XL Pipeline: Obama's Decision


Póg Mo Thóin
Dec 3, 2009
A Higher Plain
Here is the latest from Obama concerning the XL Pipeline.

The comments reveal an extraordinary ignorance about the subject, but then; Did I really expect anything else?

Referring to the State Department, Obama told KETV, ''They'll be giving me a report over the next several months and, you know, my general attitude is: What is best for the American people? What's best for our economy both short term and long term? But also: What's best for the health of the American people?''

''We don't want, for example, aquifers'' to be adversely affected, he said, adding, ''folks in Nebraska obviously would be directly impacted, and so we want to make sure we're taking the long view on these issues.''

''We need to encourage domestic oil and natural gas production,'' Obama continued. ''We need to make sure that we have energy security and aren't just relying on Middle East sources. But there's a way of doing that and still making sure that the health and safety of the American people and folks in Nebraska are protected, and that's how I'll be measuring these recommendations when they come to me.''

Aquifers....effected by a pipeline????


DownstreamToday.com - News and Information for the Downstream Oil and Gas Industry
Of course underground oil spills would never find their way into an aquifer.
It is just plain silly to think that they could.

with that said I still support the pipline. I do not get any water from the possibly impacted aquafiers anyway :D
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Obama's position on American Energy is based on ignorance and stupidity. This man is going to be single-handedly responsible for this country being even more dependent on Middle Eastern Oil. Really, if you don't have a CLUE about something, then please, would you just say so!

November 2012 can't come too soon...
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Of course underground oil spills would never find their way into an aquifer.
It is just plain silly to think that they could.

with that said I still support the pipline. I do not get any water from the possibly impacted aquafiers anyway :D

Yeah, yeah, that's the ticket! Like the pipeline in Alaska and all of those spills? And of course, not to mention the fact that there are about 20,000 miles of pipeline ALREADY underneath our feets right now!

Jeeze... When you don't understand something, just say so.
Of course underground oil spills would never find their way into an aquifer.
It is just plain silly to think that they could.

with that said I still support the pipline. I do not get any water from the possibly impacted aquafiers anyway :D

Yeah, yeah, that's the ticket! Like the pipeline in Alaska and all of those spills? And of course, not to mention the fact that there are about 20,000 miles of pipeline ALREADY underneath our feets right now!

Jeeze... When you don't understand something, just say so.

ever hear of permafrost? We do not have that in the lower 50.

I live in pipeline alley. A 30 inch high pressure gas line blew out about 4 weeks ago just 5 miles by air from my home.
It is the 5th such incidence with the past 20 years within 30- miles of my home.

but truely I did not understand that the AF had snipers.
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Of course underground oil spills would never find their way into an aquifer.
It is just plain silly to think that they could.

You're right, especially since pipilines already criss-cross the entire nation, and have been in existance for decades without effecting aquifers.

But let Obama make a decision: I cannot wait to see how many enemies he'll make.
Of course underground oil spills would never find their way into an aquifer.
It is just plain silly to think that they could.

with that said I still support the pipline. I do not get any water from the possibly impacted aquafiers anyway :D

Yeah, yeah, that's the ticket! Like the pipeline in Alaska and all of those spills? And of course, not to mention the fact that there are about 20,000 miles of pipeline ALREADY underneath our feets right now!

Jeeze... When you don't understand something, just say so.

ever hear of permafrost? We do not have that in the lower 50.

I live in pipeline alley. A 30 inch high pressure gas line blew out about 4 weeks ago just 5 miles by air from my home.
It is the 5th such incidence with the past 20 years within 30- miles of my home.

I bet airplanes pass overhead too.

One could fall out of the sky, ya know.

Guess we better stop building airports.
There is much concern about dumping oil on the Cushing market, further suppressing prices.
But XL has stated they plan to build the Cushing to Houston/Port Arthur leg first.
Here's the proposed XL route:


Here's what we have already:

There are literally hundreds of oil pipelines cris-crossing the U.S. -- and there have been for many decades. Name one instance when an aquifer has been adversely affected!! No -- I didn't think so!!:eusa_eh::doubt:

Of course underground oil spills would never find their way into an aquifer.
It is just plain silly to think that they could.

with that said I still support the pipline. I do not get any water from the possibly impacted aquafiers anyway :D
Obama's position on American Energy is based on ignorance and stupidity. This man is going to be single-handedly responsible for this country being even more dependent on Middle Eastern Oil. Really, if you don't have a CLUE about something, then please, would you just say so!

