It's been 5 months since Jan Morgan banned Muslims from her firing range..........


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
and business has boomed !

Gun range's ban on Muslims draws fire

In the five months since Jan Morgan banned Muslims from her gun range in Hot Springs, Ark., business has boomed and predictions of a lawsuit brought by federal civil rights enforcers have so far proved inaccurate.

Morgan, who claims keeping Muslims out of her Gun Cave Indoor Firing Range is a matter of public safety and not a constitutional issue, says she made the decision in September after two customers she deemed suspicious visited. She said their furtive behavior and cellphone ringtones of “Allahu Akhbar” prompted her to revise her range’s policies.

“We are dealing in lethal firearms,” Morgan told “I’m not going to let a Nazi shoot in here, or a Ku Klux Klan member in here, either.”

Morgan said she excludes those she believes to be Muslim based on their names. She says business is up, but she has gotten threats, which she brushed off.

“I’m not going to let a Nazi shoot in here, or a Ku Klux Klan member in here either.”
- Jan Morgan, gun range operator

MORE: Gun range s ban on Muslims draws fire Fox News
Haha good business model. People should be free to do business with who they want.
Just goes to show powerful the rightwing herd mentality is.

"She hates those muzzies too, better throw some money at her"

The reason there hasn't been a lawsuit is because no one gives a shit about a podunk shooting range in Cousinfucking, AK. I seriously doubt any she's ever met a Muslim, let alone ever had one in her shop.
Just goes to show powerful the rightwing herd mentality is.

"She hates those muzzies too, better throw some money at her"

The reason there hasn't been a lawsuit is because no one gives a shit about a podunk shooting range in Cousinfucking, AK. I seriously doubt any she's ever met a Muslim, let alone ever had one in her shop.
They have Muslim Mexicans up there....
Just goes to show powerful the rightwing herd mentality is.

"She hates those muzzies too, better throw some money at her"

The reason there hasn't been a lawsuit is because no one gives a shit about a podunk shooting range in Cousinfucking, AK. I seriously doubt any she's ever met a Muslim, let alone ever had one in her shop.
She's not in Alaska (AK) Doctor. She's in Arkansas (AR). But fucking your cousin would be a lot better than fucking your own Mother.
If a Muslim patron were refused service he could file suit and would likely win:

'Arkansas antidiscrimination law...does cover shooting ranges that are generally open to the public:

“Place of public resort, accommodation, assemblage, or amusement” means any place, store, or other establishment, either licensed or unlicensed, that supplies accommodations, goods, or services to the general public, or that solicits or accepts the patronage or trade of the general public, or that is supported directly or indirectly by government funds, but “place of public resort, accommodation, assemblage, or amusement” does not include … [a]ny private club or other establishment not in fact open to the public ….

So if this is a range that most members of the public can just go into and use (unless they look too Muslim to the owner), then the owner is legally barred from discriminating among patrons based on religion (or various other attributes).'

May Arkansas shooting range exclude Muslims - The Washington Post

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