It's odd how pretty much the entire Democratic party is too busy to watch the videos

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
We're up to five now. I can't think of a Democratic politician - or even a liberal acquaintance or coworker - who has actually watched any of the videos. I can't think of one who doesn't believe deep down in the pit of their soul that the videos are fake, highly edited, and acquired through illegal means either. It's just queer how one can hold such a strong opinion on something about which they bluntly, consciously refuse to learn.
You really nailed this thread, genius. You rely on the ability of others to figure out what fucking videos you are talking about. Fortunately, there are many intelligent people here to pick up your slack.

You must have been a powerhouse in composition class.

None of those videos prove that PP is profiting from the sale of body parts, nutbag. Did you watch them?
We're up to five now. I can't think of a Democratic politician - or even a liberal acquaintance or coworker - who has actually watched any of the videos.
Since it changes nothing, why would we? Using for a potential benefit what you were just going to burn otherwise? Common sense.
It would at least help you make a case as to why it's okay that they're doing that. You wouldn't see the below being the most common reaction.

i dont watch heavily edited films and think they are documentaries.....that is the reason i dont watch fox news
The "heavily edited" videos are basically summaries. They're posted a couple hours before the entire video, for the benefit of folks like yourself who don't have the time or inclination to watch two hours of the people you're defending say the exact things you're trying to convince people they never actually said. Even Planned Parenthood itself has finally admitted that the full version videos exist.
I can't think of one who doesn't believe deep down in the pit of their soul that the videos are fake, highly edited, and acquired through illegal means either

I and several people here have directly told you they don't think this.

And you always pretend you never heard us, and just go right back to telling the same lie. Nor will you ever address the basic point, which is that the videos don't show what you claim they show, in any version.

I've observed that, in general, conservatives believe lying for their cause is justifiable, while liberals don't. That is, liberals are the moral absolutists, and conservatives are the moral relativists. And relativists hate absolutists. Our shining moral absolutism causes them physical pain, much like sunlight burning a vampire, causing them to lash out at the source of the pain.
We're up to five now. I can't think of a Democratic politician - or even a liberal acquaintance or coworker - who has actually watched any of the videos. I can't think of one who doesn't believe deep down in the pit of their soul that the videos are fake, highly edited, and acquired through illegal means either. It's just queer how one can hold such a strong opinion on something about which they bluntly, consciously refuse to learn.

Why do you think liberal people haven't watched the videos?
I and several people here have directly told you they don't think this.
You have said that you personally do not think any of the three (that the videos are edited, faked, or acquired through illegal means). You're not the only person on the board or the only person with whom I have any interaction. If it doesn't apply to you then stop trying to make it apply to you.

And you always pretend you never heard us, and just go right back to telling the same lie. Nor will you ever address the basic point, which is that the videos don't show what you claim they show, in any version.
I've had you on ignore pretty much since I joined. Which of the videos have you watched?

I've observed that, in general, conservatives believe lying for their cause is justifiable, while liberals don't. That is, liberals are the moral absolutists, and conservatives are the moral relativists. And relativists hate absolutists. Our shining moral absolutism causes them physical pain, much like sunlight burning a vampire, causing them to lash out at the source of the pain.
Yuhuh. Okay. You tell me that while I regularly get bitched at for being too morally absolutist and judgmental towards unethical behavior. You tell me that while I watch your people defend PP while having no idea what the charges are, what the evidence is, or what their exact stances have been. If you don't see why I can't take you seriously then I'm not really sure how I can help you at this point.

Why do you think liberal people haven't watched the videos?
Since it changes nothing, why would we? Using for a potential benefit what you were just going to burn otherwise? Common sense.
i dont watch heavily edited films and think they are documentaries.....that is the reason i dont watch fox news
We're up to five now. I can't think of a Democratic politician - or even a liberal acquaintance or coworker - who has actually watched any of the videos.
Since it changes nothing, why would we? Using for a potential benefit what you were just going to burn otherwise? Common sense.
It would at least help you make a case as to why it's okay that they're doing that. You wouldn't see the below being the most common reaction.
The case is easy, it's called making lemonade out of lemons. It's flipping common sense.
You have said that you personally do not think any of the three (that the videos are edited, faked, or acquired through illegal means). You're not the only person on the board or the only person with whom I have any interaction. If it doesn't apply to you then stop trying to make it apply to you.

So you admit you could think of some, but you still deliberately said you "I can't think of one".

No more need be said.
I and several people here have directly told you they don't think this.
You have said that you personally do not think any of the three (that the videos are edited, faked, or acquired through illegal means). You're not the only person on the board or the only person with whom I have any interaction. If it doesn't apply to you then stop trying to make it apply to you.

And you always pretend you never heard us, and just go right back to telling the same lie. Nor will you ever address the basic point, which is that the videos don't show what you claim they show, in any version.
I've had you on ignore pretty much since I joined. Which of the videos have you watched?

I've observed that, in general, conservatives believe lying for their cause is justifiable, while liberals don't. That is, liberals are the moral absolutists, and conservatives are the moral relativists. And relativists hate absolutists. Our shining moral absolutism causes them physical pain, much like sunlight burning a vampire, causing them to lash out at the source of the pain.
Yuhuh. Okay. You tell me that while I regularly get bitched at for being too morally absolutist and judgmental towards unethical behavior. You tell me that while I watch your people defend PP while having no idea what the charges are, what the evidence is, or what their exact stances have been. If you don't see why I can't take you seriously then I'm not really sure how I can help you at this point.

Why do you think liberal people haven't watched the videos?
Since it changes nothing, why would we? Using for a potential benefit what you were just going to burn otherwise? Common sense.
i dont watch heavily edited films and think they are documentaries.....that is the reason i dont watch fox news

Charges? Have charges been filed?

If you take these videos as evidence that PP is selling human body parts for profit.....and you claim to have watched might be morally bankrupt.
We're up to five now. I can't think of a Democratic politician - or even a liberal acquaintance or coworker - who has actually watched any of the videos. I can't think of one who doesn't believe deep down in the pit of their soul that the videos are fake, highly edited, and acquired through illegal means either. It's just queer how one can hold such a strong opinion on something about which they bluntly, consciously refuse to learn.
B/c it's a snorefest.
The "heavily edited" videos are basically summaries. They're posted a couple hours before the entire video, for the benefit of folks like yourself who don't have the time or inclination to watch two hours of the people you're defending say the exact things you're trying to convince people they never actually said. Even Planned Parenthood itself has finally admitted that the full version videos exist.

The heavily edited videos are not "summaries"...they are edited to falsely incriminate Planned Parenthood. WHY? Because the unedited video proves Planned Parenthood in not selling body parts for profit....
"It's odd how pretty much the entire Democratic party is too busy to watch the videos"

Wrong again, as usual.

If fact, it's having had watched the videos that democrats determined Planned Parenthood violated no laws.

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