It's Over.

Oddly no one else seems to be reporting this.

Penn reached the point of no return for Rump. He has no chance of winning. There aren't enough votes left to make up the deficit of over 35,000 votes to tie the election. It's over. Plus, there aren't enough votes left to even make take it to the 20,000 mark to force an automatic recount. The others are playing it real safe, that's all.


Vox live results: Biden wins Pennsylvania

The real reason that the mainline news is reluctant to call it is that Rump declared himself the winner early on when he had a lead. Later on today, they will be following suite. The count is now beyond Rump even getting a forced automatic recount even if he gets most of the remaining outstanding votes which is beyond comprehension.

Pennsylvania and Nevada are done deals. They need to call them.

Arizona still has an outside chance of Trump coming back and Georgia is headed for a recount.

But a recount won't stop them from calling it, will it?

No. They will still call it. Today, the major news organizations will follow suit and announce the 273 EC count for Biden even though the total count is still not done in Penn. But the math, as I did it myself, just won't add up for Rump to even get an automatic recount on the States Dime. If a recount is done, it's going to be done on the Republican Parties dime. The question comes to mind, is it going to be worth the millions do do a recount for Penn with an almost zero expectation of overturning the vote? That's some serious donations on a low results. It appears that the Party of the Rumpers are putting their money into lawsuits.

Not Pennsylvania, a recount won’t make sense

We are talking Georgia at 7,000 votes and a tenth of a percent.
The state has already said there will be a recount.

Yes, it meets the state requirements because the count will be within the 1%. It's an automatic recount. Penn says it must be within 20,000 which it's outside of that. So the election is over no matter what happens in GA. 270 has been reached.

Stop talking about Pennsylvania
We were discussing the recount in Georgia

Since this thread is about Penn, I suggest you start your own thread about the recount in GA. And I will still continue addressing Penn for a recount and court battle. Now, run along.

No, the thread is about it being over

As of is

The Republican party is going to tell Trump to let it go.

I'm not sure what he can actually accomplish on his own.

Republicans lost the election.

Harm that the Party might a fresh opening whether four year !

To begin with, Biden's time is first in capital in the white house.

Trump lost the election

Republicans survived

We always do but we morph.

Perhaps not, as to morphing:

'On Saturday, Trump declined to concede to President-elect Biden, instead promising unspecified legal challenges to try to overturn the outcome of the race.

Until a successor emerges to lead Republicans — likely not until the resolution of the 2024 Republican primary — Trump remains the de facto head of a party that he has reshaped in his image.

“Even in defeat, Donald Trump has exceeded expectations and helped other Republicans do the same,” said GOP consultant Michael Steel, who has worked on Capitol Hill and for campaigns. “He will remain a powerful force within the party.”

Still, Trump’s loss is likely to spark a reckoning over how much of Trumpism the party should embrace going forward, especially given that Republicans could retain control of the Senate and won additional seats in the House.

Had Biden won in a blowout, that would have put “wind at the back of a lot of Republicans who said character counts and the Republican Party should never put its faith into someone who pushed boundaries liked Donald Trump,” said former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer, who served under former President George W. Bush.

But because it was closer, he predicted the party would likely “continue to be wracked with a split between insiders and outsiders, between the establishment and the Trump supporters who fault the establishment. And the soon-to-be former president’s role will be a huge question mark because if he decides to stay active, despite the close loss, he remains powerful and effective, especially for Republicans.”'

Time for Republicans to man up

Trump lost
Trump lost Bigly
With four states to flip, there is no path to victory

Its like a Baseball team that lost 10-2 and is complaining about a called strike in the second inning.
But you lost, you just haven't figured it out yet that you voted for higher taxes and a car that will have zero trade in value when you are forced to buy an expensive electric one *Lol*
You just voted for everything you hated in what you thought Trump was=means you got what you wished for.
You brainiacs elected everything you falsely accused Trump as being.

You falsely accused Trump as being too old and questionable cognitive skills so you elect Biden who refuses his health tests yet still fails the most basic cognitive test which is to correctly identify animals and colors (he confused his Delaware Blue Hen for a green Philadelphia Eagles logo).

You falsely accused Trump with a quid pro quo with Ukraineb so you elect Biden who admited to doing such a thing on a broadcast.

