This Must Stop, and Quickly, The GOP Is Unwittingly Waging War On Their Middle and Lower Class Voting Base


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
This Must Stop, and Quickly, The GOP Is Unwittingly Waging War On Their Middle and Lower Class Voting Base

Since early this year,‭ ‬the impeached president trump has told his devoted RWNJs the COVID-19‭ ‬coronavirus posed little to no threat to public health.

Down through the ranks of Republican politicians,‭ ‬from federal,‭ ‬state,‭ ‬and local Republican elected officials,‭ ‬they have echoed the impeached president trump’s ongoing lack of concern and misinformation.

Like the rest of the impeached president trump’s devoted RWNJs,‭ ‬state and local Republican leaders and lawmakers,‭ ‬cling to their beliefs that COVID-19‭ ‬is not dangerous,‭ ‬all the way to being convinced the disease does NOT exist.

The impeached president trump has hammered it into the heads of his devoted RWNJs, to disregard all reports related to number of cases,‭ ‬and especially the rapidly climbing death toll across the nation.‭ ‬His devoted RWNJs also,‭ ‬due to his repeated assurances,‭ ‬refuse to take all precautions,‭ ‬recognized around the world as the only preventative measures to slow,‭ ‬and in some instances,‭ ‬stop the spread of COVID-19.

In the United States,‭ ‬the current spike in COVID cases and deaths is greatest in red states.‭ ‬The impeached president trump,‭ ‬having convinced his devoted RWNJs that all preventative measures enacted by officials in blue states,‭ ‬were unconstitutional.‭ ‬Republican officials in red states, then,‭ ‬stood by and let the disease run wild,‭ ‬rather than face public opinion that would likely end their political careers.‭ ‬Even in blue states,‭ ‬the RWNJs‭’ ‬brainwashing and stubbornness makes them wait too long to seek medical help for COVID-19,‭ ‬seriously decreasing their survival rate.

However,‭ ‬with the impeached president trump soon to be ousted from the White House,‭ ‬it’s surprising Republican politicians continue to bow to his will and, unwittingly, keep perpetuating his war on their RWNJ voting base.‭

At the federal level,‭ ‬the reality of this situation should really be smacking congressional Republicans squarely in the face.‭ ‬Even with state level Republicans purging Democratic voter rolls and other methods of suppressing Democratic voters, the Republican Party cannot afford the impeached president trump’s wholesale slaughter of their constituencies,‭ ‬using COVID-19‭ ‬as his‭ “‬weapon-of-mass-destruction‭”‬.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬people as incredibly stupid as the impeached president trump’s devoted RWNJs,‭ ‬don’t grow on trees.

For many years,‭ ‬Congressional Republicans have known white supremacy will basically die-out with the Baby Boomers.‭ ‬Yes,‭ ‬there will be a few isolated pockets across the country that will survive for a few decades.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the seething,‭ ‬racial hatred of tens-of-millions of‭ ‘‬boomers will be impossible to replace.

But,‭ ‬what actions can the GOP,‭ ‬as-a-whole, take‭ ‬to reverse the effects of COVID-19‭ ‬in the people the impeached president trump so thoroughly brainwashed‭? ‬To make a Party-wide about-face on COVID-19‭ ‬would be political suicide.‭ ‬Perhaps,‭ ‬a new study‭ (‬yeah,‭ ‬that’s it‭)‬,‭ ‬finding a‭ “‬mutated‭” ‬strain of COVID-19,‭ ‬heretofore unknown by the Democrats‭’ ‬experts‭ (‬yeah,‭ ‬that’s good‭)‬,‭ ‬this‭ “‬mutated‭” ‬strain has been discovered by the Republicans‭’ ‬experts‭ (‬yeah,‭ ‬yeah,‭ ‬that could work,‭ ‬it’s great‭!)‬.

GOP‭ “‬experts‭” ‬can then recommend that,‭ ‬everyone wear face masks,‭ ‬practice social distancing,‭ ‬and explain some lock downs will be necessary to end the spread of the‭ “‬evil Chinese‭” ‬disease.‭ ‬With the Republicans‭’ “‬trusted expert’s‭” ‬discovery of this‭ “‬mutant strain of COVID-19”,‭ ‬the Republican Party will have saved the world.‭ ‬The RWNJs will be asking why the Democrats‭’ ‬couldn’t figure all this out‭?

It’s a tall tale the GOP’s RWNJ voting base can eagerly accept,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬will quickly blame the Democrats for the congressional Republicans‭’ ‬months of lies and inaction coupled with the impeached president trump’s well established record of incompetence.

This Must Stop, and Quickly, The GOP Is Unwittingly Waging War On Their Middle and Lower Class Voting Base

Since early this year,‭ ‬the impeached president trump has told his devoted RWNJs the COVID-19‭ ‬coronavirus posed little to no threat to public health.

Down through the ranks of Republican politicians,‭ ‬from federal,‭ ‬state,‭ ‬and local Republican elected officials,‭ ‬they have echoed the impeached president trump’s ongoing lack of concern and misinformation.

Like the rest of the impeached president trump’s devoted RWNJs,‭ ‬state and local Republican leaders and lawmakers,‭ ‬cling to their beliefs that COVID-19‭ ‬is not dangerous,‭ ‬all the way to being convinced the disease does NOT exist.

The impeached president trump has hammered it into the heads of his devoted RWNJs, to disregard all reports related to number of cases,‭ ‬and especially the rapidly climbing death toll across the nation.‭ ‬His devoted RWNJs also,‭ ‬due to his repeated assurances,‭ ‬refuse to take all precautions,‭ ‬recognized around the world as the only preventative measures to slow,‭ ‬and in some instances,‭ ‬stop the spread of COVID-19.

In the United States,‭ ‬the current spike in COVID cases and deaths is greatest in red states.‭ ‬The impeached president trump,‭ ‬having convinced his devoted RWNJs that all preventative measures enacted by officials in blue states,‭ ‬were unconstitutional.‭ ‬Republican officials in red states, then,‭ ‬stood by and let the disease run wild,‭ ‬rather than face public opinion that would likely end their political careers.‭ ‬Even in blue states,‭ ‬the RWNJs‭’ ‬brainwashing and stubbornness makes them wait too long to seek medical help for COVID-19,‭ ‬seriously decreasing their survival rate.

However,‭ ‬with the impeached president trump soon to be ousted from the White House,‭ ‬it’s surprising Republican politicians continue to bow to his will and, unwittingly, keep perpetuating his war on their RWNJ voting base.‭

At the federal level,‭ ‬the reality of this situation should really be smacking congressional Republicans squarely in the face.‭ ‬Even with state level Republicans purging Democratic voter rolls and other methods of suppressing Democratic voters, the Republican Party cannot afford the impeached president trump’s wholesale slaughter of their constituencies,‭ ‬using COVID-19‭ ‬as his‭ “‬weapon-of-mass-destruction‭”‬.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬people as incredibly stupid as the impeached president trump’s devoted RWNJs,‭ ‬don’t grow on trees.

