James O'Keefe Strikes Again: Mail in ballots in Colorado.


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2010
Looks like some people think unused mail in ballots really need to be sent in, even if you are not the person it was sent to.

New James O 8217 Keefe video Lefty organizers in Colorado wouldn 8217 t support voter fraud on Mark Udall 8217 s behalf would they Hot Air

Watch for the part of the clip where one organizer advises O’Keefe and crew to visit “ghetto Aurora” if they’re looking for discarded mail-in ballots to collect and cast illegally on behalf of their owners. Lots of black and Latino voters there simply throw their ballots away, she assures him; you’ll find a nice haul of blank ones if you’re willing to pick through a little trash.

Did you know, incidentally, that some lefties there recognized him and realized they were being stung? Not all did, as you’ll soon see in gory detail, but a few. (O’Keefe himself mentions it later in the video.) Some progressive groups were sufficiently nervous about what might turn up in this clip that they went running to Mother Jones this past weekend to note that not all of them condone voter fraud, with MJ claiming at least two instances where organizers rejected Team O’Keefe’s proposals for some sort of illegal shenanigans. Here’s my favorite part, though:
You started another thread based on James O'Keefe?

You started another thread based on James O'Keefe?


Yep. You can go after his methods all you want, what you can't deny is the results. and even if he goes overboard from time to time, that's what investigative reporters are supposed to do, until most of them became democratic stooges.
Anatomy of a James O'Keefe video

Okeefe: Do you love America?
Response: It is the greatest country in the world

After editing the off camera question

Okeefe: Do you love North Korea?
Response: It is the greatest country in the world

Why conservatives continue trying to sell the garbage put out by this propagandist is beyond me
Anatomy of a James O'Keefe video

Okeefe: Do you love America?
Response: It is the greatest country in the world

After editing the off camera question

Okeefe: Do you love North Korea?
Response: It is the greatest country in the world

Why conservatives continue trying to sell the garbage put out by this propagandist is beyond me

So the woman in the Video IS NOT saying to go out, collect thrown out ballots, and cast them?
Conservative Provocateur Creates Fake LGBT Group To ‘Expose’ Voter Fraud

by Zack Ford Posted on October 21, 2014 at 9:13 am

James O’Keefe, perhaps best known as the undercover pimp who targeted the community organizing group ACORN, has once again been trying to target Democratic candidates with undercover schemes, this time in Colorado. Last week, he and two collaborators tried to bait field staffers working on the reelection campaign for Sen. Mark Udall (D-CO) into approving voter fraud using Colorado’s new vote-by-mail system.

This year will be the first time Colorado voters have the opportunity to vote in a general election by mail. All registered voters will receive a ballot in the mail that they simply fill out and return. On several occasions, O’Keefe and his collaborators approached Udall campaign staffers to suggest that they fill out these ballots for other people.

In one case, a man visited a Democratic field office in Boulder hoping to volunteer for the campaign. Identifying himself with an LGBT activist student group called Rocky Mountain Vote Pride, the individual suggested that he could fill out mail-in ballots for other college students who had moved away but still received mail on campus. Though he was turned away, he came back another time, bringing along a friend he introduced as a “civics professor” from the University of Colorado-Boulder who also served as the faculty adviser for Rocky Mountain Vote Pride. Staffers later confirmed that the “professor” was, in fact, O’Keefe himself, matching his appearance to a photo O’Keefe tweeted of himself in disguise as a “45 yo” with a mustache.

Rocky Mountain Vote Pride does not seem to be a real group. It has a basic website and Facebook page, neither of which contains any contact information. The website suggests it’s a student group dedicated to advancing “voter participation and equality in America,” listing some basic polling on marriage equality, without citation.

O’Keefe’s Project Veritas would not confirm to Mother Jones any “operations in Colorado,” but spokesman Stephen Gordon said to “watch for our upcoming videos.”

