It's Nothing Personal....Just Business


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Sharing the very same attitude toward human life, these two entities support each other.

That would be Planned Parenthood, and the Democrat Party

1. "New Report Shows Planned Parenthood Raked in $1.5 Billion in Taxpayer Funds Over 3 Years
...Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, received over $1.5 billion in taxpayer funds from 2013 to 2015."
New Report Shows Planned Parenthood Raked in $1.5 Billion in Taxpayer Funds Over 3 Years

2. "Planned Parenthood Will Spend $45 Million to Elect Radical Abortion Activists Nationwide
The abortion giant Planned Parenthood will pour at least $45 million into the 2020 election to push pro-abortion Democrats to power.

Hoping to defeat President Donald Trump and retake the U.S. Senate, the abortion chain announced its “biggest electoral effort in history” this week, CBS News reports."
Planned Parenthood Will Spend $45 Million to Elect Radical Abortion Activists Nationwide

Know who else says 'only business....'???

Sharing the very same attitude toward human life, these two entities support each other.

That would be Planned Parenthood, and the Democrat Party

1. "New Report Shows Planned Parenthood Raked in $1.5 Billion in Taxpayer Funds Over 3 Years
...Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, received over $1.5 billion in taxpayer funds from 2013 to 2015."
New Report Shows Planned Parenthood Raked in $1.5 Billion in Taxpayer Funds Over 3 Years

2. "Planned Parenthood Will Spend $45 Million to Elect Radical Abortion Activists Nationwide
The abortion giant Planned Parenthood will pour at least $45 million into the 2020 election to push pro-abortion Democrats to power.

Hoping to defeat President Donald Trump and retake the U.S. Senate, the abortion chain announced its “biggest electoral effort in history” this week, CBS News reports."
Planned Parenthood Will Spend $45 Million to Elect Radical Abortion Activists Nationwide

Know who else says 'only business....'???

The NRA should receive funding.
19 million black babies aborted since 1973.

That eclipses Hitler for genocide and is getting into Stalin territory.
That's DemonRats for you.

I can’t circle that square in my mind. Why is to ok to lefties that 19 million black babies have been aborted since 1973?

My only reasonable conclusion is that they are inherently racist.
I can’t circle that square in my mind. Why is to ok to lefties that 19 million black babies have been aborted since 1973?

My only reasonable conclusion is that they are inherently racist.

Certainly possible, arguendo.....

But here is another possibility....both Planned Parenthood and the Democrat Party can trace their roots to this:

Their predecessors, the Soviet Bolsheviks were wayyyyy ahead: “the Soviets legalized abortion on demand in 1920…”
Legacies of 1917 in Contemporary Russian Public Health: Addiction, HIV, and Abortion

“In 1920, Russian Soviet Republic became the first country in the world to allow abortion in all circumstances,…” Abortion in Russia - Wikipedia

An estimated 1 million abortions in the early years of Soviet Russia Historical abortion statistics, Russia

And both Planned Parenthood and the Democrat Party follow this doctrine:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky
Sharing the very same attitude toward human life, these two entities support each other.

That would be Planned Parenthood, and the Democrat Party

1. "New Report Shows Planned Parenthood Raked in $1.5 Billion in Taxpayer Funds Over 3 Years
...Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, received over $1.5 billion in taxpayer funds from 2013 to 2015."
New Report Shows Planned Parenthood Raked in $1.5 Billion in Taxpayer Funds Over 3 Years

2. "Planned Parenthood Will Spend $45 Million to Elect Radical Abortion Activists Nationwide
The abortion giant Planned Parenthood will pour at least $45 million into the 2020 election to push pro-abortion Democrats to power.

Hoping to defeat President Donald Trump and retake the U.S. Senate, the abortion chain announced its “biggest electoral effort in history” this week, CBS News reports."
Planned Parenthood Will Spend $45 Million to Elect Radical Abortion Activists Nationwide

Know who else says 'only business....'???

Hey the more abortions the better, man I wish your parents would of thought so.
Sharing the very same attitude toward human life, these two entities support each other.

