It's 'Open Season' On Trump Supporters As Hate-Driven TDS-Suffering Snowflake Violence Escalates

Shots Reportedly Fired at Trump Caravan in Los Angeles! Suspects Barricaded in Home — Tires Blown Out — No Injuries

Gov. calls state police back to Portland after right-wing group member killed
Gov.Calls For State Police Back To Portland After Trump Supporter Killed

From snatching 'Maga' hats off the heads of little children to gunning down Conservatives / Trump supporters in the streets, it's 'Open Season' for Leftist Extremist Democrats on anyone who does not share their agenda, ideology, and policies.

Attempting to 'win' others over to their side by successfully debating and presenting their case fails every time, so Democrat Socialists are instead Censoring, Silencing, Attacking, Intimidating, and Murdering anyone who disagrees an / or refuses to convert.....

(Sounds a lot like Muslim Extremist terrorists Al Qaeda and ISIS...)

I'm sorry. Weren't you "Patriotic" Trump supporters the ones itching for civil war? Some of it blows back and you're bitching about freedom of speech? Now we don't know what exactly happened here but all of right wing media just got done an apology tour for the young knucklehead who decided to make his own judge/jury/executioner moment in Kenosha. Some idiot Trump supporters decide they're going to antagonize protesters and somebody got killed. What did you think was going to happen? With Trump and his right wing media whores ramping up the division pimping, it will only get worse. Just remember, there's a lot more protesters than there are Trump supporters. Be very careful the fresh hell you wish for.
With all due respect, the vast majority of physical confrontations between "Trump supporters" and the violent anarchists from Antifa and Black Lives Matter....the latter have gotten their asses handed to them time after time! What's ironic is the only thing preventing them from REALLY getting beat down is the Police that they're demanding be defunded!

Got news for you Snowflakes...if you WERE to get your wish and the Police were gotten rid of? It wouldn't be safe for you to leave your houses. Just saying...
Democrats are losing big with the violence.. the longer it goes the more votes they lose and the general public knows who is to blame, and its not Trump.
The best thing about it is that these BLM baboons are too stupid to stop. Furthermore, it propably wouldn't make any difference if they did stop since an indelible impression has already been made in the minds of the voter.

Calling human beings "baboons" is hateful, deplorable and divisive. No wonder you love donald trump.

As opposed to you calling human beings Trumpanzees? Really?

Lol, gawd you're stupid
Keep fucking around...... puuhhlleeese keep fucking around.


Shots Reportedly Fired at Trump Caravan in Los Angeles! Suspects Barricaded in Home — Tires Blown Out — No Injuries

Gov. calls state police back to Portland after right-wing group member killed
Gov.Calls For State Police Back To Portland After Trump Supporter Killed

From snatching 'Maga' hats off the heads of little children to gunning down Conservatives / Trump supporters in the streets, it's 'Open Season' for Leftist Extremist Democrats on anyone who does not share their agenda, ideology, and policies.

Attempting to 'win' others over to their side by successfully debating and presenting their case fails every time, so Democrat Socialists are instead Censoring, Silencing, Attacking, Intimidating, and Murdering anyone who disagrees an / or refuses to convert.....

(Sounds a lot like Muslim Extremist terrorists Al Qaeda and ISIS...)

So says a Russian asset after a trumpscum 17 year old crossed state lines to kill peaceful protestors.

be quiet Sergei

He and others answered a call from a businessman, trying to save his last business after two had been burned. He was attacked by the mob and acted in self defense. Of course you won't try to find the facts, none of you propagandist ever do.


Shots Reportedly Fired at Trump Caravan in Los Angeles! Suspects Barricaded in Home — Tires Blown Out — No Injuries

Gov. calls state police back to Portland after right-wing group member killed
Gov.Calls For State Police Back To Portland After Trump Supporter Killed

From snatching 'Maga' hats off the heads of little children to gunning down Conservatives / Trump supporters in the streets, it's 'Open Season' for Leftist Extremist Democrats on anyone who does not share their agenda, ideology, and policies.

