Jeb Bush: 'I Have Decided To Actively Explore' A Presidential Run

Funny thing about that "fake Indian" bit -- four times yesterday in another thread I invited anybody to prove that point. I got none.

The legend of Indian Princess Liesalot is very well documented. She claimed she was 1/32nd Indian but couldn't back it up with documentation.

One of the disgusting things about Libtards is their ability to have selective memory like forgetting the Democrats started the Vietnam war and things like that. I even ran across somebody last week that denied that Obama had ever lied about Obamacare.

If you don't like this reference there are about 200 more on Google. Maybe you don't know about it because it was never mentioned on MSNBC.

Genealogist for Elizabeth Warren 1 32 Cherokee claim goes silent source document shown false

In other words, the original claim of a marriage certificate listing Warren’s great-great-great grandmother as Cherokee demonstrably was false, as is the revised claim that there was an “electronic transcript” of a marriage application reflecting Cherokee heritage.

There is nothing left of the claim that Elizabeth Warren is 1/32 Cherokee. The documentary sources have been debunked, and the genealogist and genealogical society which originated the story and upon whom the Warren campaign relies are not talking.

You've "debunked" absolutely nothing here. Your own article clearly says he could not get confirmation. That's not "demonstrably false"; it's "case not proven".

The task was to prove the negative, since that would be necessary prove a "lie" existed. You failed to do so.
And then you want to talk about other people's "intelligence". :rofl:

Now over to Frank, where we're still waiting on the whereabouts of those "checked boxes"....

Actually that's another thread... CrusaderFrank

She was listed as a Native American Professor at her college. Did the college talk to Granny Warren? Did they take one look at her high cheekbones and say , "ah ha! That's a Cherokee!"?

No. Liz checked the Native American box because she's a pathological lair and a nut. In short, that's the content of the character of the modern Progressive

No, Frank, nice story and all but she checked no "Native American box". When there was an actual box to check (at UT) she checked "white". That's a matter of record. And it was AFTER already being hired.

Ai yi yi, the density in this place....

"Elizabeth Warren Acknowledges Listing Herself As Native American To Harvard, Penn"

Elizabeth Warren Acknowledges Listing Herself As Native American To Harvard Penn

Homer said it best: D'oh!!

Frank -- do you, like, spread lead paint chips on your cereal? Is that it?

Duh Rabbi actually tried the exact same thing in another thread earlier. Exact same link.
Rather than waste time rehashing it all over again let's just run the same reply back....

/begin paste

Let's look at your own link here:

>> Elizabeth Warren said late Wednesday that she had listed herself as Native American at Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania.

"At some point after I was hired by them, I … provided that information to the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard," she said in a statement to the Boston Globe, acknowledging the designation for the first time. "My Native American heritage is part of who I am, I’m proud of it and I have been open about it." <<​

Diga me hombre -- how do you get preferentially hired on the basis of something you didn't even mention until after you were hired? Do you just not get linear time?

What is it with you partisan hacks that you read right past this shit and find yourselves painted into the proverbial corner?

Your own link dood.

Then there's this, from a sublink within that link, and which has been noted before here:

>>The Warren campaign today pointed to a previous statement from Stephen Burbank, a professor and former dean at Penn Law School who helped recruit her to the faculty there.

“Her appointment was based on the excellence of her scholarship and teaching. I do not know whether members of the faculty were even aware of her ancestry, but I am confident that it played no role whatsoever in her appointment,” Burbank said in a statement last week.

... Meanwhile, the Globe has also obtained a portion of Warren’s 1973 application to Rutgers, where she attended law school. That document specifically asks: “Are you interested in applying for admission under the Program for Minority Group Students?” Warren answered “no.”

In addition, a newly unearthed University of Texas personnel document shows that Warren listed herself as “white” when she taught at the law school there from 1981 to 1991. <<

Again -- your own link.

Now you go right ahead and continue yammering the same old shit after it's been debunked. It's working out SO well.

/end paste

Linear time, Frank?

Hulloooo? Anybody home?
The legend of Indian Princess Liesalot is very well documented. She claimed she was 1/32nd Indian but couldn't back it up with documentation.

One of the disgusting things about Libtards is their ability to have selective memory like forgetting the Democrats started the Vietnam war and things like that. I even ran across somebody last week that denied that Obama had ever lied about Obamacare.

