Japan Joins the Party, Ditching Pact With U.S.A. to Buy Russian Oil On the Cheap


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Allies, friends, enemies, they're all using Joe Biden and his Band of Incompetents as a door mat.

This week the news is dominated by the historic arraignment of former President Donald Trump. No doubt big news demands attention, but as usual, international engagements that signify a much more significant future impact on the United States go largely unreported.

Unless you are a dutiful resident of Twitter, you are likely blissfully unaware of the latest news in the oil and international economics spheres. But trust me when I tell you, dear reader, that the world is indeed still turning despite the political intrigue within our borders… and we are at risk of missing out as we continue to take our eyes off the ball.

Like most international conflicts, the proxy war against Russia in Ukraine has brought intriguing second and third-order effects. So buckle up and get ready to feel those repercussions at the gas pump, and without further ado, let’s dive into the latest moves on the global chess board.


Allies, friends, enemies, they're all using Joe Biden and his Band of Incompetents as a door mat.

This week the news is dominated by the historic arraignment of former President Donald Trump. No doubt big news demands attention, but as usual, international engagements that signify a much more significant future impact on the United States go largely unreported.
Unless you are a dutiful resident of Twitter, you are likely blissfully unaware of the latest news in the oil and international economics spheres. But trust me when I tell you, dear reader, that the world is indeed still turning despite the political intrigue within our borders… and we are at risk of missing out as we continue to take our eyes off the ball.
Like most international conflicts, the proxy war against Russia in Ukraine has brought intriguing second and third-order effects. So buckle up and get ready to feel those repercussions at the gas pump, and without further ado, let’s dive into the latest moves on the global chess board.


They also will pay in Rubles NOT in dollars since the growing China/Russia alliance etc. are set up to get off the dollar on Oil products.
The response from the loons will be that Trumps indictment is the very most important thing in the history of the universe because we got him now.
Allies, friends, enemies, they're all using Joe Biden and his Band of Incompetents as a door mat.

This week the news is dominated by the historic arraignment of former President Donald Trump. No doubt big news demands attention, but as usual, international engagements that signify a much more significant future impact on the United States go largely unreported.
Unless you are a dutiful resident of Twitter, you are likely blissfully unaware of the latest news in the oil and international economics spheres. But trust me when I tell you, dear reader, that the world is indeed still turning despite the political intrigue within our borders… and we are at risk of missing out as we continue to take our eyes off the ball.
Like most international conflicts, the proxy war against Russia in Ukraine has brought intriguing second and third-order effects. So buckle up and get ready to feel those repercussions at the gas pump, and without further ado, let’s dive into the latest moves on the global chess board.


Japan returned to importing crude oil from Russia in January​

https://www.agenzianova.com › news › japan-returned-t...

Japan imported 747.706 barrels of Sakhalin Blend crude oil from Russia in January. This is what emerges from the latest preliminary data published by the Japane...
What Biden and his administration are doing, demonstrates complete disinterest in future, as in they are selling out and off, all American value at breakneck pace absent any concern whatsoever for any American future! Its indisputable that they do this, and nobody in senate does a thing to interdict such.

Thus prime projection is its intentional, we are witness to the psychopath looting and pillaging America's coffers, and this obviously is borne our by his total abdication of US sovereignty and national security, they are all of them engaged in such, absent any concerns for America's future.

By the way, this explains an extremely curious bipartisan frustration with Biden refusing to meet with congress and the senate to discuss social security, to reach a funding deal, Biden and his administration are NOT even returning their calls!!!
Japan has begun purchasing Russian crude oil above the $60-a-barrel cap, breaking with Western allies thanks to an exception authorized by the United States
Allies, friends, enemies, they're all using Joe Biden and his Band of Incompetents as a door mat.

This week the news is dominated by the historic arraignment of former President Donald Trump. No doubt big news demands attention, but as usual, international engagements that signify a much more significant future impact on the United States go largely unreported.
Unless you are a dutiful resident of Twitter, you are likely blissfully unaware of the latest news in the oil and international economics spheres. But trust me when I tell you, dear reader, that the world is indeed still turning despite the political intrigue within our borders… and we are at risk of missing out as we continue to take our eyes off the ball.
Like most international conflicts, the proxy war against Russia in Ukraine has brought intriguing second and third-order effects. So buckle up and get ready to feel those repercussions at the gas pump, and without further ado, let’s dive into the latest moves on the global chess board.


In a world where somebody like Trump couldn't possibly be elected President of the U.S., Japan could be more comfortable going along with U.S. plans. It's been stupid of anybody to trust in the U.S. for a while now.
The response from the loons will be that Trumps indictment is the very most important thing in the history of the universe because we got him now.
The democratic party is like Gollum, dying in a river of lava hanging onto the Trump indictment murmuring "my precious, my precious."
Nations of the world cannot run from us fast enough.
Japan has begun purchasing Russian crude oil above the $60-a-barrel cap, breaking with Western allies thanks to an exception authorized by the United States
Another example of Joey Xi Bai Dung's art of Diplomacy and show of weakness on foreign policy. Joey is ineffective as president and foreign leadership. Joey Xi is a Clear and Present Danger to America.
Japan was given permission to buy Russian oil by the G7 nations and Australia until September.

The Russian oil is for Japan's LNG, accounting for only a tenth of Japan's LNG sources.

Whoop. Dee. Doo.
But but sanctions. Russia is hurting. We adopted Ukraine. We're diverse. We use pronouns. We kill our children.
It seems that the Saudis, sensing the weakness of the hegemon, have decided to go on a spree. Bloomberg writes that Syria, with the support of Saudi Arabia, will be reinstated in the Arab League as early as next month, despite U.S. threats.
The fierceness with which the Saudis, formerly close allies of the U.S. in the Middle East, burn bridges suggests that they know something we do not yet know.
Allies, friends, enemies, they're all using Joe Biden and his Band of Incompetents as a door mat.

This week the news is dominated by the historic arraignment of former President Donald Trump. No doubt big news demands attention, but as usual, international engagements that signify a much more significant future impact on the United States go largely unreported.
Unless you are a dutiful resident of Twitter, you are likely blissfully unaware of the latest news in the oil and international economics spheres. But trust me when I tell you, dear reader, that the world is indeed still turning despite the political intrigue within our borders… and we are at risk of missing out as we continue to take our eyes off the ball.
Like most international conflicts, the proxy war against Russia in Ukraine has brought intriguing second and third-order effects. So buckle up and get ready to feel those repercussions at the gas pump, and without further ado, let’s dive into the latest moves on the global chess board.


Yeah but drumph and the transgender genocide !
Allies, friends, enemies, they're all using Joe Biden and his Band of Incompetents as a door mat.

This week the news is dominated by the historic arraignment of former President Donald Trump. No doubt big news demands attention, but as usual, international engagements that signify a much more significant future impact on the United States go largely unreported.
Unless you are a dutiful resident of Twitter, you are likely blissfully unaware of the latest news in the oil and international economics spheres. But trust me when I tell you, dear reader, that the world is indeed still turning despite the political intrigue within our borders… and we are at risk of missing out as we continue to take our eyes off the ball.
Like most international conflicts, the proxy war against Russia in Ukraine has brought intriguing second and third-order effects. So buckle up and get ready to feel those repercussions at the gas pump, and without further ado, let’s dive into the latest moves on the global chess board.


Waiting for the dollar to collapse.
The left, led my Bumbling Joe & the Fed, are destroying the value of our money. And let's not forget all the dumbass Republicans advocating the asinine spending.

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