Attempting to 'win' others over to their side by successfully debating and presenting their case fails every time, so Democrat Socialists are instead Censoring, Silencing, Attacking, Intimidating, and Murdering anyone who disagrees an / or refuses to convert.....

(Sounds a lot like Muslim Extremist terrorists Al Qaeda and ISIS...)

I'm sorry. Weren't you "Patriotic" Trump supporters the ones itching for civil war? Some of it blows back and you're bitching about freedom of speech? Now we don't know what exactly happened here but all of right wing media just got done an apology tour for the young knucklehead who decided to make his own judge/jury/executioner moment in Kenosha. Some idiot Trump supporters decide they're going to antagonize protesters and somebody got killed. What did you think was going to happen? With Trump and his right wing media whores ramping up the division pimping, it will only get worse. Just remember, there's a lot more protesters than there are Trump supporters. Be very careful the fresh hell you wish for.

So in short you are saying only commies have a right to protest and a counter protest is asking to be killed. And you call us fascist, you commies are pathetic.

Democrats are losing big with the violence.. the longer it goes the more votes they lose and the general public knows who is to blame, and its not Trump.
The best thing about it is that these BLM baboons are too stupid to stop. Furthermore, it propably wouldn't make any difference if they did stop since an indelible impression has already been made in the minds of the voter.

Calling human beings "baboons" is hateful, deplorable and divisive. No wonder you love donald trump.

You stupid little commies teach us how to treat ya, you act like wild animals you'll probably be treated like wild animals. I guess you think it's fine for people to use deadly force against law enforcement and don't think law enforcement has the right to defend themselves in kind. FOAD


Shots Reportedly Fired at Trump Caravan in Los Angeles! Suspects Barricaded in Home — Tires Blown Out — No Injuries

Gov. calls state police back to Portland after right-wing group member killed
Gov.Calls For State Police Back To Portland After Trump Supporter Killed

From snatching 'Maga' hats off the heads of little children to gunning down Conservatives / Trump supporters in the streets, it's 'Open Season' for Leftist Extremist Democrats on anyone who does not share their agenda, ideology, and policies.

Attempting to 'win' others over to their side by successfully debating and presenting their case fails every time, so Democrat Socialists are instead Censoring, Silencing, Attacking, Intimidating, and Murdering anyone who disagrees an / or refuses to convert.....

(Sounds a lot like Muslim Extremist terrorists Al Qaeda and ISIS...)

I'm sorry. Weren't you "Patriotic" Trump supporters the ones itching for civil war? Some of it blows back and you're bitching about freedom of speech? Now we don't know what exactly happened here but all of right wing media just got done an apology tour for the young knucklehead who decided to make his own judge/jury/executioner moment in Kenosha. Some idiot Trump supporters decide they're going to antagonize protesters and somebody got killed. What did you think was going to happen? With Trump and his right wing media whores ramping up the division pimping, it will only get worse. Just remember, there's a lot more protesters than there are Trump supporters. Be very careful the fresh hell you wish for.

So in short you are saying only commies have a right to protest and a counter protest is asking to be killed. And you call us fascist, you commies are pathetic.


Let's see. You have a bunch of Trump supporters itching for a fight and wanting to antagonize protesters with sprays and paint balls. Combine that with the ramp up in rhetoric from the head clown-in-chief, and I ask again. What were you expecting?
And last I looked, no one on the left was supporting a wannabe strongman dictator. If this were a Democrat in office pulling this crap, you idiots would be beside yourselves with spittled rage. So yes, you are fascists. That's worse than pathetic.

Shots Reportedly Fired at Trump Caravan in Los Angeles! Suspects Barricaded in Home — Tires Blown Out — No Injuries

Gov. calls state police back to Portland after right-wing group member killed
Gov.Calls For State Police Back To Portland After Trump Supporter Killed

From snatching 'Maga' hats off the heads of little children to gunning down Conservatives / Trump supporters in the streets, it's 'Open Season' for Leftist Extremist Democrats on anyone who does not share their agenda, ideology, and policies.