If you don't like this reference there are about 200 more on Google. Maybe you don't know about it because it was never mentioned on MSNBC.

Genealogist for Elizabeth Warren 1 32 Cherokee claim goes silent source document shown false

In other words, the original claim of a marriage certificate listing Warren’s great-great-great grandmother as Cherokee demonstrably was false, as is the revised claim that there was an “electronic transcript” of a marriage application reflecting Cherokee heritage.

There is nothing left of the claim that Elizabeth Warren is 1/32 Cherokee. The documentary sources have been debunked, and the genealogist and genealogical society which originated the story and upon whom the Warren campaign relies are not talking.

You've "debunked" absolutely nothing here. Your own article clearly says he could not get confirmation. That's not "demonstrably false"; it's "case not proven".

The task was to prove the negative, since that would be necessary prove a "lie" existed. You failed to do so.
And then you want to talk about other people's "intelligence". :rofl:

Now over to Frank, where we're still waiting on the whereabouts of those "checked boxes"....

Actually that's another thread... CrusaderFrank

She was listed as a Native American Professor at her college. Did the college talk to Granny Warren? Did they take one look at her high cheekbones and say , "ah ha! That's a Cherokee!"?

No. Liz checked the Native American box because she's a pathological lair and a nut. In short, that's the content of the character of the modern Progressive

No, Frank, nice story and all but she checked no "Native American box". When there was an actual box to check (at UT) she checked "white". That's a matter of record. And it was AFTER already being hired.

Ai yi yi, the density in this place....

"Elizabeth Warren Acknowledges Listing Herself As Native American To Harvard, Penn"

Elizabeth Warren Acknowledges Listing Herself As Native American To Harvard Penn

Homer said it best: D'oh!!

Frank -- do you, like, spread lead paint chips on your cereal? Is that it?

Duh Rabbi actually tried the exact same thing in another thread earlier. Exact same link.
Rather than waste time rehashing it all over again let's just run the same reply back....

/begin paste

Let's look at your own link here:

>> Elizabeth Warren said late Wednesday that she had listed herself as Native American at Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania.

"At some point after I was hired by them, I … provided that information to the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard," she said in a statement to the Boston Globe, acknowledging the designation for the first time. "My Native American heritage is part of who I am, I’m proud of it and I have been open about it." <<​

Diga me hombre -- how do you get preferentially hired on the basis of something you didn't even mention until after you were hired? Do you just not get linear time?

What is it with you partisan hacks that you read right past this shit and find yourselves painted into the proverbial corner?

Your own link dood.

Then there's this, from a sublink within that link, and which has been noted before here:

>>The Warren campaign today pointed to a previous statement from Stephen Burbank, a professor and former dean at Penn Law School who helped recruit her to the faculty there.

“Her appointment was based on the excellence of her scholarship and teaching. I do not know whether members of the faculty were even aware of her ancestry, but I am confident that it played no role whatsoever in her appointment,” Burbank said in a statement last week.

... Meanwhile, the Globe has also obtained a portion of Warren’s 1973 application to Rutgers, where she attended law school. That document specifically asks: “Are you interested in applying for admission under the Program for Minority Group Students?” Warren answered “no.”

In addition, a newly unearthed University of Texas personnel document shows that Warren listed herself as “white” when she taught at the law school there from 1981 to 1991. <<

Again -- your own link.

Now you go right ahead and continue yammering the same old shit after it's been debunked. It's working out SO well.

/end paste

Linear time, Frank?

Hulloooo? Anybody home?

"She has said that she listed herself as Native American in law school directories."

She lied about her heritage
You've "debunked" absolutely nothing here. Your own article clearly says he could not get confirmation. That's not "demonstrably false"; it's "case not proven".

The task was to prove the negative, since that would be necessary prove a "lie" existed. You failed to do so.
And then you want to talk about other people's "intelligence". :rofl:

Now over to Frank, where we're still waiting on the whereabouts of those "checked boxes"....

Actually that's another thread... CrusaderFrank

She was listed as a Native American Professor at her college. Did the college talk to Granny Warren? Did they take one look at her high cheekbones and say , "ah ha! That's a Cherokee!"?

No. Liz checked the Native American box because she's a pathological lair and a nut. In short, that's the content of the character of the modern Progressive

No, Frank, nice story and all but she checked no "Native American box". When there was an actual box to check (at UT) she checked "white". That's a matter of record. And it was AFTER already being hired.

