its really this simple libs.....


Gold Member
Aug 4, 2014
Living rent free in libs heads
You arrogant evil Godless sneaky pricks kill babies, support killing babies, give 2 shits about black on black crime, hate America, live Godless lives,love gay sin, lie, cheat, steal. Try to get illegals to vote with you etc. Then expect us (the rest of America and the world) to believe a word you say? take you seriously? Support your twisted views? Not challenge you? Are liberals really that stupid? I know the answer so do not bother.
It seems all males want to lord it over pg females. No illegals vote, they do not go near a poll. So 75% isn't the real % of Christians in the US isn't true.

Are you saying all Tramp supporters and Republicans are Christian, I highly doubt that.

The top 4 cities in TX and Ohio all have 7 Dem mayors and 1 Ind. Most cities are run by a Democrat mayor. So the republicans can say,

See the Democrats do not care about the crime in the cities.
You arrogant evil Godless sneaky pricks kill babies, support killing babies, give 2 shits about black on black crime, hate America, live Godless lives,love gay sin, lie, cheat, steal. Try to get illegals to vote with you etc. Then expect us (the rest of America and the world) to believe a word you say? take you seriously? Support your twisted views? Not challenge you? Are liberals really that stupid? I know the answer so do not bother.
I think it is you that is simple.

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