Jeff Sessions Shuts Down NBC’s Attempt to Associate Trump with Neo-Nazis


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Jeff Sessions Shuts Down NBC's Attempt to Associate Trump with Neo-Nazis

'Attorney General Jeff Sessions defied the establishment media’s attempt to smear President Donald Trump using an article on the Daily Stormer neo-Nazi website.

During an interview with Sessions, Craig Melvin, host of NBC’s Today, read verbatim from a Daily Stormer article praising Trump for not condemning them by name during his statement on Saturday about the violent events in Charlottesville, Virginia.

“Isn’t that proof that the president didn’t stand up sufficiently to white supremacy on Saturday?” Melvin asked.

"They are simply attempting to legitimate themselves in any way possible," Sessions replied. "They are about to find out we are coming after them for any violations of the law."

I find it FRIGGIN' HILARIOUS how snowflakes on this board are frequently whining, bitching, and claiming Non-libtards use questionable / 'Not Real' / Non-legitimate media sources....yet the Liberal Propaganda-pushing Fake News All-In media just cited a NEO-NAZI Website as 'real news' to try to falsely accuse / take down Trump....


Way to try to legitimize these a-holes, NBC!
The white supremacist newspaper Storm Front posted an article saying they were extremely pleased with the Dump's response. It's all over twitter.
The racist garden gnome Sessions is censoring nothing.
America is outraged over our white supremacist president protecting his own.
So funny watching the neonazis Easy trying to deflect from the major story of the week.
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Jeff Sessions Shuts Down NBC's Attempt to Associate Trump with Neo-Nazis

'Attorney General Jeff Sessions defied the establishment media’s attempt to smear President Donald Trump using an article on the Daily Stormer neo-Nazi website.

During an interview with Sessions, Craig Melvin, host of NBC’s Today, read verbatim from a Daily Stormer article praising Trump for not condemning them by name during his statement on Saturday about the violent events in Charlottesville, Virginia.

“Isn’t that proof that the president didn’t stand up sufficiently to white supremacy on Saturday?” Melvin asked.

"They are simply attempting to legitimate themselves in any way possible," Sessions replied. "They are about to find out we are coming after them for any violations of the law."

I find it FRIGGIN' HILARIOUS how snowflakes on this board are frequently whining, bitching, and claiming Non-libtards use questionable / 'Not Real' / Non-legitimate media sources....yet the Liberal Propaganda-pushing Fake News All-In media just cited a NEO-NAZI Website as 'real news' to try to falsely accuse / take down Trump....

View attachment 143611

Way to try to legitimize these a-holes, NBC!

They aren't whining and bitching at all. These are coordinated and planned attacks, just like what happened in Charlotte, sanctioned by THE LEFT.

This is one of the current talking points.

Go and look at THE LEFTIST Soros Funded Protest Groups. Not only do they organize and pay for these protests, and bus the people in, but they organize THE MESSAGE, before and after the event, and coordinate the Violent Attacks.

The DNC and Democratic Party hacks out the same propaganda, crafts it to tie any negative event real or imagined to The President, then they disseminate it to THE PRESS, and their Minions who gladly regurgitate it on COMMAND.
And then the easy bake oven uses the pro neonazis website Breitbart as a source.
Way to give yourself away, asshole.
Jeff Sessions Shuts Down NBC's Attempt to Associate Trump with Neo-Nazis

'Attorney General Jeff Sessions defied the establishment media’s attempt to smear President Donald Trump using an article on the Daily Stormer neo-Nazi website.

During an interview with Sessions, Craig Melvin, host of NBC’s Today, read verbatim from a Daily Stormer article praising Trump for not condemning them by name during his statement on Saturday about the violent events in Charlottesville, Virginia.

“Isn’t that proof that the president didn’t stand up sufficiently to white supremacy on Saturday?” Melvin asked.

"They are simply attempting to legitimate themselves in any way possible," Sessions replied. "They are about to find out we are coming after them for any violations of the law."