Recently, O’Keefe tried to expose Sen. Mark Pryor (D-AR) as secretly supporting same-sex marriage — he’s one of the only Democrats in the Senate who doesn’t. In 2010, O’Keefe and his mentor applied for same-sex marriage licenses in Massachusetts, telling clerks they were straight and just wanted insurance coverage, seemingly just to prove that they could.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao::lmao: :lmao:
Anatomy of a James O'Keefe video

Okeefe: Do you love America?
Response: It is the greatest country in the world

After editing the off camera question

Okeefe: Do you love North Korea?
Response: It is the greatest country in the world

Why conservatives continue trying to sell the garbage put out by this propagandist is beyond me

So the woman in the Video IS NOT saying to go out, collect thrown out ballots, and cast them?

Its an O'Keefe video

We have no assurance what was said and what was asked and what he edited out

I'm not even going to watch it. I feel like I need a shower after watching one of his videos
Conservative Provocateur Creates Fake LGBT Group To ‘Expose’ Voter Fraud

by Zack Ford Posted on October 21, 2014 at 9:13 am

James O’Keefe, perhaps best known as the undercover pimp who targeted the community organizing group ACORN, has once again been trying to target Democratic candidates with undercover schemes, this time in Colorado. Last week, he and two collaborators tried to bait field staffers working on the reelection campaign for Sen. Mark Udall (D-CO) into approving voter fraud using Colorado’s new vote-by-mail system.

This year will be the first time Colorado voters have the opportunity to vote in a general election by mail. All registered voters will receive a ballot in the mail that they simply fill out and return. On several occasions, O’Keefe and his collaborators approached Udall campaign staffers to suggest that they fill out these ballots for other people.

In one case, a man visited a Democratic field office in Boulder hoping to volunteer for the campaign. Identifying himself with an LGBT activist student group called Rocky Mountain Vote Pride, the individual suggested that he could fill out mail-in ballots for other college students who had moved away but still received mail on campus. Though he was turned away, he came back another time, bringing along a friend he introduced as a “civics professor” from the University of Colorado-Boulder who also served as the faculty adviser for Rocky Mountain Vote Pride. Staffers later confirmed that the “professor” was, in fact, O’Keefe himself, matching his appearance to a photo O’Keefe tweeted of himself in disguise as a “45 yo” with a mustache.

Rocky Mountain Vote Pride does not seem to be a real group. It has a basic website and Facebook page, neither of which contains any contact information. The website suggests it’s a student group dedicated to advancing “voter participation and equality in America,” listing some basic polling on marriage equality, without citation.

O’Keefe’s Project Veritas would not confirm to Mother Jones any “operations in Colorado,” but spokesman Stephen Gordon said to “watch for our upcoming videos.”

Recently, O’Keefe tried to expose Sen. Mark Pryor (D-AR) as secretly supporting same-sex marriage — he’s one of the only Democrats in the Senate who doesn’t. In 2010, O’Keefe and his mentor applied for same-sex marriage licenses in Massachusetts, telling clerks they were straight and just wanted insurance coverage, seemingly just to prove that they could.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao::lmao: :lmao:

Its called investigative reporting, and kudos to the people that turned him away (or at least recognized him). However that doesn't answer the question about the people that DID say it was OK to go out, collect unused ballots and cast them.
Anatomy of a James O'Keefe video

Okeefe: Do you love America?
Response: It is the greatest country in the world

After editing the off camera question

Okeefe: Do you love North Korea?
Response: It is the greatest country in the world

Why conservatives continue trying to sell the garbage put out by this propagandist is beyond me

So the woman in the Video IS NOT saying to go out, collect thrown out ballots, and cast them?

Its an O'Keefe video

We have no assurance what was said and what was asked and what he edited out

I'm not even going to watch it. I feel like I need a shower after watching one of his videos

Truth hurts, doesn't it?
Well on his way to being an habitual criminal and a favorite of low information RWs.

