It's Become Clear the Left Is Controlling the Dems

The good points about the UN.............

If an impotent, bloated bureaucracy cannot solve it, then it is best left festering

Genocidal dicators, beware their non binding resolutions

If troubles abound, they will be nearby doing nothing

and once are deflecting the discussion by making it about the middle east. I pointed out that my service in the middle east with the united nations gives me a legitimate background of knowledge and experience from whence to discuss our foreign policy in that region...I asked you what was the basis for your "understanding" of the middle east, and you deflect it and talk about how you don't like the united nations.
Are you ever going to answer my question, or will you continue to tapdance.
and once are deflecting the discussion by making it about the middle east. I pointed out that my service in the middle east with the united nations gives me a legitimate background of knowledge and experience from whence to discuss our foreign policy in that region...I asked you what was the basis for your "understanding" of the middle east, and you deflect it and talk about how you don't like the united nations.
Are you ever going to answer my question, or will you continue to tapdance.

The Useleass Nations serve no usu8al purpose- much like your "job" with the UN

Nothing accomplished - nothing useful
and how would you know what I accomplished in my tour with the United Nations? You were probably still filling your diapers when I was there.

I would LOVE to see you walk up to the Chief of Staff of the US Army and tell him that he served no useful purpose and accomplished nothing during his tour with UNTSO.

you would not have the balls.
and how would you know what I accomplished in my tour with the United Nations? You were probably still filling your diapers when I was there.

I would LOVE to see you walk up to the Chief of Staff of the US Army and tell him that he served no useful purpose and accomplished nothing during his tour with UNTSO.

you would not have the balls.

Well, you tried to reason with the terrorists. To libs, the fact thye care and try to solve a problem is more important then acutally accomplishing something
Well, you tried to reason with the terrorists. To libs, the fact thye care and try to solve a problem is more important then acutally accomplishing something

you only sing one song and it's getting really old. you never actually debate anything, you merely find new ways to say that "liberals are [fill in the blank]"

it really is pointless.
your song is pointless... you won't ever debate anything... all you do is toss out tired old one-liners denigrating liberals. That is what you call debate...I call it pathetic.

Yes, libs are pathetic. You prove that point on a daily basis


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