Italian cold fusion machine passes another test


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Italian cold fusion machine passes another test
Cold fusion machine passes test - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience -
Despite a world of skepticism about E-Cat and other devices, proof is adding up

Italian physicist and inventor Andrea Rossi has conducted a public demonstration of his "cold fusion" machine, the E-Cat, at the University of Bologna, showing that a small amount of input energy drives an unexplained reaction between atoms of hydrogen and nickel that leads to a large outpouring of energy, more than 10 times what was put in.

The first seemingly successful cold fusion experiment was reported two decades ago, but the process has forever been met with heavy skepticism. It's a seemingly impossible process in which two types of atoms, typically a light element and a heavier metal, seem to fuse together, releasing pure heat that can be converted into electricity. The process is an attractive energy solution for two reasons: Unlike in nuclear fission, the reaction doesn't give off dangerous radiation. Unlike the fusion processes that take place in the sun, cold fusion doesn't require extremely high temperatures.

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Heck, one of theses if this works is worth a thousand solar panels. What is great about this is 1# it is clean, so they on the left won't be able to bitch and 2# it doesn't cover the area that solar panels do. So it is better all around for the environment.
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The e-cat I believe takes 500 watts to get going with input, but then puts out(output) that energy each hour afterwards. This is what I understand. I believe earlier experiments never gotten more energy out then put in, but Rossi said he got 10 times as much out as put in. WHICH IS VERY GOOD.

There is so much energy within a element that it's possible. Of course I can't wait until we can stabilize hot fusion, which will put out a hell of a lot more, but cold fusion will be nice to have powering your house one day.

I don't know very much about it, and most of science says it won't work. So this would be huge news.

*I heard that it needs to be refilled every 6 months with a little bit of silver. The energy within it is amazing...

Hell, yes if this is true it will beat the crap out of fossils fuels.

Imagine 50 years from now, we have a computer sized one of these hooked up to each one of our houses. We get our power with it and pay for the silver or other heavy element and hydrogen to refuel.

100 years from now we GET Hot nuclear fusion for our star ships. We can go to the stars now. Nuclear fusion now powers the whole planet for free. Man could make free power for all.
its just a big scam. He is using the excuse that he can't get it patented because they don't allow patents on cold fusion devices since they are considered to be impossible according to physics.
This is wrong on both parts.
First, you can get a patent, as long as you have a working prototype, this is the general view in the patent world. They even allow patents for perpetual motion machines (which really are considered impossible by physics), as long as you have a working model.
Second, its not considered impossible in physics, just really really hard. We also don't know how to do it with a net increase of energy, but nothing in physics says that it in neccessarily impossible.
What he is doing is using the whole "I can't get a patent" excuse as reason for not showing anyone how it works. He is just trying to get more money for his "research", which is probably spent on hookers and gelato.

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