For many years,‭ ‬Congressional Republicans have known white supremacy will basically die-out with the Baby Boomers.‭ ‬Yes,‭ ‬there will be a few isolated pockets across the country that will survive for a few decades.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the seething,‭ ‬racial hatred of tens-of-millions of‭ ‘‬boomers will be impossible to replace.

But,‭ ‬what actions can the GOP,‭ ‬as-a-whole, take‭ ‬to reverse the effects of COVID-19‭ ‬in the people the impeached president trump so thoroughly brainwashed‭? ‬To make a Party-wide about-face on COVID-19‭ ‬would be political suicide.‭ ‬Perhaps,‭ ‬a new study‭ (‬yeah,‭ ‬that’s it‭)‬,‭ ‬finding a‭ “‬mutated‭” ‬strain of COVID-19,‭ ‬heretofore unknown by the Democrats‭’ ‬experts‭ (‬yeah,‭ ‬that’s good‭)‬,‭ ‬this‭ “‬mutated‭” ‬strain has been discovered by the Republicans‭’ ‬experts‭ (‬yeah,‭ ‬yeah,‭ ‬that could work,‭ ‬it’s great‭!)‬.

GOP‭ “‬experts‭” ‬can then recommend that,‭ ‬everyone wear face masks,‭ ‬practice social distancing,‭ ‬and explain some lock downs will be necessary to end the spread of the‭ “‬evil Chinese‭” ‬disease.‭ ‬With the Republicans‭’ “‬trusted expert’s‭” ‬discovery of this‭ “‬mutant strain of COVID-19”,‭ ‬the Republican Party will have saved the world.‭ ‬The RWNJs will be asking why the Democrats‭’ ‬couldn’t figure all this out‭?

It’s a tall tale the GOP’s RWNJ voting base can eagerly accept,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬will quickly blame the Democrats for the congressional Republicans‭’ ‬months of lies and inaction coupled with the impeached president trump’s well established record of incompetence.


You've perfected the genre of whacko rants.. But because of shit like this ----

But,‭ ‬what actions can the GOP,‭ ‬as-a-whole, take‭ ‬to reverse the effects of COVID-19‭ ‬in the people the impeached president trump so thoroughly brainwashed‭? ‬To make a Party-wide about-face on COVID-19‭ ‬would be political suicide.‭ ‬Perhaps,‭ ‬a new study‭ (‬yeah,‭ ‬that’s it‭)‬,‭ ‬finding a‭ “‬mutated‭” ‬strain of COVID-19,‭ ‬heretofore unknown by the Democrats‭’ ‬experts‭ (‬yeah,‭ ‬that’s good‭)‬,‭ ‬this‭ “‬mutated‭” ‬strain has been discovered by the Republicans‭’ ‬experts‭ (‬yeah,‭ ‬yeah,‭ ‬that could work,‭ ‬it’s great‭!)‬.

---- it's only gonna be found in the dewey decimal system under "mushroom fantasy section" at your local library..

Just gotta ask --- Do you KNOW they are in the process of exterminating 10s of MILLIONS of minks on mink farms in Europe RIGHT NOW !!!!

Nope.. You've got more mushrooms to ingest... But here's the deal.. Those MINK have a human communicable STRAIN of COVID -- that POSSIBLY won't be neutralized by the CURRENT vaccines. It's MUTATED..

If you'd put down the hallucinogens and turn off Madcow and Da Lemon and pull your head out of your ass and ACT LIKE AN ADULT-- you'd find some mighty important REAL STUFF to be frightened about..

Just gotta ask --- Do you KNOW they are in the process of exterminating 10s of MILLIONS of minks on mink farms in Europe RIGHT NOW !!!!
The minks are skinned, the hides are well salted, rolled up and tanned, and some lady somewhere is shrugging her shoulders in perfect luxury in the far north winter, not in the least concerned about COVID......
This Must Stop, and Quickly, The GOP Is Unwittingly Waging War On Their Middle and Lower Class Voting Base

Since early this year,‭ ‬the impeached president trump has told his devoted RWNJs the COVID-19‭ ‬coronavirus posed little to no threat to public health.

Down through the ranks of Republican politicians,‭ ‬from federal,‭ ‬state,‭ ‬and local Republican elected officials,‭ ‬they have echoed the impeached president trump’s ongoing lack of concern and misinformation.

Like the rest of the impeached president trump’s devoted RWNJs,‭ ‬state and local Republican leaders and lawmakers,‭ ‬cling to their beliefs that COVID-19‭ ‬is not dangerous,‭ ‬all the way to being convinced the disease does NOT exist.

The impeached president trump has hammered it into the heads of his devoted RWNJs, to disregard all reports related to number of cases,‭ ‬and especially the rapidly climbing death toll across the nation.‭ ‬His devoted RWNJs also,‭ ‬due to his repeated assurances,‭ ‬refuse to take all precautions,‭ ‬recognized around the world as the only preventative measures to slow,‭ ‬and in some instances,‭ ‬stop the spread of COVID-19.

In the United States,‭ ‬the current spike in COVID cases and deaths is greatest in red states.‭ ‬The impeached president trump,‭ ‬having convinced his devoted RWNJs that all preventative measures enacted by officials in blue states,‭ ‬were unconstitutional.‭ ‬Republican officials in red states, then,‭ ‬stood by and let the disease run wild,‭ ‬rather than face public opinion that would likely end their political careers.‭ ‬Even in blue states,‭ ‬the RWNJs‭’ ‬brainwashing and stubbornness makes them wait too long to seek medical help for COVID-19,‭ ‬seriously decreasing their survival rate.

However,‭ ‬with the impeached president trump soon to be ousted from the White House,‭ ‬it’s surprising Republican politicians continue to bow to his will and, unwittingly, keep perpetuating his war on their RWNJ voting base.‭

At the federal level,‭ ‬the reality of this situation should really be smacking congressional Republicans squarely in the face.‭ ‬Even with state level Republicans purging Democratic voter rolls and other methods of suppressing Democratic voters, the Republican Party cannot afford the impeached president trump’s wholesale slaughter of their constituencies,‭ ‬using COVID-19‭ ‬as his‭ “‬weapon-of-mass-destruction‭”‬.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬people as incredibly stupid as the impeached president trump’s devoted RWNJs,‭ ‬don’t grow on trees.

For many years,‭ ‬Congressional Republicans have known white supremacy will basically die-out with the Baby Boomers.‭ ‬Yes,‭ ‬there will be a few isolated pockets across the country that will survive for a few decades.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the seething,‭ ‬racial hatred of tens-of-millions of‭ ‘‬boomers will be impossible to replace.

