Israel’s Post Traumatic Stress Disorder


no fly list
Jan 6, 2007
there is a growing literature that suggests that not only individuals, but social institutions, can suffer from PTSD. Thus, for example, Loren and Barbara Cobb, in an article entitled “The Persistence of War,” argue that “specific symptoms of untreated PTSD are particularly troublesome for the social institutions of a society suffering from epidemic levels of these disorders. These symptoms are: hypervigilance, emotional numbing, denial and avoidance, seeing the world in black and white, magical thinking, and apocalyptic thinking.”

Read more: Israel

The poor dears are not well....
there is a growing literature that suggests that not only individuals, but social institutions, can suffer from PTSD. Thus, for example, Loren and Barbara Cobb, in an article entitled “The Persistence of War,” argue that “specific symptoms of untreated PTSD are particularly troublesome for the social institutions of a society suffering from epidemic levels of these disorders. These symptoms are: hypervigilance, emotional numbing, denial and avoidance, seeing the world in black and white, magical thinking, and apocalyptic thinking.”

Read more: Israel

The poor dears are not well....
But the poor dears are still coming out with many medical and technological innovations which I hope eots never avails himself of since he doesn't want to appear a hypocrite, given his hatred of the Israelis.

We should make a 'Most Successful Troll of the Century' thread.

eots would win
You sure that is an Israeli woman and not some NeoNazi or Islamofascist woman in this video posing as an Israeli woman for propaganda purposes?. I doubt an Israeli woman would be making a video to tell people to leave them alone so that they can kill. I can see her saying Just leave Israel alone and let us live in peace. Meanwhile, instead of wanting to kill people, it looks like the Israelis are enjoying their ice cream.
[ame=]Israel the new ice cream capital? - YouTube[/ame]

you sure that is an israeli woman and not some neonazi or islamofascist woman in this video posing as an israeli woman for propaganda purposes?. I doubt an israeli woman would be making a video to tell people to leave them alone so that they can kill. I can see her saying just leave israel alone and let us live in peace. Meanwhile, instead of wanting to kill people, it looks like the israelis are enjoying their ice cream.
[ame=]israel the new ice cream capital? - youtube[/ame]


thats the sane israelis that eat ice cream.. The 60% that dont want to bomb iran
h and religion in Israel's ultra-Orthodox Jews

Sharmila Devi
Psychological after-effects of the recent evacuation of the Gaza strip are starting to show in both soldiers and settlers. But, says Sharmila Devi, mental-health professionals often have difficulty treating ultra-Orthodox Jews because few fully understand the religion's strict rules for daily life.
The beliefs and psychology of Jewish settlers, many of whom are fiercely nationalistic and religious, came under the media spotlight recently after some 8000 of them were evacuated by Israeli forces from the Gaza Strip and northern West Bank in August.
But within weeks, much of Israeli society appeared to have considered the withdrawal over and embraced the start of the Jewish high holy days. However, the psychological effects of evacuation on the settlers were appearing. More than 50 people had been to the Soroka medical centre in the southern Israeli town of Beersheva within 2 weeks of the evacuation, according to the Israeli daily Ma'ariv.
Health professionals report that some Israeli soldiers, several of whom were called “Nazis” by screaming settlers as they were removed from their homes, have suffered psychological trauma along with the settlers themselves.

Mental health and religion in Israel's ultra-Orthodox Jews : The Lancet
you sure that is an israeli woman and not some neonazi or islamofascist woman in this video posing as an israeli woman for propaganda purposes?. I doubt an israeli woman would be making a video to tell people to leave them alone so that they can kill. I can see her saying just leave israel alone and let us live in peace. Meanwhile, instead of wanting to kill people, it looks like the israelis are enjoying their ice cream.
[ame=]israel the new ice cream capital? - youtube[/ame]


thats the sane israelis that eat ice cream.. The 60% that dont want to bomb iran
I would say that most Israelis are sane even though they might have differences of opinions. However, I have my doubts about the Muslims. Probably you think the Muslims are sane no matter how many they kill in the name of their religion. I certainly hope you are for this. Action Alert: Support Bill to Help Persecuted Christians :: Raymond Ibrahim

