Israel's Nuclear Weaponry

The entire Middle East should be a nuclear weapons-free zone. Israel doesn't have the right to tell another country it can't make a nuclear bomb when she already has 200 warheads.
Iran doesn't follow orders from the US. That is the reason for the differing treatment. If you want to start another thread, we can discuss what I mean by following orders. I need to get some sleep for now, however.

have a good one,

the king.
Very simple, Iran is one of the greatest terrorist nations in thehistory of the world.

Oh, calm down.

Don't you remember when Libya was the greatest terrorist nation in the history of the world?

When are you going to realize that America has been inventing boogie men to manipulate domestic politics? In the turn of the century it was immigrant anahcists, then the Reds (also immigrants) then the American communists, then a brief respite fromt he bullshit while we fought a REAL THREAT, the NAZIs, followed by the Soviets and their secret fifth colums, followed by the Hippies and uppity Negros, back to the Soviets and China followed closely (after the fall of the Soviet) by the ARAB terrorists.

You seeing a pattern here, yet?

We INVENT or wildly overstate the threats, amigo so that our leaders can continue to play their adverterous imperialism games.
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The IAEA hasn't intervened with Israel because Israel isn't a signatory to the NPT, so they have no jurisdiction in the matter.

As for the double standard, it's a gross one. Perhaps Iran refused offers of other countries to provide uranium because they wanted a bomb, or perhaps they just didn't want to be vulnerable to energy blackmail. (Remember when the Democratic People's Republic of Korea stopped its nuclear weapons program in exchange for the U.S.'s promise to supply them with food and fuel--a promise that was never fulfilled?) At any rate, Israel is theocratic and repressive, and it has IN FACT been involved in supplying nuclear weapons to other powers (namely, the S. Africans, in the 1970s).

Israel doesn't have a lot of allies, although more than you imply--but if a state so hated that the only way it can preserve itself is by threatening its neighbors with nuclear annihilation, maybe there's a reason for it.

As for Iran being a "terrorist" nation--Iran doesn't fund groups that kill American civilians in an attempt to topple the U.S. government, but the U.S. does fund groups that kill Iranian civilians in an attempt to topple the Iranian government.
As I've said elsewhere:

Why is it that Iran, for instance, is harassed for attempting to create a nuclear energy program, (which it has the right to do under the terms of the Non-Proliferation Treaty), while Israel refuses to declare the existence of its nuclear weapons program, refuses to sign the NPT, all after having concealed their initial program development from American inspectors? Moreover, why is it that the IAEA never investigates Israel's program? Could it be because of American pressure on the IAEA's board of governors?

Given that Irael got the nublear fuel to make those bombs from us, (and I suspect you know that) I have to presume your question is rhetorical,

Sorry.. didn't realize this AM that I'd already made that point.
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This topic will get completely derailed by the "anti-anti-zionists" as soon as it receives enough attention to warrant participating.

And the original question will never be completely answered. I'd like an answer to it my DAMN self.

Because, of course, we should let the pro-terrorist propaganda remain unanswered, same as terrorist bombs should be unanswered.

The answer to the original question is obvious.... Israel uses weapons defensively and isn't a rogue state run by fundies who think they go to paradise if they kill non-muslims.

Wooo hoooo!

but no anti-semitism to see here... nope... and heck if it's pointed out, well, heck then it must be the ZOG. :cuckoo:

The answer to the original question is obvious.... Israel uses weapons defensively and isn't a rogue state run by fundies who think they go to paradise if they kill non-muslims.

do you want to rethink that statement or shall I post some John Hagee quotes?
Very simple, Iran is one of the greatest terrorist nations in thehistory of the world. The US and Europe has offered to help them build nuclear power plants based upon the pressurized water reactor as long as the fuel for those plants is processed elsewhere. Iran has said NO because they don't want a nuclear plant. They want the bomb. I personally favor the destruction of their capacity to build the bomb simply because they are so totally evil.

When you are dealing with Satanic forces there is no alternative. We realized what we had to do with Hitler, and we did it. It is time that history repeats itself.

Iran say there wan t the bomb to protect themselves fro m Israel.
The entire Middle East should be a nuclear weapons-free zone. Israel doesn't have the right to tell another country it can't make a nuclear bomb when she already has 200 warheads.
Iran doesn't follow orders from the US. That is the reason for the differing treatment. If you want to start another thread, we can discuss what I mean by following orders. I need to get some sleep for now, however.

have a good one,

the king.

there are nucleare weapons becuase Israel attack Palestiniians and syria.the other countrys must protect themselve.
As I've said elsewhere:

Why is it that Iran, for instance, is harassed for attempting to create a nuclear energy program, (which it has the right to do under the terms of the Non-Proliferation Treaty), while Israel refuses to declare the existence of its nuclear weapons program, refuses to sign the NPT, all after having concealed their initial program development from American inspectors? Moreover, why is it that the IAEA never investigates Israel's program? Could it be because of American pressure on the IAEA's board of governors?

Jewish pressure
Stupid Anti Semitic Post and answer. There are at least eight other Countriee with Nuclear Weapons. Why don't you question it hat? Tell us exactly which Country Isral had threatened to eliminate
The entire Middle East should be a nuclear weapons-free zone. Israel doesn't have the right to tell another country it can't make a nuclear bomb when she already has 200 warheads.
Iran doesn't follow orders from the US. That is the reason for the differing treatment. If you want to start another thread, we can discuss what I mean by following orders. I need to get some sleep for now, however.

have a good one,

the king.

there are nucleare weapons becuase Israel attack Palestiniians and syria.the other countrys must protect themselve.