But,‭ ‬what actions can the GOP,‭ ‬as-a-whole, take‭ ‬to reverse the effects of COVID-19‭ ‬in the people the impeached president trump so thoroughly brainwashed‭? ‬To make a Party-wide about-face on COVID-19‭ ‬would be political suicide.‭ ‬Perhaps,‭ ‬a new study‭ (‬yeah,‭ ‬that’s it‭)‬,‭ ‬finding a‭ “‬mutated‭” ‬strain of COVID-19,‭ ‬heretofore unknown by the Democrats‭’ ‬experts‭ (‬yeah,‭ ‬that’s good‭)‬,‭ ‬this‭ “‬mutated‭” ‬strain has been discovered by the Republicans‭’ ‬experts‭ (‬yeah,‭ ‬yeah,‭ ‬that could work,‭ ‬it’s great‭!)‬.

GOP‭ “‬experts‭” ‬can then recommend that,‭ ‬everyone wear face masks,‭ ‬practice social distancing,‭ ‬and explain some lock downs will be necessary to end the spread of the‭ “‬evil Chinese‭” ‬disease.‭ ‬With the Republicans‭’ “‬trusted expert’s‭” ‬discovery of this‭ “‬mutant strain of COVID-19”,‭ ‬the Republican Party will have saved the world.‭ ‬The RWNJs will be asking why the Democrats‭’ ‬couldn’t figure all this out‭?

It’s a tall tale the GOP’s RWNJ voting base can eagerly accept,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬will quickly blame the Democrats for the congressional Republicans‭’ ‬months of lies and inaction coupled with the impeached president trump’s well established record of incompetence.

The Low Wage Liberals want the Middle Class to pay their bills.
Just gotta ask --- Do you KNOW they are in the process of exterminating 10s of MILLIONS of minks on mink farms in Europe RIGHT NOW !!!!
The minks are skinned, the hides are well salted, rolled up and tanned, and some lady somewhere is shrugging her shoulders in perfect luxury in the far north winter, not in the least concerned about COVID......

Guess I might be able to afford a mink coat for my honey.. But I'm kinda concerned as to WHY this isn't a story in the USA... It's deathly frightening to consider serious mutations of the CV 19...

I'm sure the Biden Admin would blame the mutation on Trump tho.. And that will fix the issue...
Guess I might be able to afford a mink coat for my honey.. But I'm kinda concerned as to WHY this isn't a story in the USA... It's deathly frightening to consider serious mutations of the CV 19...
Guns are banned and radical environmentalists, animal rights activists, and green party eco-terrorists routinely vandalize mink coats in public by slashing them with knives around here. Even a rabbit fur.
This Must Stop, and Quickly, The GOP Is Unwittingly Waging War On Their Middle and Lower Class Voting Base

Since early this year,‭ ‬the impeached president trump has told his devoted RWNJs the COVID-19‭ ‬coronavirus posed little to no threat to public health.

Down through the ranks of Republican politicians,‭ ‬from federal,‭ ‬state,‭ ‬and local Republican elected officials,‭ ‬they have echoed the impeached president trump’s ongoing lack of concern and misinformation.

Like the rest of the impeached president trump’s devoted RWNJs,‭ ‬state and local Republican leaders and lawmakers,‭ ‬cling to their beliefs that COVID-19‭ ‬is not dangerous,‭ ‬all the way to being convinced the disease does NOT exist.

The impeached president trump has hammered it into the heads of his devoted RWNJs, to disregard all reports related to number of cases,‭ ‬and especially the rapidly climbing death toll across the nation.‭ ‬His devoted RWNJs also,‭ ‬due to his repeated assurances,‭ ‬refuse to take all precautions,‭ ‬recognized around the world as the only preventative measures to slow,‭ ‬and in some instances,‭ ‬stop the spread of COVID-19.

In the United States,‭ ‬the current spike in COVID cases and deaths is greatest in red states.‭ ‬The impeached president trump,‭ ‬having convinced his devoted RWNJs that all preventative measures enacted by officials in blue states,‭ ‬were unconstitutional.‭ ‬Republican officials in red states, then,‭ ‬stood by and let the disease run wild,‭ ‬rather than face public opinion that would likely end their political careers.‭ ‬Even in blue states,‭ ‬the RWNJs‭’ ‬brainwashing and stubbornness makes them wait too long to seek medical help for COVID-19,‭ ‬seriously decreasing their survival rate.

However,‭ ‬with the impeached president trump soon to be ousted from the White House,‭ ‬it’s surprising Republican politicians continue to bow to his will and, unwittingly, keep perpetuating his war on their RWNJ voting base.‭

At the federal level,‭ ‬the reality of this situation should really be smacking congressional Republicans squarely in the face.‭ ‬Even with state level Republicans purging Democratic voter rolls and other methods of suppressing Democratic voters, the Republican Party cannot afford the impeached president trump’s wholesale slaughter of their constituencies,‭ ‬using COVID-19‭ ‬as his‭ “‬weapon-of-mass-destruction‭”‬.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬people as incredibly stupid as the impeached president trump’s devoted RWNJs,‭ ‬don’t grow on trees.

For many years,‭ ‬Congressional Republicans have known white supremacy will basically die-out with the Baby Boomers.‭ ‬Yes,‭ ‬there will be a few isolated pockets across the country that will survive for a few decades.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the seething,‭ ‬racial hatred of tens-of-millions of‭ ‘‬boomers will be impossible to replace.

But,‭ ‬what actions can the GOP,‭ ‬as-a-whole, take‭ ‬to reverse the effects of COVID-19‭ ‬in the people the impeached president trump so thoroughly brainwashed‭? ‬To make a Party-wide about-face on COVID-19‭ ‬would be political suicide.‭ ‬Perhaps,‭ ‬a new study‭ (‬yeah,‭ ‬that’s it‭)‬,‭ ‬finding a‭ “‬mutated‭” ‬strain of COVID-19,‭ ‬heretofore unknown by the Democrats‭’ ‬experts‭ (‬yeah,‭ ‬that’s good‭)‬,‭ ‬this‭ “‬mutated‭” ‬strain has been discovered by the Republicans‭’ ‬experts‭ (‬yeah,‭ ‬yeah,‭ ‬that could work,‭ ‬it’s great‭!)‬.

GOP‭ “‬experts‭” ‬can then recommend that,‭ ‬everyone wear face masks,‭ ‬practice social distancing,‭ ‬and explain some lock downs will be necessary to end the spread of the‭ “‬evil Chinese‭” ‬disease.‭ ‬With the Republicans‭’ “‬trusted expert’s‭” ‬discovery of this‭ “‬mutant strain of COVID-19”,‭ ‬the Republican Party will have saved the world.‭ ‬The RWNJs will be asking why the Democrats‭’ ‬couldn’t figure all this out‭?