You falsely accused Trump as being corrupt and compromised and only interested in using his position to enrich his kids so you elect Biden who took pay to play money from MANY COUNTRIES (being compromised by those nations) and enriched his son, brother snd sister in the process.

You falsely accused Trump as taking foreign help to manipulate an election and so you elect Biden who was the actual one involved in using Russian dissinformation to attack the political opponent and cabinet members?and spy and manipulate election(s)*.

*[mid terms were manipulated by this hoax as well]

Many lives were affected and congress became illegitimate which affected how we handled the covid crisis, which Biden claims we messed up costing lives=self blame.

You falsely accused Trump of racism, so you vote Biden who's the actual racist caught many times in racist comments and actions including his friendship and protection of Robert Byrd, and his own VP herself calling him a racist.

So either you voted a for a liar VP or a racist Biden Presidency.

You falsely accused Trump for children being detained in cages so you vote for Biden who built the cages and made the policies that required detainment in cages including the media pics used for that narrative coming from the Obama/ Biden administration era.

You falsely accused Trump as gonna start a war yet we see the opposite, so you instead voted for the man who helped instill that war mentality just because his pay tobplay money is significantly higher in war games than in peace.

You falsely accused Trump as being lenient on Russia, so you elect Biden who alliwed Russia to waltz in and take Crimea and allowed them to try and manipulate our democracy and elections, plus you do worse in protecting China because once again COMPROMISED by being in their pockets.

View attachment 412644
America has shown Trump the door after one term
And you tried to get what you hated in this time with Biden. If you succeed, then you are the biggest self hating idiots on this planet, and it will be liken to self mutilation.
Simple terms that even you can grasp:
You are showing Trump the door while letting the image you have of Trump (aka Biden is everything you hate about Trump) in the side window.
This is why you could not refute my post.
Oddly no one else seems to be reporting this.

Penn reached the point of no return for Rump. He has no chance of winning. There aren't enough votes left to make up the deficit of over 35,000 votes to tie the election. It's over. Plus, there aren't enough votes left to even make take it to the 20,000 mark to force an automatic recount. The others are playing it real safe, that's all.


Vox live results: Biden wins Pennsylvania

The real reason that the mainline news is reluctant to call it is that Rump declared himself the winner early on when he had a lead. Later on today, they will be following suite. The count is now beyond Rump even getting a forced automatic recount even if he gets most of the remaining outstanding votes which is beyond comprehension.

Pennsylvania and Nevada are done deals. They need to call them.

Arizona still has an outside chance of Trump coming back and Georgia is headed for a recount.

But a recount won't stop them from calling it, will it?

No. They will still call it. Today, the major news organizations will follow suit and announce the 273 EC count for Biden even though the total count is still not done in Penn. But the math, as I did it myself, just won't add up for Rump to even get an automatic recount on the States Dime. If a recount is done, it's going to be done on the Republican Parties dime. The question comes to mind, is it going to be worth the millions do do a recount for Penn with an almost zero expectation of overturning the vote? That's some serious donations on a low results. It appears that the Party of the Rumpers are putting their money into lawsuits.

Not Pennsylvania, a recount won’t make sense

We are talking Georgia at 7,000 votes and a tenth of a percent.
The state has already said there will be a recount.

Yes, it meets the state requirements because the count will be within the 1%. It's an automatic recount. Penn says it must be within 20,000 which it's outside of that. So the election is over no matter what happens in GA. 270 has been reached.

Stop talking about Pennsylvania
We were discussing the recount in Georgia

Since this thread is about Penn, I suggest you start your own thread about the recount in GA. And I will still continue addressing Penn for a recount and court battle. Now, run along.

No, the thread is about it being over

As of is

The Republican party is going to tell Trump to let it go.

I'm not sure what he can actually accomplish on his own.

Republicans lost the election.

Harm that the Party might a fresh opening whether four year !

To begin with, Biden's time is first in capital in the white house.

Trump lost the election

Republicans survived

We always do but we morph.

Republicans need to assess where the party is headed

Will they rally around a new leadership or will they fall back on Trump 2024

I think Rumps days are over. It's time to rebuild.
Oddly no one else seems to be reporting this.

Penn reached the point of no return for Rump. He has no chance of winning. There aren't enough votes left to make up the deficit of over 35,000 votes to tie the election. It's over. Plus, there aren't enough votes left to even make take it to the 20,000 mark to force an automatic recount. The others are playing it real safe, that's all.


