Leaked emails show Hooked on Phonics works for Bill de Blasio, a condescending prick.


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie

Mayor de Blasioā€™s rivals hit him hard Sunday over condescending emails he sent to staffers criticizing their efforts to assist him.

Republican mayoral candidate Nicole Malliotakis said she was ā€œdisappointedā€ with the tone of the emails, adding ā€œitā€™s important to treat people respectfully, especially when theyā€™re putting in hours and sacrificing time away from their family to serve.ā€

ā€œI was quite disappointed to see the mayor struck that tone with people that work for him,ā€ said the Staten Island-Brooklyn assemblywoman. ā€œThese are people that got involved with government because they want to serve the city.ā€

In emails exclusively revealed last week by The Post, de Blasio threatened punishment if staffers failed to meet his demands.

ā€œWhat do I need to get you guys to follow a direct order? Do you need to experience consequences,ā€ he wrote in one 2015 message. ā€œIā€™m not raising this again: fix it, or I will [have] no choice but to find a way to penalize people. Not my preference, but I wonā€™t have my instructions ignored.ā€

De Blasio was agitated over his aidesā€™ failure to include the phonetic spellings of tough to pronounce foreign language words in speeches and talking points ā€” a detail Malliotakis took particular glee pointing out Sunday.

ā€œI was kind of surprised to see he needed phonetics for big words,ā€ she said with a chuckle. ā€œI thought that was kind of funny actually.ā€

She also agreed with former de Blasio staffers, describing him as ā€œcondescending.ā€

ā€œIf thatā€™s the way he treats his staff, it explains why so many of his commissioners and senior staff members left,ā€ she said.

More than two dozen high-level staffers have departed the de Blasio administration since he took office in 2014, with more defections rumored to be in the offing.

Democratic mayor challenger Sal Albanese said the emails didnā€™t surprise him one bit and explained why de Blasio has trouble attracting top talent.

ā€œHe is nasty and abusive. Itā€™s one thing being tough. I have no problem with people being tough, but heā€™s gratuitously mean,ā€ said Albanese, a former councilman, on Sunday. ā€œHeā€™s not going to attract top talent because people donā€™t like working for him.ā€...

Also, it looks like de Blasio is such a douchebag, that his staff is defecting.

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