It looks like Illinois is making some moves in the right direction


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008

Illinois Has Banned These Common Face Washes


As we have known for decades, plastic in all its forms is not biodegradable. Despite the known dangers of plastic, there are unsettling amounts of it found in our water. Due to the microbeads’ minute size, water treatment plants have been unable to filter these miniature menaces out of the water, which has led to the ingestion of the beads by marine life mistaking it for food. That means microbeads are slowly making their way up the food chain. Scary thought, isn’t it?

This has led the state of Illinois, which is adjacent to one of the largest bodies of freshwater, Lake Michigan, to be the first state in the nation to put a stop to the microbead madness. The state has issued a new law that will require manufacturers to remove all synthetic microbeads from their personal care products by the end of 2018. It also bans the sale of such items by the end of 2019.

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