Japan declares state of emergency as Fukushima reactor falls into ocean


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Japan Declares State Of Emergency as Fukushima Reactor Falls Into Ocean

Japan Declares State Of Emergency as Fukushima Reactor Falls Into Ocean:

Scientists at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in Japan have declared a state of emergency as one of the reactors is on the verge of falling into the ocean.

Lethal levels of radiation have been detected around the site which scientists say stems from a hole caused by melted nuclear fuel.

Rt.com reports:

Radiation levels of up to 530 Sieverts per hour were detected inside an inactive Reactor 2 at the Fukushima ....


Well reality is a scary thing for some so their best defense deny it. We'll see who those weak minded are lol.

But from what I gather this might have happened a few months ago sometimes news gets around a bit late so for information purposes this even took place either way.
pretty cool , but if the ocean is made to be a nuke storage site / cesspit its probably ok to dump all kindsa trash in there eh ??
pretty cool , but if the ocean is made to be a nuke storage site / cesspit its probably ok to dump all kindsa trash in there eh ??
They use other places than the ocean to stash their trash.
Odd Japanese news isn't reporting it. It is all concentrating on the NK missile
But nuclear energy is safe..

must you point your bare behind EAST? -----uhm-----are you east of Japan?
Instead of the rising sun, I represent the rising moon.
i prefer it when women say that.
With the size of women today you get two moons.
should we make ads. on Craigslist, for activity partners, simply to "help girl friends, increase their metabolism to help keep their weight down."
But nuclear energy is safe..

must you point your bare behind EAST? -----uhm-----are you east of Japan?
Instead of the rising sun, I represent the rising moon.
i prefer it when women say that.
With the size of women today you get two moons.
should we make ads. on Craigslist, for activity partners, simply to "help girl friends, increase their metabolism to help keep their weight down."
Or, reduce the size of their mouth.
must you point your bare behind EAST? -----uhm-----are you east of Japan?
Instead of the rising sun, I represent the rising moon.
i prefer it when women say that.
With the size of women today you get two moons.
should we make ads. on Craigslist, for activity partners, simply to "help girl friends, increase their metabolism to help keep their weight down."
Or, reduce the size of their mouth.

do you intend to run for public office?
Instead of the rising sun, I represent the rising moon.
i prefer it when women say that.
With the size of women today you get two moons.
should we make ads. on Craigslist, for activity partners, simply to "help girl friends, increase their metabolism to help keep their weight down."
Or, reduce the size of their mouth.

do you intend to run for public office?
Only if I have diarrhea.
i prefer it when women say that.
With the size of women today you get two moons.
should we make ads. on Craigslist, for activity partners, simply to "help girl friends, increase their metabolism to help keep their weight down."
Or, reduce the size of their mouth.

do you intend to run for public office?
Only if I have diarrhea.

it might help clear you mind

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