I find it FRIGGIN' HILARIOUS how snowflakes on this board are frequently whining, bitching, and claiming Non-libtards use questionable / 'Not Real' / Non-legitimate media sources....yet the Liberal Propaganda-pushing Fake News All-In media just cited a NEO-NAZI Website as 'real news' to try to falsely accuse / take down Trump....

View attachment 143611

Way to try to legitimize these a-holes, NBC!

They aren't whining and bitching at all. These are coordinated and planned attacks, just like what happened in Charlotte, sanctioned by THE LEFT.

This is one of the current talking points.

Go and look at THE LEFTIST Soros Funded Protest Groups. Not only do they organize and pay for these protests, and bus the people in, but they organize THE MESSAGE, before and after the event, and coordinate the Violent Attacks.

The DNC and Democratic Party hacks out the same propaganda, crafts it to tie any negative event real or imagined to The President, then they disseminate it to THE PRESS, and their Minions who gladly regurgitate it on COMMAND.

I do not take sides. I'm pointing this out as fact.

Donald Trump gets his talking points from John Tanton on his signature issue. John Tanton is a believer in eugenics and he provided the talking points for Don Black (of Stormfront) and David Duke back when they were with the KKK.

Tanton financed the founding and operations for non-profits like Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), NumbersUSA, and Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR.) The nutty ass wall around America and mass deportation rhetoric were pioneered by Tanton, Duke and Black.

Unless Trump flip flops on immigration, he is stuck with the white supremacists. He may as well dance with one he brung. If Trump holds onto his anti-immigration talking points and denounces "white supremacists," they will continue to support Trump and tell you that Trump is only denouncing them to get the MSM off his back.

Either way, the white supremacists get the program they bought in via Hegelian Dialectics.
Jeff Sessions Shuts Down NBC's Attempt to Associate Trump with Neo-Nazis

'Attorney General Jeff Sessions defied the establishment media’s attempt to smear President Donald Trump using an article on the Daily Stormer neo-Nazi website.

During an interview with Sessions, Craig Melvin, host of NBC’s Today, read verbatim from a Daily Stormer article praising Trump for not condemning them by name during his statement on Saturday about the violent events in Charlottesville, Virginia.

“Isn’t that proof that the president didn’t stand up sufficiently to white supremacy on Saturday?” Melvin asked.

"They are simply attempting to legitimate themselves in any way possible," Sessions replied. "They are about to find out we are coming after them for any violations of the law."

I find it FRIGGIN' HILARIOUS how snowflakes on this board are frequently whining, bitching, and claiming Non-libtards use questionable / 'Not Real' / Non-legitimate media sources....yet the Liberal Propaganda-pushing Fake News All-In media just cited a NEO-NAZI Website as 'real news' to try to falsely accuse / take down Trump....

View attachment 143611

Way to try to legitimize these a-holes, NBC!

They aren't whining and bitching at all. These are coordinated and planned attacks, just like what happened in Charlotte, sanctioned by THE LEFT.

This is one of the current talking points.

Go and look at THE LEFTIST Soros Funded Protest Groups. Not only do they organize and pay for these protests, and bus the people in, but they organize THE MESSAGE, before and after the event, and coordinate the Violent Attacks.

The DNC and Democratic Party hacks out the same propaganda, crafts it to tie any negative event real or imagined to The President, then they disseminate it to THE PRESS, and their Minions who gladly regurgitate it on COMMAND.

I do not take sides. I'm pointing this out as fact.

Donald Trump gets his talking points from John Tanton on his signature issue. John Tanton is a believer in eugenics and he provided the talking points for Don Black (of Stormfront) and David Duke back when they were with the KKK.

Tanton financed the founding and operations for non-profits like Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), NumbersUSA, and Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR.) The nutty ass wall around America and mass deportation rhetoric were pioneered by Tanton, Duke and Black.

