It really needs to be said that Trump’s use of the insult “Pocohauntas” is more...


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
...stupid and childish than it is offensive. I think if I was Native American, I wouldn’t be offended - I would just find it pathetic as I do now. Can you be more childish than this? He sounds like a 7th grader. It’s too petty and lame to dignify it as being offensive lol.

I mean I know Trump supporters don’t give a shit about the feelings of Native Americans, but it’s very telling if they find it funny or clever. I guess that’s the mentality we are stuck with when it comes to the GOP these days.

Trump Uses ‘Pocahontas’ Slur While Telling Jewish Voters That Warren Will Take ‘Your Wealth Away’
...stupid and childish than it is offensive. I think if I was Native American, I wouldn’t be offended - I would just find it pathetic as I do now. Can you be more childish than this? He sounds like a 7th grader. It’s too petty and lame to dignify it as being offensive lol.

I mean I know Trump supporters don’t give a shit about the feelings of Native Americans, but it’s very telling if they find it funny or clever. I guess that’s the mentality we are stuck with when it comes to the GOP these days.

Trump Uses ‘Pocahontas’ Slur While Telling Jewish Voters That Warren Will Take ‘Your Wealth Away’
His mental decline means that he is unlikely to come up with any intelligent political thoughts.
She lied and claimed to be an Indian. She got called on it. And yes she (and you) now wish it would go away She even scrubbed her twitter clean of her claims and deleted her fake DNA test (1024th lol).
Cry some more but it’s not going away until she goes away. High cheekbones and all.
...stupid and childish than it is offensive. I think if I was Native American, I wouldn’t be offended - I would just find it pathetic as I do now. Can you be more childish than this? He sounds like a 7th grader. It’s too petty and lame to dignify it as being offensive lol.

I mean I know Trump supporters don’t give a shit about the feelings of Native Americans, but it’s very telling if they find it funny or clever. I guess that’s the mentality we are stuck with when it comes to the GOP these days.

Trump Uses ‘Pocahontas’ Slur While Telling Jewish Voters That Warren Will Take ‘Your Wealth Away’
...stupid and childish than it is offensive. I think if I was Native American, I wouldn’t be offended - I would just find it pathetic as I do now. Can you be more childish than this? He sounds like a 7th grader. It’s too petty and lame to dignify it as being offensive lol.

I mean I know Trump supporters don’t give a shit about the feelings of Native Americans, but it’s very telling if they find it funny or clever. I guess that’s the mentality we are stuck with when it comes to the GOP these days.

Trump Uses ‘Pocahontas’ Slur While Telling Jewish Voters That Warren Will Take ‘Your Wealth Away’

I can't agree. That's a rank insult to 7th graders. He's more at the level of an 7-year-old than a 7th grader.
...stupid and childish than it is offensive. I think if I was Native American, I wouldn’t be offended - I would just find it pathetic as I do now. Can you be more childish than this? He sounds like a 7th grader. It’s too petty and lame to dignify it as being offensive lol.

I mean I know Trump supporters don’t give a shit about the feelings of Native Americans, but it’s very telling if they find it funny or clever. I guess that’s the mentality we are stuck with when it comes to the GOP these days.

Trump Uses ‘Pocahontas’ Slur While Telling Jewish Voters That Warren Will Take ‘Your Wealth Away’

We're fresh out of Kleenex.

She lied and claimed to be an Indian. She got called on it. And yes she (and you) now wish it would go away She even scrubbed her twitter clean of her claims and deleted her fake DNA test (1024th lol).
Cry some more but it’s not going away until she goes away. High cheekbones and all.

The Natives were laughing at her too.
...stupid and childish than it is offensive. I think if I was Native American, I wouldn’t be offended - I would just find it pathetic as I do now. Can you be more childish than this? He sounds like a 7th grader. It’s too petty and lame to dignify it as being offensive lol.

I mean I know Trump supporters don’t give a shit about the feelings of Native Americans, but it’s very telling if they find it funny or clever. I guess that’s the mentality we are stuck with when it comes to the GOP these days.

Trump Uses ‘Pocahontas’ Slur While Telling Jewish Voters That Warren Will Take ‘Your Wealth Away’
Pocahontas deserves slurs, since she hijacked the name of a minority race to exploit for her own gain. Pocahontas is the whitest racist in the USA.
...stupid and childish than it is offensive. I think if I was Native American, I wouldn’t be offended - I would just find it pathetic as I do now. Can you be more childish than this? He sounds like a 7th grader. It’s too petty and lame to dignify it as being offensive lol.

I mean I know Trump supporters don’t give a shit about the feelings of Native Americans, but it’s very telling if they find it funny or clever. I guess that’s the mentality we are stuck with when it comes to the GOP these days.

Trump Uses ‘Pocahontas’ Slur While Telling Jewish Voters That Warren Will Take ‘Your Wealth Away’
Pocahontas deserves slurs, since she hijacked the name of a minority race to exploit for her own gain. Pocahontas is the whitest racist in the USA.

Actually she died in England. Young.
...stupid and childish than it is offensive. I think if I was Native American, I wouldn’t be offended - I would just find it pathetic as I do now. Can you be more childish than this? He sounds like a 7th grader. It’s too petty and lame to dignify it as being offensive lol.

I mean I know Trump supporters don’t give a shit about the feelings of Native Americans, but it’s very telling if they find it funny or clever. I guess that’s the mentality we are stuck with when it comes to the GOP these days.

Trump Uses ‘Pocahontas’ Slur While Telling Jewish Voters That Warren Will Take ‘Your Wealth Away’

Any halfwit jackass that can disparage the name "Pocahontas", which was not her name after all, is ignorant of his or her own american history. For befriending the euro illegal immigrant invaders, she died in captivity in Britain. Turns out King Philip's assessment of the euro illegal immigrant invaders was much more prescient.
She lied and claimed to be an Indian. She got called on it. And yes she (and you) now wish it would go away She even scrubbed her twitter clean of her claims and deleted her fake DNA test (1024th lol).
Cry some more but it’s not going away until she goes away. High cheekbones and all.
All while you overlook Don's hiring of "illegals" to work at his resorts and hotels?
...stupid and childish than it is offensive. I think if I was Native American, I wouldn’t be offended - I would just find it pathetic as I do now. Can you be more childish than this? He sounds like a 7th grader. It’s too petty and lame to dignify it as being offensive lol.

I mean I know Trump supporters don’t give a shit about the feelings of Native Americans, but it’s very telling if they find it funny or clever. I guess that’s the mentality we are stuck with when it comes to the GOP these days.

Trump Uses ‘Pocahontas’ Slur While Telling Jewish Voters That Warren Will Take ‘Your Wealth Away’

Any halfwit jackass that can disparage the name "Pocahontas", which was not her name after all, is ignorant of his or her own american history.

It's not a question of history, ya nitwit. It's a question of comedy.
Isn't name calling something that should be beneath the leader of the free world?

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