000.I like elements of both. There are things from the 2000 version that are fantastic.

who sang along with "FOOLS, you have no perception!"

Good stuff. Followed by the 70s wah wah electric guitar....heh
Okay after watching clips of both of's the score of course that is brilliant and really shines to me. Of course I may be biased. The score is so excellent it barely needs much adornment really. I love some elements of what they've done with the 2000 version--kept Jesus almost "timeless" but really modernized the rest. Pilate looks almost out of his head crazy at the end but he does go a little crazy perhaps at the trial, who knows.
My parents had this on vinyl and they had gone to see it. My kid got into it this last year and bought a record player. So, he has been listening to this off and on. I saw the one from 2000 back in December or January. I thought it was marvelous. I love the 1970s version because the peeps are so 70s.

We have been playing it for the last few days. There is going to be a 50th anniversary tour which we plan on going to.

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