That would be Planned Parenthood, and the Democrat Party

1. "New Report Shows Planned Parenthood Raked in $1.5 Billion in Taxpayer Funds Over 3 Years
...Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, received over $1.5 billion in taxpayer funds from 2013 to 2015."
New Report Shows Planned Parenthood Raked in $1.5 Billion in Taxpayer Funds Over 3 Years

2. "Planned Parenthood Will Spend $45 Million to Elect Radical Abortion Activists Nationwide
The abortion giant Planned Parenthood will pour at least $45 million into the 2020 election to push pro-abortion Democrats to power.

Hoping to defeat President Donald Trump and retake the U.S. Senate, the abortion chain announced its “biggest electoral effort in history” this week, CBS News reports."
Planned Parenthood Will Spend $45 Million to Elect Radical Abortion Activists Nationwide

Know who else says 'only business....'???

Good they need the money. I love the hypocrisy that you whites care about blacks so much. Do you want slavery to start back up, is the only thing I can think of , or do you want them at the front lines of a war?
Sharing the very same attitude toward human life, these two entities support each other.

That would be Planned Parenthood, and the Democrat Party

1. "New Report Shows Planned Parenthood Raked in $1.5 Billion in Taxpayer Funds Over 3 Years
...Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, received over $1.5 billion in taxpayer funds from 2013 to 2015."
New Report Shows Planned Parenthood Raked in $1.5 Billion in Taxpayer Funds Over 3 Years

2. "Planned Parenthood Will Spend $45 Million to Elect Radical Abortion Activists Nationwide
The abortion giant Planned Parenthood will pour at least $45 million into the 2020 election to push pro-abortion Democrats to power.

Hoping to defeat President Donald Trump and retake the U.S. Senate, the abortion chain announced its “biggest electoral effort in history” this week, CBS News reports."
Planned Parenthood Will Spend $45 Million to Elect Radical Abortion Activists Nationwide

Know who else says 'only business....'???

Hey the more abortions the better, man I wish your parents would of thought so.
Sharing the very same attitude toward human life, these two entities support each other.

That would be Planned Parenthood, and the Democrat Party

1. "New Report Shows Planned Parenthood Raked in $1.5 Billion in Taxpayer Funds Over 3 Years
...Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, received over $1.5 billion in taxpayer funds from 2013 to 2015."
New Report Shows Planned Parenthood Raked in $1.5 Billion in Taxpayer Funds Over 3 Years

2. "Planned Parenthood Will Spend $45 Million to Elect Radical Abortion Activists Nationwide
The abortion giant Planned Parenthood will pour at least $45 million into the 2020 election to push pro-abortion Democrats to power.

Hoping to defeat President Donald Trump and retake the U.S. Senate, the abortion chain announced its “biggest electoral effort in history” this week, CBS News reports."
Planned Parenthood Will Spend $45 Million to Elect Radical Abortion Activists Nationwide

Know who else says 'only business....'???

Good they need the money.

For this?


Based on numbers reported by the Guttmacher Institute 1973-2014, with projections of 926,190 for 2015-16. GI estimates a possible 3 percent under reporting rate, which is factored into the overall total. [1/17]
Dimms, just imagine all the Dimm voters you might have if those 19 million black babies were actually born.
Dimms, just imagine all the Dimm voters you might have if those 19 million black babies were actually born.

Pretty much a mirror image of what their predecessors, the Soviet communists did to their citizens.

World War II left over 27 million Soviet citizens dead....but only a fraction of them were killed by the Germans. Yet throughout the West. 'war crimes' is a phrase only attacked to the Nazis. When the Red Army marched, an NKVD army marched behind, with its own tanks, machine guns, firing forward....never allowing retreat. More than a million Soviet citizens joined the Nazis. Ask yourself this: why was it that the USSR, of all the Allies, had provided the enemy with thousands of recruits? Nearly one million Russian and other anti-Soviet men joined the enemy of their Soviet Army. "The Secret Betrayal" by Nikolai Tolstoy, p. 19-20.

The Soviet Union killed more than twenty million men, women and children.

Former USSR leader Joseph Stalin is estimated to have killed millions of people for various reasons. Reports from the Soviet archives show prisoners under Stalin's regime who were executed either for political or criminal offences. Around 158,000 soldiers were also executed for deserting the war.

"Major Soviet Paper Says 20 Million Died As Victims of Stalin"
Major Soviet Paper Says 20 Million Died As Victims of Stalin
Sharing the very same attitude toward human life, these two entities support each other.