Ai yi yi, the density in this place....

"Elizabeth Warren Acknowledges Listing Herself As Native American To Harvard, Penn"

Elizabeth Warren Acknowledges Listing Herself As Native American To Harvard Penn

Homer said it best: D'oh!!

Frank -- do you, like, spread lead paint chips on your cereal? Is that it?

Duh Rabbi actually tried the exact same thing in another thread earlier. Exact same link.
Rather than waste time rehashing it all over again let's just run the same reply back....

/begin paste

Let's look at your own link here:

>> Elizabeth Warren said late Wednesday that she had listed herself as Native American at Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania.

"At some point after I was hired by them, I … provided that information to the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard," she said in a statement to the Boston Globe, acknowledging the designation for the first time. "My Native American heritage is part of who I am, I’m proud of it and I have been open about it." <<​

Diga me hombre -- how do you get preferentially hired on the basis of something you didn't even mention until after you were hired? Do you just not get linear time?

What is it with you partisan hacks that you read right past this shit and find yourselves painted into the proverbial corner?

Your own link dood.

Then there's this, from a sublink within that link, and which has been noted before here:

>>The Warren campaign today pointed to a previous statement from Stephen Burbank, a professor and former dean at Penn Law School who helped recruit her to the faculty there.

“Her appointment was based on the excellence of her scholarship and teaching. I do not know whether members of the faculty were even aware of her ancestry, but I am confident that it played no role whatsoever in her appointment,” Burbank said in a statement last week.

... Meanwhile, the Globe has also obtained a portion of Warren’s 1973 application to Rutgers, where she attended law school. That document specifically asks: “Are you interested in applying for admission under the Program for Minority Group Students?” Warren answered “no.”

In addition, a newly unearthed University of Texas personnel document shows that Warren listed herself as “white” when she taught at the law school there from 1981 to 1991. <<

Again -- your own link.

Now you go right ahead and continue yammering the same old shit after it's been debunked. It's working out SO well.

/end paste

Linear time, Frank?

Hulloooo? Anybody home?

"She has said that she listed herself as Native American in law school directories."

She lied about her heritage

And you know that ---- how?

Pun intended.

Where's your proof of this negative, Frank?

Yanno we've shot this down like 86 times now. We can easily make it 87.
Bush was a great Gov down here in Florida.

I didn't agree with everything he did but then who would.

He'd be a great POTUS. Far better than the current fuck who occupies the WH.

Just because he's explorinig the possibility doesn't mean he will actually run.
I lived in Florida when Bush was governor. I thought he stunk then, and his policies stink now. I see no reason to even be talking about him. He has no record of ever doing anything exceptional. There are plenty of other Republican ex-governors around, and why aren't they being mentioned just as well as Jeb Bush ? And they aren't traitors who support immigration like Bush does.

In addition, we've had 2 other Bushes who were president, and both of them gave us BAD recessions. The name Bush ought to be forgotten.
You've "debunked" absolutely nothing here. Your own article clearly says he could not get confirmation. That's not "demonstrably false"; it's "case not proven".

The task was to prove the negative, since that would be necessary prove a "lie" existed. You failed to do so.
And then you want to talk about other people's "intelligence". :rofl:

Now over to Frank, where we're still waiting on the whereabouts of those "checked boxes"....

Actually that's another thread... CrusaderFrank

She was listed as a Native American Professor at her college. Did the college talk to Granny Warren? Did they take one look at her high cheekbones and say , "ah ha! That's a Cherokee!"?

No. Liz checked the Native American box because she's a pathological lair and a nut. In short, that's the content of the character of the modern Progressive

No, Frank, nice story and all but she checked no "Native American box". When there was an actual box to check (at UT) she checked "white". That's a matter of record. And it was AFTER already being hired.

Ai yi yi, the density in this place....

"Elizabeth Warren Acknowledges Listing Herself As Native American To Harvard, Penn"

Elizabeth Warren Acknowledges Listing Herself As Native American To Harvard Penn

Homer said it best: D'oh!!

Frank -- do you, like, spread lead paint chips on your cereal? Is that it?

Duh Rabbi actually tried the exact same thing in another thread earlier. Exact same link.
Rather than waste time rehashing it all over again let's just run the same reply back....

/begin paste

Let's look at your own link here:

>> Elizabeth Warren said late Wednesday that she had listed herself as Native American at Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania.