h and religion in Israel's ultra-Orthodox Jews

Sharmila Devi
Psychological after-effects of the recent evacuation of the Gaza strip are starting to show in both soldiers and settlers. But, says Sharmila Devi, mental-health professionals often have difficulty treating ultra-Orthodox Jews because few fully understand the religion's strict rules for daily life.
The beliefs and psychology of Jewish settlers, many of whom are fiercely nationalistic and religious, came under the media spotlight recently after some 8000 of them were evacuated by Israeli forces from the Gaza Strip and northern West Bank in August.
But within weeks, much of Israeli society appeared to have considered the withdrawal over and embraced the start of the Jewish high holy days. However, the psychological effects of evacuation on the settlers were appearing. More than 50 people had been to the Soroka medical centre in the southern Israeli town of Beersheva within 2 weeks of the evacuation, according to the Israeli daily Ma'ariv.
Health professionals report that some Israeli soldiers, several of whom were called “Nazis” by screaming settlers as they were removed from their homes, have suffered psychological trauma along with the settlers themselves.

Mental health and religion in Israel's ultra-Orthodox Jews : The Lancet
Would anyone with a functioning brain think that eots would ever bring up some article regarding a study about Muslims having mental and physical problems as a result of their marrying their first cousins? If he looked, he would find some. Meanwhile, there have been mental problems among those who were in concentration camps, both Christians and Jews, there have been mantal problems of people who have had to emigrate from war-torn Europe to a new land where they had to learn a new language and a new culture, etc.. Many people have had mental problems for a variety of reasons. So tell us, eots, do you think these people have mental problems for arresting this young girl?
11-year-old girl arrested for blasphemy in Pakistan

18:48 18 AGO 2012

(AGI) Islamabad - An 11-year-old Christian girl, suffering from a Down syndrome, was arrested and charged of blasphemy for burning a dozen copies of the Koran. The Islamabad Christian Community reported the arrest, explaining that the girl was arrested in Islamabad last Friday, near Umara Jaffar. The daily "Express Tribune" contacted the local police station, where officials confirmed the arrest and the charges against the girl. . .

h and religion in Israel's ultra-Orthodox Jews

Sharmila Devi
Psychological after-effects of the recent evacuation of the Gaza strip are starting to show in both soldiers and settlers. But, says Sharmila Devi, mental-health professionals often have difficulty treating ultra-Orthodox Jews because few fully understand the religion's strict rules for daily life.
The beliefs and psychology of Jewish settlers, many of whom are fiercely nationalistic and religious, came under the media spotlight recently after some 8000 of them were evacuated by Israeli forces from the Gaza Strip and northern West Bank in August.
But within weeks, much of Israeli society appeared to have considered the withdrawal over and embraced the start of the Jewish high holy days. However, the psychological effects of evacuation on the settlers were appearing. More than 50 people had been to the Soroka medical centre in the southern Israeli town of Beersheva within 2 weeks of the evacuation, according to the Israeli daily Ma'ariv.
Health professionals report that some Israeli soldiers, several of whom were called “Nazis” by screaming settlers as they were removed from their homes, have suffered psychological trauma along with the settlers themselves.

Mental health and religion in Israel's ultra-Orthodox Jews : The Lancet
Would anyone with a functioning brain think that eots would ever bring up some article regarding a study about Muslims having mental and physical problems as a result of their marrying their first cousins? If he looked, he would find some. Meanwhile, there have been mental problems among those who were in concentration camps, both Christians and Jews, there have been mantal problems of people who have had to emigrate from war-torn Europe to a new land where they had to learn a new language and a new culture, etc.. Many people have had mental problems for a variety of reasons. So tell us, eots, do you think these people have mental problems for arresting this young girl?
11-year-old girl arrested for blasphemy in Pakistan

18:48 18 AGO 2012

(AGI) Islamabad - An 11-year-old Christian girl, suffering from a Down syndrome, was arrested and charged of blasphemy for burning a dozen copies of the Koran. The Islamabad Christian Community reported the arrest, explaining that the girl was arrested in Islamabad last Friday, near Umara Jaffar. The daily "Express Tribune" contacted the local police station, where officials confirmed the arrest and the charges against the girl. . .