Unless Trump flip flops on immigration, he is stuck with the white supremacists. He may as well dance with one he brung. If Trump holds onto his anti-immigration talking points and denounces "white supremacists," they will continue to support Trump and tell you that Trump is only denouncing them to get the MSM off his back.

Either way, the white supremacists get the program they bought in via Hegelian Dialectics.
What makes you think only the KKK is against illegal immigrants?
It comes down to this. Donald Trump insults everyone including his own AG. Yet there are two he does not insult. Putin and white supremacists. During the campaign, he claimed not to be aware of who David Duke is which is ridiculous. He may not be a racist but he leaves the impression that he is sympathetic to them..
Jeff Sessions Shuts Down NBC's Attempt to Associate Trump with Neo-Nazis

'Attorney General Jeff Sessions defied the establishment media’s attempt to smear President Donald Trump using an article on the Daily Stormer neo-Nazi website.

During an interview with Sessions, Craig Melvin, host of NBC’s Today, read verbatim from a Daily Stormer article praising Trump for not condemning them by name during his statement on Saturday about the violent events in Charlottesville, Virginia.

“Isn’t that proof that the president didn’t stand up sufficiently to white supremacy on Saturday?” Melvin asked.

"They are simply attempting to legitimate themselves in any way possible," Sessions replied. "They are about to find out we are coming after them for any violations of the law."

I find it FRIGGIN' HILARIOUS how snowflakes on this board are frequently whining, bitching, and claiming Non-libtards use questionable / 'Not Real' / Non-legitimate media sources....yet the Liberal Propaganda-pushing Fake News All-In media just cited a NEO-NAZI Website as 'real news' to try to falsely accuse / take down Trump....

View attachment 143611

Way to try to legitimize these a-holes, NBC!

They aren't whining and bitching at all. These are coordinated and planned attacks, just like what happened in Charlotte, sanctioned by THE LEFT.

This is one of the current talking points.

Go and look at THE LEFTIST Soros Funded Protest Groups. Not only do they organize and pay for these protests, and bus the people in, but they organize THE MESSAGE, before and after the event, and coordinate the Violent Attacks.

The DNC and Democratic Party hacks out the same propaganda, crafts it to tie any negative event real or imagined to The President, then they disseminate it to THE PRESS, and their Minions who gladly regurgitate it on COMMAND.

I do not take sides. I'm pointing this out as fact.

Donald Trump gets his talking points from John Tanton on his signature issue. John Tanton is a believer in eugenics and he provided the talking points for Don Black (of Stormfront) and David Duke back when they were with the KKK.

Tanton financed the founding and operations for non-profits like Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), NumbersUSA, and Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR.) The nutty ass wall around America and mass deportation rhetoric were pioneered by Tanton, Duke and Black.

Unless Trump flip flops on immigration, he is stuck with the white supremacists. He may as well dance with one he brung. If Trump holds onto his anti-immigration talking points and denounces "white supremacists," they will continue to support Trump and tell you that Trump is only denouncing them to get the MSM off his back.

Either way, the white supremacists get the program they bought in via Hegelian Dialectics.

Oh please, you are a Leftist Fascist Neo Nazi. Your Whole Fucking Party is based on EUGENICS, Segregation, Bigotry and Slavery~!

Margaret Sanger Formed Planned Parenthood to suppress the birth rates of The Democrat Slave Class to keep them under control.
Al Gore 'Planet has a fever and people are the virus"
THE United NATIONS "Decrease The Surplus Population through birth control, and abortion.
Global Warming Agenda "We must reduce birth rates, and the population on Earth or we are all going to die, in about 100, or 10,000 years.....we aren't quite sure about that...but it's gonna us;.
Hillary Clinton "Blacks are Super Predators"
Bill Clinton "Obama should be serving me coffee"
The Democrat Party "Bernie Sanders is a dirty Jew" "Hipsanics are Lazy and Unmotivated" "Sanders supporters are basement dwellers" "Farmer's are dirty and uneducated", "Trump supporters are a basket of unredeemable deplorables," "Tell dirty coal miners to teach themselves to be programmers".
Barak Obama Totally Obedient to The Leftist Democrat Agenda to Destroy America and Democracy through inflaming racial divisions, and instigating hostility against Law Enforcement, Conservatives, Christians & Jews, and abusing the power of his office to "Fundamentally Change America" in to a Socialist Dystopia.