Attempting to 'win' others over to their side by successfully debating and presenting their case fails every time, so Democrat Socialists are instead Censoring, Silencing, Attacking, Intimidating, and Murdering anyone who disagrees an / or refuses to convert.....

(Sounds a lot like Muslim Extremist terrorists Al Qaeda and ISIS...)

I'm sorry. Weren't you "Patriotic" Trump supporters the ones itching for civil war? Some of it blows back and you're bitching about freedom of speech? Now we don't know what exactly happened here but all of right wing media just got done an apology tour for the young knucklehead who decided to make his own judge/jury/executioner moment in Kenosha. Some idiot Trump supporters decide they're going to antagonize protesters and somebody got killed. What did you think was going to happen? With Trump and his right wing media whores ramping up the division pimping, it will only get worse. Just remember, there's a lot more protesters than there are Trump supporters. Be very careful the fresh hell you wish for.

So in short you are saying only commies have a right to protest and a counter protest is asking to be killed. And you call us fascist, you commies are pathetic.


Let's see. You have a bunch of Trump supporters itching for a fight and wanting to antagonize protesters with sprays and paint balls. Combine that with the ramp up in rhetoric from the head clown-in-chief, and I ask again. What were you expecting?
And last I looked, no one on the left was supporting a wannabe strongman dictator. If this were a Democrat in office pulling this crap, you idiots would be beside yourselves with spittled rage. So yes, you are fascists. That's worse than pathetic.
Waah waah waah you morons are out setting things on fire and killing business owners yet somehow in your Bizarro logic we are the ones breaking the totally opposite of reality and as for dictator, you wackos simply dont know what its like to abide by the law...even though you trot out a nominee who wrote a crime bill. Crazy.

Shots Reportedly Fired at Trump Caravan in Los Angeles! Suspects Barricaded in Home — Tires Blown Out — No Injuries

Gov. calls state police back to Portland after right-wing group member killed
Gov.Calls For State Police Back To Portland After Trump Supporter Killed

From snatching 'Maga' hats off the heads of little children to gunning down Conservatives / Trump supporters in the streets, it's 'Open Season' for Leftist Extremist Democrats on anyone who does not share their agenda, ideology, and policies.

Attempting to 'win' others over to their side by successfully debating and presenting their case fails every time, so Democrat Socialists are instead Censoring, Silencing, Attacking, Intimidating, and Murdering anyone who disagrees an / or refuses to convert.....

(Sounds a lot like Muslim Extremist terrorists Al Qaeda and ISIS...)

I'm sorry. Weren't you "Patriotic" Trump supporters the ones itching for civil war? Some of it blows back and you're bitching about freedom of speech? Now we don't know what exactly happened here but all of right wing media just got done an apology tour for the young knucklehead who decided to make his own judge/jury/executioner moment in Kenosha. Some idiot Trump supporters decide they're going to antagonize protesters and somebody got killed. What did you think was going to happen? With Trump and his right wing media whores ramping up the division pimping, it will only get worse. Just remember, there's a lot more protesters than there are Trump supporters. Be very careful the fresh hell you wish for.

So in short you are saying only commies have a right to protest and a counter protest is asking to be killed. And you call us fascist, you commies are pathetic.


Let's see. You have a bunch of Trump supporters itching for a fight and wanting to antagonize protesters with sprays and paint balls. Combine that with the ramp up in rhetoric from the head clown-in-chief, and I ask again. What were you expecting?
And last I looked, no one on the left was supporting a wannabe strongman dictator. If this were a Democrat in office pulling this crap, you idiots would be beside yourselves with spittled rage. So yes, you are fascists. That's worse than pathetic.