Vox live results: Biden wins Pennsylvania

The real reason that the mainline news is reluctant to call it is that Rump declared himself the winner early on when he had a lead. Later on today, they will be following suite. The count is now beyond Rump even getting a forced automatic recount even if he gets most of the remaining outstanding votes which is beyond comprehension.

Pennsylvania and Nevada are done deals. They need to call them.

Arizona still has an outside chance of Trump coming back and Georgia is headed for a recount.

But a recount won't stop them from calling it, will it?

No. They will still call it. Today, the major news organizations will follow suit and announce the 273 EC count for Biden even though the total count is still not done in Penn. But the math, as I did it myself, just won't add up for Rump to even get an automatic recount on the States Dime. If a recount is done, it's going to be done on the Republican Parties dime. The question comes to mind, is it going to be worth the millions do do a recount for Penn with an almost zero expectation of overturning the vote? That's some serious donations on a low results. It appears that the Party of the Rumpers are putting their money into lawsuits.

Not Pennsylvania, a recount won’t make sense

We are talking Georgia at 7,000 votes and a tenth of a percent.
The state has already said there will be a recount.

Yes, it meets the state requirements because the count will be within the 1%. It's an automatic recount. Penn says it must be within 20,000 which it's outside of that. So the election is over no matter what happens in GA. 270 has been reached.

Stop talking about Pennsylvania
We were discussing the recount in Georgia

Since this thread is about Penn, I suggest you start your own thread about the recount in GA. And I will still continue addressing Penn for a recount and court battle. Now, run along.

No, the thread is about it being over

As of is

The Republican party is going to tell Trump to let it go.

I'm not sure what he can actually accomplish on his own.

Republicans lost the election.

Harm that the Party might a fresh opening whether four year !

To begin with, Biden's time is first in capital in the white house.

Trump lost the election

Republicans survived

We always do but we morph.

Perhaps not, as to morphing:

'On Saturday, Trump declined to concede to President-elect Biden, instead promising unspecified legal challenges to try to overturn the outcome of the race.

Until a successor emerges to lead Republicans — likely not until the resolution of the 2024 Republican primary — Trump remains the de facto head of a party that he has reshaped in his image.

“Even in defeat, Donald Trump has exceeded expectations and helped other Republicans do the same,” said GOP consultant Michael Steel, who has worked on Capitol Hill and for campaigns. “He will remain a powerful force within the party.”

Still, Trump’s loss is likely to spark a reckoning over how much of Trumpism the party should embrace going forward, especially given that Republicans could retain control of the Senate and won additional seats in the House.

Had Biden won in a blowout, that would have put “wind at the back of a lot of Republicans who said character counts and the Republican Party should never put its faith into someone who pushed boundaries liked Donald Trump,” said former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer, who served under former President George W. Bush.

But because it was closer, he predicted the party would likely “continue to be wracked with a split between insiders and outsiders, between the establishment and the Trump supporters who fault the establishment. And the soon-to-be former president’s role will be a huge question mark because if he decides to stay active, despite the close loss, he remains powerful and effective, especially for Republicans.”'

I don't see it that way. I can't see it that way. Rump needs to be sent packing all the way. And it appears that there are going to be quite a few assists from other groups like NY and 2 other states as well as a few banks to help him out the door.
Oddly no one else seems to be reporting this.

Penn reached the point of no return for Rump. He has no chance of winning. There aren't enough votes left to make up the deficit of over 35,000 votes to tie the election. It's over. Plus, there aren't enough votes left to even make take it to the 20,000 mark to force an automatic recount. The others are playing it real safe, that's all.


Vox live results: Biden wins Pennsylvania

The real reason that the mainline news is reluctant to call it is that Rump declared himself the winner early on when he had a lead. Later on today, they will be following suite. The count is now beyond Rump even getting a forced automatic recount even if he gets most of the remaining outstanding votes which is beyond comprehension.

Pennsylvania and Nevada are done deals. They need to call them.

Arizona still has an outside chance of Trump coming back and Georgia is headed for a recount.

But a recount won't stop them from calling it, will it?

No. They will still call it. Today, the major news organizations will follow suit and announce the 273 EC count for Biden even though the total count is still not done in Penn. But the math, as I did it myself, just won't add up for Rump to even get an automatic recount on the States Dime. If a recount is done, it's going to be done on the Republican Parties dime. The question comes to mind, is it going to be worth the millions do do a recount for Penn with an almost zero expectation of overturning the vote? That's some serious donations on a low results. It appears that the Party of the Rumpers are putting their money into lawsuits.