"At some point after I was hired by them, I … provided that information to the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard," she said in a statement to the Boston Globe, acknowledging the designation for the first time. "My Native American heritage is part of who I am, I’m proud of it and I have been open about it." <<​

Diga me hombre -- how do you get preferentially hired on the basis of something you didn't even mention until after you were hired? Do you just not get linear time?

What is it with you partisan hacks that you read right past this shit and find yourselves painted into the proverbial corner?

Your own link dood.

Then there's this, from a sublink within that link, and which has been noted before here:

>>The Warren campaign today pointed to a previous statement from Stephen Burbank, a professor and former dean at Penn Law School who helped recruit her to the faculty there.

“Her appointment was based on the excellence of her scholarship and teaching. I do not know whether members of the faculty were even aware of her ancestry, but I am confident that it played no role whatsoever in her appointment,” Burbank said in a statement last week.

... Meanwhile, the Globe has also obtained a portion of Warren’s 1973 application to Rutgers, where she attended law school. That document specifically asks: “Are you interested in applying for admission under the Program for Minority Group Students?” Warren answered “no.”

In addition, a newly unearthed University of Texas personnel document shows that Warren listed herself as “white” when she taught at the law school there from 1981 to 1991. <<

Again -- your own link.

Now you go right ahead and continue yammering the same old shit after it's been debunked. It's working out SO well.

/end paste

Linear time, Frank?

Hulloooo? Anybody home?

"She has said that she listed herself as Native American in law school directories."

She lied about her heritage

hey lead chip boi, her great great grandmother is full blood Cherokee, that makes her 1/32 Cherokee .. ( see, I can lie as good as you can)

ddduuuurrrrrrrrrr ..
Last edited:
You've "debunked" absolutely nothing here. Your own article clearly says he could not get confirmation. That's not "demonstrably false"; it's "case not proven".

The task was to prove the negative, since that would be necessary prove a "lie" existed. You failed to do so.
And then you want to talk about other people's "intelligence". :rofl:

Now over to Frank, where we're still waiting on the whereabouts of those "checked boxes"....

Actually that's another thread... CrusaderFrank

She was listed as a Native American Professor at her college. Did the college talk to Granny Warren? Did they take one look at her high cheekbones and say , "ah ha! That's a Cherokee!"?

No. Liz checked the Native American box because she's a pathological lair and a nut. In short, that's the content of the character of the modern Progressive

No, Frank, nice story and all but she checked no "Native American box". When there was an actual box to check (at UT) she checked "white". That's a matter of record. And it was AFTER already being hired.

Ai yi yi, the density in this place....

"Elizabeth Warren Acknowledges Listing Herself As Native American To Harvard, Penn"

Elizabeth Warren Acknowledges Listing Herself As Native American To Harvard Penn

Homer said it best: D'oh!!

Frank -- do you, like, spread lead paint chips on your cereal? Is that it?

Duh Rabbi actually tried the exact same thing in another thread earlier. Exact same link.
Rather than waste time rehashing it all over again let's just run the same reply back....

/begin paste

Let's look at your own link here:

>> Elizabeth Warren said late Wednesday that she had listed herself as Native American at Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania.

"At some point after I was hired by them, I … provided that information to the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard," she said in a statement to the Boston Globe, acknowledging the designation for the first time. "My Native American heritage is part of who I am, I’m proud of it and I have been open about it." <<​

Diga me hombre -- how do you get preferentially hired on the basis of something you didn't even mention until after you were hired? Do you just not get linear time?

What is it with you partisan hacks that you read right past this shit and find yourselves painted into the proverbial corner?

Your own link dood.

Then there's this, from a sublink within that link, and which has been noted before here:

>>The Warren campaign today pointed to a previous statement from Stephen Burbank, a professor and former dean at Penn Law School who helped recruit her to the faculty there.

“Her appointment was based on the excellence of her scholarship and teaching. I do not know whether members of the faculty were even aware of her ancestry, but I am confident that it played no role whatsoever in her appointment,” Burbank said in a statement last week.

... Meanwhile, the Globe has also obtained a portion of Warren’s 1973 application to Rutgers, where she attended law school. That document specifically asks: “Are you interested in applying for admission under the Program for Minority Group Students?” Warren answered “no.”