It’s a tall tale the GOP’s RWNJ voting base can eagerly accept,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬will quickly blame the Democrats for the congressional Republicans‭’ ‬months of lies and inaction coupled with the impeached president trump’s well established record of incompetence.


Holy shit, you lefties sure seem to be suffering from TDS at record levels, even though you keep telling us Fraudulent-Elect Biden “won”.
This Must Stop, and Quickly, The GOP Is Unwittingly Waging War On Their Middle and Lower Class Voting Base

Since early this year,‭ ‬the impeached president trump has told his devoted RWNJs the COVID-19‭ ‬coronavirus posed little to no threat to public health.

Down through the ranks of Republican politicians,‭ ‬from federal,‭ ‬state,‭ ‬and local Republican elected officials,‭ ‬they have echoed the impeached president trump’s ongoing lack of concern and misinformation.

Like the rest of the impeached president trump’s devoted RWNJs,‭ ‬state and local Republican leaders and lawmakers,‭ ‬cling to their beliefs that COVID-19‭ ‬is not dangerous,‭ ‬all the way to being convinced the disease does NOT exist.

The impeached president trump has hammered it into the heads of his devoted RWNJs, to disregard all reports related to number of cases,‭ ‬and especially the rapidly climbing death toll across the nation.‭ ‬His devoted RWNJs also,‭ ‬due to his repeated assurances,‭ ‬refuse to take all precautions,‭ ‬recognized around the world as the only preventative measures to slow,‭ ‬and in some instances,‭ ‬stop the spread of COVID-19.

In the United States,‭ ‬the current spike in COVID cases and deaths is greatest in red states.‭ ‬The impeached president trump,‭ ‬having convinced his devoted RWNJs that all preventative measures enacted by officials in blue states,‭ ‬were unconstitutional.‭ ‬Republican officials in red states, then,‭ ‬stood by and let the disease run wild,‭ ‬rather than face public opinion that would likely end their political careers.‭ ‬Even in blue states,‭ ‬the RWNJs‭’ ‬brainwashing and stubbornness makes them wait too long to seek medical help for COVID-19,‭ ‬seriously decreasing their survival rate.

However,‭ ‬with the impeached president trump soon to be ousted from the White House,‭ ‬it’s surprising Republican politicians continue to bow to his will and, unwittingly, keep perpetuating his war on their RWNJ voting base.‭

At the federal level,‭ ‬the reality of this situation should really be smacking congressional Republicans squarely in the face.‭ ‬Even with state level Republicans purging Democratic voter rolls and other methods of suppressing Democratic voters, the Republican Party cannot afford the impeached president trump’s wholesale slaughter of their constituencies,‭ ‬using COVID-19‭ ‬as his‭ “‬weapon-of-mass-destruction‭”‬.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬people as incredibly stupid as the impeached president trump’s devoted RWNJs,‭ ‬don’t grow on trees.

For many years,‭ ‬Congressional Republicans have known white supremacy will basically die-out with the Baby Boomers.‭ ‬Yes,‭ ‬there will be a few isolated pockets across the country that will survive for a few decades.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the seething,‭ ‬racial hatred of tens-of-millions of‭ ‘‬boomers will be impossible to replace.

But,‭ ‬what actions can the GOP,‭ ‬as-a-whole, take‭ ‬to reverse the effects of COVID-19‭ ‬in the people the impeached president trump so thoroughly brainwashed‭? ‬To make a Party-wide about-face on COVID-19‭ ‬would be political suicide.‭ ‬Perhaps,‭ ‬a new study‭ (‬yeah,‭ ‬that’s it‭)‬,‭ ‬finding a‭ “‬mutated‭” ‬strain of COVID-19,‭ ‬heretofore unknown by the Democrats‭’ ‬experts‭ (‬yeah,‭ ‬that’s good‭)‬,‭ ‬this‭ “‬mutated‭” ‬strain has been discovered by the Republicans‭’ ‬experts‭ (‬yeah,‭ ‬yeah,‭ ‬that could work,‭ ‬it’s great‭!)‬.

GOP‭ “‬experts‭” ‬can then recommend that,‭ ‬everyone wear face masks,‭ ‬practice social distancing,‭ ‬and explain some lock downs will be necessary to end the spread of the‭ “‬evil Chinese‭” ‬disease.‭ ‬With the Republicans‭’ “‬trusted expert’s‭” ‬discovery of this‭ “‬mutant strain of COVID-19”,‭ ‬the Republican Party will have saved the world.‭ ‬The RWNJs will be asking why the Democrats‭’ ‬couldn’t figure all this out‭?

It’s a tall tale the GOP’s RWNJ voting base can eagerly accept,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬will quickly blame the Democrats for the congressional Republicans‭’ ‬months of lies and inaction coupled with the impeached president trump’s well established record of incompetence.

president trump has told his devoted RWNJs the COVID-19‭ ‬coronavirus posed little to no threat to public health.
You are lying, that is why you cannot quote him saying that, you pathetic, feeble-minded, low IQ TDS afflicted moron.

Why are you blatantly lying to the USMB forum again, jackass?

You're a fucking idiot.
This Must Stop, and Quickly, The GOP Is Unwittingly Waging War On Their Middle and Lower Class Voting Base

Since early this year,‭ ‬the impeached president trump has told his devoted RWNJs the COVID-19‭ ‬coronavirus posed little to no threat to public health.

Down through the ranks of Republican politicians,‭ ‬from federal,‭ ‬state,‭ ‬and local Republican elected officials,‭ ‬they have echoed the impeached president trump’s ongoing lack of concern and misinformation.

Like the rest of the impeached president trump’s devoted RWNJs,‭ ‬state and local Republican leaders and lawmakers,‭ ‬cling to their beliefs that COVID-19‭ ‬is not dangerous,‭ ‬all the way to being convinced the disease does NOT exist.

The impeached president trump has hammered it into the heads of his devoted RWNJs, to disregard all reports related to number of cases,‭ ‬and especially the rapidly climbing death toll across the nation.‭ ‬His devoted RWNJs also,‭ ‬due to his repeated assurances,‭ ‬refuse to take all precautions,‭ ‬recognized around the world as the only preventative measures to slow,‭ ‬and in some instances,‭ ‬stop the spread of COVID-19.

In the United States,‭ ‬the current spike in COVID cases and deaths is greatest in red states.‭ ‬The impeached president trump,‭ ‬having convinced his devoted RWNJs that all preventative measures enacted by officials in blue states,‭ ‬were unconstitutional.‭ ‬Republican officials in red states, then,‭ ‬stood by and let the disease run wild,‭ ‬rather than face public opinion that would likely end their political careers.‭ ‬Even in blue states,‭ ‬the RWNJs‭’ ‬brainwashing and stubbornness makes them wait too long to seek medical help for COVID-19,‭ ‬seriously decreasing their survival rate.