Not Pennsylvania, a recount won’t make sense

We are talking Georgia at 7,000 votes and a tenth of a percent.
The state has already said there will be a recount.

Yes, it meets the state requirements because the count will be within the 1%. It's an automatic recount. Penn says it must be within 20,000 which it's outside of that. So the election is over no matter what happens in GA. 270 has been reached.

Stop talking about Pennsylvania
We were discussing the recount in Georgia

Since this thread is about Penn, I suggest you start your own thread about the recount in GA. And I will still continue addressing Penn for a recount and court battle. Now, run along.

No, the thread is about it being over

As of is

The Republican party is going to tell Trump to let it go.

I'm not sure what he can actually accomplish on his own.

Republicans lost the election.

Harm that the Party might a fresh opening whether four year !

To begin with, Biden's time is first in capital in the white house.

Trump lost the election

Republicans survived

We always do but we morph.

Perhaps not, as to morphing:

'On Saturday, Trump declined to concede to President-elect Biden, instead promising unspecified legal challenges to try to overturn the outcome of the race.

Until a successor emerges to lead Republicans — likely not until the resolution of the 2024 Republican primary — Trump remains the de facto head of a party that he has reshaped in his image.

“Even in defeat, Donald Trump has exceeded expectations and helped other Republicans do the same,” said GOP consultant Michael Steel, who has worked on Capitol Hill and for campaigns. “He will remain a powerful force within the party.”

Still, Trump’s loss is likely to spark a reckoning over how much of Trumpism the party should embrace going forward, especially given that Republicans could retain control of the Senate and won additional seats in the House.

Had Biden won in a blowout, that would have put “wind at the back of a lot of Republicans who said character counts and the Republican Party should never put its faith into someone who pushed boundaries liked Donald Trump,” said former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer, who served under former President George W. Bush.

But because it was closer, he predicted the party would likely “continue to be wracked with a split between insiders and outsiders, between the establishment and the Trump supporters who fault the establishment. And the soon-to-be former president’s role will be a huge question mark because if he decides to stay active, despite the close loss, he remains powerful and effective, especially for Republicans.”'

I don't see it that way. I can't see it that way. Rump needs to be sent packing all the way. And it appears that there are going to be quite a few assists from other groups like NY and 2 other states as well as a few banks to help him out the door.

There are many in the GOP who agree with Trump’s message but saw Trump as the wrong messenger.

The notion that Trump was some sort of interloper who misappropriated an otherwise virtuous GOP is dubious at best.

Indeed, the rot in the GOP that set the stage for the likes of Trump began long before Trump came on the scene – the nativism, the reactionaryism, the unwarranted fear of positive, beneficial change, the white grievance politics, the fear of diversity, the fear of inclusion, and the fear of dissent, the arrogant authoritarianism of the social right, the contempt for the privacy rights of women, the equal protection rights of gay and transgender Americans, the due process rights of immigrants, and the voting rights of minorities were well under attack by Republicans before the infamous announcement on the escalator.

It’s naïve to believe that the Party of Eisenhower and Goldwater will return solely the consequence of Trump’s departure – Trump was merely the symptom, not the disease.
Oddly no one else seems to be reporting this.

Penn reached the point of no return for Rump. He has no chance of winning. There aren't enough votes left to make up the deficit of over 35,000 votes to tie the election. It's over. Plus, there aren't enough votes left to even make take it to the 20,000 mark to force an automatic recount. The others are playing it real safe, that's all.


Vox live results: Biden wins Pennsylvania

The real reason that the mainline news is reluctant to call it is that Rump declared himself the winner early on when he had a lead. Later on today, they will be following suite. The count is now beyond Rump even getting a forced automatic recount even if he gets most of the remaining outstanding votes which is beyond comprehension.

Pennsylvania and Nevada are done deals. They need to call them.

Arizona still has an outside chance of Trump coming back and Georgia is headed for a recount.

But a recount won't stop them from calling it, will it?