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And the fact that Snowflakes are now railing against their creation (The KKK), like Doctor Frankenstein and his monster, is humorous...
The Rotting Tree, Easy and all the usual subjects hate that their ideology is up front on national stage and being pummeled to death.
You neonazis will not be tolerated even with POTUS on your side.
Jeff Sessions Shuts Down NBC's Attempt to Associate Trump with Neo-Nazis

'Attorney General Jeff Sessions defied the establishment media’s attempt to smear President Donald Trump using an article on the Daily Stormer neo-Nazi website.

During an interview with Sessions, Craig Melvin, host of NBC’s Today, read verbatim from a Daily Stormer article praising Trump for not condemning them by name during his statement on Saturday about the violent events in Charlottesville, Virginia.

“Isn’t that proof that the president didn’t stand up sufficiently to white supremacy on Saturday?” Melvin asked.

"They are simply attempting to legitimate themselves in any way possible," Sessions replied. "They are about to find out we are coming after them for any violations of the law."

I find it FRIGGIN' HILARIOUS how snowflakes on this board are frequently whining, bitching, and claiming Non-libtards use questionable / 'Not Real' / Non-legitimate media sources....yet the Liberal Propaganda-pushing Fake News All-In media just cited a NEO-NAZI Website as 'real news' to try to falsely accuse / take down Trump....

View attachment 143611

Way to try to legitimize these a-holes, NBC!

They aren't whining and bitching at all. These are coordinated and planned attacks, just like what happened in Charlotte, sanctioned by THE LEFT.

This is one of the current talking points.

Go and look at THE LEFTIST Soros Funded Protest Groups. Not only do they organize and pay for these protests, and bus the people in, but they organize THE MESSAGE, before and after the event, and coordinate the Violent Attacks.

The DNC and Democratic Party hacks out the same propaganda, crafts it to tie any negative event real or imagined to The President, then they disseminate it to THE PRESS, and their Minions who gladly regurgitate it on COMMAND.

I do not take sides. I'm pointing this out as fact.

Donald Trump gets his talking points from John Tanton on his signature issue. John Tanton is a believer in eugenics and he provided the talking points for Don Black (of Stormfront) and David Duke back when they were with the KKK.

Tanton financed the founding and operations for non-profits like Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), NumbersUSA, and Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR.) The nutty ass wall around America and mass deportation rhetoric were pioneered by Tanton, Duke and Black.

Unless Trump flip flops on immigration, he is stuck with the white supremacists. He may as well dance with one he brung. If Trump holds onto his anti-immigration talking points and denounces "white supremacists," they will continue to support Trump and tell you that Trump is only denouncing them to get the MSM off his back.

Either way, the white supremacists get the program they bought in via Hegelian Dialectics.
What makes you think only the KKK is against illegal immigrants?

What makes you think I believe such a thing?

What I'm saying is that Don Black, David Duke and John Tanton paved the way for the platform that Donald Trump uses as his signature agenda.

Unless Trump renounces it, he's stuck with the pioneers. It's like people denouncing Darwin and then subscribing to his philosophies. It don't make sense.
Jeff Sessions Shuts Down NBC's Attempt to Associate Trump with Neo-Nazis

'Attorney General Jeff Sessions defied the establishment media’s attempt to smear President Donald Trump using an article on the Daily Stormer neo-Nazi website.

During an interview with Sessions, Craig Melvin, host of NBC’s Today, read verbatim from a Daily Stormer article praising Trump for not condemning them by name during his statement on Saturday about the violent events in Charlottesville, Virginia.

“Isn’t that proof that the president didn’t stand up sufficiently to white supremacy on Saturday?” Melvin asked.