However,‭ ‬with the impeached president trump soon to be ousted from the White House,‭ ‬it’s surprising Republican politicians continue to bow to his will and, unwittingly, keep perpetuating his war on their RWNJ voting base.‭

At the federal level,‭ ‬the reality of this situation should really be smacking congressional Republicans squarely in the face.‭ ‬Even with state level Republicans purging Democratic voter rolls and other methods of suppressing Democratic voters, the Republican Party cannot afford the impeached president trump’s wholesale slaughter of their constituencies,‭ ‬using COVID-19‭ ‬as his‭ “‬weapon-of-mass-destruction‭”‬.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬people as incredibly stupid as the impeached president trump’s devoted RWNJs,‭ ‬don’t grow on trees.

For many years,‭ ‬Congressional Republicans have known white supremacy will basically die-out with the Baby Boomers.‭ ‬Yes,‭ ‬there will be a few isolated pockets across the country that will survive for a few decades.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the seething,‭ ‬racial hatred of tens-of-millions of‭ ‘‬boomers will be impossible to replace.

But,‭ ‬what actions can the GOP,‭ ‬as-a-whole, take‭ ‬to reverse the effects of COVID-19‭ ‬in the people the impeached president trump so thoroughly brainwashed‭? ‬To make a Party-wide about-face on COVID-19‭ ‬would be political suicide.‭ ‬Perhaps,‭ ‬a new study‭ (‬yeah,‭ ‬that’s it‭)‬,‭ ‬finding a‭ “‬mutated‭” ‬strain of COVID-19,‭ ‬heretofore unknown by the Democrats‭’ ‬experts‭ (‬yeah,‭ ‬that’s good‭)‬,‭ ‬this‭ “‬mutated‭” ‬strain has been discovered by the Republicans‭’ ‬experts‭ (‬yeah,‭ ‬yeah,‭ ‬that could work,‭ ‬it’s great‭!)‬.

GOP‭ “‬experts‭” ‬can then recommend that,‭ ‬everyone wear face masks,‭ ‬practice social distancing,‭ ‬and explain some lock downs will be necessary to end the spread of the‭ “‬evil Chinese‭” ‬disease.‭ ‬With the Republicans‭’ “‬trusted expert’s‭” ‬discovery of this‭ “‬mutant strain of COVID-19”,‭ ‬the Republican Party will have saved the world.‭ ‬The RWNJs will be asking why the Democrats‭’ ‬couldn’t figure all this out‭?

It’s a tall tale the GOP’s RWNJ voting base can eagerly accept,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬will quickly blame the Democrats for the congressional Republicans‭’ ‬months of lies and inaction coupled with the impeached president trump’s well established record of incompetence.


You've perfected the genre of whacko rants.. But because of shit like this ----

But,‭ ‬what actions can the GOP,‭ ‬as-a-whole, take‭ ‬to reverse the effects of COVID-19‭ ‬in the people the impeached president trump so thoroughly brainwashed‭? ‬To make a Party-wide about-face on COVID-19‭ ‬would be political suicide.‭ ‬Perhaps,‭ ‬a new study‭ (‬yeah,‭ ‬that’s it‭)‬,‭ ‬finding a‭ “‬mutated‭” ‬strain of COVID-19,‭ ‬heretofore unknown by the Democrats‭’ ‬experts‭ (‬yeah,‭ ‬that’s good‭)‬,‭ ‬this‭ “‬mutated‭” ‬strain has been discovered by the Republicans‭’ ‬experts‭ (‬yeah,‭ ‬yeah,‭ ‬that could work,‭ ‬it’s great‭!)‬.

---- it's only gonna be found in the dewey decimal system under "mushroom fantasy section" at your local library..

Just gotta ask --- Do you KNOW they are in the process of exterminating 10s of MILLIONS of minks on mink farms in Europe RIGHT NOW !!!!

Nope.. You've got more mushrooms to ingest... But here's the deal.. Those MINK have a human communicable STRAIN of COVID -- that POSSIBLY won't be neutralized by the CURRENT vaccines. It's MUTATED..

If you'd put down the hallucinogens and turn off Madcow and Da Lemon and pull your head out of your ass and ACT LIKE AN ADULT-- you'd find some mighty important REAL STUFF to be frightened about..

Nice rant. :abgg2q.jpg:
This Must Stop, and Quickly, The GOP Is Unwittingly Waging War On Their Middle and Lower Class Voting Base

Since early this year,‭ ‬the impeached president trump has told his devoted RWNJs the COVID-19‭ ‬coronavirus posed little to no threat to public health.

Down through the ranks of Republican politicians,‭ ‬from federal,‭ ‬state,‭ ‬and local Republican elected officials,‭ ‬they have echoed the impeached president trump’s ongoing lack of concern and misinformation.

Like the rest of the impeached president trump’s devoted RWNJs,‭ ‬state and local Republican leaders and lawmakers,‭ ‬cling to their beliefs that COVID-19‭ ‬is not dangerous,‭ ‬all the way to being convinced the disease does NOT exist.

The impeached president trump has hammered it into the heads of his devoted RWNJs, to disregard all reports related to number of cases,‭ ‬and especially the rapidly climbing death toll across the nation.‭ ‬His devoted RWNJs also,‭ ‬due to his repeated assurances,‭ ‬refuse to take all precautions,‭ ‬recognized around the world as the only preventative measures to slow,‭ ‬and in some instances,‭ ‬stop the spread of COVID-19.

In the United States,‭ ‬the current spike in COVID cases and deaths is greatest in red states.‭ ‬The impeached president trump,‭ ‬having convinced his devoted RWNJs that all preventative measures enacted by officials in blue states,‭ ‬were unconstitutional.‭ ‬Republican officials in red states, then,‭ ‬stood by and let the disease run wild,‭ ‬rather than face public opinion that would likely end their political careers.‭ ‬Even in blue states,‭ ‬the RWNJs‭’ ‬brainwashing and stubbornness makes them wait too long to seek medical help for COVID-19,‭ ‬seriously decreasing their survival rate.

However,‭ ‬with the impeached president trump soon to be ousted from the White House,‭ ‬it’s surprising Republican politicians continue to bow to his will and, unwittingly, keep perpetuating his war on their RWNJ voting base.‭

At the federal level,‭ ‬the reality of this situation should really be smacking congressional Republicans squarely in the face.‭ ‬Even with state level Republicans purging Democratic voter rolls and other methods of suppressing Democratic voters, the Republican Party cannot afford the impeached president trump’s wholesale slaughter of their constituencies,‭ ‬using COVID-19‭ ‬as his‭ “‬weapon-of-mass-destruction‭”‬.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬people as incredibly stupid as the impeached president trump’s devoted RWNJs,‭ ‬don’t grow on trees.