Fake Voter Fraud Filmmaker James O’Keefe Says He Faces Grand Jury Subpoena

by Josh Israel Posted on May 7, 2012 at 3:28 pm Updated: May 7, 2012 at 1:12 pm

James O'Keefe

In January, conservative filmmaker James O’Keefe released a video featuring individuals apparently committing voter fraud during the New Hampshire primary. Rather than attempting to document authentic cases of voter impersonation — a virtually non-existent problem — O’Keefe enlisted activists to commit the crime to demonstrate how easy it is to do so. This self-appointed sting operation, unsurprisingly, may itself have violated state laws.
ThinkProgress reported that Manchester Mayor Ted Gatsas (R) and Nashua City Clerk Paul Bergeron were both calling for the arrest and prosecution of those involved with the video. Their actions, according to Bergeron, likely constituted Class B felony wiretapping and possibly election fraud. Gov. John Lynch (D) called the videos “outrageous” and endorsed an investigation of whether any crimes were committeed.

Yesterday, O’Keefe revealed that he had cancelled plans to travel to New Hampshire upon learn learning he would be hit with a grand jury subpoena if he did. Speaking, by video, to a local Republican Party fundraiser, he claimed “I’ve been advised that if I appear physically in New Hampshire, I will be hit with a grand jury subpoena,” and expressed defiance. Pledging to continue to employ these controversial — and likely illegal — tactics, O’Keefe said:

I think it’s unfortunate that we live in a country these days where public officials threaten journalists — threaten to put journalists in jail for exposing facts legally. They’ve threatened to do this to me for some time, but we’re not going to stop.

Clearly, the 27-year old has not learned any lesson from previous legal hot water: in 2010, he was sentenced to pay a fine, serve three years of probation, and do 100 hours of community service after pleading guilty to federal charges stemming from a failed stunt at the offices of Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA).
Well on his way to being an habitual criminal and a favorite of low information RWs.

Fake Voter Fraud Filmmaker James O’Keefe Says He Faces Grand Jury Subpoena

by Josh Israel Posted on May 7, 2012 at 3:28 pm Updated: May 7, 2012 at 1:12 pm

James O'Keefe

In January, conservative filmmaker James O’Keefe released a video featuring individuals apparently committing voter fraud during the New Hampshire primary. Rather than attempting to document authentic cases of voter impersonation — a virtually non-existent problem — O’Keefe enlisted activists to commit the crime to demonstrate how easy it is to do so. This self-appointed sting operation, unsurprisingly, may itself have violated state laws.
ThinkProgress reported that Manchester Mayor Ted Gatsas (R) and Nashua City Clerk Paul Bergeron were both calling for the arrest and prosecution of those involved with the video. Their actions, according to Bergeron, likely constituted Class B felony wiretapping and possibly election fraud. Gov. John Lynch (D) called the videos “outrageous” and endorsed an investigation of whether any crimes were committeed.

Yesterday, O’Keefe revealed that he had cancelled plans to travel to New Hampshire upon learn learning he would be hit with a grand jury subpoena if he did. Speaking, by video, to a local Republican Party fundraiser, he claimed “I’ve been advised that if I appear physically in New Hampshire, I will be hit with a grand jury subpoena,” and expressed defiance. Pledging to continue to employ these controversial — and likely illegal — tactics, O’Keefe said:

I think it’s unfortunate that we live in a country these days where public officials threaten journalists — threaten to put journalists in jail for exposing facts legally. They’ve threatened to do this to me for some time, but we’re not going to stop.

Clearly, the 27-year old has not learned any lesson from previous legal hot water: in 2010, he was sentenced to pay a fine, serve three years of probation, and do 100 hours of community service after pleading guilty to federal charges stemming from a failed stunt at the offices of Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA).

Again, investigative reporting. You are only butthurt because it makes your side look bad.

If he was trying to out Republican malfeasance, you would be singing his praises.
Anatomy of a James O'Keefe video

Okeefe: Do you love America?
Response: It is the greatest country in the world

After editing the off camera question

Okeefe: Do you love North Korea?
Response: It is the greatest country in the world

Why conservatives continue trying to sell the garbage put out by this propagandist is beyond me

So the woman in the Video IS NOT saying to go out, collect thrown out ballots, and cast them?

Its an O'Keefe video

We have no assurance what was said and what was asked and what he edited out

I'm not even going to watch it. I feel like I need a shower after watching one of his videos

Truth hurts, doesn't it?