"They are simply attempting to legitimate themselves in any way possible," Sessions replied. "They are about to find out we are coming after them for any violations of the law."

I find it FRIGGIN' HILARIOUS how snowflakes on this board are frequently whining, bitching, and claiming Non-libtards use questionable / 'Not Real' / Non-legitimate media sources....yet the Liberal Propaganda-pushing Fake News All-In media just cited a NEO-NAZI Website as 'real news' to try to falsely accuse / take down Trump....

View attachment 143611

Way to try to legitimize these a-holes, NBC!

They aren't whining and bitching at all. These are coordinated and planned attacks, just like what happened in Charlotte, sanctioned by THE LEFT.

This is one of the current talking points.

Go and look at THE LEFTIST Soros Funded Protest Groups. Not only do they organize and pay for these protests, and bus the people in, but they organize THE MESSAGE, before and after the event, and coordinate the Violent Attacks.

The DNC and Democratic Party hacks out the same propaganda, crafts it to tie any negative event real or imagined to The President, then they disseminate it to THE PRESS, and their Minions who gladly regurgitate it on COMMAND.

I do not take sides. I'm pointing this out as fact.

Donald Trump gets his talking points from John Tanton on his signature issue. John Tanton is a believer in eugenics and he provided the talking points for Don Black (of Stormfront) and David Duke back when they were with the KKK.

Tanton financed the founding and operations for non-profits like Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), NumbersUSA, and Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR.) The nutty ass wall around America and mass deportation rhetoric were pioneered by Tanton, Duke and Black.

Unless Trump flip flops on immigration, he is stuck with the white supremacists. He may as well dance with one he brung. If Trump holds onto his anti-immigration talking points and denounces "white supremacists," they will continue to support Trump and tell you that Trump is only denouncing them to get the MSM off his back.

Either way, the white supremacists get the program they bought in via Hegelian Dialectics.
What makes you think only the KKK is against illegal immigrants?

What makes you think I believe such a thing?

What I'm saying is that Don Black, David Duke and John Tanton paved the way for the platform that Donald Trump uses as his signature agenda.

Unless Trump renounces it, he's stuck with the pioneers. It's like people denouncing Darwin and then subscribing to his philosophies. It don't make sense.
He denounced it several times but you folks keep passing around these rumors that he didn't.
Jeff Sessions Shuts Down NBC's Attempt to Associate Trump with Neo-Nazis

'Attorney General Jeff Sessions defied the establishment media’s attempt to smear President Donald Trump using an article on the Daily Stormer neo-Nazi website.

During an interview with Sessions, Craig Melvin, host of NBC’s Today, read verbatim from a Daily Stormer article praising Trump for not condemning them by name during his statement on Saturday about the violent events in Charlottesville, Virginia.

“Isn’t that proof that the president didn’t stand up sufficiently to white supremacy on Saturday?” Melvin asked.

"They are simply attempting to legitimate themselves in any way possible," Sessions replied. "They are about to find out we are coming after them for any violations of the law."

I find it FRIGGIN' HILARIOUS how snowflakes on this board are frequently whining, bitching, and claiming Non-libtards use questionable / 'Not Real' / Non-legitimate media sources....yet the Liberal Propaganda-pushing Fake News All-In media just cited a NEO-NAZI Website as 'real news' to try to falsely accuse / take down Trump....

View attachment 143611

Way to try to legitimize these a-holes, NBC!

They aren't whining and bitching at all. These are coordinated and planned attacks, just like what happened in Charlotte, sanctioned by THE LEFT.

This is one of the current talking points.

Go and look at THE LEFTIST Soros Funded Protest Groups. Not only do they organize and pay for these protests, and bus the people in, but they organize THE MESSAGE, before and after the event, and coordinate the Violent Attacks.

The DNC and Democratic Party hacks out the same propaganda, crafts it to tie any negative event real or imagined to The President, then they disseminate it to THE PRESS, and their Minions who gladly regurgitate it on COMMAND.