For many years,‭ ‬Congressional Republicans have known white supremacy will basically die-out with the Baby Boomers.‭ ‬Yes,‭ ‬there will be a few isolated pockets across the country that will survive for a few decades.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the seething,‭ ‬racial hatred of tens-of-millions of‭ ‘‬boomers will be impossible to replace.

But,‭ ‬what actions can the GOP,‭ ‬as-a-whole, take‭ ‬to reverse the effects of COVID-19‭ ‬in the people the impeached president trump so thoroughly brainwashed‭? ‬To make a Party-wide about-face on COVID-19‭ ‬would be political suicide.‭ ‬Perhaps,‭ ‬a new study‭ (‬yeah,‭ ‬that’s it‭)‬,‭ ‬finding a‭ “‬mutated‭” ‬strain of COVID-19,‭ ‬heretofore unknown by the Democrats‭’ ‬experts‭ (‬yeah,‭ ‬that’s good‭)‬,‭ ‬this‭ “‬mutated‭” ‬strain has been discovered by the Republicans‭’ ‬experts‭ (‬yeah,‭ ‬yeah,‭ ‬that could work,‭ ‬it’s great‭!)‬.

GOP‭ “‬experts‭” ‬can then recommend that,‭ ‬everyone wear face masks,‭ ‬practice social distancing,‭ ‬and explain some lock downs will be necessary to end the spread of the‭ “‬evil Chinese‭” ‬disease.‭ ‬With the Republicans‭’ “‬trusted expert’s‭” ‬discovery of this‭ “‬mutant strain of COVID-19”,‭ ‬the Republican Party will have saved the world.‭ ‬The RWNJs will be asking why the Democrats‭’ ‬couldn’t figure all this out‭?

It’s a tall tale the GOP’s RWNJ voting base can eagerly accept,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬will quickly blame the Democrats for the congressional Republicans‭’ ‬months of lies and inaction coupled with the impeached president trump’s well established record of incompetence.

Your’re title alone just discredited your credibility the fact eve typo error knows it’s just the opposite,that it is the democrats doing it all but knowingly.
This Must Stop, and Quickly, The GOP Is Unwittingly Waging War On Their Middle and Lower Class Voting Base

Since early this year,‭ ‬the impeached president trump has told his devoted RWNJs the COVID-19‭ ‬coronavirus posed little to no threat to public health.

Down through the ranks of Republican politicians,‭ ‬from federal,‭ ‬state,‭ ‬and local Republican elected officials,‭ ‬they have echoed the impeached president trump’s ongoing lack of concern and misinformation.

Like the rest of the impeached president trump’s devoted RWNJs,‭ ‬state and local Republican leaders and lawmakers,‭ ‬cling to their beliefs that COVID-19‭ ‬is not dangerous,‭ ‬all the way to being convinced the disease does NOT exist.

The impeached president trump has hammered it into the heads of his devoted RWNJs, to disregard all reports related to number of cases,‭ ‬and especially the rapidly climbing death toll across the nation.‭ ‬His devoted RWNJs also,‭ ‬due to his repeated assurances,‭ ‬refuse to take all precautions,‭ ‬recognized around the world as the only preventative measures to slow,‭ ‬and in some instances,‭ ‬stop the spread of COVID-19.

In the United States,‭ ‬the current spike in COVID cases and deaths is greatest in red states.‭ ‬The impeached president trump,‭ ‬having convinced his devoted RWNJs that all preventative measures enacted by officials in blue states,‭ ‬were unconstitutional.‭ ‬Republican officials in red states, then,‭ ‬stood by and let the disease run wild,‭ ‬rather than face public opinion that would likely end their political careers.‭ ‬Even in blue states,‭ ‬the RWNJs‭’ ‬brainwashing and stubbornness makes them wait too long to seek medical help for COVID-19,‭ ‬seriously decreasing their survival rate.

However,‭ ‬with the impeached president trump soon to be ousted from the White House,‭ ‬it’s surprising Republican politicians continue to bow to his will and, unwittingly, keep perpetuating his war on their RWNJ voting base.‭

At the federal level,‭ ‬the reality of this situation should really be smacking congressional Republicans squarely in the face.‭ ‬Even with state level Republicans purging Democratic voter rolls and other methods of suppressing Democratic voters, the Republican Party cannot afford the impeached president trump’s wholesale slaughter of their constituencies,‭ ‬using COVID-19‭ ‬as his‭ “‬weapon-of-mass-destruction‭”‬.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬people as incredibly stupid as the impeached president trump’s devoted RWNJs,‭ ‬don’t grow on trees.

For many years,‭ ‬Congressional Republicans have known white supremacy will basically die-out with the Baby Boomers.‭ ‬Yes,‭ ‬there will be a few isolated pockets across the country that will survive for a few decades.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the seething,‭ ‬racial hatred of tens-of-millions of‭ ‘‬boomers will be impossible to replace.

But,‭ ‬what actions can the GOP,‭ ‬as-a-whole, take‭ ‬to reverse the effects of COVID-19‭ ‬in the people the impeached president trump so thoroughly brainwashed‭? ‬To make a Party-wide about-face on COVID-19‭ ‬would be political suicide.‭ ‬Perhaps,‭ ‬a new study‭ (‬yeah,‭ ‬that’s it‭)‬,‭ ‬finding a‭ “‬mutated‭” ‬strain of COVID-19,‭ ‬heretofore unknown by the Democrats‭’ ‬experts‭ (‬yeah,‭ ‬that’s good‭)‬,‭ ‬this‭ “‬mutated‭” ‬strain has been discovered by the Republicans‭’ ‬experts‭ (‬yeah,‭ ‬yeah,‭ ‬that could work,‭ ‬it’s great‭!)‬.

GOP‭ “‬experts‭” ‬can then recommend that,‭ ‬everyone wear face masks,‭ ‬practice social distancing,‭ ‬and explain some lock downs will be necessary to end the spread of the‭ “‬evil Chinese‭” ‬disease.‭ ‬With the Republicans‭’ “‬trusted expert’s‭” ‬discovery of this‭ “‬mutant strain of COVID-19”,‭ ‬the Republican Party will have saved the world.‭ ‬The RWNJs will be asking why the Democrats‭’ ‬couldn’t figure all this out‭?

It’s a tall tale the GOP’s RWNJ voting base can eagerly accept,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬will quickly blame the Democrats for the congressional Republicans‭’ ‬months of lies and inaction coupled with the impeached president trump’s well established record of incompetence.


