It's About D@mn Time


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

It’s about damn time the United States removes its name from the UN Human Rights Council or any similar organization, whether or not that organization is a successful advocate for human rights. Doing so makes the U.S. appear less...hypocritical.

Around the world, the decades long record of the United States supporting “economic friendly" governments that regularly rob their citizenry of human rights and human dignity has been SOP. The United States and most of its people turn a blind eye to the human rights violations in these many countries, and feel no regrets. After all, we’ve got ours.

The United States now declares war on “religious dogma”, and those individuals and groups around the world who are doing “God’s work” that fits their religious beliefs. The United States tortures these captured “enemy combatants”, as the U.S. no longer observes the Geneva Conventions.

For those who have conveniently forgotten, Geneva Conventions are rules that apply only in times of armed conflict and seek to protect people who are not or are no longer taking part in hostilities; these include the sick and wounded of armed forces on the field, wounded, sick, and shipwrecked members of armed forces at sea, prisoners of war, and civilians.

We can no longer boast of being protectors of human rights, we have lowered ourselves to the level of religious extremists.

The United States can hardly call itself a “humane” nation. One need look no further than the way the U.S. treats its own citizens. Yes, there are those who are treated very, very well, those with most of the wealth. But, as the income level drops, so does the treatment the individual or group receives from other citizens, especially from those citizens further up the food chain.

The old scam that all “men” are created equal, has been disproven for most of the life of this nation. The thickness of the wallet has always determined the level of equality in the U.S. And, as the foothold of conservatism gains more and more strength, that “wallet based” equality becomes more and more difficult to overcome.

Those who welcome this inequality the most, oddly enough, are impoverished white conservatives, most are devoted Christians. They will fight to keep wages low. They will fight for the rights of the corporation. They will fight for anything that helps maintain their level of poverty or drives them deeper. They will fight against any government protection of their own rights and dignity as workers or as consumers or as disabled.

Yes, the time has long since passed when the Unites States could call itself a nation that fights for the rights of human beings. Since 2003, rarely a day passes that the U.S. doesn’t commit human rights violations, and the numbers are increasing rapidly. All of which are approved by the vast majority of conservatives, of course.

The controlling interests, and especially their supporters, have have lost all compassion and empathy, so naturally, they believe the victims of human rights violations by the U.S. are “asking for it”, regardless of age. Just ask any conservative, most will offer reassurance there is no undeserved abuse occurring.

These same conservative Christians will laugh at those whose human rights are being violated. The conservatives’ responses and ratings for this OP will be additional proof of the topic.

US Withdraws From UN Human Rights Council


It's now our way to have no respect for the disabled or human dignity, why concern ourselves with human rights?

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