Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

During the interview the brother mocks the Jewish people and calls them infidels, enemies and dogs who worship a false God who misled them into loving life. On the other hand, he praises Allah (the God of Islam) and describes the Palestinians as true Muslims who love death and long for martyrdom, unlike the infidel Jews who love life.

According to him, Allah is the one true God who commands his worshipers to sacrifice their lives as "martyrs".

Link to the video:

Although this interview was broadcast several years ago, it is still relevant and reflects the ideology of Hamas that is still being promoted by the Palestinian media.

In 1947 the Arabs who did not have a national identity at the time (only during the 1960s they decided to identify themselves as "Palestinians") became victims of their own agenda which was backed by the neighboring Arab countries.

They paid a heavy price for their own decision to try and ethnically cleanse the Jews who tried to prevent war and reached out for peace. Many left their homes and others were indeed forced to leave because of the war that the Arabs themselves initiated as they rejected the UN partition plan. The Arabs literally declared that their ultimate goal was not to establish a state but to "push the Jews into the sea". They had the opportunity to establish an Arab state, but they preferred to destroy their neighboring one for being Jewish.

The Jewish state won, the Arabs lost but did not learn a lesson and repeated their fatal mistake again and again over the years.

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