It's Over.

USMB Conservatives....

If Democrats fixed the election, why didn’t the take the Senate and not lose seats in the House


Ladies, Gents and all those that can not believe they are male or female we have a damn winner here!

You asked a great question and how is it that the Democratic Party did not stuff the ballot box so they could just do a clean sweep of House and Senate seats but only supposedly stole the election for Biden?

Here’s the reality and the Trump voting base can not believe Republicans would throw a election to rid themselves of Trump and my evidence?

Lincoln Project!

Yes ladies and gents and all those confused the fact is Lincoln Project did it job!

Sure, Trump got the most votes ever for a defeated candidate but in the end those like those that ran the Lincoln Project were effective enough to defeat Trump and give Biden a win.

When you have my smug ass coming off the fence to vote for one side or the other you know there is something wrong and it is time for the President to go!

Many times Trump voting base was warned that those like me will not vote for another four years of Trump and they thought we were very few votes but I and many others have tossed this election with the hope 2024 the GOP will return to the opposition party to the far left extreme in the Democratic Party and not lead by some megalomaniac former TV personality!
Sahaddap, you mathematically illiterate mouth breather.
Who do you suspect is behind the vast, nation-wide conspiracy to screw P*ssy Grabber while contriving victories for Senate and House Republicans? Grabber will have to blame somebody!

227,000 dead Covid ghost, with my dear late brother leading the way.
I am sorry for your loss. Losing a brother is losing a part of you!

Please hope we find a vaccine soon!
Oddly no one else seems to be reporting this.

Penn reached the point of no return for Rump. He has no chance of winning. There aren't enough votes left to make up the deficit of over 35,000 votes to tie the election. It's over. Plus, there aren't enough votes left to even make take it to the 20,000 mark to force an automatic recount. The others are playing it real safe, that's all.


Vox live results: Biden wins Pennsylvania

The real reason that the mainline news is reluctant to call it is that Rump declared himself the winner early on when he had a lead. Later on today, they will be following suite. The count is now beyond Rump even getting a forced automatic recount even if he gets most of the remaining outstanding votes which is beyond comprehension.

Pennsylvania and Nevada are done deals. They need to call them.

Arizona still has an outside chance of Trump coming back and Georgia is headed for a recount.

But a recount won't stop them from calling it, will it?

No. They will still call it. Today, the major news organizations will follow suit and announce the 273 EC count for Biden even though the total count is still not done in Penn. But the math, as I did it myself, just won't add up for Rump to even get an automatic recount on the States Dime. If a recount is done, it's going to be done on the Republican Parties dime. The question comes to mind, is it going to be worth the millions do do a recount for Penn with an almost zero expectation of overturning the vote? That's some serious donations on a low results. It appears that the Party of the Rumpers are putting their money into lawsuits.

Not Pennsylvania, a recount won’t make sense

We are talking Georgia at 7,000 votes and a tenth of a percent.
The state has already said there will be a recount.

Yes, it meets the state requirements because the count will be within the 1%. It's an automatic recount. Penn says it must be within 20,000 which it's outside of that. So the election is over no matter what happens in GA. 270 has been reached.

Stop talking about Pennsylvania
We were discussing the recount in Georgia

Since this thread is about Penn, I suggest you start your own thread about the recount in GA. And I will still continue addressing Penn for a recount and court battle. Now, run along.

No, the thread is about it being over

As of is

The Republican party is going to tell Trump to let it go.

I'm not sure what he can actually accomplish on his own.

Republicans lost the election.

Harm that the Party might a fresh opening whether four year !

To begin with, Biden's time is first in capital in the white house.

Trump lost the election

Republicans survived

We always do but we morph.

Republicans need to assess where the party is headed

Will they rally around a new leadership or will they fall back on Trump 2024

I think Rumps days are over. It's time to rebuild.

The so called Leader lost. That is what the Lincoln Project was all about.

Trump represented the Strom Thurmond’s of that party. The Lincoln Project stood by the greatest Republican, ever!
USMB Conservatives....

If Democrats fixed the election, why didn’t the take the Senate and not lose seats in the House


Ladies, Gents and all those that can not believe they are male or female we have a damn winner here!

You asked a great question and how is it that the Democratic Party did not stuff the ballot box so they could just do a clean sweep of House and Senate seats but only supposedly stole the election for Biden?

Here’s the reality and the Trump voting base can not believe Republicans would throw a election to rid themselves of Trump and my evidence?

Lincoln Project!

Yes ladies and gents and all those confused the fact is Lincoln Project did it job!

Sure, Trump got the most votes ever for a defeated candidate but in the end those like those that ran the Lincoln Project were effective enough to defeat Trump and give Biden a win.

When you have my smug ass coming off the fence to vote for one side or the other you know there is something wrong and it is time for the President to go!

Many times Trump voting base was warned that those like me will not vote for another four years of Trump and they thought we were very few votes but I and many others have tossed this election with the hope 2024 the GOP will return to the opposition party to the far left extreme in the Democratic Party and not lead by some megalomaniac former TV personality!
I have no problem believing Republicans are just as corrupt as Democrats. It however is not a selling point. Which is why I won’t support any Republicans that prop up Marxists Democrats out of spite.
I think Rumps days are over. It's time to rebuild.
lotta damage to deal with Daryl


We can start with building
Republicans Healing America
Trump had to be stopped, but it boggles my mind to see that one. If they want any Republicans to listen, they need to stop putting out paid advertisements for Joe.

I think the Lincoln Project has changed their direction now. Like me, they are trying to work to Heal America.
I think Rumps days are over. It's time to rebuild.
lotta damage to deal with Daryl


We can start with building
Republicans Healing America
Trump had to be stopped, but it boggles my mind to see that one. If they want any Republicans to listen, they need to stop putting out paid advertisements for Joe.

I think the Lincoln Project has changed their direction now. Like me, they are trying to work to Heal America.
You don't do that by forcing the enemy down their throat like that. Trump has truly brainwashed these people. They need help finding reality again. They're sure not ready to be told Biden will make things all better.

If I were to try and take on this Herculean task, which I'm not, I'd listen to any sane morsel left in their brains and try to crowd out the conspiracy theories and lies with some plain old talk about real ideas.

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