Israel's Eternal Jewish Identity?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Today's WSJ has an opinion piece which attempts to gloss over the inherent contradiction between Israel as a democracy and Israel as an eternal Jewish state. A theocracy by any other name still smells the same.

However, the ongoing political and military hostilities between the two major resident groups make a consensual resolution unrealistic at this time. Instead, Israel has an opportunity to create a government structure that could, ultimately, lead to a lasting peace in the region by officially recognizing the differences between these groups.

This could entail the official recognition of four legislative bodies: The existing Knesset, a Palestinian Assembly, a Jewish Council and a Muslim Council. The Knesset would retain its parliamentary authority, but the other bodies would have unanimous veto authority and the ability to submit proposed legislation. What this would mean is that restricting the Knesset's authority could only occur if the other three bodies agreed to it.

This type of arrangement would not only give official voice to competing interests; it would also provide a framework for eventual compromise and cooperation. It could also provide some relief to the I-win-you-lose status of Jerusalem. This may sound like the currently out of vogue Two State Solution, but in reality it would provide a mechanism for dealing with political disputes without threatening Israel's national security.

What say you?
I'd say the religious authority is where the Jews are called as elders or leaders to serve as representatives of God's laws.
I'd say the political structure should be democratic. And these can co-exist without conflict.

One of my friends suggested enforcing laws
that anyone residing in Israel/Jerusalem must agree to live in peace and harmony without abuse or violence.
Any conflicts must be resolved amicably.
Anyone abusing violence to cause harm or death would not be allowed to live there.

Thus by default only the people agreeing to abide by God's laws
as Jews Muslims and Christians all living in peace would
qualify for residence. That would eliminate anyone who is violent or bullying
which is against God's laws.

This would still establish Israel/Jerusalem as the central example and leader for all other
people, nations and groups to follow.

But it would be democratically established and agreed upon by consent/free will of participants and residents.

So you have both religious leadership called by God to be the head of the tribes,
and you have democratic free society and free choice to live in peace and by equal justice.

The authority and laws of church and state need not be in conflict,
but the higher goal is for these to coexist in perfect harmony and peace.
Anyone abusing violence to cause harm or death would not be allowed to live there.

Where would they be allowed to live? One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist. I am sure the Palestinians have some legitimate grievances, yet your solution tells them to put up or abandon their homeland.

I would like to see these grievances be given an official forum for debate and possible resolution. I know this sounds like pie-in-the-sky given the current situation, but without some imposed structure to channel otherwise unending hostility, the future is bleak for everyone.
I don't think this "solution" addresses the core issues, and therefore only reinforces the conflict.

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