I do not take sides. I'm pointing this out as fact.

Donald Trump gets his talking points from John Tanton on his signature issue. John Tanton is a believer in eugenics and he provided the talking points for Don Black (of Stormfront) and David Duke back when they were with the KKK.

Tanton financed the founding and operations for non-profits like Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), NumbersUSA, and Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR.) The nutty ass wall around America and mass deportation rhetoric were pioneered by Tanton, Duke and Black.

Unless Trump flip flops on immigration, he is stuck with the white supremacists. He may as well dance with one he brung. If Trump holds onto his anti-immigration talking points and denounces "white supremacists," they will continue to support Trump and tell you that Trump is only denouncing them to get the MSM off his back.

Either way, the white supremacists get the program they bought in via Hegelian Dialectics.

Oh please, you are a Leftist Fascist Neo Nazi. Your Whole Fucking Party is based on EUGENICS, Bigotry and Slavery

Margaret Sanger Formed Planned Parenthood to suppress the birth rates of The Democrat Slave Class to keep them under control.
Al Gore 'Planet has a fever and people are the virus"
THE United NATIONS "Decrease The Surplus Population
Hillary Clinton "Blacks are Super Predators"
Bill Clinton "Obama should be serving me coffee"
The Democrat Party "Bernie Sanders is a dirty Jew" "Hipsanics are Lazy and Unmotivated" "Sanders supporters are basement dwellers"
Barak Obama Totally Obedient to The Leftist Democrat Agenda to Destroy America and Democracy through inflaming racial divisions, and instigating hostility against Law Enforcement, and Convervatives, and Christians.


Dude, get real. I've never voted for nor donated to a Democrat. I'm just a realist. Bear in mind, the immigration talking points were pioneered by David Duke and Don Black along with John Tanton. BILL CLINTON was the first to advocate their position in favor of the anti-immigrant rhetoric!!!!
Jeff Sessions Shuts Down NBC's Attempt to Associate Trump with Neo-Nazis

'Attorney General Jeff Sessions defied the establishment media’s attempt to smear President Donald Trump using an article on the Daily Stormer neo-Nazi website.

During an interview with Sessions, Craig Melvin, host of NBC’s Today, read verbatim from a Daily Stormer article praising Trump for not condemning them by name during his statement on Saturday about the violent events in Charlottesville, Virginia.

“Isn’t that proof that the president didn’t stand up sufficiently to white supremacy on Saturday?” Melvin asked.

"They are simply attempting to legitimate themselves in any way possible," Sessions replied. "They are about to find out we are coming after them for any violations of the law."

I find it FRIGGIN' HILARIOUS how snowflakes on this board are frequently whining, bitching, and claiming Non-libtards use questionable / 'Not Real' / Non-legitimate media sources....yet the Liberal Propaganda-pushing Fake News All-In media just cited a NEO-NAZI Website as 'real news' to try to falsely accuse / take down Trump....

View attachment 143611

Way to try to legitimize these a-holes, NBC!

They aren't whining and bitching at all. These are coordinated and planned attacks, just like what happened in Charlotte, sanctioned by THE LEFT.

This is one of the current talking points.

Go and look at THE LEFTIST Soros Funded Protest Groups. Not only do they organize and pay for these protests, and bus the people in, but they organize THE MESSAGE, before and after the event, and coordinate the Violent Attacks.

The DNC and Democratic Party hacks out the same propaganda, crafts it to tie any negative event real or imagined to The President, then they disseminate it to THE PRESS, and their Minions who gladly regurgitate it on COMMAND.

I do not take sides. I'm pointing this out as fact.

Donald Trump gets his talking points from John Tanton on his signature issue. John Tanton is a believer in eugenics and he provided the talking points for Don Black (of Stormfront) and David Duke back when they were with the KKK.

Tanton financed the founding and operations for non-profits like Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), NumbersUSA, and Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR.) The nutty ass wall around America and mass deportation rhetoric were pioneered by Tanton, Duke and Black.

