Its the beginning of the mass exodus of the truther movement.


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2018
Midwest the Heartland
YouTube’s Susan Wojcicki Talks About New Effort To Combat Conspiracy Theory Videos
Wojcicki said YouTube will begin to show information from third-party sources, including Wikipedia, to provide facts around widely accepted events, like the moon landing. For now, these “information cues” will appear next to videos that generate significant debate on the platform.

“Our goal is to start with a list of conspiracies around the internet where there’s a lot of active discussion,” Bloomberg quoted her as saying during the South by Southwest conference in Austin.

The announcement comes after YouTube pulled a video from noted Internet conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, who claimed that the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, was a “deep state false flag operation,” and that survivors who have emerged as vocal critics of the gun lobby were actors.

“We’re always exploring new ways to battle misinformation on YouTube,” said a spokesperson, adding, “These features will be rolling out in the coming months, but beyond that we don’t have any additional information to share at this time.”
We can only hope, but I sometimes think many people find conspiracy more interesting or believable than truth because truth is often difficult to accept for them. It is a personality or mind thing and there is not a lot you can do to convince them otherwise.

"I say it to you now, knowing full well that you will agree with me (that is, understand) only if you already agree with me." Stanley Fish

"I want to argue for something which is controversial, although I believe that it is also intuitive and commonsensical. My claim is this: Oliver [ average Right Winger] believes what he does because that is the kind of thinker he is or, to put it more bluntly, because there is something wrong with how he thinks. The problem with conspiracy theorists is not, as the US legal scholar Cass Sunstein argues, that they have little relevant information. The key to what they end up believing is how they interpret and respond to the vast quantities of relevant information at their disposal. I want to suggest that this is fundamentally a question of the way they are. Oliver isn’t mad (or at least, he needn’t be). Nevertheless, his beliefs about 9/11 are the result of the peculiarities of his intellectual constitution – in a word, of his intellectual character." The intellectual character of conspiracy theorists | Aeon Essays

The Problem With Facts

"The moment we no longer have a free press, anything can happen. What makes it possible for a totalitarian or any other dictatorship to rule is that people are not informed; how can you have an opinion if you are not informed? If everybody always lies to you, the consequence is not that you believe the lies, but rather that nobody believes anything any longer. This is because lies, by their very nature, have to be changed, and a lying government has constantly to rewrite its own history. On the receiving end you get not only one lie—a lie which you could go on for the rest of your days—but you get a great number of lies, depending on how the political wind blows. And a people that no longer can believe anything cannot make up its mind. It is deprived not only of its capacity to act but also of its capacity to think and to judge. And with such a people you can then do what you please." Hannah Arendt Hannah Arendt: From an Interview
I say leave it alone. If they start to censor and repress these things, it will only further fuel the conspiracy.
YouTube’s Susan Wojcicki Talks About New Effort To Combat Conspiracy Theory Videos
Wojcicki said YouTube will begin to show information from third-party sources, including Wikipedia, to provide facts around widely accepted events, like the moon landing. For now, these “information cues” will appear next to videos that generate significant debate on the platform.

“Our goal is to start with a list of conspiracies around the internet where there’s a lot of active discussion,” Bloomberg quoted her as saying during the South by Southwest conference in Austin.

The announcement comes after YouTube pulled a video from noted Internet conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, who claimed that the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, was a “deep state false flag operation,” and that survivors who have emerged as vocal critics of the gun lobby were actors.

“We’re always exploring new ways to battle misinformation on YouTube,” said a spokesperson, adding, “These features will be rolling out in the coming months, but beyond that we don’t have any additional information to share at this time.”

wikipedia is just as much of people that are conspiracy theorists as jones is the fact they support the official lie despite no evidence or facts to back it up,that bin laden and 19 muslims did 9/11/ talk about conspiracy theoriests.LOL
YouTube’s Susan Wojcicki Talks About New Effort To Combat Conspiracy Theory Videos
Wojcicki said YouTube will begin to show information from third-party sources, including Wikipedia, to provide facts around widely accepted events, like the moon landing. For now, these “information cues” will appear next to videos that generate significant debate on the platform.

“Our goal is to start with a list of conspiracies around the internet where there’s a lot of active discussion,” Bloomberg quoted her as saying during the South by Southwest conference in Austin.

