It's time to part ways


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Here is the reality of the political landscape in America today: the left has slid further and further left on the political scale and now the majority of the party is ruled by hard line radical communists/marxists/socialists/fascists, complete with all of the propaganda that ideology is known for. They are the parasite class that believes they are entitled to at least 50% of everything else other people have, and they will take it by force (well, they will try anyway :lol:).

About 50 years ago, the golden boy of their party - John F. Kennedy - said two profound things. The first was that the only way to recover from a struggling economy was to cut taxes. The second, and more famous, was "Ask not, what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country". Today, anyone expressing that is viciously attacked by the idiot liberal dumbocrat as a "radical wing nut". That's how far off the sanity wagon their party has fallen.

So every day, America wakes up and butts heads with a radical ideology which is heavily uneducated and which is unwilling to work. And each day that is causing America to slip further into collapse. It's time that we end the war, part ways in a friendly manner, and allow them to incorporate their failed ideology (which will ultimately end in poverty for them like it has for Cuba and every other nation). Split the nation - 25 states each. Then we can continue the conservative constitutional path that created the greatest nation and earth and continue to thrive. There is no reason we should let their ignorance and failures drag us down.
If the "conservative" states were to form their own country, it would be a theocracy with an even wider gap between rich and poor compared to what we have now.

The new liberal country would likely be an inefficient socialist state, abundent with useless regulations and red tape, but it would still have a higher standard of living compared to conservative America.
Well shit let them do so but let us libertarians have a few states...I will take parts of the south say. Georgia,the carolinas and the virginias

Or maybe Montana,Wyoming and Idaho... maybe New Hampshire,Vermont and Maine...hell all works for me.
Well shit let them do so but let us libertarians have a few states...I will take parts of the south say. Georgia,the carolinas and the virginias

Or maybe Montana,Wyoming and Idaho... maybe New Hampshire,Vermont and Maine...hell all works for me.

You'll take no part of Vermont. You'll get your ass kicked back to Alabama before you even get to Gettysburg (Just like last time).
25 states each? Not the worst idea. Dems get all the major univ and research centers cause the Repugs don't seem to care much for those left wing pursuits. Repubs can have Miss. and Texas, cause who would want that much polution and stupidity except Repubs. Dems get all the coast states cause they are already there. Along with the gays. Repubs get GA, SC NC, TN and ALABAMA. Dems get all New England. etc etc. Repubs can have KY cause thats where the Creation Museum (a shrine) is and Dems get Ohio (cause that's where I live and I don't want to move). Split FL 50/50 on a rotating basis (N/S) so everybody could go on vacation. Repubs get AZ. Dems get IL. We could work it out.

With proper paperwork, each party could drive through the others state, without fear of imprisonment.

Truckers would have to be Independents or swing both ways.

Yea, it could be a good split.
Here is the reality of the political landscape in America today: the left has slid further and further left on the political scale and now the majority of the party is ruled by hard line radical communists/marxists/socialists/fascists, complete with all of the propaganda that ideology is known for. They are the parasite class that believes they are entitled to at least 50% of everything else other people have, and they will take it by force (well, they will try anyway :lol:).

About 50 years ago, the golden boy of their party - John F. Kennedy - said two profound things. The first was that the only way to recover from a struggling economy was to cut taxes. The second, and more famous, was "Ask not, what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country". Today, anyone expressing that is viciously attacked by the idiot liberal dumbocrat as a "radical wing nut". That's how far off the sanity wagon their party has fallen.

So every day, America wakes up and butts heads with a radical ideology which is heavily uneducated and which is unwilling to work. And each day that is causing America to slip further into collapse. It's time that we end the war, part ways in a friendly manner, and allow them to incorporate their failed ideology (which will ultimately end in poverty for them like it has for Cuba and every other nation). Split the nation - 25 states each. Then we can continue the conservative constitutional path that created the greatest nation and earth and continue to thrive. There is no reason we should let their ignorance and failures drag us down.
Cya. Don't let the door hit you on your way out.
Here is the reality of the political landscape in America today: the left has slid further and further left on the political scale and now the majority of the party is ruled by hard line radical communists/marxists/socialists/fascists, complete with all of the propaganda that ideology is known for. They are the parasite class that believes they are entitled to at least 50% of everything else other people have, and they will take it by force (well, they will try anyway :lol:).

About 50 years ago, the golden boy of their party - John F. Kennedy - said two profound things. The first was that the only way to recover from a struggling economy was to cut taxes. The second, and more famous, was "Ask not, what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country". Today, anyone expressing that is viciously attacked by the idiot liberal dumbocrat as a "radical wing nut". That's how far off the sanity wagon their party has fallen.

So every day, America wakes up and butts heads with a radical ideology which is heavily uneducated and which is unwilling to work. And each day that is causing America to slip further into collapse. It's time that we end the war, part ways in a friendly manner, and allow them to incorporate their failed ideology (which will ultimately end in poverty for them like it has for Cuba and every other nation). Split the nation - 25 states each. Then we can continue the conservative constitutional path that created the greatest nation and earth and continue to thrive. There is no reason we should let their ignorance and failures drag us down.
Shouldn't we at least give "couples therapy" a chance to work?
I think the heavy lifting on this project has already been done...
Make the split of 49 states. I think Alaska should declare independence and shake off the oppressive yoke of the EPA and the greenies. China and Japan will pay top dollar for our resources.
California stays with us, you get Texas.

Oh, and you better take Wisconsin to, in case the jews come over and need a place to stay. If they get grumpy, tell'em, "We're sorry, the mormon's already got Utah!"
25 states each? Not the worst idea. Dems get all the major univ and research centers cause the Repugs don't seem to care much for those left wing pursuits. Repubs can have Miss. and Texas, cause who would want that much polution and stupidity except Repubs. Dems get all the coast states cause they are already there. Along with the gays. Repubs get GA, SC NC, TN and ALABAMA. Dems get all New England. etc etc. Repubs can have KY cause thats where the Creation Museum (a shrine) is and Dems get Ohio (cause that's where I live and I don't want to move). Split FL 50/50 on a rotating basis (N/S) so everybody could go on vacation. Repubs get AZ. Dems get IL. We could work it out.

With proper paperwork, each party could drive through the others state, without fear of imprisonment.

Truckers would have to be Independents or swing both ways.

Yea, it could be a good split.
Wow, you say dems get all the coast states, then list a states the pubs can have that are coastal states.
Is your knowledge about universities as weak as you knowledge about geography?
Kerry on.
...the left has slid further and further left on the political scale and now the majority of the party is ruled by hard line radical communists/marxists/socialists/fascists...

LOL – ‘communists’ and ‘fascists,’ that’s quite an ideological trick!

Split the nation - 25 states each.
This was already proposed by one of your fellow rightist cowards – it was idiotic then, and it’s still idiotic.

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