Nice hissy fit.
This Must Stop, and Quickly, The GOP Is Unwittingly Waging War On Their Middle and Lower Class Voting Base

Since early this year,‭ ‬the impeached president trump has told his devoted RWNJs the COVID-19‭ ‬coronavirus posed little to no threat to public health.

Down through the ranks of Republican politicians,‭ ‬from federal,‭ ‬state,‭ ‬and local Republican elected officials,‭ ‬they have echoed the impeached president trump’s ongoing lack of concern and misinformation.

Like the rest of the impeached president trump’s devoted RWNJs,‭ ‬state and local Republican leaders and lawmakers,‭ ‬cling to their beliefs that COVID-19‭ ‬is not dangerous,‭ ‬all the way to being convinced the disease does NOT exist.

The impeached president trump has hammered it into the heads of his devoted RWNJs, to disregard all reports related to number of cases,‭ ‬and especially the rapidly climbing death toll across the nation.‭ ‬His devoted RWNJs also,‭ ‬due to his repeated assurances,‭ ‬refuse to take all precautions,‭ ‬recognized around the world as the only preventative measures to slow,‭ ‬and in some instances,‭ ‬stop the spread of COVID-19.

In the United States,‭ ‬the current spike in COVID cases and deaths is greatest in red states.‭ ‬The impeached president trump,‭ ‬having convinced his devoted RWNJs that all preventative measures enacted by officials in blue states,‭ ‬were unconstitutional.‭ ‬Republican officials in red states, then,‭ ‬stood by and let the disease run wild,‭ ‬rather than face public opinion that would likely end their political careers.‭ ‬Even in blue states,‭ ‬the RWNJs‭’ ‬brainwashing and stubbornness makes them wait too long to seek medical help for COVID-19,‭ ‬seriously decreasing their survival rate.

However,‭ ‬with the impeached president trump soon to be ousted from the White House,‭ ‬it’s surprising Republican politicians continue to bow to his will and, unwittingly, keep perpetuating his war on their RWNJ voting base.‭

At the federal level,‭ ‬the reality of this situation should really be smacking congressional Republicans squarely in the face.‭ ‬Even with state level Republicans purging Democratic voter rolls and other methods of suppressing Democratic voters, the Republican Party cannot afford the impeached president trump’s wholesale slaughter of their constituencies,‭ ‬using COVID-19‭ ‬as his‭ “‬weapon-of-mass-destruction‭”‬.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬people as incredibly stupid as the impeached president trump’s devoted RWNJs,‭ ‬don’t grow on trees.

For many years,‭ ‬Congressional Republicans have known white supremacy will basically die-out with the Baby Boomers.‭ ‬Yes,‭ ‬there will be a few isolated pockets across the country that will survive for a few decades.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the seething,‭ ‬racial hatred of tens-of-millions of‭ ‘‬boomers will be impossible to replace.

But,‭ ‬what actions can the GOP,‭ ‬as-a-whole, take‭ ‬to reverse the effects of COVID-19‭ ‬in the people the impeached president trump so thoroughly brainwashed‭? ‬To make a Party-wide about-face on COVID-19‭ ‬would be political suicide.‭ ‬Perhaps,‭ ‬a new study‭ (‬yeah,‭ ‬that’s it‭)‬,‭ ‬finding a‭ “‬mutated‭” ‬strain of COVID-19,‭ ‬heretofore unknown by the Democrats‭’ ‬experts‭ (‬yeah,‭ ‬that’s good‭)‬,‭ ‬this‭ “‬mutated‭” ‬strain has been discovered by the Republicans‭’ ‬experts‭ (‬yeah,‭ ‬yeah,‭ ‬that could work,‭ ‬it’s great‭!)‬.

GOP‭ “‬experts‭” ‬can then recommend that,‭ ‬everyone wear face masks,‭ ‬practice social distancing,‭ ‬and explain some lock downs will be necessary to end the spread of the‭ “‬evil Chinese‭” ‬disease.‭ ‬With the Republicans‭’ “‬trusted expert’s‭” ‬discovery of this‭ “‬mutant strain of COVID-19”,‭ ‬the Republican Party will have saved the world.‭ ‬The RWNJs will be asking why the Democrats‭’ ‬couldn’t figure all this out‭?

It’s a tall tale the GOP’s RWNJ voting base can eagerly accept,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬will quickly blame the Democrats for the congressional Republicans‭’ ‬months of lies and inaction coupled with the impeached president trump’s well established record of incompetence.


Quit making baseless allegations

Biden should concede for the good of the middle class and America as a whole.
This Must Stop, and Quickly, The GOP Is Unwittingly Waging War On Their Middle and Lower Class Voting Base

Since early this year,‭ ‬the impeached president trump has told his devoted RWNJs the COVID-19‭ ‬coronavirus posed little to no threat to public health.

Down through the ranks of Republican politicians,‭ ‬from federal,‭ ‬state,‭ ‬and local Republican elected officials,‭ ‬they have echoed the impeached president trump’s ongoing lack of concern and misinformation.

Like the rest of the impeached president trump’s devoted RWNJs,‭ ‬state and local Republican leaders and lawmakers,‭ ‬cling to their beliefs that COVID-19‭ ‬is not dangerous,‭ ‬all the way to being convinced the disease does NOT exist.

The impeached president trump has hammered it into the heads of his devoted RWNJs, to disregard all reports related to number of cases,‭ ‬and especially the rapidly climbing death toll across the nation.‭ ‬His devoted RWNJs also,‭ ‬due to his repeated assurances,‭ ‬refuse to take all precautions,‭ ‬recognized around the world as the only preventative measures to slow,‭ ‬and in some instances,‭ ‬stop the spread of COVID-19.

In the United States,‭ ‬the current spike in COVID cases and deaths is greatest in red states.‭ ‬The impeached president trump,‭ ‬having convinced his devoted RWNJs that all preventative measures enacted by officials in blue states,‭ ‬were unconstitutional.‭ ‬Republican officials in red states, then,‭ ‬stood by and let the disease run wild,‭ ‬rather than face public opinion that would likely end their political careers.‭ ‬Even in blue states,‭ ‬the RWNJs‭’ ‬brainwashing and stubbornness makes them wait too long to seek medical help for COVID-19,‭ ‬seriously decreasing their survival rate.

However,‭ ‬with the impeached president trump soon to be ousted from the White House,‭ ‬it’s surprising Republican politicians continue to bow to his will and, unwittingly, keep perpetuating his war on their RWNJ voting base.‭

At the federal level,‭ ‬the reality of this situation should really be smacking congressional Republicans squarely in the face.‭ ‬Even with state level Republicans purging Democratic voter rolls and other methods of suppressing Democratic voters, the Republican Party cannot afford the impeached president trump’s wholesale slaughter of their constituencies,‭ ‬using COVID-19‭ ‬as his‭ “‬weapon-of-mass-destruction‭”‬.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬people as incredibly stupid as the impeached president trump’s devoted RWNJs,‭ ‬don’t grow on trees.

