It's time republicans faced the truth the rest of us know

Both sides ae not the problem.

The first time I ever saw racism in my life, I remember clearly.....
This nasty ass black girl with a fro in 5th or 6th grade wanted to kick my arse (in the 3rd grade), ONLY because of my skin color.
had never had any interaction with her. Just a nasty, ignorant racist bitch......same as IM2, in fact it might be her for al lI know.

News flash homo....
You're no different than the white supremacists you bitch about constantly.
You and them....ONE AND THE SAME......different sides.
Deal with it.
I grew up in Detroit surrounded by blacks. Most were fine, but I did regularly run into racist assholes like IM2. They have always disgusted me.
It's time republicans faced the truth the rest of us know
No more tall tales about the republican party of the 1860's. Blacks are not republicans because of what the party is now.

So the point of your stupid OP is that somehow, all republicans are dimwits unaware of things obvious to everyone else, and that at one time most blacks were republicans but left the party due to unspecified changes? Boy! Every time I think dumb has hit a new low, you redefine the meaning of "stupid."
Racists of any color are always dumb.
Both sides ae not the problem.
Yeah, that's what the other side is telling me, too. See post 29.

There will be people who will be involved in the healing process, and there will be people who won't be.

If it ever happens, that is.

As much as picking at the scabs helps the healing process. It will offer an opening for the pus to evacuate. You know pus being an accumulation of dead white blood cells and bacteria.
Since No One Can Ever Fix Even The Slightest Thing
To IM2's Satisfaction
Maybe It's Time To Tell The IM2s Of America
"Fuck You And Your Problems"

The IM2s Have Yet To Explain
Why Anyone Else
Should Give Even One Flat Damn About IM2
Last edited:
No more tall tales about the republican party of the 1860's. Blacks are not republicans because of what the party is now.

Poll: One year after Charlottesville, majority of Americans see racial tensions on the rise
By Anthony Salvanto CBS News August 12, 2018, 10:30 AM

Today, 58 percent of Americans disapprove of Mr. Trump's handling of race relations and racial issues, but these views – like many others on the president – are dramatically split by partisanship and by race.


Eighty-two percent of blacks disapprove and 73 percent of Hispanics disapprove. Whites are evenly split (49 percent approve, 51 percent disapprove) and views among them fall along party lines.

Overall, 83 percent of Republicans approve of the president's handling of racial issues, including 44 percent who strongly approve. And 90 percent of Democrats disapprove, including 80 percent who strongly disapprove.


Poll: One year after Charlottesville, majority of Americans see racial tensions on the rise

So what we see here is republicans agree with Trumps racism. Basically that's what this says. And yet while they do this we continue reading how the democratic party, the party where 90 percent do not approve of how Trump is handling race, is the racist party.

Or it could be that propaganda works.

You want to point to a racist policy? Or is seriously discussing policy less fun for you than just calling people names?

What about gerrymandering blacks so they are being under represented?

What about voting tactics designed to suppress poor voters? And it just so happens a lot of poor people are black. We know
gipper said:
I grew up in Detroit surrounded by blacks. Most were fine, but I did regularly run into racist assholes like IM2. They have always disgusted me.
And You're Lucky None Of Them Killed You For The Sake Of Watching You Die
Unless, Of Course
You Were There To Buy Drugs From Bic Mac Daddy
Then You Were A Necessary Part Of Their System
No more tall tales about the republican party of the 1860's. Blacks are not republicans because of what the party is now.

Poll: One year after Charlottesville, majority of Americans see racial tensions on the rise
By Anthony Salvanto CBS News August 12, 2018, 10:30 AM

Today, 58 percent of Americans disapprove of Mr. Trump's handling of race relations and racial issues, but these views – like many others on the president – are dramatically split by partisanship and by race.


Eighty-two percent of blacks disapprove and 73 percent of Hispanics disapprove. Whites are evenly split (49 percent approve, 51 percent disapprove) and views among them fall along party lines.

Overall, 83 percent of Republicans approve of the president's handling of racial issues, including 44 percent who strongly approve. And 90 percent of Democrats disapprove, including 80 percent who strongly disapprove.


Poll: One year after Charlottesville, majority of Americans see racial tensions on the rise

So what we see here is republicans agree with Trumps racism. Basically that's what this says. And yet while they do this we continue reading how the democratic party, the party where 90 percent do not approve of how Trump is handling race, is the racist party.