Let me know when O'Keefe actually tells the truth
Anatomy of a James O'Keefe video

Okeefe: Do you love America?
Response: It is the greatest country in the world

After editing the off camera question

Okeefe: Do you love North Korea?
Response: It is the greatest country in the world

Why conservatives continue trying to sell the garbage put out by this propagandist is beyond me

So the woman in the Video IS NOT saying to go out, collect thrown out ballots, and cast them?

Its an O'Keefe video

We have no assurance what was said and what was asked and what he edited out

I'm not even going to watch it. I feel like I need a shower after watching one of his videos

Truth hurts, doesn't it?

Let me know when O'Keefe actually tells the truth

So the woman in the video did NOT discuss casting unused mail votes?
James O'Keefe's same-sex marriage stunt

Filed By Alex Blaze | February 04, 2010 1:00 PM | 0 comments

Surprise surprise, the guy who hated ACORN so much he went and asked them for financial advice and then doctored the video to make them look bad doesn't like gays all that much either. Here's another one of his "busts" where he and a male friend went around asking for marriage licenses in Massachusetts, saying that they were only doing it for the insurance, and they still got licenses! (Warning: This video is mind-numbingly stupid. It's also only around 5 minutes long, not 10 like YouTube says.)

What kind of society doesn't have you prove your love to your partner in front of a skeptical bureaucrat to get married? And obviously this isn't a problem with opposite marriage, since everyone knows that there's magic faerie dust around heterosexual marriage prevents people from doing it for any reason other than love or getting knocked up.

This top secret investigation from O'Keefe that found that county clerks don't have to attest to couples' never-ending love in order to hand out a marriage license to two consenting adults may be on to something. Turns out there are an awful lot of straight couples who get married for the same reason O'Keefe made up: insurance coverage.

Some people marry for love, some for companionship, and others for status or money. Now comes another reason to get hitched: health insurance.

In a poll released today, 7% of Americans said they or someone in their household decided to marry in the last year so they could get healthcare benefits via their spouse.

That's a big percentage of marriages, since it says "in the last year." Although I would think that the lesson to be learned here is that America's health care system is so terrible that people have to make bad decisions about relationships and form contracts that are hard to break just to get access to life-or-death treatment.

O'Keefe was in the news recently because he attempted to tap a Senator's office phone and will probably be doing some time in prison. He'll be a wingnut hero for years to come, though, since he has the right mix of moxie, arrogance, and cluelessness lots of young Republicans love.

Read more at http://www.bilerico.com/2010/02/james_okeefes_same-sex_marriage_stunt.php#lEuc1QbgtDRQYtd3.99
James O'Keefe's same-sex marriage stunt

Filed By Alex Blaze | February 04, 2010 1:00 PM | 0 comments

Surprise surprise, the guy who hated ACORN so much he went and asked them for financial advice and then doctored the video to make them look bad doesn't like gays all that much either. Here's another one of his "busts" where he and a male friend went around asking for marriage licenses in Massachusetts, saying that they were only doing it for the insurance, and they still got licenses! (Warning: This video is mind-numbingly stupid. It's also only around 5 minutes long, not 10 like YouTube says.)

What kind of society doesn't have you prove your love to your partner in front of a skeptical bureaucrat to get married? And obviously this isn't a problem with opposite marriage, since everyone knows that there's magic faerie dust around heterosexual marriage prevents people from doing it for any reason other than love or getting knocked up.

This top secret investigation from O'Keefe that found that county clerks don't have to attest to couples' never-ending love in order to hand out a marriage license to two consenting adults may be on to something. Turns out there are an awful lot of straight couples who get married for the same reason O'Keefe made up: insurance coverage.

Some people marry for love, some for companionship, and others for status or money. Now comes another reason to get hitched: health insurance.

In a poll released today, 7% of Americans said they or someone in their household decided to marry in the last year so they could get healthcare benefits via their spouse.

That's a big percentage of marriages, since it says "in the last year." Although I would think that the lesson to be learned here is that America's health care system is so terrible that people have to make bad decisions about relationships and form contracts that are hard to break just to get access to life-or-death treatment.