The Racist illiterate can't even spell or put a sentence together
As I've said elsewhere:

Why is it that Iran, for instance, is harassed for attempting to create a nuclear energy program, (which it has the right to do under the terms of the Non-Proliferation Treaty), while Israel refuses to declare the existence of its nuclear weapons program, refuses to sign the NPT, all after having concealed their initial program development from American inspectors? Moreover, why is it that the IAEA never investigates Israel's program? Could it be because of American pressure on the IAEA's board of governors?

Jewish pressure
Stupid Anti Semitic Post and answer. There are at least eight other Countriee with Nuclear Weapons. Why don't you question it hat? Tell us exactly which Country Isral had threatened to eliminate

I suppose an ignorant racist little punk like you has never heard of the Samson option. Israel has threatened to eliminate a raft of nations, including European nations.
There was a time when Israel was subjected to UN nuclear inspections. But, Israel was so uncooperative, the inspections were worthless and so the UN gave up. The US has veto power in the UN. So, while more resolutions have been succefully passed against Israel than against any other country, the US vetoes anything with teeth, as well as lot of other things that shouldn't be vetoed.

The world would not tolerate so many things that G-d Damned country does. Secret nuclear programs is one of those things.
As I've said elsewhere:

Why is it that Iran, for instance, is harassed for attempting to create a nuclear energy program, (which it has the right to do under the terms of the Non-Proliferation Treaty), while Israel refuses to declare the existence of its nuclear weapons program, refuses to sign the NPT, all after having concealed their initial program development from American inspectors? Moreover, why is it that the IAEA never investigates Israel's program? Could it be because of American pressure on the IAEA's board of governors?

Jewish pressure
Stupid Anti Semitic Post and answer. There are at least eight other Countriee with Nuclear Weapons. Why don't you question it hat? Tell us exactly which Country Isral had threatened to eliminate

I suppose an ignorant racist little punk like you has never heard of the Samson option. Israel has threatened to eliminate a raft of nations, including European nations.

Tell us exactly what Countries Israel threatened to destroy ESPECIALLY those in Europe you Fuckin Low life
There was a time when Israel was subjected to UN nuclear inspections. But, Israel was so uncooperative, the inspections were worthless and so the UN gave up. ...


Has no one mentioned that the NPT, is a voluntary treaty the Israel has never signed and thus is not covered by?

Or that hte NPT is idiotic and massively failed anyways?
As I've said elsewhere:

Why is it that Iran, for instance, is harassed for attempting to create a nuclear energy program, (which it has the right to do under the terms of the Non-Proliferation Treaty), while Israel refuses to declare the existence of its nuclear weapons program, refuses to sign the NPT, all after having concealed their initial program development from American inspectors? Moreover, why is it that the IAEA never investigates Israel's program? Could it be because of American pressure on the IAEA's board of governors?

Jewish pressure
Stupid Anti Semitic Post and answer. There are at least eight other Countriee with Nuclear Weapons. Why don't you question it hat? Tell us exactly which Country Isral had threatened to eliminate

I suppose an ignorant racist little punk like you has never heard of the Samson option. Israel has threatened to eliminate a raft of nations, including European nations.

Tell us exactly what Countries Israel threatened to destroy ESPECIALLY those in Europe you Fuckin Low life

Ok you ignorant little punk here is one of many.

"When the Messiah comes, Ben-Eliyahu wrote, Israel will reverse the Final Solution. “Twenty, thirty atomic bombs on Berlin, Munich, Hamburg, Nuremberg, Cologne, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Dresden, Dortmund and so on to assure the job gets done. And the land will be quiet for a thousand years,”

Op-ed calls on Israel to nuke Germany, Iran
There was a time when Israel was subjected to UN nuclear inspections. But, Israel was so uncooperative, the inspections were worthless and so the UN gave up. ...


Link? You don't know how to use Google? Wikipedia? A doorknob? If you don't know sh1t about what you're talking about, then stop talking. Here's a link to get you started: "Israel eventually accepted an inspection ... because Israel knew the schedule of the inspectors' visits, it was able to disguise the true purpose of the reactor..."

Has no one mentioned that the NPT, is a voluntary treaty the Israel has never signed and thus is not covered by?

North Korea also hasn't signed the NPT. NK and Israel are practically the only two nations on Earth that hasn't signed it. Not signing something even as non-restrictive as the NPT is just another example that the wart on the map, Israel, is a rogue nation.
There was a time when Israel was subjected to UN nuclear inspections. But, Israel was so uncooperative, the inspections were worthless and so the UN gave up. ...


Link? You don't know how to use Google? Wikipedia? A doorknob? If you don't know sh1t about what you're talking about, then stop talking. Here's a link to get you started: "Israel eventually accepted an inspection ... because Israel knew the schedule of the inspectors' visits, it was able to disguise the true purpose of the reactor..."

Has no one mentioned that the NPT, is a voluntary treaty the Israel has never signed and thus is not covered by?

North Korea also hasn't signed the NPT. NK and Israel are practically the only two nations on Earth that hasn't signed it. Not signing something even as non-restrictive as the NPT is just another example that the wart on the map, Israel, is a rogue nation.

Not agreeing to an voluntary treaty is not evidence of being a roque nation.

Is India a rogue nation because they haven't signed?

Is France one, because they have nuclear weapons?

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