Issa and the good ol boys


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Want a cross burning and a hanging.

Issa and the Good Ol Boys don’t want to get to the truth, the want Obama through AG Holder. They don’t want to get to the bottom by starting from the top guns which would be the Bush administration and Arizona ATF. To get to the bottom, you start from the top but the Good Ol Boys cannot do that because it would mean heads rolling of Good Ol Boys in the Bush administration.
1. Who started Operation Wide Receiver and when?
Bush administration and ATF in 2006.
2. Who allowed guns to be bought? Who allowed them to walk? And whowalked them?
Not AG Holder. He stop guns from walking when he heard about them.
3. How many innocent people under “Operation Wide Receiver” were killed?
Start with the Bush administration, AFT and work down to get to the bottom and the truth.

Issa and the Good Ol Boy’s rhetoric that AG Holder has the answers is resounding across this country. They have this country thinking Obama and Holder started guns walking and that not truth. They even have the parents of the killed agent thinking that and asking for AG Holders’ head.
Guns Walking started long before Holder and Obama and it’s much bigger then the both of them.
Arizona ATF said Holder and Obama did not know. Why isn’t Arizona ATF not being brought in for questioning? Again it would involve the Good Ol Boys of Arizona.
The Bush administration, ATF, Issa and the Good Ol Boys should be investigated and brought in for investigation. But the Good Ol Boys don’t want to hear that and trying to stop Holder from investigating.
Guns walking started under the Good ol Boys Bush administration reign of terror.
Want a cross burning and a hanging.

Issa and the Good Ol Boys don’t want to get to the truth, the want Obama through AG Holder. They don’t want to get to the bottom by starting from the top guns which would be the Bush administration and Arizona ATF. To get to the bottom, you start from the top but the Good Ol Boys cannot do that because it would mean heads rolling of Good Ol Boys in the Bush administration.
1. Who started Operation Wide Receiver and when?
Bush administration and ATF in 2006.
2. Who allowed guns to be bought? Who allowed them to walk? And whowalked them?
Not AG Holder. He stop guns from walking when he heard about them.
3. How many innocent people under “Operation Wide Receiver” were killed?
Start with the Bush administration, AFT and work down to get to the bottom and the truth.

Issa and the Good Ol Boy’s rhetoric that AG Holder has the answers is resounding across this country. They have this country thinking Obama and Holder started guns walking and that not truth. They even have the parents of the killed agent thinking that and asking for AG Holders’ head.
Guns Walking started long before Holder and Obama and it’s much bigger then the both of them.
Arizona ATF said Holder and Obama did not know. Why isn’t Arizona ATF not being brought in for questioning? Again it would involve the Good Ol Boys of Arizona.
The Bush administration, ATF, Issa and the Good Ol Boys should be investigated and brought in for investigation. But the Good Ol Boys don’t want to hear that and trying to stop Holder from investigating.
Guns walking started under the Good ol Boys Bush administration reign of terror.

The program Bush started ended before Obama took office.

Obama started another one. That's why the name change.

Nice try though.

BTW, even Jon Stewart isn't buying this executive privilege BS.

Bad news: Jon Stewart not exactly buying the executive-privilege claim « Hot Air
The constant claims of "racism" is really numbing the white vote. Rasmussen says that Obama's dropped 8 points with the white voters.

They are finally getting tired of being slagged on a regular basis for being slammed for racism for any and all criticism of Obama, Holder et al. What's strange is the constant harping about "whitey" considering that without "whitey" Obama would never had made it to the White House.

It's tedious and I know for me I don't care anymore. On the bright side Politico suspended one of their reporters who had gone on a rant that "Romney feels only comfortable with white folks".

It was a crock and I for one am pleased they suspended him.

""When he comes on 'Fox & Friends,' they'll like him. They're white folks who are very much relaxed in their own company," said Williams, who is black.

Politico founders John Harris and Jim VandeHei later sent a memo to staff, according to Politico, flagging "an unacceptable number of Joe Williams's public statements on cable and Twitter."

"His comment about Governor Romney earlier today on MSNBC fell short of our standards for fairness and judgment in an especially unfortunate way," they wrote.

Read more: Politico reporter suspended after racial comment on Romney | Fox News

The constant claims of "racism" is really numbing the white vote. Rasmussen says that Obama's dropped 8 points with the white voters.

They are finally getting tired of being slagged on a regular basis for being slammed for racism for any and all criticism of Obama, Holder et al. What's strange is the constant harping about "whitey" considering that without "whitey" Obama would never had made it to the White House.

It's tedious and I know for me I don't care anymore. On the bright side Politico suspended one of their reporters who had gone on a rant that "Romney feels only comfortable with white folks".

It was a crock and I for one am pleased they suspended him.

""When he comes on 'Fox & Friends,' they'll like him. They're white folks who are very much relaxed in their own company," said Williams, who is black.

Politico founders John Harris and Jim VandeHei later sent a memo to staff, according to Politico, flagging "an unacceptable number of Joe Williams's public statements on cable and Twitter."

"His comment about Governor Romney earlier today on MSNBC fell short of our standards for fairness and judgment in an especially unfortunate way," they wrote.

Read more: Politico reporter suspended after racial comment on Romney | Fox News

What a good description of the obama campaign! Numbing. The irritation of racism is forming a calllus. It's a good thing. He should keep it up. obama's dropped 13 points among the college aged. Maybe they are forming a callus too. If obama keeps it up, and really grinds racisim into the whole of the nation, a side effect might be to end the effectivness of such accusations completely.
The constant claims of "racism" is really numbing the white vote. Rasmussen says that Obama's dropped 8 points with the white voters.

They are finally getting tired of being slagged on a regular basis for being slammed for racism for any and all criticism of Obama, Holder et al. What's strange is the constant harping about "whitey" considering that without "whitey" Obama would never had made it to the White House.

It's tedious and I know for me I don't care anymore. On the bright side Politico suspended one of their reporters who had gone on a rant that "Romney feels only comfortable with white folks".

It was a crock and I for one am pleased they suspended him.

""When he comes on 'Fox & Friends,' they'll like him. They're white folks who are very much relaxed in their own company," said Williams, who is black.

Politico founders John Harris and Jim VandeHei later sent a memo to staff, according to Politico, flagging "an unacceptable number of Joe Williams's public statements on cable and Twitter."

"His comment about Governor Romney earlier today on MSNBC fell short of our standards for fairness and judgment in an especially unfortunate way," they wrote.

Read more: Politico reporter suspended after racial comment on Romney | Fox News

What a good description of the obama campaign! Numbing. The irritation of racism is forming a calllus. It's a good thing. He should keep it up. obama's dropped 13 points among the college aged. Maybe they are forming a callus too. If obama keeps it up, and really grinds racisim into the whole of the nation, a side effect might be to end the effectivness of such accusations completely.

A perfect example of "the little boy who cried wolf".

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