James Hansen: "Bernie Sanders needs to retire"... He's killing people with his climate plan


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
Just freaking WOW... Hansen is about to retire and sanity may be coming back...

“It’s time for Bernie Sanders to retire,” Hansen responded in an email. “He truly doesn’t get it. India and China have no prayer of phasing out coal without the help of nuclear power. We burned much of their share of the global carbon budget, and yet we refused to help them with modern nuclear power. Thousands of people PER DAY are dying in India from the pollution…. Not only is he killing people in India, he is screwing my grandchildren,” Hansen wrote.

Climate Leader James Hansen: “It’s time for Bernie Sanders to retire”
Hansen is clearly coming out in favor of Nuclear Energy.. Time for it to make a huge comeback in the US.. Kill those damn windmills and solar panels that create so much waste and are useless..
Funnier Still....

Every single democrat is pushing Bernie and AOC's plan... The Green New Deal... Now even they are to far left for most democrats..

The left is now eating their own..
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