What was I expecting, the right of the caravan to express their views should have been respected. Sprays and paint balls as you call them were only used when the thugs tried to deny the folks in the vehicles their civil rights. The folks in the caravan had every right to drive through the town unencumbered. If their legal movement is stopped and thugs approach their vehicle, they have every right to defend themselves.

You're just a typical commie, rights for me, but not for thee. FOAD


Shots Reportedly Fired at Trump Caravan in Los Angeles! Suspects Barricaded in Home — Tires Blown Out — No Injuries

Gov. calls state police back to Portland after right-wing group member killed
Gov.Calls For State Police Back To Portland After Trump Supporter Killed

From snatching 'Maga' hats off the heads of little children to gunning down Conservatives / Trump supporters in the streets, it's 'Open Season' for Leftist Extremist Democrats on anyone who does not share their agenda, ideology, and policies.

Attempting to 'win' others over to their side by successfully debating and presenting their case fails every time, so Democrat Socialists are instead Censoring, Silencing, Attacking, Intimidating, and Murdering anyone who disagrees an / or refuses to convert.....

(Sounds a lot like Muslim Extremist terrorists Al Qaeda and ISIS...)

I'm sorry. Weren't you "Patriotic" Trump supporters the ones itching for civil war? Some of it blows back and you're bitching about freedom of speech? Now we don't know what exactly happened here but all of right wing media just got done an apology tour for the young knucklehead who decided to make his own judge/jury/executioner moment in Kenosha. Some idiot Trump supporters decide they're going to antagonize protesters and somebody got killed. What did you think was going to happen? With Trump and his right wing media whores ramping up the division pimping, it will only get worse. Just remember, there's a lot more protesters than there are Trump supporters. Be very careful the fresh hell you wish for.

So in short you are saying only commies have a right to protest and a counter protest is asking to be killed. And you call us fascist, you commies are pathetic.


Let's see. You have a bunch of Trump supporters itching for a fight and wanting to antagonize protesters with sprays and paint balls. Combine that with the ramp up in rhetoric from the head clown-in-chief, and I ask again. What were you expecting?
And last I looked, no one on the left was supporting a wannabe strongman dictator. If this were a Democrat in office pulling this crap, you idiots would be beside yourselves with spittled rage. So yes, you are fascists. That's worse than pathetic.

What was I expecting, the right of the caravan to express their views should have been respected. Sprays and paint balls as you call them were only used when the thugs tried to deny the folks in the vehicles their civil rights. The folks in the caravan had every right to drive through the town unencumbered. If their legal movement is stopped and thugs approach their vehicle, they have every right to defend themselves.

You're just a typical commie, rights for me, but not for thee. FOAD


Right back at ya Kitty. Typical alt-right reactionary. And willing to live under and support the rule of a man who wants to be a strongman and dictator. Not saying much for the conservative ideology is it? Well, no matter. Conservatism is a dead and failed belief system anyway. But back to the caravan. The police didn't want them downtown and a group of them went anyway and specifically went looking for trouble. Not protesting. Looking for a fight. They weren't driving through their town. They came from towns outside Portland. Again, it's the Trump supporting right wing stirring up the trouble here.
It's 'Open Season' On Trump Supporters As Hate-Driven TDS-Suffering Snowflake Violence Escalates

As the Biden campaign slides down the dumper and Joe goes down the commode like a bowel movement into the sewer of history, the crazed throngs of leftwing fascists will be ramping up their spiteful attacks on Trump supporters in revenge.

The irony is that Trump is the ultimate FLAWED candidate, so much wrong with him by their own words . . . . yet amazingly, THEY have handed him both victories!

So sad that we get blamed by the left for their own incompetence! They have put up two career politicians with about 75 years in politics between them, VPOTUS, First Lady, Sect. of State and Senators alike against an idiot real estate dealer, golf resort, beauty contest owner and TV show host who can't keep two facts straight with NO experience and LOST to him!


After collapsing the economy, killing a quarter million, making America a war zone and being the laughing stock of the world!