Unless Trump flip flops on immigration, he is stuck with the white supremacists. He may as well dance with one he brung. If Trump holds onto his anti-immigration talking points and denounces "white supremacists," they will continue to support Trump and tell you that Trump is only denouncing them to get the MSM off his back.

Either way, the white supremacists get the program they bought in via Hegelian Dialectics.
What makes you think only the KKK is against illegal immigrants?

What makes you think I believe such a thing?

What I'm saying is that Don Black, David Duke and John Tanton paved the way for the platform that Donald Trump uses as his signature agenda.

Unless Trump renounces it, he's stuck with the pioneers. It's like people denouncing Darwin and then subscribing to his philosophies. It don't make sense.

You are full of crap. You are a Leftist Propagandist, and doing not only what I said The LEFT repeatedly does, but exactly what I predicted you would do.
People with a brain aren't buying your repeated attempts of "Guilt By Association"

First it was Korea, Korea, Korea, because President Trump said we should try to reason with North Korea first. Then it was Russia, Russia, Russia, then when Trump shows to be Russia's worst nightmare, and Putin would rather buy his Uranium from Clinton, you change your tune..... Then when you accuse The President of sleeping with Kim Jung Un, and then The President Uses The Big Stick with North Korea, you say he's too tough on the lil dictator.

And there was also a point during the election where you were accusing The President of being too soft on Assad...and then he sent 60 cruise missiles to Syria, and you STFU and try to generate other propaganda. You also said Trump was an Anti Semite, who then met with Benjamin Netayahu while Obama was sending millions to Israel to attempt to interfere in Israel's elections by funding THE PLO and Opposition Parties. And of course, Kusher his son in law is one of his chief advisors and a Jew.

Fuck you liars. What's next? Donald Trump Hates DOGS?


Jeff Sessions Shuts Down NBC's Attempt to Associate Trump with Neo-Nazis

'Attorney General Jeff Sessions defied the establishment media’s attempt to smear President Donald Trump using an article on the Daily Stormer neo-Nazi website.

During an interview with Sessions, Craig Melvin, host of NBC’s Today, read verbatim from a Daily Stormer article praising Trump for not condemning them by name during his statement on Saturday about the violent events in Charlottesville, Virginia.

“Isn’t that proof that the president didn’t stand up sufficiently to white supremacy on Saturday?” Melvin asked.

"They are simply attempting to legitimate themselves in any way possible," Sessions replied. "They are about to find out we are coming after them for any violations of the law."

I find it FRIGGIN' HILARIOUS how snowflakes on this board are frequently whining, bitching, and claiming Non-libtards use questionable / 'Not Real' / Non-legitimate media sources....yet the Liberal Propaganda-pushing Fake News All-In media just cited a NEO-NAZI Website as 'real news' to try to falsely accuse / take down Trump....

View attachment 143611

Way to try to legitimize these a-holes, NBC!

Queasy, because he's an idiot, "confuses" the difference between....FAKE NEWS and UNFAVORABLE NEWS regarding the Trumpster........

NBC was NOT citing "fake news"....the network was citing how a deplorable bunch of scum bags praised Trump for NOT disavowing them......It was TRUMP who gave these Neo-Nazi "legitimacy," not NBC.
Jeff Sessions Shuts Down NBC's Attempt to Associate Trump with Neo-Nazis

'Attorney General Jeff Sessions defied the establishment media’s attempt to smear President Donald Trump using an article on the Daily Stormer neo-Nazi website.

During an interview with Sessions, Craig Melvin, host of NBC’s Today, read verbatim from a Daily Stormer article praising Trump for not condemning them by name during his statement on Saturday about the violent events in Charlottesville, Virginia.

“Isn’t that proof that the president didn’t stand up sufficiently to white supremacy on Saturday?” Melvin asked.

"They are simply attempting to legitimate themselves in any way possible," Sessions replied. "They are about to find out we are coming after them for any violations of the law."

