“IT MUST STOP” Eric Holder Demands GOP Lawmakers Halt Investigations Into FISA Abuse, Spygate


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Do you believe the chutzpah of this lying hosebag? It's OK to endlessly investigate the President of the United States, but it's "unprincipled" for Congress to exercise its oversight responsibilities and investigate an obviously corrupt Department of Justice. I think we all know why Holder doesn't want Congress investigating the DOJ that he ran for a time.

"IT MUST STOP" Eric Holder Demands GOP Lawmakers Halt FISA Abuse Investigations by Obama Deep State

On Friday, former Attorney General Eric ‘Fast and Furious’ Holder demanded “unprincipled” House Republicans halt their investigations into FISA abuse and Spygate, warning the probes “must stop.”

House Republicans held two hearings this week, demanding answers from Peter Strzok, FBI Director Wray and DAG Rosenstein about government surveillance during the 2016 election. GOP lawmakers grilled Peter Strzok Wednesday in a closed-door deposition. According to Chairman Goodlatte, FBI counsel instructed Strzok not to answer many of the questions. Wray and Rosenstein appeared on Capitol Hill Thursday for a Congressional hearing. House Republicans torched Rosenstein over his conflicts of interest in the Mueller probe and demanded he fork over classified documents on Trump-Russia....

Eric Holder tweeted: The unprecedented disclosure of ongoing investigative material, FISA and national security documents to the complicit and unprincipled House Republicans sets a dangerous precedent and impacts the Mueller inquiry. It must stop. Lines have to be drawn.​
All the dirty rats are starting to feel the heat. Now they realize they have to deflect and cover up. The Inspector General of the FBI is now digging in deep to the FISA abuse, Fusion GPS, spying on Team Trump, and all the players.

The corrupt losers were positive Hillarious was going to get elected and they would never get caught. Congressional investigations will force the process and no amount of stalling will prevent the truth from coming out.

Mueller can go pound sand. In the end his team of Trump haters will be exposed as biased cry babies along with the biased FBI agents and lawyers. The corruption of Democrats is going to come out and they can't stop it now.
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Do you believe the chutzpah of this lying hosebag? It's OK to endlessly investigate the President of the United States, but it's "unprincipled" for Congress to exercise its oversight responsibilities and investigate an obviously corrupt Department of Justice. I think we all know why Holder doesn't want Congress investigating the DOJ that he ran for a time.

"IT MUST STOP" Eric Holder Demands GOP Lawmakers Halt FISA Abuse Investigations by Obama Deep State

On Friday, former Attorney General Eric ‘Fast and Furious’ Holder demanded “unprincipled” House Republicans halt their investigations into FISA abuse and Spygate, warning the probes “must stop.”

House Republicans held two hearings this week, demanding answers from Peter Strzok, FBI Director Wray and DAG Rosenstein about government surveillance during the 2016 election. GOP lawmakers grilled Peter Strzok Wednesday in a closed-door deposition. According to Chairman Goodlatte, FBI counsel instructed Strzok not to answer many of the questions. Wray and Rosenstein appeared on Capitol Hill Thursday for a Congressional hearing. House Republicans torched Rosenstein over his conflicts of interest in the Mueller probe and demanded he fork over classified documents on Trump-Russia....

Eric Holder tweeted: The unprecedented disclosure of ongoing investigative material, FISA and national security documents to the complicit and unprincipled House Republicans sets a dangerous precedent and impacts the Mueller inquiry. It must stop. Lines have to be drawn.​

One would think that anyone who was truly concerned about the sanctity of FISA courts would be appalled by the dangerous precedent that was set when the Obama Justice Department used what they knew were dossiers paid for by the Clinton campaign to obtain FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign. Just one more example of the total lack of ethics from one of our worst Attorney Generals of all time...Eric Holder!
The DOJ needs to be locked down and audited by the senate judiciary committee with oversight from every state police agency and attorney general's office, to determine just how corrupt it has become internally. The FBI needs to be disbanded in it's current configuration and no longer allowed to carry weapons beyond semi-auto handguns. We have enough SWAT teams in the US.
They're coming out of the woodwork now, aren't they? He talks as though people think he's anything other than another criminal from the Obama administration.
Who da fuck cares what Holder has to say................is he sad that he can't get with his buddies and have the Audit Conservative groups anymore..........

Wonder when the dirt is coming his way................................
All the dirty rats are starting to feel the heat. Now they realize they have to deflect and cover up. The Inspector General of the FBI is now digging in deep to the FISA abuse, Fusion GPS, spying on Team Trump, and all the players.

The corrupt losers were positive Hillarious was going to get elected and they would never get caught. Congressional investigations will force the process and no amount of stalling will prevent the truth from coming out.