And they still lost! :omg:

Shots Reportedly Fired at Trump Caravan in Los Angeles! Suspects Barricaded in Home — Tires Blown Out — No Injuries

Gov. calls state police back to Portland after right-wing group member killed
Gov.Calls For State Police Back To Portland After Trump Supporter Killed

From snatching 'Maga' hats off the heads of little children to gunning down Conservatives / Trump supporters in the streets, it's 'Open Season' for Leftist Extremist Democrats on anyone who does not share their agenda, ideology, and policies.

Attempting to 'win' others over to their side by successfully debating and presenting their case fails every time, so Democrat Socialists are instead Censoring, Silencing, Attacking, Intimidating, and Murdering anyone who disagrees an / or refuses to convert.....

(Sounds a lot like Muslim Extremist terrorists Al Qaeda and ISIS...)

I'm sorry. Weren't you "Patriotic" Trump supporters the ones itching for civil war? Some of it blows back and you're bitching about freedom of speech? Now we don't know what exactly happened here but all of right wing media just got done an apology tour for the young knucklehead who decided to make his own judge/jury/executioner moment in Kenosha. Some idiot Trump supporters decide they're going to antagonize protesters and somebody got killed. What did you think was going to happen? With Trump and his right wing media whores ramping up the division pimping, it will only get worse. Just remember, there's a lot more protesters than there are Trump supporters. Be very careful the fresh hell you wish for.

So in short you are saying only commies have a right to protest and a counter protest is asking to be killed. And you call us fascist, you commies are pathetic.


Let's see. You have a bunch of Trump supporters itching for a fight and wanting to antagonize protesters with sprays and paint balls. Combine that with the ramp up in rhetoric from the head clown-in-chief, and I ask again. What were you expecting?
And last I looked, no one on the left was supporting a wannabe strongman dictator. If this were a Democrat in office pulling this crap, you idiots would be beside yourselves with spittled rage. So yes, you are fascists. That's worse than pathetic.

What was I expecting, the right of the caravan to express their views should have been respected. Sprays and paint balls as you call them were only used when the thugs tried to deny the folks in the vehicles their civil rights. The folks in the caravan had every right to drive through the town unencumbered. If their legal movement is stopped and thugs approach their vehicle, they have every right to defend themselves.

You're just a typical commie, rights for me, but not for thee. FOAD


Right back at ya Kitty. Typical alt-right reactionary. And willing to live under and support the rule of a man who wants to be a strongman and dictator. Not saying much for the conservative ideology is it? Well, no matter. Conservatism is a dead and failed belief system anyway. But back to the caravan. The police didn't want them downtown and a group of them went anyway and specifically went looking for trouble. Not protesting. Looking for a fight. They weren't driving through their town. They came from towns outside Portland. Again, it's the Trump supporting right wing stirring up the trouble here.

Wow, all the effort to type your commie propaganda, only useful idiots like yourself are buying that crap. And the police didn't want the thugs in the city either, both had a right to be there, the thugs were the ones who tried to start the trouble. BTW do you know that the thugs arrested in Portland are from as many as 44 different cities. So if you're going to pretend non-residents have no right to be there, at least be consistent.

I know, I know, consistency isn't good for your propaganda, so carry on commie, you're not going to change. LMAO


Shots Reportedly Fired at Trump Caravan in Los Angeles! Suspects Barricaded in Home — Tires Blown Out — No Injuries

Gov. calls state police back to Portland after right-wing group member killed
Gov.Calls For State Police Back To Portland After Trump Supporter Killed

From snatching 'Maga' hats off the heads of little children to gunning down Conservatives / Trump supporters in the streets, it's 'Open Season' for Leftist Extremist Democrats on anyone who does not share their agenda, ideology, and policies.

Attempting to 'win' others over to their side by successfully debating and presenting their case fails every time, so Democrat Socialists are instead Censoring, Silencing, Attacking, Intimidating, and Murdering anyone who disagrees an / or refuses to convert.....

(Sounds a lot like Muslim Extremist terrorists Al Qaeda and ISIS...)