O'Keefe was in the news recently because he attempted to tap a Senator's office phone and will probably be doing some time in prison. He'll be a wingnut hero for years to come, though, since he has the right mix of moxie, arrogance, and cluelessness lots of young Republicans love.

Read more at http://www.bilerico.com/2010/02/james_okeefes_same-sex_marriage_stunt.php#lEuc1QbgtDRQYtd3.99

Another post where your issue isn't about the "what" but the "why"

and we all know that you oppose his positions when it comes to the "why", so your angst is basically political hack crankyness.

I just love how this guy pisses you off, using investigative techniques taken from your old playbooks.
Looks like some people think unused mail in ballots really need to be sent in, even if you are not the person it was sent to.

New James O 8217 Keefe video Lefty organizers in Colorado wouldn 8217 t support voter fraud on Mark Udall 8217 s behalf would they Hot Air

Watch for the part of the clip where one organizer advises O’Keefe and crew to visit “ghetto Aurora” if they’re looking for discarded mail-in ballots to collect and cast illegally on behalf of their owners. Lots of black and Latino voters there simply throw their ballots away, she assures him; you’ll find a nice haul of blank ones if you’re willing to pick through a little trash.

Did you know, incidentally, that some lefties there recognized him and realized they were being stung? Not all did, as you’ll soon see in gory detail, but a few. (O’Keefe himself mentions it later in the video.) Some progressive groups were sufficiently nervous about what might turn up in this clip that they went running to Mother Jones this past weekend to note that not all of them condone voter fraud, with MJ claiming at least two instances where organizers rejected Team O’Keefe’s proposals for some sort of illegal shenanigans. Here’s my favorite part, though:

O'Keefe is a known liar.

UPDATED The Lies Of James O Keefe Research Media Matters for America

You of course choose to believe the lies.


You would rather believe the lies.
Looks like some people think unused mail in ballots really need to be sent in, even if you are not the person it was sent to.

New James O 8217 Keefe video Lefty organizers in Colorado wouldn 8217 t support voter fraud on Mark Udall 8217 s behalf would they Hot Air

Watch for the part of the clip where one organizer advises O’Keefe and crew to visit “ghetto Aurora” if they’re looking for discarded mail-in ballots to collect and cast illegally on behalf of their owners. Lots of black and Latino voters there simply throw their ballots away, she assures him; you’ll find a nice haul of blank ones if you’re willing to pick through a little trash.

Did you know, incidentally, that some lefties there recognized him and realized they were being stung? Not all did, as you’ll soon see in gory detail, but a few. (O’Keefe himself mentions it later in the video.) Some progressive groups were sufficiently nervous about what might turn up in this clip that they went running to Mother Jones this past weekend to note that not all of them condone voter fraud, with MJ claiming at least two instances where organizers rejected Team O’Keefe’s proposals for some sort of illegal shenanigans. Here’s my favorite part, though:

O'Keefe is a known liar.

UPDATED The Lies Of James O Keefe Research Media Matters for America

You of course choose to believe the lies.


You would rather believe the lies.

You use the term liar and mediamatters in the same sentence? LOL.

He is going undercover as an investigative reporter. the use of a cover implies a level of falsehood. The videos speak for themselves.

And your side bitching about video/audio or any editing is laughable on its face. Remember the Zimmerman 911 tape?

Face it, you cant attack the base of his results, so you go after the methods. Its sad and pathetic.
I am not sure how anyone can believe O'Keefe at this point. I don't a crap what side of the aisle you reside on but his videos are edited and doctored in a way to fit his narrative and the narrative of his supporters. I would take everything he reports on with a very small grain of salt.
I am not sure how anyone can believe O'Keefe at this point. I don't a crap what side of the aisle you reside on but his videos are edited and doctored in a way to fit his narrative and the narrative of his supporters. I would take everything he reports on with a very small grain of salt.

Everyone does that, why do you hold O'Keefe to a higher set of standards? Again, when people complain about his "lying" they refer to his methods, not the content. When they refer to his editing, they don't show complete disproving of what he is recording, they try to to "explain" what is actually happening.

Investigative reporting such as this is messy, ugly, and is needed. If only our mainstream media would do its job.

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