The announcement comes after YouTube pulled a video from noted Internet conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, who claimed that the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, was a “deep state false flag operation,” and that survivors who have emerged as vocal critics of the gun lobby were actors.

“We’re always exploring new ways to battle misinformation on YouTube,” said a spokesperson, adding, “These features will be rolling out in the coming months, but beyond that we don’t have any additional information to share at this time.”

wikipedia is just as much of people that are conspiracy theorists as jones is the fact they support the official lie despite no evidence or facts to back it up,that bin laden and 19 muslims did 9/11/ talk about conspiracy theoriests.LOL
Love how reassuring and confident you are in trusting "official" sources thinking "they can never lie to me" When in fact, the government has been lying for a very long time, time and time again, yet you back to trusting them with no questions asked. Blind leading the blind. What a conspiracy theory is to you is not to others. You are in no way official in anything you think, just opinions. not backed by any facts. The Main Stream media is not facts, what the government tells us is not facts. You cannot prove anything yourself. They told us they tossed Bin Laden body in the sea. Oh really where you there? They said a plane can bring down a Skyscraper and make it turn to small white dust, do you know how that can be accomplished?
YouTube’s Susan Wojcicki Talks About New Effort To Combat Conspiracy Theory Videos
Wojcicki said YouTube will begin to show information from third-party sources, including Wikipedia, to provide facts around widely accepted events, like the moon landing. For now, these “information cues” will appear next to videos that generate significant debate on the platform.

“Our goal is to start with a list of conspiracies around the internet where there’s a lot of active discussion,” Bloomberg quoted her as saying during the South by Southwest conference in Austin.

The announcement comes after YouTube pulled a video from noted Internet conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, who claimed that the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, was a “deep state false flag operation,” and that survivors who have emerged as vocal critics of the gun lobby were actors.

“We’re always exploring new ways to battle misinformation on YouTube,” said a spokesperson, adding, “These features will be rolling out in the coming months, but beyond that we don’t have any additional information to share at this time.”

wikipedia is just as much of people that are conspiracy theorists as jones is the fact they support the official lie despite no evidence or facts to back it up,that bin laden and 19 muslims did 9/11/ talk about conspiracy theoriests.LOL
Love how reassuring and confident you are in trusting "official" sources thinking "they can never lie to me" When in fact, the government has been lying for a very long time, time and time again, yet you back to trusting them with no questions asked. Blind leading the blind. What a conspiracy theory is to you is not to others. You are in no way official in anything you think, just opinions. not backed by any facts. The Main Stream media is not facts, what the government tells us is not facts. You cannot prove anything yourself. They told us they tossed Bin Laden body in the sea. Oh really where you there? They said a plane can bring down a Skyscraper and make it turn to small white dust, do you know how that can be accomplished?

this post must have been directed at government paid shill sayit,because everybody here that knows me,knows i never listen to a word of the CIA controlled media which wikipedia is part of.LOL
YouTube’s Susan Wojcicki Talks About New Effort To Combat Conspiracy Theory Videos
Wojcicki said YouTube will begin to show information from third-party sources, including Wikipedia, to provide facts around widely accepted events, like the moon landing. For now, these “information cues” will appear next to videos that generate significant debate on the platform.

“Our goal is to start with a list of conspiracies around the internet where there’s a lot of active discussion,” Bloomberg quoted her as saying during the South by Southwest conference in Austin.

The announcement comes after YouTube pulled a video from noted Internet conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, who claimed that the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, was a “deep state false flag operation,” and that survivors who have emerged as vocal critics of the gun lobby were actors.

“We’re always exploring new ways to battle misinformation on YouTube,” said a spokesperson, adding, “These features will be rolling out in the coming months, but beyond that we don’t have any additional information to share at this time.”

wikipedia is just as much of people that are conspiracy theorists as jones is the fact they support the official lie despite no evidence or facts to back it up,that bin laden and 19 muslims did 9/11/ talk about conspiracy theoriests.LOL
Love how reassuring and confident you are in trusting "official" sources thinking "they can never lie to me" When in fact, the government has been lying for a very long time, time and time again, yet you back to trusting them with no questions asked. Blind leading the blind. What a conspiracy theory is to you is not to others. You are in no way official in anything you think, just opinions. not backed by any facts. The Main Stream media is not facts, what the government tells us is not facts. You cannot prove anything yourself. They told us they tossed Bin Laden body in the sea. Oh really where you there? They said a plane can bring down a Skyscraper and make it turn to small white dust, do you know how that can be accomplished?