Mueller can go pound sand. In the end his team of Trump haters will be exposed as biased cry babies along with the biased FBI agents and lawyers. The corruption of Democrats is going to come out and they can't stop it now.
Remember how the snowflakes keep saying how no one who's innocent should be afraid of an investigation?
Do you believe the chutzpah of this lying hosebag? It's OK to endlessly investigate the President of the United States, but it's "unprincipled" for Congress to exercise its oversight responsibilities and investigate an obviously corrupt Department of Justice. I think we all know why Holder doesn't want Congress investigating the DOJ that he ran for a time.

"IT MUST STOP" Eric Holder Demands GOP Lawmakers Halt FISA Abuse Investigations by Obama Deep State

On Friday, former Attorney General Eric ‘Fast and Furious’ Holder demanded “unprincipled” House Republicans halt their investigations into FISA abuse and Spygate, warning the probes “must stop.”

House Republicans held two hearings this week, demanding answers from Peter Strzok, FBI Director Wray and DAG Rosenstein about government surveillance during the 2016 election. GOP lawmakers grilled Peter Strzok Wednesday in a closed-door deposition. According to Chairman Goodlatte, FBI counsel instructed Strzok not to answer many of the questions. Wray and Rosenstein appeared on Capitol Hill Thursday for a Congressional hearing. House Republicans torched Rosenstein over his conflicts of interest in the Mueller probe and demanded he fork over classified documents on Trump-Russia....

Eric Holder tweeted: The unprecedented disclosure of ongoing investigative material, FISA and national security documents to the complicit and unprincipled House Republicans sets a dangerous precedent and impacts the Mueller inquiry. It must stop. Lines have to be drawn.​
Cool, now we definitely know there's something there we need to find.
Holder is acting like that dumb kid who tells his parents not to look in the top drawer. *L*
Do you believe the chutzpah of this lying hosebag? It's OK to endlessly investigate the President of the United States, but it's "unprincipled" for Congress to exercise its oversight responsibilities and investigate an obviously corrupt Department of Justice. I think we all know why Holder doesn't want Congress investigating the DOJ that he ran for a time.

"IT MUST STOP" Eric Holder Demands GOP Lawmakers Halt FISA Abuse Investigations by Obama Deep State

On Friday, former Attorney General Eric ‘Fast and Furious’ Holder demanded “unprincipled” House Republicans halt their investigations into FISA abuse and Spygate, warning the probes “must stop.”

House Republicans held two hearings this week, demanding answers from Peter Strzok, FBI Director Wray and DAG Rosenstein about government surveillance during the 2016 election. GOP lawmakers grilled Peter Strzok Wednesday in a closed-door deposition. According to Chairman Goodlatte, FBI counsel instructed Strzok not to answer many of the questions. Wray and Rosenstein appeared on Capitol Hill Thursday for a Congressional hearing. House Republicans torched Rosenstein over his conflicts of interest in the Mueller probe and demanded he fork over classified documents on Trump-Russia....

Eric Holder tweeted: The unprecedented disclosure of ongoing investigative material, FISA and national security documents to the complicit and unprincipled House Republicans sets a dangerous precedent and impacts the Mueller inquiry. It must stop. Lines have to be drawn.​

He's right. It's unprecedented and not a witch hunt. Six real "witches" have pleaded guilty already.
You Trumpanzees act like you know the first thing about how FISA warrants work. You don't know jack. So swagger and blather away. When Mueller's report comes out you will have to re-edja-macate yourselves to reality.
Do you believe the chutzpah of this lying hosebag? It's OK to endlessly investigate the President of the United States, but it's "unprincipled" for Congress to exercise its oversight responsibilities and investigate an obviously corrupt Department of Justice. I think we all know why Holder doesn't want Congress investigating the DOJ that he ran for a time.

"IT MUST STOP" Eric Holder Demands GOP Lawmakers Halt FISA Abuse Investigations by Obama Deep State

On Friday, former Attorney General Eric ‘Fast and Furious’ Holder demanded “unprincipled” House Republicans halt their investigations into FISA abuse and Spygate, warning the probes “must stop.”

House Republicans held two hearings this week, demanding answers from Peter Strzok, FBI Director Wray and DAG Rosenstein about government surveillance during the 2016 election. GOP lawmakers grilled Peter Strzok Wednesday in a closed-door deposition. According to Chairman Goodlatte, FBI counsel instructed Strzok not to answer many of the questions. Wray and Rosenstein appeared on Capitol Hill Thursday for a Congressional hearing. House Republicans torched Rosenstein over his conflicts of interest in the Mueller probe and demanded he fork over classified documents on Trump-Russia....

Eric Holder tweeted: The unprecedented disclosure of ongoing investigative material, FISA and national security documents to the complicit and unprincipled House Republicans sets a dangerous precedent and impacts the Mueller inquiry. It must stop. Lines have to be drawn.​
It's already been investigated six ways from Sunday. So far nuthin'.

On the other hand, we have tRump and co. and their endless secret undisclosed meetings with Russian operatives along with indictments, guilty pleas, and other stuff.

Which one would seem more legit to you if you didn't know anything about the politics of the poeple involved?

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