That would be Planned Parenthood, and the Democrat Party

1. "New Report Shows Planned Parenthood Raked in $1.5 Billion in Taxpayer Funds Over 3 Years
...Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, received over $1.5 billion in taxpayer funds from 2013 to 2015."
New Report Shows Planned Parenthood Raked in $1.5 Billion in Taxpayer Funds Over 3 Years

2. "Planned Parenthood Will Spend $45 Million to Elect Radical Abortion Activists Nationwide
The abortion giant Planned Parenthood will pour at least $45 million into the 2020 election to push pro-abortion Democrats to power.

Hoping to defeat President Donald Trump and retake the U.S. Senate, the abortion chain announced its “biggest electoral effort in history” this week, CBS News reports."
Planned Parenthood Will Spend $45 Million to Elect Radical Abortion Activists Nationwide

Know who else says 'only business....'???

Republicans should keep their hands out of women's vaginas.
Sharing the very same attitude toward human life, these two entities support each other.

That would be Planned Parenthood, and the Democrat Party

1. "New Report Shows Planned Parenthood Raked in $1.5 Billion in Taxpayer Funds Over 3 Years
...Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, received over $1.5 billion in taxpayer funds from 2013 to 2015."
New Report Shows Planned Parenthood Raked in $1.5 Billion in Taxpayer Funds Over 3 Years

2. "Planned Parenthood Will Spend $45 Million to Elect Radical Abortion Activists Nationwide
The abortion giant Planned Parenthood will pour at least $45 million into the 2020 election to push pro-abortion Democrats to power.

Hoping to defeat President Donald Trump and retake the U.S. Senate, the abortion chain announced its “biggest electoral effort in history” this week, CBS News reports."
Planned Parenthood Will Spend $45 Million to Elect Radical Abortion Activists Nationwide

Know who else says 'only business....'???

The NRA should receive funding.

The NRA should receive funding.

For what? Being a marketing concern for gun manufacturers?
19 million black babies aborted since 1973.

That eclipses Hitler for genocide and is getting into Stalin territory.

The Stalin playbook is where today's Dimms aspire to be.

It is hardly a coincidence that today's Democrat Party stands for the same things the communist party did.

It was predicted in a book written in the early 70's, titled "The Coming Crisis of Western Sociology".

It was predicted in a book written in the early 70's, titled "The Coming Crisis of Western Sociology"

Which detailed the problems with conservatism in beating down the middle class.
19 million black babies aborted since 1973.

That eclipses Hitler for genocide and is getting into Stalin territory.

The Stalin playbook is where today's Dimms aspire to be.

It is hardly a coincidence that today's Democrat Party stands for the same things the communist party did.

It was predicted in a book written in the early 70's, titled "The Coming Crisis of Western Sociology".

It was predicted in a book written in the early 70's, titled "The Coming Crisis of Western Sociology"

Which detailed the problems with conservatism in beating down the middle class.

It was much more than that.
Gouldner predicted that individualistic founded society would morph to totalitarianism and communal founded society would gravitate towards functionalism, over time.
Sorry, you be wrong!
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19 million black babies aborted since 1973.

That eclipses Hitler for genocide and is getting into Stalin territory.

The Stalin playbook is where today's Dimms aspire to be.

It is hardly a coincidence that today's Democrat Party stands for the same things the communist party did.

It was predicted in a book written in the early 70's, titled "The Coming Crisis of Western Sociology".

"It was predicted in a book written in the early 70's, titled "The Coming Crisis of Western Sociology".

Perhaps we should have recognized it far earlier....

Democrat FDR came into office March 4th of 1933. On November 16, 1933, President Roosevelt rushed to embrace....recognize...the USSR.

If this act, based on FDR's additional pro-Soviet endeavors, was rational....then these folks must have been irrational: "Four Presidents and their six Secretaries of State for over a decade and a half held to this resolve," i.e., refusal to recognize the Soviet government. That was written by Herbert Hoover, one of those four Presidents. He wrote it in his "Freedom Betrayed: Herbert Hoover's Secret History of the Second World War and Its Aftermath"by George H. Nash, published posthumously, obviously, in 2011, pg 24-29.

And he knew of the genocidal actions of the Soviets.

And for the next 70 years, the Democrat Party was the best friend and supporter of the Soviets, communists, Bolsheviks, Marxists, 'Democratic Socialists, whatever.....

That's what's so amusing about the Democrats claim that the Russians wanted Trump as President.
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