No. They will still call it. Today, the major news organizations will follow suit and announce the 273 EC count for Biden even though the total count is still not done in Penn. But the math, as I did it myself, just won't add up for Rump to even get an automatic recount on the States Dime. If a recount is done, it's going to be done on the Republican Parties dime. The question comes to mind, is it going to be worth the millions do do a recount for Penn with an almost zero expectation of overturning the vote? That's some serious donations on a low results. It appears that the Party of the Rumpers are putting their money into lawsuits.

Not Pennsylvania, a recount won’t make sense

We are talking Georgia at 7,000 votes and a tenth of a percent.
The state has already said there will be a recount.

Yes, it meets the state requirements because the count will be within the 1%. It's an automatic recount. Penn says it must be within 20,000 which it's outside of that. So the election is over no matter what happens in GA. 270 has been reached.

Stop talking about Pennsylvania
We were discussing the recount in Georgia

Since this thread is about Penn, I suggest you start your own thread about the recount in GA. And I will still continue addressing Penn for a recount and court battle. Now, run along.

No, the thread is about it being over

As of is

The Republican party is going to tell Trump to let it go.

I'm not sure what he can actually accomplish on his own.

Republicans lost the election.

Harm that the Party might a fresh opening whether four year !

To begin with, Biden's time is first in capital in the white house.

Trump lost the election

Republicans survived

We always do but we morph.

Perhaps not, as to morphing:

'On Saturday, Trump declined to concede to President-elect Biden, instead promising unspecified legal challenges to try to overturn the outcome of the race.

Until a successor emerges to lead Republicans — likely not until the resolution of the 2024 Republican primary — Trump remains the de facto head of a party that he has reshaped in his image.

“Even in defeat, Donald Trump has exceeded expectations and helped other Republicans do the same,” said GOP consultant Michael Steel, who has worked on Capitol Hill and for campaigns. “He will remain a powerful force within the party.”

Still, Trump’s loss is likely to spark a reckoning over how much of Trumpism the party should embrace going forward, especially given that Republicans could retain control of the Senate and won additional seats in the House.

Had Biden won in a blowout, that would have put “wind at the back of a lot of Republicans who said character counts and the Republican Party should never put its faith into someone who pushed boundaries liked Donald Trump,” said former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer, who served under former President George W. Bush.

But because it was closer, he predicted the party would likely “continue to be wracked with a split between insiders and outsiders, between the establishment and the Trump supporters who fault the establishment. And the soon-to-be former president’s role will be a huge question mark because if he decides to stay active, despite the close loss, he remains powerful and effective, especially for Republicans.”'

I don't see it that way. I can't see it that way. Rump needs to be sent packing all the way. And it appears that there are going to be quite a few assists from other groups like NY and 2 other states as well as a few banks to help him out the door.

There are many in the GOP who agree with Trump’s message but saw Trump as the wrong messenger.

The notion that Trump was some sort of interloper who misappropriated an otherwise virtuous GOP is dubious at best.

Indeed, the rot in the GOP that set the stage for the likes of Trump began long before Trump came on the scene – the nativism, the reactionaryism, the unwarranted fear of positive, beneficial change, the white grievance politics, the fear of diversity, the fear of inclusion, and the fear of dissent, the arrogant authoritarianism of the social right, the contempt for the privacy rights of women, the equal protection rights of gay and transgender Americans, the due process rights of immigrants, and the voting rights of minorities were well under attack by Republicans before the infamous announcement on the escalator.

It’s naïve to believe that the Party of Eisenhower and Goldwater will return solely the consequence of Trump’s departure – Trump was merely the symptom, not the disease.

Then we need to work to build the party back to where it was when it really did represent America, all Americans.
Oddly no one else seems to be reporting this.

Penn reached the point of no return for Rump. He has no chance of winning. There aren't enough votes left to make up the deficit of over 35,000 votes to tie the election. It's over. Plus, there aren't enough votes left to even make take it to the 20,000 mark to force an automatic recount. The others are playing it real safe, that's all.


Vox live results: Biden wins Pennsylvania

The real reason that the mainline news is reluctant to call it is that Rump declared himself the winner early on when he had a lead. Later on today, they will be following suite. The count is now beyond Rump even getting a forced automatic recount even if he gets most of the remaining outstanding votes which is beyond comprehension.

Pennsylvania and Nevada are done deals. They need to call them.

Arizona still has an outside chance of Trump coming back and Georgia is headed for a recount.

But a recount won't stop them from calling it, will it?