In addition, a newly unearthed University of Texas personnel document shows that Warren listed herself as “white” when she taught at the law school there from 1981 to 1991. <<

Again -- your own link.

Now you go right ahead and continue yammering the same old shit after it's been debunked. It's working out SO well.

/end paste

Linear time, Frank?

Hulloooo? Anybody home?

"She has said that she listed herself as Native American in law school directories."

She lied about her heritage

Jesus H-CHRIST!!!

You two are talking past each other! Neither are listening to the other.

I'll agree with Pogo. Harvard DID NOT hire her as a native American. It never believed she was anything other than white.

Frank is absolutely correct, the leftist progressive elites at Harvard and Elizabeth Warren herself are and were trying to make her and the Harvard faculty look more liberal and diverse by having her ERRONEOUSLY, and falsely list herself as having Native American ancestry based on some old family legend that is, was, and is STILL completely unconfirmed by any tribe, historical society or legitimate documentation.

That DOES make her and Harvard corrupt lying elites.

This goes straight to the point, how did they try to curry any gain or benefit? For she had already procurred the job at Harvard.

Well, this made Harvard's program more competitive, it also lessened that necessity for hiring any minorities to make the program diverse.

So Pogo can make the claim that she didn't steal a job from a minority, because they hired her thinking she was white. But once she listed herself in the faculty as native American, this subsequently did away with their need for hiring a minority faculty member. DO YOU SERIOUSLY NOT GET THAT? THEY USED HER AS A HERITAGE AS A PAWN, BUT IT WAS A LIE! Thus, they either needed to hire someone else or suffer financially and by enrollments.

Frankly, I am surprised that Pogo can't clearly see this corruption among the elite leftists at Harvard. If I were to show this scenario to the Anishinaabe Professor I had at my last University, he would be able to point out what was going on in a heart beat. Even my public administration prof who hailed from India, she would have been able to see what the admin. at Harvard was doing. But then, I went to a Big Ten school, not an Ivy league School. Big Ten Schools don't just give lip service to diversity, do they? I know what an Ivy League School's idea of a black man is, a guy who's mother came from the ruling elites perhaps?

Talking about diversity is one thing, practicing it is entirely another. In the end, money and power are always more important.
She was listed as a Native American Professor at her college. Did the college talk to Granny Warren? Did they take one look at her high cheekbones and say , "ah ha! That's a Cherokee!"?

No. Liz checked the Native American box because she's a pathological lair and a nut. In short, that's the content of the character of the modern Progressive

No, Frank, nice story and all but she checked no "Native American box". When there was an actual box to check (at UT) she checked "white". That's a matter of record. And it was AFTER already being hired.

Ai yi yi, the density in this place....

"Elizabeth Warren Acknowledges Listing Herself As Native American To Harvard, Penn"

Elizabeth Warren Acknowledges Listing Herself As Native American To Harvard Penn

Homer said it best: D'oh!!

Frank -- do you, like, spread lead paint chips on your cereal? Is that it?

Duh Rabbi actually tried the exact same thing in another thread earlier. Exact same link.
Rather than waste time rehashing it all over again let's just run the same reply back....

/begin paste

Let's look at your own link here:

>> Elizabeth Warren said late Wednesday that she had listed herself as Native American at Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania.

"At some point after I was hired by them, I … provided that information to the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard," she said in a statement to the Boston Globe, acknowledging the designation for the first time. "My Native American heritage is part of who I am, I’m proud of it and I have been open about it." <<​

Diga me hombre -- how do you get preferentially hired on the basis of something you didn't even mention until after you were hired? Do you just not get linear time?

What is it with you partisan hacks that you read right past this shit and find yourselves painted into the proverbial corner?

Your own link dood.

Then there's this, from a sublink within that link, and which has been noted before here:

>>The Warren campaign today pointed to a previous statement from Stephen Burbank, a professor and former dean at Penn Law School who helped recruit her to the faculty there.

“Her appointment was based on the excellence of her scholarship and teaching. I do not know whether members of the faculty were even aware of her ancestry, but I am confident that it played no role whatsoever in her appointment,” Burbank said in a statement last week.

... Meanwhile, the Globe has also obtained a portion of Warren’s 1973 application to Rutgers, where she attended law school. That document specifically asks: “Are you interested in applying for admission under the Program for Minority Group Students?” Warren answered “no.”

In addition, a newly unearthed University of Texas personnel document shows that Warren listed herself as “white” when she taught at the law school there from 1981 to 1991. <<

Again -- your own link.