All of you extremist are mentally ill
h and religion in Israel's ultra-Orthodox Jews

Sharmila Devi
Psychological after-effects of the recent evacuation of the Gaza strip are starting to show in both soldiers and settlers. But, says Sharmila Devi, mental-health professionals often have difficulty treating ultra-Orthodox Jews because few fully understand the religion's strict rules for daily life.
The beliefs and psychology of Jewish settlers, many of whom are fiercely nationalistic and religious, came under the media spotlight recently after some 8000 of them were evacuated by Israeli forces from the Gaza Strip and northern West Bank in August.
But within weeks, much of Israeli society appeared to have considered the withdrawal over and embraced the start of the Jewish high holy days. However, the psychological effects of evacuation on the settlers were appearing. More than 50 people had been to the Soroka medical centre in the southern Israeli town of Beersheva within 2 weeks of the evacuation, according to the Israeli daily Ma'ariv.
Health professionals report that some Israeli soldiers, several of whom were called “Nazis” by screaming settlers as they were removed from their homes, have suffered psychological trauma along with the settlers themselves.

Mental health and religion in Israel's ultra-Orthodox Jews : The Lancet
Would anyone with a functioning brain think that eots would ever bring up some article regarding a study about Muslims having mental and physical problems as a result of their marrying their first cousins? If he looked, he would find some. Meanwhile, there have been mental problems among those who were in concentration camps, both Christians and Jews, there have been mantal problems of people who have had to emigrate from war-torn Europe to a new land where they had to learn a new language and a new culture, etc.. Many people have had mental problems for a variety of reasons. So tell us, eots, do you think these people have mental problems for arresting this young girl?
11-year-old girl arrested for blasphemy in Pakistan

18:48 18 AGO 2012

(AGI) Islamabad - An 11-year-old Christian girl, suffering from a Down syndrome, was arrested and charged of blasphemy for burning a dozen copies of the Koran. The Islamabad Christian Community reported the arrest, explaining that the girl was arrested in Islamabad last Friday, near Umara Jaffar. The daily "Express Tribune" contacted the local police station, where officials confirmed the arrest and the charges against the girl. . .


All of you extremist are mentally ill
Than I would have to say there are many extremists on this board who hate the Jews so deeply that they are mentally ill. As one poster used to say on another board -- anti-Semitism is a mental illness. No way do I think these posters are actually Arab lovers. They are using these Arabs in their hatred and fight against the Jews.

Would anyone with a functioning brain think that eots would ever bring up some article regarding a study about Muslims having mental and physical problems as a result of their marrying their first cousins? If he looked, he would find some. Meanwhile, there have been mental problems among those who were in concentration camps, both Christians and Jews, there have been mantal problems of people who have had to emigrate from war-torn Europe to a new land where they had to learn a new language and a new culture, etc.. Many people have had mental problems for a variety of reasons. So tell us, eots, do you think these people have mental problems for arresting this young girl?
11-year-old girl arrested for blasphemy in Pakistan

18:48 18 AGO 2012

(AGI) Islamabad - An 11-year-old Christian girl, suffering from a Down syndrome, was arrested and charged of blasphemy for burning a dozen copies of the Koran. The Islamabad Christian Community reported the arrest, explaining that the girl was arrested in Islamabad last Friday, near Umara Jaffar. The daily "Express Tribune" contacted the local police station, where officials confirmed the arrest and the charges against the girl. . .


All of you extremist are mentally ill
Than I would have to say there are many extremists on this board who hate the Jews so deeply that they are mentally ill. As one poster used to say on another board -- anti-Semitism is a mental illness. No way do I think these posters are actually Arab lovers. They are using these Arabs in their hatred and fight against the Jews.


I have not really witnessed anyone hating Jews except for the odd drive by troll , I see people concerned about Israel unwarranted influence on U.S congress,spying and espionage of U.S military and industrial technology about the treatment of Palestinians and the constant rattling of sabres , banging of war drums ..and how it is all to easy to avoid criticism and screaming anti-Semitism and Jew hater
All of you extremist are mentally ill
Than I would have to say there are many extremists on this board who hate the Jews so deeply that they are mentally ill. As one poster used to say on another board -- anti-Semitism is a mental illness. No way do I think these posters are actually Arab lovers. They are using these Arabs in their hatred and fight against the Jews.


