It appears we confirmed the source of the cybervandalism

Why would the federal government care about Channing Tatum's leaked emails?
Why would the federal government care about Channing Tatum's leaked emails?
It goes beyond that. It would not have gone beyond that if No Korea had not spouted off about physical attacks. They can screw with Sony, but not with us.
Wipe them out.:mad::mad::mad:

Just wait till after Christmas:D
Now, if we REALLY wanted to scare the shit out of them, we'd ACTIVATE one of their NUKES, and have it countdown, stopping at 1!.... I seriously doubt that after that TRICK we would hear a peep from them again!
You can bet money that China, right now, has a few THOUSAND cyber guys going crazy looking for exactly what happened!
I hope so...they need to get a glimpse of what they're up against....but like Obabbble says we still have a ways to go.

If we could do it, I'm sure, it would have been the most horrific of accidents!
Obama pretty much telegraphed that we would respond with equivalent war...but enough of a message to get their attention and cause them to wonder what real damage we could do...without tipping off any methods to the Chinese.

Spurs win, Denver looses, O'Reilly is pissed, I'm tired, good nite.

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