Now you go right ahead and continue yammering the same old shit after it's been debunked. It's working out SO well.

/end paste

Linear time, Frank?

Hulloooo? Anybody home?

"She has said that she listed herself as Native American in law school directories."

She lied about her heritage

hey lead chip boi, her great great grandmother is full blood Cherokee, that makes her 1/32 Cherokee .. ( see, I can lie as good as you can)

ddduuuurrrrrrrrrr ..
We've already went over this. The Boston Globe printed a retraction. There is no proof of that. It is a family legend, Warren herself admitted to it.

I think Warren would make a terrific President though. She has proved to have the most important qualifications. She's divisive, causes partisan hatred, and knows how to twist the truth, lie, and deceive like nobodies business. :lmao:

She was listed as a Native American Professor at her college. Did the college talk to Granny Warren? Did they take one look at her high cheekbones and say , "ah ha! That's a Cherokee!"?

No. Liz checked the Native American box because she's a pathological lair and a nut. In short, that's the content of the character of the modern Progressive

No, Frank, nice story and all but she checked no "Native American box". When there was an actual box to check (at UT) she checked "white". That's a matter of record. And it was AFTER already being hired.

Ai yi yi, the density in this place....

"Elizabeth Warren Acknowledges Listing Herself As Native American To Harvard, Penn"

Elizabeth Warren Acknowledges Listing Herself As Native American To Harvard Penn

Homer said it best: D'oh!!

Frank -- do you, like, spread lead paint chips on your cereal? Is that it?

Duh Rabbi actually tried the exact same thing in another thread earlier. Exact same link.
Rather than waste time rehashing it all over again let's just run the same reply back....

/begin paste

Let's look at your own link here:

>> Elizabeth Warren said late Wednesday that she had listed herself as Native American at Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania.

"At some point after I was hired by them, I … provided that information to the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard," she said in a statement to the Boston Globe, acknowledging the designation for the first time. "My Native American heritage is part of who I am, I’m proud of it and I have been open about it." <<​

Diga me hombre -- how do you get preferentially hired on the basis of something you didn't even mention until after you were hired? Do you just not get linear time?

What is it with you partisan hacks that you read right past this shit and find yourselves painted into the proverbial corner?

Your own link dood.

Then there's this, from a sublink within that link, and which has been noted before here:

>>The Warren campaign today pointed to a previous statement from Stephen Burbank, a professor and former dean at Penn Law School who helped recruit her to the faculty there.

“Her appointment was based on the excellence of her scholarship and teaching. I do not know whether members of the faculty were even aware of her ancestry, but I am confident that it played no role whatsoever in her appointment,” Burbank said in a statement last week.

... Meanwhile, the Globe has also obtained a portion of Warren’s 1973 application to Rutgers, where she attended law school. That document specifically asks: “Are you interested in applying for admission under the Program for Minority Group Students?” Warren answered “no.”

In addition, a newly unearthed University of Texas personnel document shows that Warren listed herself as “white” when she taught at the law school there from 1981 to 1991. <<

Again -- your own link.

Now you go right ahead and continue yammering the same old shit after it's been debunked. It's working out SO well.

/end paste

Linear time, Frank?

Hulloooo? Anybody home?

"She has said that she listed herself as Native American in law school directories."

She lied about her heritage

hey lead chip boi, her great great grandmother is full blood Cherokee, that makes her 1/32 Cherokee .. ( see, I can lie as good as you can)

ddduuuurrrrrrrrrr ..

Um, no!

The only Cherokee blood the Warrens ever had came from slaughtering them
She was listed as a Native American Professor at her college. Did the college talk to Granny Warren? Did they take one look at her high cheekbones and say , "ah ha! That's a Cherokee!"?

No. Liz checked the Native American box because she's a pathological lair and a nut. In short, that's the content of the character of the modern Progressive

No, Frank, nice story and all but she checked no "Native American box". When there was an actual box to check (at UT) she checked "white". That's a matter of record. And it was AFTER already being hired.

Ai yi yi, the density in this place....

"Elizabeth Warren Acknowledges Listing Herself As Native American To Harvard, Penn"

Elizabeth Warren Acknowledges Listing Herself As Native American To Harvard Penn

Homer said it best: D'oh!!

Frank -- do you, like, spread lead paint chips on your cereal? Is that it?