I have not really witnessed anyone hating Jews except for the odd drive by troll , I see people concerned about Israel unwarranted influence on U.S congress,spying and espionage of U.S military and industrial technology about the treatment of Palestinians and the constant rattling of sabres , banging of war drums ..and how it is all to easy to avoid criticism and screaming anti-Semitism and Jew hater
I guess you and I see things differently. I feel that there are plenty of anti-Semites on this board regardless of what you say. I guess you don't realize that this country itself also does spying as well as other countries spying on us, and you are really foolish if you think Israel is stealing our military and industrial technology. Israel and the U.S. share a lot of technology, but but of course you don't want to hear that. I would imagine that you close your eyes to the fact that the Israeli Jews treat the Palestinians much better (even though so many want to see Israel destroyed) than the Muslim countries treat those who are non Muslims and even Muslims of different sects. As far as unwanted influence in Congress, there are many groups who influence Congress with Lobbyists always hanging around members of Congress. Do you have a problem with them?

From Hoss

Than I would have to say there are many extremists on this board who hate the Jews so deeply that they are mentally ill. As one poster used to say on another board -- anti-Semitism is a mental illness. No way do I think these posters are actually Arab lovers. They are using these Arabs in their hatred and fight against the Jews.

So true Hoss------I stumbled into NAZI literature as a child in my hometown-----really a child----like 10-11 years old and not a particularly sophisticated child----I did not even know I was reading nazi literature when I first began to read it It seemed to be about jews. --------and another group of people called "arabs" Lots of it was very old----old ragged pamphlets ------in those the JEWS were WARMONGERS because they seemed to have something against ADOLF HITLER----who never did a nasty thing in his life. Some of it was more recent----and involved "arabs" whom the jews were "putting in concentration camps"----syria was an issue ----at that time all the syrians I knew were christians with some extra lines on their cross Lebanon was mentioned (also christians as far as I knew) and GAZA which seemed to be presented back then in the 50s as a concentration camp in Israel The people in my hometown were bigoted bastards-----in fact there was not ONE BLACK in the entire town and they were not particularly delighted that some jews had moved in. Some of the social places were "restricted" -----but according to the literature they had ------they certainly LIKED "arabs"

keep in mind----these people would get suspicious if someone LOOKED ITALIAN ----but they certainly LIKED ARABS or so their literature suggested
From Hoss

Than I would have to say there are many extremists on this board who hate the Jews so deeply that they are mentally ill. As one poster used to say on another board -- anti-Semitism is a mental illness. No way do I think these posters are actually Arab lovers. They are using these Arabs in their hatred and fight against the Jews.

So true Hoss------I stumbled into NAZI literature as a child in my hometown-----really a child----like 10-11 years old and not a particularly sophisticated child----I did not even know I was reading nazi literature when I first began to read it It seemed to be about jews. --------and another group of people called "arabs" Lots of it was very old----old ragged pamphlets ------in those the JEWS were WARMONGERS because they seemed to have something against ADOLF HITLER----who never did a nasty thing in his life. Some of it was more recent----and involved "arabs" whom the jews were "putting in concentration camps"----syria was an issue ----at that time all the syrians I knew were christians with some extra lines on their cross Lebanon was mentioned (also christians as far as I knew) and GAZA which seemed to be presented back then in the 50s as a concentration camp in Israel The people in my hometown were bigoted bastards-----in fact there was not ONE BLACK in the entire town and they were not particularly delighted that some jews had moved in. Some of the social places were "restricted" -----but according to the literature they had ------they certainly LIKED "arabs"

keep in mind----these people would get suspicious if someone LOOKED ITALIAN ----but they certainly LIKED ARABS or so their literature suggested
A reporter goes to Israel to cover the fighting. She is looking for something emotional and positive and of human interest. Something like that guy in Sarajevo who risked his life to play the cello everyday in the town square.

In Jerusalem, she heard about an old Jew who had been going to the Wailing Wall to pray, twice a day, every day, for a long, long time. So she went to check it out. She goes to the Wailing Wall and there he is!

So she watches him pray and after about 45 minutes, when he turns to leave, she approaches him for an interview.

"Rebecca Smith, CNN News. Sir, how long have you been coming to the Wall and praying?"

"For about 50 years."

"What do you pray for?"

"For peace between the Jews and the Arabs. For all the hatred to stop. For our children to grow up in safety and friendship."

"How do you feel after doing this for 50 years?"

"Like I'm talking to a fucking wall."

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