this post must have been directed at government paid shill sayit,because everybody here that knows me,knows i never listen to a word of the CIA controlled media which wikipedia is part of.LOL
Well I do apologize. I'm pretty new here and my grammar is atrocious. This is my first political forum, the last forum I came from was heavily into conspiracy related topics and I have to tell you it is very disturbing once you dive into the information available. I am not an Alex Jones type, I like to use logic in my approach to anything I encounter and do not relay on mainstream science whatsoever.
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YouTube’s Susan Wojcicki Talks About New Effort To Combat Conspiracy Theory Videos
Wojcicki said YouTube will begin to show information from third-party sources, including Wikipedia, to provide facts around widely accepted events, like the moon landing. For now, these “information cues” will appear next to videos that generate significant debate on the platform.

“Our goal is to start with a list of conspiracies around the internet where there’s a lot of active discussion,” Bloomberg quoted her as saying during the South by Southwest conference in Austin.

The announcement comes after YouTube pulled a video from noted Internet conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, who claimed that the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, was a “deep state false flag operation,” and that survivors who have emerged as vocal critics of the gun lobby were actors.

“We’re always exploring new ways to battle misinformation on YouTube,” said a spokesperson, adding, “These features will be rolling out in the coming months, but beyond that we don’t have any additional information to share at this time.”

wikipedia is just as much of people that are conspiracy theorists as jones is the fact they support the official lie despite no evidence or facts to back it up,that bin laden and 19 muslims did 9/11/ talk about conspiracy theoriests.LOL
Love how reassuring and confident you are in trusting "official" sources thinking "they can never lie to me" When in fact, the government has been lying for a very long time, time and time again, yet you back to trusting them with no questions asked. Blind leading the blind. What a conspiracy theory is to you is not to others. You are in no way official in anything you think, just opinions. not backed by any facts. The Main Stream media is not facts, what the government tells us is not facts. You cannot prove anything yourself. They told us they tossed Bin Laden body in the sea. Oh really where you there? They said a plane can bring down a Skyscraper and make it turn to small white dust, do you know how that can be accomplished?

this post must have been directed at government paid shill sayit,because everybody here that knows me,knows i never listen to a word of the CIA controlled media which wikipedia is part of.LOL
Well I do apologize. I'm pretty new here and my grammar is atrocious. This is my first political forum, the last forum I came from was heavily into conspiracy related topics and I have to tell you it is very disturbing once you dive into the information available. I am not an Alex Jones type, I like to use logic in my approach to anything I encounter and do not relay on mainstream science whatsoever.

No problemo.:thup:

Yeah I tell people here all the time dont use just alex jones as your source.I did not want to believe this for a long time but alex jones is a gatekeeper for the government,a double agent who is REALLY working for them.You hear news on government corruption that you dont hear from the mainstream media form him but that is BECAUSE he has been given their blessing to get the info out because they know the brainwashed stupid american sheep here in this country wont get off their asses and do something about it.

He will tell you a lot of whats going on but he wont tell EVERYTHING he knows is going on.thats how these gatekeepers work.

Jones if he was a real patriot,they would have killed him off years ago as they did with bill cooper who was the REAL person who exposed 9/11 as an inside job and predicted it months an advance and told americans it was going to be an insider job. Jones though lied and took credit for it saying he was the one that got out the info.He also made up lies about cooper that he was alcholic as well.that cinched it for me he was really working FOR THEM.

one of my friends here he tried to get alex jones once when he called in on his radio show to talk about out of control cops who are shooting dogs at random breaking into the backyards of people doing it and he would NOT air it.

another one told me he posted facts at his site on the pentagon and they deleted his post and banned him,they also made it look like he just stopped posting there because it does not say banned under his account like it would here if you got banned permanetely. but everytime he tried to log in it he gets a message saying they have disable his account.

yeah if jones was really for the whole truth,he would have had to do what jim corbett of the corbett report had to do.corbett had to flee to japan because he had death threats give to him and his family.

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