I'm sorry. Weren't you "Patriotic" Trump supporters the ones itching for civil war? Some of it blows back and you're bitching about freedom of speech? Now we don't know what exactly happened here but all of right wing media just got done an apology tour for the young knucklehead who decided to make his own judge/jury/executioner moment in Kenosha. Some idiot Trump supporters decide they're going to antagonize protesters and somebody got killed. What did you think was going to happen? With Trump and his right wing media whores ramping up the division pimping, it will only get worse. Just remember, there's a lot more protesters than there are Trump supporters. Be very careful the fresh hell you wish for.

So in short you are saying only commies have a right to protest and a counter protest is asking to be killed. And you call us fascist, you commies are pathetic.


Let's see. You have a bunch of Trump supporters itching for a fight and wanting to antagonize protesters with sprays and paint balls. Combine that with the ramp up in rhetoric from the head clown-in-chief, and I ask again. What were you expecting?
And last I looked, no one on the left was supporting a wannabe strongman dictator. If this were a Democrat in office pulling this crap, you idiots would be beside yourselves with spittled rage. So yes, you are fascists. That's worse than pathetic.

What was I expecting, the right of the caravan to express their views should have been respected. Sprays and paint balls as you call them were only used when the thugs tried to deny the folks in the vehicles their civil rights. The folks in the caravan had every right to drive through the town unencumbered. If their legal movement is stopped and thugs approach their vehicle, they have every right to defend themselves.

You're just a typical commie, rights for me, but not for thee. FOAD


Right back at ya Kitty. Typical alt-right reactionary. And willing to live under and support the rule of a man who wants to be a strongman and dictator. Not saying much for the conservative ideology is it? Well, no matter. Conservatism is a dead and failed belief system anyway. But back to the caravan. The police didn't want them downtown and a group of them went anyway and specifically went looking for trouble. Not protesting. Looking for a fight. They weren't driving through their town. They came from towns outside Portland. Again, it's the Trump supporting right wing stirring up the trouble here.

Wow, all the effort to type your commie propaganda, only useful idiots like yourself are buying that crap. And the police didn't want the thugs in the city either, both had a right to be there, the thugs were the ones who tried to start the trouble. BTW do you know that the thugs arrested in Portland are from as many as 44 different cities. So if you're going to pretend non-residents have no right to be there, at least be consistent.

I know, I know, consistency isn't good for your propaganda, so carry on commie, you're not going to change. LMAO


Well at least you and your side are consistent. Your post stated that the caravan had a right to express their views. Was spraying and paintballing protesters just "expressing" their views? I call that antagonizing. Hypocrisy much?
By the way, the 80's called. They want their "commie" saying back.

Well, WHY NOT, Easy? After all, what have your elected officials been saying for years, but that Trump was THE ENEMY, that his supporters were deplorable, brainwashed, hated-filled, nazi, racist dictators!

Your elected officials like Watters, Pelosi, etc., have been making out the Trump movement not as a political party, but a CULT. Cult 45. Dangerous, evil. A THREAT.

Is it any wonder now these loons are fighting back?

All these politicians who have spread fear and hate for years should be sued and held accountable for all this violence and killing.
I remember when those same people set up a system that allows us to vote on things we want changed so we didn't have to deal with that. Guess voting on stuff is so yesterday though.

Shots Reportedly Fired at Trump Caravan in Los Angeles! Suspects Barricaded in Home — Tires Blown Out — No Injuries

Gov. calls state police back to Portland after right-wing group member killed
Gov.Calls For State Police Back To Portland After Trump Supporter Killed

From snatching 'Maga' hats off the heads of little children to gunning down Conservatives / Trump supporters in the streets, it's 'Open Season' for Leftist Extremist Democrats on anyone who does not share their agenda, ideology, and policies.

Attempting to 'win' others over to their side by successfully debating and presenting their case fails every time, so Democrat Socialists are instead Censoring, Silencing, Attacking, Intimidating, and Murdering anyone who disagrees an / or refuses to convert.....