Duh Rabbi actually tried the exact same thing in another thread earlier. Exact same link.
Rather than waste time rehashing it all over again let's just run the same reply back....

/begin paste

Let's look at your own link here:

>> Elizabeth Warren said late Wednesday that she had listed herself as Native American at Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania.

"At some point after I was hired by them, I … provided that information to the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard," she said in a statement to the Boston Globe, acknowledging the designation for the first time. "My Native American heritage is part of who I am, I’m proud of it and I have been open about it." <<​

Diga me hombre -- how do you get preferentially hired on the basis of something you didn't even mention until after you were hired? Do you just not get linear time?

What is it with you partisan hacks that you read right past this shit and find yourselves painted into the proverbial corner?

Your own link dood.

Then there's this, from a sublink within that link, and which has been noted before here:

>>The Warren campaign today pointed to a previous statement from Stephen Burbank, a professor and former dean at Penn Law School who helped recruit her to the faculty there.

“Her appointment was based on the excellence of her scholarship and teaching. I do not know whether members of the faculty were even aware of her ancestry, but I am confident that it played no role whatsoever in her appointment,” Burbank said in a statement last week.

... Meanwhile, the Globe has also obtained a portion of Warren’s 1973 application to Rutgers, where she attended law school. That document specifically asks: “Are you interested in applying for admission under the Program for Minority Group Students?” Warren answered “no.”

In addition, a newly unearthed University of Texas personnel document shows that Warren listed herself as “white” when she taught at the law school there from 1981 to 1991. <<

Again -- your own link.

Now you go right ahead and continue yammering the same old shit after it's been debunked. It's working out SO well.

/end paste

Linear time, Frank?

Hulloooo? Anybody home?

"She has said that she listed herself as Native American in law school directories."

She lied about her heritage

And you know that ---- how?

Pun intended.

Where's your proof of this negative, Frank?

Yanno we've shot this down like 86 times now. We can easily make it 87.

The situation is pretty clear to me.

There is no scientific proof that she has any Cherokee genetic material in her. No Cherokee tribe has claimed her.

Based on some very old family tales and species documentation, she claimed to be Native American.

When I read through the HARD FACTS, and documentation, I find nothing but a politicians lies.

Elizabeth Warren Native American Cherokee Controversy Elizabeth Warren Wiki

Let's look at her body language, shall we? Does it say "yes I am, OR no I am not?"

Wouldn't that be ironic if the election came down to be one between Bush and Warren?
Wouldn't that be ironic if the election came down to be one between Bush and Warren?
i have a feeling the establishment has it planned out for it to come down to between another bushwacker and hellary which would be the worst nightmare ever forced on the world.
No, Frank, nice story and all but she checked no "Native American box". When there was an actual box to check (at UT) she checked "white". That's a matter of record. And it was AFTER already being hired.

Ai yi yi, the density in this place....

"Elizabeth Warren Acknowledges Listing Herself As Native American To Harvard, Penn"

Elizabeth Warren Acknowledges Listing Herself As Native American To Harvard Penn

Homer said it best: D'oh!!

Frank -- do you, like, spread lead paint chips on your cereal? Is that it?

Duh Rabbi actually tried the exact same thing in another thread earlier. Exact same link.
Rather than waste time rehashing it all over again let's just run the same reply back....

/begin paste

Let's look at your own link here:

>> Elizabeth Warren said late Wednesday that she had listed herself as Native American at Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania.

"At some point after I was hired by them, I … provided that information to the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard," she said in a statement to the Boston Globe, acknowledging the designation for the first time. "My Native American heritage is part of who I am, I’m proud of it and I have been open about it." <<​

Diga me hombre -- how do you get preferentially hired on the basis of something you didn't even mention until after you were hired? Do you just not get linear time?

What is it with you partisan hacks that you read right past this shit and find yourselves painted into the proverbial corner?

Your own link dood.

Then there's this, from a sublink within that link, and which has been noted before here:

>>The Warren campaign today pointed to a previous statement from Stephen Burbank, a professor and former dean at Penn Law School who helped recruit her to the faculty there.

“Her appointment was based on the excellence of her scholarship and teaching. I do not know whether members of the faculty were even aware of her ancestry, but I am confident that it played no role whatsoever in her appointment,” Burbank said in a statement last week.

