It Was Bound To Happen

Didn't know you were a Nam vet.

You just raised your respect with me a notch. Much like Hoss on here

God Bless you

Me and Hoss were both 1st Cav and 11F40 Recon. He did his first tour before me and his second after I was gone. Thanks. :eusa_angel:

I have a ton of respect for both of you and any Nam vet.

I never knew him ( born in 1985) but lost an uncle in 1969. Gunboat hit a mine or something, I've never really known the ifs and nuts.

Not me or my family but you guys were treated wrong

What's happening today is offspring who treated you wrong.

By the way, Navy brat of USN MCPO. Military runs in my veins.

Hoss was at Ia Drang and I was at Hue and the duration of the Tet Offensive so they got their money's worth from us. I was sad when you were gone and glad you're back. Your avatar always makes my heart skip a beat when I first see's beautiful.
Go 5th Marines! You are a true blue American for Hue.
Go 5th Marines! You are a true blue American for Hue.

I was 1/7 Cav Garry Owen....Marines always call us in when they're up to their ass in alligators. :) We were sniping NVA officers and locals who were putting yardage markers around the Marines to walk their mortars in on the Marine positions. Then we joined in the attack on the Citadel...that was the worst of it....I still see images of that that make my blood run cold. We took it. Semper Fi.
You shut down people's ability to go out and party or sit home and yell at the TV during a ballgame for 3 months and this is what you get. The US is a frustrated, angry place right now and the leftist billionaires like Soros and possibly the Chinese are funding and fueling losers like Antifa and BLM to create chaos and defeat Trump. All it will take is sports to come back and a couple fusillades of police fire with 30 rioters laying dead in some city, on some street to put an end to it. Will America kill it's children?....oh yeah. Kent State proved that....there is a point at which anarchy will no longer be tolerated. And the Fake News rodents will gasp and whimper "how could they?!?!" and the cops will reply "this is how it's going to be" and it will end. 5x5


It's called 40,000,000 unemployed, douchebag.
People are running out of money and food.

Look at this douchebag: This is a photo of the FOOD BANK LINE OUTSIDE SAN ANTONIO IN EARLY APRIL


WHAT THE FUCK do you think is going to happen next, you ignorant POS????

This isn't just about George Floyd. And tightly wrapped inside this wrath is YOUR FUCKING POTUS.
Pussy Trump hides in bunker instead of doing what he usually LOVES to do....get in front of a live camera and babble for an hour.
Go 5th Marines! You are a true blue American for Hue.

I was 1/7 Cav Garry Owen....Marines always call us in when they're up to their ass in alligators. :) We were sniping NVA officers and locals who were putting yardage markers around the Marines to walk their mortars in on the Marine positions. Then we joined in the attack on the Citadel...that was the worst of it....I still see images of that that make my blood run cold. We took it.
Custer's unit. God Bless You. The United States Military won the Tet Offensive then LBJ turned pussfied. I was infantryman in Kuwait and Iraq. M-60 gunner when they still had them.
Go 5th Marines! You are a true blue American for Hue.

I was 1/7 Cav Garry Owen....Marines always call us in when they're up to their ass in alligators. :) We were sniping NVA officers and locals who were putting yardage markers around the Marines to walk their mortars in on the Marine positions. Then we joined in the attack on the Citadel...that was the worst of it....I still see images of that that make my blood run cold. We took it.
Custer's unit. God Bless You. The United States Military won the Tet Offensive then LBJ turned pussfied. I was infantryman in Kuwait and Iraq. M-60 gunner when they still had them.
Our President hides from nobody.
You shut down people's ability to go out and party or sit home and yell at the TV during a ballgame for 3 months and this is what you get. The US is a frustrated, angry place right now and the leftist billionaires like Soros and possibly the Chinese are funding and fueling losers like Antifa and BLM to create chaos and defeat Trump. All it will take is sports to come back and a couple fusillades of police fire with 30 rioters laying dead in some city, on some street to put an end to it. Will America kill it's children?....oh yeah. Kent State proved that....there is a point at which anarchy will no longer be tolerated. And the Fake News rodents will gasp and whimper "how could they?!?!" and the cops will reply "this is how it's going to be" and it will end. 5x5


It's called 40,000,000 unemployed, douchebag.
People are running out of money and food.

Look at this douchebag: This is a photo of the FOOD BANK LINE OUTSIDE SAN ANTONIO IN EARLY APRIL


WHAT THE FUCK do you think is going to happen next, you ignorant POS????

Well, I know you won't be nearly as brave out from behind your keyboard, shitbag. You can blame the food lines on know, the kind of communist dictatorship with no regard for human life your leaders want to emulate.

This isn't just about George Floyd. And tightly wrapped inside this wrath is YOUR FUCKING POTUS.
Custer's unit. God Bless You. The United States Military won the Tet Offensive then LBJ turned pussfied. I was infantryman in Kuwait and Iraq. M-60 gunner when they still had them.

I bet ya made that PIG dance, Trooper! Bless you as well, thanks for your service, and welcome home.
It's called 40,000,000 unemployed, douchebag.
People are running out of money and food.

Look at this douchebag: This is a photo of the FOOD BANK LINE OUTSIDE SAN ANTONIO IN EARLY APRIL


WHAT THE FUCK do you think is going to happen next, you ignorant POS????

Well, I know you won't be nearly as brave out from behind your keyboard, shitbag. You can blame the food lines on know, the kind of communist dictatorship with no regard for human life your leaders want to emulate.
There are riots in major cities all across the country because people can't watch baseball? Yeah, that makes a lot of fucking sense... :icon_rolleyes:
If you cant see the connection to everyone being at home and not working, thereby having plenty of free time to loot and riot, then you are a fucking imbecile.
Spoken like a far left radical.
It must suck to not be able to use logic to win debates. Dont you feel inferior by being an uninspired troll? What you do is sooo lazy.
There are riots in major cities all across the country because people can't watch baseball? Yeah, that makes a lot of fucking sense... :icon_rolleyes:
If you cant see the connection to everyone being at home and not working, thereby having plenty of free time to loot and riot, then you are a fucking imbecile.
Spoken like a far left radical.
It must suck to not be able to use logic to win debates. ...
“Logic”? You don’t know the first thing about logic.
There are riots in major cities all across the country because people can't watch baseball? Yeah, that makes a lot of fucking sense... :icon_rolleyes:
If you cant see the connection to everyone being at home and not working, thereby having plenty of free time to loot and riot, then you are a fucking imbecile.
Spoken like a far left radical.
It must suck to not be able to use logic to win debates. ...
“Logic”? You don’t know the first thing about logic.

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