I find it FRIGGIN' HILARIOUS how snowflakes on this board are frequently whining, bitching, and claiming Non-libtards use questionable / 'Not Real' / Non-legitimate media sources....yet the Liberal Propaganda-pushing Fake News All-In media just cited a NEO-NAZI Website as 'real news' to try to falsely accuse / take down Trump....

View attachment 143611

Way to try to legitimize these a-holes, NBC!

They aren't whining and bitching at all. These are coordinated and planned attacks, just like what happened in Charlotte, sanctioned by THE LEFT.

This is one of the current talking points.

Go and look at THE LEFTIST Soros Funded Protest Groups. Not only do they organize and pay for these protests, and bus the people in, but they organize THE MESSAGE, before and after the event, and coordinate the Violent Attacks.

The DNC and Democratic Party hacks out the same propaganda, crafts it to tie any negative event real or imagined to The President, then they disseminate it to THE PRESS, and their Minions who gladly regurgitate it on COMMAND.

I do not take sides. I'm pointing this out as fact.

Donald Trump gets his talking points from John Tanton on his signature issue. John Tanton is a believer in eugenics and he provided the talking points for Don Black (of Stormfront) and David Duke back when they were with the KKK.

Tanton financed the founding and operations for non-profits like Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), NumbersUSA, and Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR.) The nutty ass wall around America and mass deportation rhetoric were pioneered by Tanton, Duke and Black.

Unless Trump flip flops on immigration, he is stuck with the white supremacists. He may as well dance with one he brung. If Trump holds onto his anti-immigration talking points and denounces "white supremacists," they will continue to support Trump and tell you that Trump is only denouncing them to get the MSM off his back.

Either way, the white supremacists get the program they bought in via Hegelian Dialectics.

Oh please, you are a Leftist Fascist Neo Nazi. Your Whole Fucking Party is based on EUGENICS, Bigotry and Slavery

Margaret Sanger Formed Planned Parenthood to suppress the birth rates of The Democrat Slave Class to keep them under control.
Al Gore 'Planet has a fever and people are the virus"
THE United NATIONS "Decrease The Surplus Population
Hillary Clinton "Blacks are Super Predators"
Bill Clinton "Obama should be serving me coffee"
The Democrat Party "Bernie Sanders is a dirty Jew" "Hipsanics are Lazy and Unmotivated" "Sanders supporters are basement dwellers"
Barak Obama Totally Obedient to The Leftist Democrat Agenda to Destroy America and Democracy through inflaming racial divisions, and instigating hostility against Law Enforcement, and Convervatives, and Christians.


Dude, get real. I've never voted for nor donated to a Democrat. I'm just a realist. Bear in mind, the immigration talking points were pioneered by David Duke and Don Black along with John Tanton. BILL CLINTON was the first to advocate their position in favor of the anti-immigrant rhetoric!!!!

You are a LIAR and on IGNORE. What is this like the 50th account you have made? How many times do we all have to put you on IGNORE until you realize no one wants to listen to your crap but a bunch of ANTI AMERICAN pieces of shit, and our enemies whom you side with.....
The Daily Stormer? I haven't seen any Conservatives reference the Neo-Nazi website let alone try to cite it as a 'credible source'. Just shows how desperate the snowflakes have become to attack Trump, now that their entire 'Russia Hacking' claim has collapsed.
The Daily Stormer? I haven't seen any Conservatives reference the Neo-Nazi website let alone try to cite it as a 'credible source'. Just shows how desperate the snowflakes have become to attack Trump, now that their entire 'Russia Hacking' claim has collapsed.
It's all about The President being TOO TOUGH ON NORTH KOREA now, after they said HE WAS TOO SOFT ON NORTH KOREA for daring to say we should meet with and try diplomacy with Kim Jung Un first.

They already are moving on to the next attack....trying to associate The President with NEO Nazis, after he just directed Jeff Sessions to Prosecute them.

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