(Sounds a lot like Muslim Extremist terrorists Al Qaeda and ISIS...)

I'm sorry. Weren't you "Patriotic" Trump supporters the ones itching for civil war? Some of it blows back and you're bitching about freedom of speech? Now we don't know what exactly happened here but all of right wing media just got done an apology tour for the young knucklehead who decided to make his own judge/jury/executioner moment in Kenosha. Some idiot Trump supporters decide they're going to antagonize protesters and somebody got killed. What did you think was going to happen? With Trump and his right wing media whores ramping up the division pimping, it will only get worse. Just remember, there's a lot more protesters than there are Trump supporters. Be very careful the fresh hell you wish for.

So in short you are saying only commies have a right to protest and a counter protest is asking to be killed. And you call us fascist, you commies are pathetic.


Let's see. You have a bunch of Trump supporters itching for a fight and wanting to antagonize protesters with sprays and paint balls. Combine that with the ramp up in rhetoric from the head clown-in-chief, and I ask again. What were you expecting?
And last I looked, no one on the left was supporting a wannabe strongman dictator. If this were a Democrat in office pulling this crap, you idiots would be beside yourselves with spittled rage. So yes, you are fascists. That's worse than pathetic.

What was I expecting, the right of the caravan to express their views should have been respected. Sprays and paint balls as you call them were only used when the thugs tried to deny the folks in the vehicles their civil rights. The folks in the caravan had every right to drive through the town unencumbered. If their legal movement is stopped and thugs approach their vehicle, they have every right to defend themselves.

You're just a typical commie, rights for me, but not for thee. FOAD


Right back at ya Kitty. Typical alt-right reactionary. And willing to live under and support the rule of a man who wants to be a strongman and dictator. Not saying much for the conservative ideology is it? Well, no matter. Conservatism is a dead and failed belief system anyway. But back to the caravan. The police didn't want them downtown and a group of them went anyway and specifically went looking for trouble. Not protesting. Looking for a fight. They weren't driving through their town. They came from towns outside Portland. Again, it's the Trump supporting right wing stirring up the trouble here.

Wow, all the effort to type your commie propaganda, only useful idiots like yourself are buying that crap. And the police didn't want the thugs in the city either, both had a right to be there, the thugs were the ones who tried to start the trouble. BTW do you know that the thugs arrested in Portland are from as many as 44 different cities. So if you're going to pretend non-residents have no right to be there, at least be consistent.

I know, I know, consistency isn't good for your propaganda, so carry on commie, you're not going to change. LMAO


Well at least you and your side are consistent. Your post stated that the caravan had a right to express their views. Was spraying and paintballing protesters just "expressing" their views? I call that antagonizing. Hypocrisy much?
By the way, the 80's called. They want their "commie" saying back.

Self defense in not antagonizing, the thugs should't have violently interfered with the peaceful demonstration.

LOST to him!

After collapsing the economy, killing a quarter million, making America a war zone and being the laughing stock of the world!

And they still lost! :omg:

You are a liar with zero credibility, no reason to ever read anything you write again. You represent Democrats well...and they will lose again.
Last edited:
Foreign-funded, Democrat supported Domestic terrorism in Democrat-controlled cities...and its all the President's fault?!

LOST to him!

After collapsing the economy, killing a quarter million, making America a war zone and being the laughing stock of the world!

And they still lost! :omg:

You are a liar with zero credibility, no reason to ever read anything you write again. You represent Democrats well...and they will lose again.
Are you that seriously stupid that you don't know a sarcasm when you read one? Pretty funny Easy, that you are that stupid a cupcake that you could go from "Thanking" a person a thousand times to claiming they have "zero credibility" because of ONE thing you took the wrong way. I'll file you away as another blind Rah Rah Republican cheerleader afraid to look too honestly at the people you support with your head firmly planted up your ass like "PoliticalChic."

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