... Meanwhile, the Globe has also obtained a portion of Warren’s 1973 application to Rutgers, where she attended law school. That document specifically asks: “Are you interested in applying for admission under the Program for Minority Group Students?” Warren answered “no.”

In addition, a newly unearthed University of Texas personnel document shows that Warren listed herself as “white” when she taught at the law school there from 1981 to 1991. <<

Again -- your own link.

Now you go right ahead and continue yammering the same old shit after it's been debunked. It's working out SO well.

/end paste

Linear time, Frank?

Hulloooo? Anybody home?

"She has said that she listed herself as Native American in law school directories."

She lied about her heritage

And you know that ---- how?

Pun intended.

Where's your proof of this negative, Frank?

Yanno we've shot this down like 86 times now. We can easily make it 87.

The situation is pretty clear to me.

There is no scientific proof that she has any Cherokee genetic material in her. No Cherokee tribe has claimed her.

Based on some very old family tales and species documentation, she claimed to be Native American.

When I read through the HARD FACTS, and documentation, I find nothing but a politicians lies.

Elizabeth Warren Native American Cherokee Controversy Elizabeth Warren Wiki

Let's look at her body language, shall we? Does it say "yes I am, OR no I am not?"

None of which matters. Frank's statement, like the drones before him, was, and I quote, "she lied about her heritage".

To make that case you'd have to know for a fact that that claimed heritage does not exist in her lineage. You have to literally prove a negative. If you can't prove that negative, you have no basis for "she lied".

And she's from Oklahoma, where nobody has Native American blood ( :rofl: ) so good luck on that quest.
There was a record found from 1894 indicating it anyway, which digs the hole that much deeper.

Good luck with that one Frank.

Did he run away?

Nope! Not smart enough. Here he comes now!

Um, no!
The only Cherokee blood the Warrens ever had came from slaughtering them

Soooo.... he can't be bothered to account for the 1894 record, or prove the negative, but he can look back enough to find some ancestor with the cavalry during the Trail of Tears. Which ironically would put that ancestor directly among the Cherokee Nation. On the way to Oklahoma. He seems to think that somehow makes it less likely rather than more. Fascinating, the blinding power of partisan hackery.

That's even before we get to the logical train wreck that suggests for someone in some family to have killed some member of an ethnic group, that family somehow is "immune" to any biological relationship.

Which is completely and nakedly wacko. :cuckoo:
You might as well say, "my father killed Nazis in World War II, therefore our family has no German in it".

Partisan hackery ignorance.
Awful news. This country doesn't need Royal Globalist Elite families like the Clintons and Bush's in power. Let's hope the People decide to go in a different direction.
Awful news. This country doesn't need Royal Globalist Elite families like the Clintons and Bush's in power. Let's hope the People decide to go in a different direction.
problem is is what I just got done saying,we dont elect these people.the establishment does.whoever they want in office,they put them in office as you now so voting is a waste of time.who else better to serve them than one of these two elitest familys the american sheople arent doing anything to take their country back either from them which is the only way we can go in a different direction so thats out of the picture.
Wouldn't that be ironic if the election came down to be one between Bush and Warren?
i have a feeling the establishment has it planned out for it to come down to between another bushwacker and hellary which would be the worst nightmare ever forced on the world.

I think it is pretty it is pretty common knowledge at this point that a presidential term would kill her. She just doesn't have the Stamina. The old girl is too long in the tooth for it, that the Democratic Party is slowly but surely be warming up candidates in the bull pen. I think they may run her, but with all intentions of having her die in office with the VP being the REAL president. So, a vote for Hillary is a vote for her VP.

Hillary s health issues are much worse than she lets on book New York Post

“She has to be carefully monitored for the rest of her life,” doctors warned former President Bill Clinton before Hillary was released from the hospital, according to the book.

The book claims Hillary was taken to New YorkPresbyterian after a fainting spell and concussion that she suffered in her seventh-floor office at the State Department — not at her home, as claimed.

CURL Why Hillary Clinton s health matters - Washington Times
ABC News put out this mysterious entry in a timeline on what happened next: “Sometime early the week of Dec. 9: Clinton faints and falls while at home.” There’s never been any independent confirmation of that, nor did America’s crackerjack media do anything more than write down what State officials claimed.

Wouldn't that be ironic if the election came down to be one between Bush and Warren?

I give up -- how so?
I didn't mean ironic, I meant coincidental.

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