Or it could be that propaganda works.

You want to point to a racist policy? Or is seriously discussing policy less fun for you than just calling people names?

What about gerrymandering blacks so they are being under represented?

What about voting tactics designed to suppress poor voters? And it just so happens a lot of poor people are black. We know
What about taking the vote away from 2nd generation lazy asses of all races?
Indeependent said:
What about taking the vote away from 2nd generation lazy asses of all races?
I'm All FOR Taking The Vote Away
From Those On Any State Or Federal Assistance
Until They Come Off It

And Since Numerically
That Would Affect More Whites Than Anyone Else
It Couldn't Possibly Be A Racist Ploy Against The Minority Vote
No more tall tales about the republican party of the 1860's. Blacks are not republicans because of what the party is now.

Poll: One year after Charlottesville, majority of Americans see racial tensions on the rise
By Anthony Salvanto CBS News August 12, 2018, 10:30 AM

Today, 58 percent of Americans disapprove of Mr. Trump's handling of race relations and racial issues, but these views – like many others on the president – are dramatically split by partisanship and by race.


Eighty-two percent of blacks disapprove and 73 percent of Hispanics disapprove. Whites are evenly split (49 percent approve, 51 percent disapprove) and views among them fall along party lines.

Overall, 83 percent of Republicans approve of the president's handling of racial issues, including 44 percent who strongly approve. And 90 percent of Democrats disapprove, including 80 percent who strongly disapprove.


Poll: One year after Charlottesville, majority of Americans see racial tensions on the rise

So what we see here is republicans agree with Trumps racism. Basically that's what this says. And yet while they do this we continue reading how the democratic party, the party where 90 percent do not approve of how Trump is handling race, is the racist party.

Or it could be that propaganda works.

You want to point to a racist policy? Or is seriously discussing policy less fun for you than just calling people names?

What about gerrymandering blacks so they are being under represented?

What about voting tactics designed to suppress poor voters? And it just so happens a lot of poor people are black. We know
WTF are you babbling about?
They all get CNN for free.
Look at all these butthurt republicans. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
No more tall tales about the republican party of the 1860's. Blacks are not republicans because of what the party is now.

Poll: One year after Charlottesville, majority of Americans see racial tensions on the rise
By Anthony Salvanto CBS News August 12, 2018, 10:30 AM

Today, 58 percent of Americans disapprove of Mr. Trump's handling of race relations and racial issues, but these views – like many others on the president – are dramatically split by partisanship and by race.


Eighty-two percent of blacks disapprove and 73 percent of Hispanics disapprove. Whites are evenly split (49 percent approve, 51 percent disapprove) and views among them fall along party lines.

Overall, 83 percent of Republicans approve of the president's handling of racial issues, including 44 percent who strongly approve. And 90 percent of Democrats disapprove, including 80 percent who strongly disapprove.


Poll: One year after Charlottesville, majority of Americans see racial tensions on the rise

So what we see here is republicans agree with Trumps racism. Basically that's what this says. And yet while they do this we continue reading how the democratic party, the party where 90 percent do not approve of how Trump is handling race, is the racist party.

Or it could be that propaganda works.

You want to point to a racist policy? Or is seriously discussing policy less fun for you than just calling people names?

What about gerrymandering blacks so they are being under represented?

What about voting tactics designed to suppress poor voters? And it just so happens a lot of poor people are black. We know

1. never heard of THAT being done. I've heard of a lot of gerrymandering to be done to on partisan grounds or to ensure black majority districts to ensure black reps. But not racially targeted.

2. Sounds like bullshit. There are more poor whites in this country than poor blacks. And we get a lot of their votes, for obvious reasons.

3. Seriously, that is some weak ass shit.
No more tall tales about the republican party of the 1860's. Blacks are not republicans because of what the party is now.

Poll: One year after Charlottesville, majority of Americans see racial tensions on the rise
By Anthony Salvanto CBS News August 12, 2018, 10:30 AM

Today, 58 percent of Americans disapprove of Mr. Trump's handling of race relations and racial issues, but these views – like many others on the president – are dramatically split by partisanship and by race.


Eighty-two percent of blacks disapprove and 73 percent of Hispanics disapprove. Whites are evenly split (49 percent approve, 51 percent disapprove) and views among them fall along party lines.