November 2012 can't come too soon...

Yes, it is merely a political ploy to please his base of enviornmentalists.....he is desperately trying to hold on to something, as he has nothing else. Politics over the struggling people who needed those JOBS that the pipeline would have created...
  • Thanks
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But we are not talking about high pressure gas lines are we? So your post is merely an attempt to deflect attention from the facts. Nice try.


ever hear of permafrost? We do not have that in the lower 50.

I live in pipeline alley. A 30 inch high pressure gas line blew out about 4 weeks ago just 5 miles by air from my home.
It is the 5th such incidence with the past 20 years within 30- miles of my home.

but truely I did not understand that the AF had snipers.
Here is the latest from Obama concerning the XL Pipeline.

The comments reveal an extraordinary ignorance about the subject, but then; Did I really expect anything else?

Referring to the State Department, Obama told KETV, ''They'll be giving me a report over the next several months and, you know, my general attitude is: What is best for the American people? What's best for our economy both short term and long term? But also: What's best for the health of the American people?''

''We don't want, for example, aquifers'' to be adversely affected, he said, adding, ''folks in Nebraska obviously would be directly impacted, and so we want to make sure we're taking the long view on these issues.''

''We need to encourage domestic oil and natural gas production,'' Obama continued. ''We need to make sure that we have energy security and aren't just relying on Middle East sources. But there's a way of doing that and still making sure that the health and safety of the American people and folks in Nebraska are protected, and that's how I'll be measuring these recommendations when they come to me.''

Aquifers....effected by a pipeline????


DownstreamToday.com - News and Information for the Downstream Oil and Gas Industry

Republicans want to get rid of the EPA. They think a certain number of "birth defects" is acceptable. Love it when they call others "ignorant". Hilarious!
Republicans want to get rid of the EPA. They think a certain number of "birth defects" is acceptable. Love it when they call others "ignorant". Hilarious!

That statment is quite extreme, over the top, and rather silly and you know it.
Especially as it regards this thread topic.
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Of course underground oil spills would never find their way into an aquifer.
It is just plain silly to think that they could.

with that said I still support the pipline. I do not get any water from the possibly impacted aquafiers anyway :D

Show me where that has ever happened.
There is much concern about dumping oil on the Cushing market, further suppressing prices.
But XL has stated they plan to build the Cushing to Houston/Port Arthur leg first.

Which would mean millions of dollars for my company.
Nobody here is actually thinking of the other things that could happen. They can be very dangerous to people and to native animals. Maybe you may not care about the animals but other people do. I dont think Obama cares if people that dont live in this country hate him or love him. I respect his decision and stand behind him. The pipeline would put our gas at a higher price then it is now. Its not that complex.
Here is the latest from Obama concerning the XL Pipeline.

The comments reveal an extraordinary ignorance about the subject, but then; Did I really expect anything else?

Referring to the State Department, Obama told KETV, ''They'll be giving me a report over the next several months and, you know, my general attitude is: What is best for the American people? What's best for our economy both short term and long term? But also: What's best for the health of the American people?''

''We don't want, for example, aquifers'' to be adversely affected, he said, adding, ''folks in Nebraska obviously would be directly impacted, and so we want to make sure we're taking the long view on these issues.''

''We need to encourage domestic oil and natural gas production,'' Obama continued. ''We need to make sure that we have energy security and aren't just relying on Middle East sources. But there's a way of doing that and still making sure that the health and safety of the American people and folks in Nebraska are protected, and that's how I'll be measuring these recommendations when they come to me.''

Aquifers....effected by a pipeline????


DownstreamToday.com - News and Information for the Downstream Oil and Gas Industry
Trying to find plausable bullshit to do what is obviously an ecofascist move to hurt this nation economically and make it not stink so bad.

Requires a very gullible and stupid populace which we seem to have in abundance.

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