It's JUST a Freaking Website Problem, People

If it were a new iPhone, people would be saying they like it and hope the new software fixes the glitches.

Hell, if it were rock concert, people would be saying they're happy to wait in line in the cold and sleep on the sidewalk.

Not to mention the debacle of Microsoft's history and yet Bill Gates reigns.

Remember Windows 2000? Total mess. Windows Vista? History.

Windows 2000 glitches wouldn't cause anyone to die waiting for the next version.
If it were a new iPhone, people would be saying they like it and hope the new software fixes the glitches.

Hell, if it were rock concert, people would be saying they're happy to wait in line in the cold and sleep on the sidewalk.

Not to mention the debacle of Microsoft's history and yet Bill Gates reigns.

Remember Windows 2000? Total mess. Windows Vista? History.

Windows 2000 glitches wouldn't cause anyone to die waiting for the next version.

[ame=]Obama Gaffe - YouTube[/ame]
It really is. I've had website development as one of my services provided since 1999 and I was reminded yesterday, as I struggled with Google's behemoth mess called the "cloud" and their inability to interpret a .txt file properly without screwing up, that the ACA site had a much higher, faster, heavier volumed launch than Google. So let the programmers fix it and let's see how the actual health care program works.

They only had three years to write the software and test it. I would like to know if it was developed by government employees or a private company.

If it was government employees, SNAFU. If a private company, I would like to know the name so I never use them.

Canadian firm out of Montreal. And you will not believe how much money has been paid out to them.

The original bid has tripled in cost so far.

Minimum tripled, I'm betting it's much more if that's what information available says. Like everything else this guys done, whatever we know about money spent, there's a missing multiplier.
Dont worry the IT guy is on the way to fix obama care

It really is. I've had website development as one of my services provided since 1999 and I was reminded yesterday, as I struggled with Google's behemoth mess called the "cloud" and their inability to interpret a .txt file properly without screwing up, that the ACA site had a much higher, faster, heavier volumed launch than Google. So let the programmers fix it and let's see how the actual health care program works.

Yep. Have to agree with that. The preoccupation with the website problems is superficial at best.
It really is. I've had website development as one of my services provided since 1999 and I was reminded yesterday, as I struggled with Google's behemoth mess called the "cloud" and their inability to interpret a .txt file properly without screwing up, that the ACA site had a much higher, faster, heavier volumed launch than Google. So let the programmers fix it and let's see how the actual health care program works.

They only had three years to write the software and test it. I would like to know if it was developed by government employees or a private company.

If it was government employees, SNAFU. If a private company, I would like to know the name so I never use them.

It was done by a company the Canadian government fired and refused to pay for incompetence on a 46million dollar project.

Thank you for that info. Of course they did build it to government specifications, which always are contradictory and usually run the cost up 1000%. Remember all of the military aircraft that were built to milspec.

I think it was the $1200 hammer that Lockheed built for the C-5 Galaxy that was criticized in the press. They forgot that it was built to Milspec which required a ton of engineering paperwork, government inspections and exotic materials to make, when they could have bought them at Ace Hardware for $8.
It really is. I've had website development as one of my services provided since 1999 and I was reminded yesterday, as I struggled with Google's behemoth mess called the "cloud" and their inability to interpret a .txt file properly without screwing up, that the ACA site had a much higher, faster, heavier volumed launch than Google. So let the programmers fix it and let's see how the actual health care program works.

Yep. Have to agree with that. The preoccupation with the website problems is superficial at best.


Kiss my ass. You have a real problem on your hands. When an uber lib government in Ontario trashes their asses they have to be really really bad.

Now being a Quebec company it means they did kick backs to get the gig. I think everyone involved in the hiring of this company should have their bank accounts checked.

$634 Million ObamaCare Website Company was Fired by Canada
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It really is. I've had website development as one of my services provided since 1999 and I was reminded yesterday, as I struggled with Google's behemoth mess called the "cloud" and their inability to interpret a .txt file properly without screwing up, that the ACA site had a much higher, faster, heavier volumed launch than Google. So let the programmers fix it and let's see how the actual health care program works.

They only had three years to write the software and test it. I would like to know if it was developed by government employees or a private company.

If it was government employees, SNAFU. If a private company, I would like to know the name so I never use them.

CGI, a Canadian company.

Meet CGI Federal, the company behind the botched launch of
It really is. I've had website development as one of my services provided since 1999 and I was reminded yesterday, as I struggled with Google's behemoth mess called the "cloud" and their inability to interpret a .txt file properly without screwing up, that the ACA site had a much higher, faster, heavier volumed launch than Google. So let the programmers fix it and let's see how the actual health care program works.

Yep. Have to agree with that. The preoccupation with the website problems is superficial at best.


Kiss my ass. You have a real problem on your hands. When an uber lib government in Ontario trashes their asses they have to be really really bad.

Now being a Quebec company it means they did kick backs to get the gig. I think everyone involved in the hiring of this company should have their bank accounts checked.

$634 Million ObamaCare Website Company was Fired by Canada

Well, let me put it this way: if and when they get the problems with the website worked out, will you be content with the policies of PPACA?

I won't.
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Here's the thing...liberals are so dismissive of this..but meanwhile, parents are getting calls from their doctor's offices and hospitals saying that their kids, who have had coverage until now, suddenly have fallen off in their coverage.

Part of the whole process in this fed takeover is that they are now managing medicaid for existing medicaid customers...except they AREN'T MANAGING IT. The cases are just closing. And there are people who need treatment, who have been getting treatment, who are now getting calls telling them "whoops too bad, you're going to have to reschedule..." and they're rescheduling for months and months out. And it's going to be worse when they enroll all those previously un-covered adults and they start flooding the healthcare system.
A quick search turns this kernel up about Amazon from 2007:

"""And I worked at Amazon for seven years; they have well over a hundred million lines of code in various languages, and "complexity" is frequently cited internally as their worst technical problem."""

Stevey's Blog Rants: Code's Worst Enemy

I am finishing up a 106-page site that has around 3000+ lines of code per page, mostly a lot of code linking to Amazon. How many lines is that? 318,000 lines.

3000 lines of code per page?

No wonder you can't get your google cloud services to work. You obviously don't know what you're doing.
Yep. Have to agree with that. The preoccupation with the website problems is superficial at best.


Kiss my ass. You have a real problem on your hands. When an uber lib government in Ontario trashes their asses they have to be really really bad.

Now being a Quebec company it means they did kick backs to get the gig. I think everyone involved in the hiring of this company should have their bank accounts checked.

$634 Million ObamaCare Website Company was Fired by Canada

Well, let me put it this way: if and when they get the problems with the website worked out, will you be content with the policies of PPACA?

I won't.

Hell no.

I've been at the heart of the battle up here for years for two tier.

It's the only healthcare that works. I know it sounds crazy but the French have the best two tier going.

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