Overall, 83 percent of Republicans approve of the president's handling of racial issues, including 44 percent who strongly approve. And 90 percent of Democrats disapprove, including 80 percent who strongly disapprove.


Poll: One year after Charlottesville, majority of Americans see racial tensions on the rise

So what we see here is republicans agree with Trumps racism. Basically that's what this says. And yet while they do this we continue reading how the democratic party, the party where 90 percent do not approve of how Trump is handling race, is the racist party.

Or it could be that propaganda works.

You want to point to a racist policy? Or is seriously discussing policy less fun for you than just calling people names?

What about gerrymandering blacks so they are being under represented?

What about voting tactics designed to suppress poor voters? And it just so happens a lot of poor people are black. We know
WTF are you babbling about?
They all get CNN for free.
CNN is a cable channel. Not free
Our racial issues won't heal unless and until both ends can stop screaming, look in the mirror, and clean their own house first.

If you'll forgive the mixed metaphor.

Course those on mountaintops in Switzerland are perfect. Just ask them.
No more tall tales about the republican party of the 1860's. Blacks are not republicans because of what the party is now.

Poll: One year after Charlottesville, majority of Americans see racial tensions on the rise
By Anthony Salvanto CBS News August 12, 2018, 10:30 AM

Today, 58 percent of Americans disapprove of Mr. Trump's handling of race relations and racial issues, but these views – like many others on the president – are dramatically split by partisanship and by race.


Eighty-two percent of blacks disapprove and 73 percent of Hispanics disapprove. Whites are evenly split (49 percent approve, 51 percent disapprove) and views among them fall along party lines.

Overall, 83 percent of Republicans approve of the president's handling of racial issues, including 44 percent who strongly approve. And 90 percent of Democrats disapprove, including 80 percent who strongly disapprove.


Poll: One year after Charlottesville, majority of Americans see racial tensions on the rise

So what we see here is republicans agree with Trumps racism. Basically that's what this says. And yet while they do this we continue reading how the democratic party, the party where 90 percent do not approve of how Trump is handling race, is the racist party.

Or it could be that propaganda works.

You want to point to a racist policy? Or is seriously discussing policy less fun for you than just calling people names?

What about gerrymandering blacks so they are being under represented?

What about voting tactics designed to suppress poor voters? And it just so happens a lot of poor people are black. We know
WTF are you babbling about?
They all get CNN for free.
CNN is a cable channel. Not free
They get it for free.
Yawn...another you're all racists thread

Another crying white person who doesn't mind creating threads where she can opine for days about how all blacks are violent, lazy people on welfare waiting for whitey to hand them everything, but can't take it when the mirror is held to her acist face.

Well here's a question for you. If you're comfortable saying "Whites owned slaves" without any caveat, knowing that it was only 2% of whites, are you then cool with me saying "Blacks are carjackers", knowing what percentage of the black population that is? Or would you want a caveat for that?

Fair is fair, after all.
Our racial issues won't heal unless and until both ends can stop screaming, look in the mirror, and clean their own house first.
Course those on mountaintops in Switzerland are perfect. Just ask them.
Did I say something that you feel is incorrect? If so, what, precisely?

'K we are talking about racial issues here, not political issues, so your typical hobby horse of Democrat/Republican doesn't work here. There's not "both sides" you can call out while you sit pristine on your mountain in Switzerland. I know that's probably a disappointment.
Yawn...another you're all racists thread

Another crying white person who doesn't mind creating threads where she can opine for days about how all blacks are violent, lazy people on welfare waiting for whitey to hand them everything, but can't take it when the mirror is held to her acist face.

Why don't you link a thread I started doing that ya lying POS.

If anyone is racist it's you. You live it, breath it and it consumes you. YOU are the problem
Our racial issues won't heal unless and until both ends can stop screaming, look in the mirror, and clean their own house first.
Course those on mountaintops in Switzerland are perfect. Just ask them.
Did I say something that you feel is incorrect? If so, what, precisely?

'K we are talking about racial issues here, not political issues, so your typical hobby horse of Democrat/Republican doesn't work here. There's not "both sides" you can call out while you sit pristine on your mountain in Switzerland. I know that's probably a disappointment.
Yes, we're talking about racial issues.

Are you saying that your side is doing nothing wrong, that it has no need to look in the mirror, that it has no need to clean its own house first?

Holy crap. Talk about "sitting pristine". Talk about being "perfect".

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