For many years,‭ ‬Congressional Republicans have known white supremacy will basically die-out with the Baby Boomers.‭ ‬Yes,‭ ‬there will be a few isolated pockets across the country that will survive for a few decades.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the seething,‭ ‬racial hatred of tens-of-millions of‭ ‘‬boomers will be impossible to replace.

But,‭ ‬what actions can the GOP,‭ ‬as-a-whole, take‭ ‬to reverse the effects of COVID-19‭ ‬in the people the impeached president trump so thoroughly brainwashed‭? ‬To make a Party-wide about-face on COVID-19‭ ‬would be political suicide.‭ ‬Perhaps,‭ ‬a new study‭ (‬yeah,‭ ‬that’s it‭)‬,‭ ‬finding a‭ “‬mutated‭” ‬strain of COVID-19,‭ ‬heretofore unknown by the Democrats‭’ ‬experts‭ (‬yeah,‭ ‬that’s good‭)‬,‭ ‬this‭ “‬mutated‭” ‬strain has been discovered by the Republicans‭’ ‬experts‭ (‬yeah,‭ ‬yeah,‭ ‬that could work,‭ ‬it’s great‭!)‬.

GOP‭ “‬experts‭” ‬can then recommend that,‭ ‬everyone wear face masks,‭ ‬practice social distancing,‭ ‬and explain some lock downs will be necessary to end the spread of the‭ “‬evil Chinese‭” ‬disease.‭ ‬With the Republicans‭’ “‬trusted expert’s‭” ‬discovery of this‭ “‬mutant strain of COVID-19”,‭ ‬the Republican Party will have saved the world.‭ ‬The RWNJs will be asking why the Democrats‭’ ‬couldn’t figure all this out‭?

It’s a tall tale the GOP’s RWNJ voting base can eagerly accept,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬will quickly blame the Democrats for the congressional Republicans‭’ ‬months of lies and inaction coupled with the impeached president trump’s well established record of incompetence.

Christopher Wilson is an unmitigated joke. He should stick to covering the Olympic games.
This Must Stop, and Quickly, The GOP Is Unwittingly Waging War On Their Middle and Lower Class Voting Base

Since early this year,‭ ‬the impeached president trump has told his devoted RWNJs the COVID-19‭ ‬coronavirus posed little to no threat to public health.

Down through the ranks of Republican politicians,‭ ‬from federal,‭ ‬state,‭ ‬and local Republican elected officials,‭ ‬they have echoed the impeached president trump’s ongoing lack of concern and misinformation.

Like the rest of the impeached president trump’s devoted RWNJs,‭ ‬state and local Republican leaders and lawmakers,‭ ‬cling to their beliefs that COVID-19‭ ‬is not dangerous,‭ ‬all the way to being convinced the disease does NOT exist.

The impeached president trump has hammered it into the heads of his devoted RWNJs, to disregard all reports related to number of cases,‭ ‬and especially the rapidly climbing death toll across the nation.‭ ‬His devoted RWNJs also,‭ ‬due to his repeated assurances,‭ ‬refuse to take all precautions,‭ ‬recognized around the world as the only preventative measures to slow,‭ ‬and in some instances,‭ ‬stop the spread of COVID-19.

In the United States,‭ ‬the current spike in COVID cases and deaths is greatest in red states.‭ ‬The impeached president trump,‭ ‬having convinced his devoted RWNJs that all preventative measures enacted by officials in blue states,‭ ‬were unconstitutional.‭ ‬Republican officials in red states, then,‭ ‬stood by and let the disease run wild,‭ ‬rather than face public opinion that would likely end their political careers.‭ ‬Even in blue states,‭ ‬the RWNJs‭’ ‬brainwashing and stubbornness makes them wait too long to seek medical help for COVID-19,‭ ‬seriously decreasing their survival rate.

However,‭ ‬with the impeached president trump soon to be ousted from the White House,‭ ‬it’s surprising Republican politicians continue to bow to his will and, unwittingly, keep perpetuating his war on their RWNJ voting base.‭

At the federal level,‭ ‬the reality of this situation should really be smacking congressional Republicans squarely in the face.‭ ‬Even with state level Republicans purging Democratic voter rolls and other methods of suppressing Democratic voters, the Republican Party cannot afford the impeached president trump’s wholesale slaughter of their constituencies,‭ ‬using COVID-19‭ ‬as his‭ “‬weapon-of-mass-destruction‭”‬.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬people as incredibly stupid as the impeached president trump’s devoted RWNJs,‭ ‬don’t grow on trees.

For many years,‭ ‬Congressional Republicans have known white supremacy will basically die-out with the Baby Boomers.‭ ‬Yes,‭ ‬there will be a few isolated pockets across the country that will survive for a few decades.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the seething,‭ ‬racial hatred of tens-of-millions of‭ ‘‬boomers will be impossible to replace.

But,‭ ‬what actions can the GOP,‭ ‬as-a-whole, take‭ ‬to reverse the effects of COVID-19‭ ‬in the people the impeached president trump so thoroughly brainwashed‭? ‬To make a Party-wide about-face on COVID-19‭ ‬would be political suicide.‭ ‬Perhaps,‭ ‬a new study‭ (‬yeah,‭ ‬that’s it‭)‬,‭ ‬finding a‭ “‬mutated‭” ‬strain of COVID-19,‭ ‬heretofore unknown by the Democrats‭’ ‬experts‭ (‬yeah,‭ ‬that’s good‭)‬,‭ ‬this‭ “‬mutated‭” ‬strain has been discovered by the Republicans‭’ ‬experts‭ (‬yeah,‭ ‬yeah,‭ ‬that could work,‭ ‬it’s great‭!)‬.

GOP‭ “‬experts‭” ‬can then recommend that,‭ ‬everyone wear face masks,‭ ‬practice social distancing,‭ ‬and explain some lock downs will be necessary to end the spread of the‭ “‬evil Chinese‭” ‬disease.‭ ‬With the Republicans‭’ “‬trusted expert’s‭” ‬discovery of this‭ “‬mutant strain of COVID-19”,‭ ‬the Republican Party will have saved the world.‭ ‬The RWNJs will be asking why the Democrats‭’ ‬couldn’t figure all this out‭?

It’s a tall tale the GOP’s RWNJ voting base can eagerly accept,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬will quickly blame the Democrats for the congressional Republicans‭’ ‬months of lies and inaction coupled with the impeached president trump’s well established record of incompetence.

Your’re title alone just discredited your credibility the fact eve typo error knows it’s just the opposite,that it is the democrats doing it all but knowingly.

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