It’s Looking Ever More Likely That Jan. 6 Was A Fedsurrection


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2011
It looked like it when it happened. Trump supporters are not violent and were not about to start on J6. Only the police had guns.

A former top FBI official testified that numerous confidential human sources attended or participated in the Jan. 6 riot.

The implications of these reports are massive. Altogether, they strongly suggest that the federal government deliberately egged on a riot to silence any discussions about the 2020 election, crush Trump’s populist movement, and cast Trump as a dangerous tyrant. Along with the police, at least “a handful,” but probably more like dozens of (or possibly many more) informants and undercover agents from various government agencies were in the crowd goading otherwise innocent Americans to become violent and breach the Capitol. And now, these protesters are being denied due process rights and sentenced by psychopath judges to ridiculously long prison sentences in kangaroo courts.

All lies and propaganda with the smallest grain of truth. Again as it becomes more obvious the harder it is denied and the more government intimidation of innocent civilians who only wanted an investigation of the 2020 election by Congress. Try some introspection and honesty for a change.

It looked like it when it happened. Trump supporters are not violent and were not about to start on J6. Only the police had guns.

A former top FBI official testified that numerous confidential human sources attended or participated in the Jan. 6 riot.

The implications of these reports are massive. Altogether, they strongly suggest that the federal government deliberately egged on a riot to silence any discussions about the 2020 election, crush Trump’s populist movement, and cast Trump as a dangerous tyrant. Along with the police, at least “a handful,” but probably more like dozens of (or possibly many more) informants and undercover agents from various government agencies were in the crowd goading otherwise innocent Americans to become violent and breach the Capitol. And now, these protesters are being denied due process rights and sentenced by psychopath judges to ridiculously long prison sentences in kangaroo courts.

All lies and propaganda with the smallest grain of truth. Again as it becomes more obvious the harder it is denied and the more government intimidation of innocent civilians who only wanted an investigation of the 2020 election by Congress. Try some introspection and honesty for a change.

Only to mentally ill worshippers of the orange sexual abuser.
How is this a conspiracy when numerous credible people have said things that prove it was a Fedsurrection? When is this bullshit going to stop and a real discussion going to take place? Stop moving things because they disagree with your fucking narrative.

Tell us why this is a conspiracy. Whoever moves these threads does not have the balls to defend his/her actions.
The dems are hiding emails and other correspondence from that day and the week prior... of course it was caused by the feds.... its a typical Piglosi style false flag....
It certainly is not a conspiracy theory until the FBI answers some questions. This bullshit of denying evidence means nothing but guilt. Again the obvious hatred for the truth drives these soulless assholes. It is high time this kind of crap is protested against especially when no explanation is given.
How is this a conspiracy when numerous credible people have said things that prove it was a Fedsurrection? When is this bullshit going to stop and a real discussion going to take place? Stop moving things because they disagree with your fucking narrative.

Tell us why this is a conspiracy. Whoever moves these threads does not have the balls to defend his/her actions.
It doesn't follow The Official Narrative™.

Keep it up and you'll get a trip to GITMO.
In some ways, this outcome has already materialized, putting the country in a precarious position. It will only become worse until Americans of all political stripes (not just conservatives) speak up for the Jan. 6 protesters. What’s happening to them is not just wrong, but egregious. Whatever one thinks about what they were protesting, it cannot be denied that they have given up everything for their cause. The least we can do is give them our sympathy and uncover the truth about what happened.

Same source as OP.
If you really believe the election was stolen I can't imagine why you would have a problem with what happened Jan 6.

You believe rolling over and playing dead is a better reaction?
If you really believe the election was stolen I can't imagine why you would have a problem with what happened Jan 6.

You believe rolling over and playing dead is a better reaction?
I have a problem because the violence was not caused by the protestors. And the murder of two unarmed women was not caused by the protestors either. I am surprised any American supports these obvious lies coming from our government.
If you really believe the election was stolen I can't imagine why you would have a problem with what happened Jan 6.

You believe rolling over and playing dead is a better reaction?
Yeah, first it was the election was stolen and - "We need to march on the Capitol"

Once, the fallout was shown on TV, it became - "it's just some tourists having a good time".

When the perps started getting sentenced, it now became - "It's the damned FBI that made us do it, I swear!"

Gad, these trumptards. So sweet. Idiots the lot of them but oh, so cute.
I have a problem because the violence was not caused by the protestors. And the murder of two unarmed women was not caused by the protestors either. I am surprised any American supports these obvious lies coming from our government.

We saw the Trump supporters creating violence. It wasn't A.I.

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