No. They will still call it. Today, the major news organizations will follow suit and announce the 273 EC count for Biden even though the total count is still not done in Penn. But the math, as I did it myself, just won't add up for Rump to even get an automatic recount on the States Dime. If a recount is done, it's going to be done on the Republican Parties dime. The question comes to mind, is it going to be worth the millions do do a recount for Penn with an almost zero expectation of overturning the vote? That's some serious donations on a low results. It appears that the Party of the Rumpers are putting their money into lawsuits.

Not Pennsylvania, a recount won’t make sense

We are talking Georgia at 7,000 votes and a tenth of a percent.
The state has already said there will be a recount.

Yes, it meets the state requirements because the count will be within the 1%. It's an automatic recount. Penn says it must be within 20,000 which it's outside of that. So the election is over no matter what happens in GA. 270 has been reached.

Stop talking about Pennsylvania
We were discussing the recount in Georgia

Since this thread is about Penn, I suggest you start your own thread about the recount in GA. And I will still continue addressing Penn for a recount and court battle. Now, run along.

No, the thread is about it being over

As of is

The Republican party is going to tell Trump to let it go.

I'm not sure what he can actually accomplish on his own.

Republicans lost the election.

Harm that the Party might a fresh opening whether four year !

To begin with, Biden's time is first in capital in the white house.

Trump lost the election

Republicans survived

We always do but we morph.

Perhaps not, as to morphing:

'On Saturday, Trump declined to concede to President-elect Biden, instead promising unspecified legal challenges to try to overturn the outcome of the race.

Until a successor emerges to lead Republicans — likely not until the resolution of the 2024 Republican primary — Trump remains the de facto head of a party that he has reshaped in his image.

“Even in defeat, Donald Trump has exceeded expectations and helped other Republicans do the same,” said GOP consultant Michael Steel, who has worked on Capitol Hill and for campaigns. “He will remain a powerful force within the party.”

Still, Trump’s loss is likely to spark a reckoning over how much of Trumpism the party should embrace going forward, especially given that Republicans could retain control of the Senate and won additional seats in the House.

Had Biden won in a blowout, that would have put “wind at the back of a lot of Republicans who said character counts and the Republican Party should never put its faith into someone who pushed boundaries liked Donald Trump,” said former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer, who served under former President George W. Bush.

But because it was closer, he predicted the party would likely “continue to be wracked with a split between insiders and outsiders, between the establishment and the Trump supporters who fault the establishment. And the soon-to-be former president’s role will be a huge question mark because if he decides to stay active, despite the close loss, he remains powerful and effective, especially for Republicans.”'

I don't see it that way. I can't see it that way. Rump needs to be sent packing all the way. And it appears that there are going to be quite a few assists from other groups like NY and 2 other states as well as a few banks to help him out the door.

There are many in the GOP who agree with Trump’s message but saw Trump as the wrong messenger.

The notion that Trump was some sort of interloper who misappropriated an otherwise virtuous GOP is dubious at best.

Indeed, the rot in the GOP that set the stage for the likes of Trump began long before Trump came on the scene – the nativism, the reactionaryism, the unwarranted fear of positive, beneficial change, the white grievance politics, the fear of diversity, the fear of inclusion, and the fear of dissent, the arrogant authoritarianism of the social right, the contempt for the privacy rights of women, the equal protection rights of gay and transgender Americans, the due process rights of immigrants, and the voting rights of minorities were well under attack by Republicans before the infamous announcement on the escalator.

It’s naïve to believe that the Party of Eisenhower and Goldwater will return solely the consequence of Trump’s departure – Trump was merely the symptom, not the disease.

Then we need to work to build the party back to where it was when it really did represent America, all Americans.

The only one legal party for all Americans? And "democratic" GULAG for opposition? More censorship, street terror, illegal migration and China's influence? No, thanks. I would prefer Grant's 1876, not Orwell's 1984.
Lest in our joy, we forget the Republicans with a soul-- the Lincoln Project.
The Lincoln Project are out of work political losers who will never darken the doors of the white house again
Neither will Donald J. Trump.
I’m not so sure

it aint over till its over

but why does that make you so happy?

Surely a usually reasonable person like yourself can see that biden is damaged goods in more ways than one
Neither will Donald J. Trump.
And BTW, thanks for not denying the creepy hacks and turncoats in the Lincoln Project who cannot build a winning coalition to beat the dems but instead merely try to bring down trump out of spite

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