Israeli soldier critically injured in bomb explosion on the Gaza border

Tinnie, you didn't answer my question, how many Israelis do you think will die in the span of a year if Israel lifts the 'blockade'?
wrong again-----the bombs are always launched at residential areas-------and are responsive to nothing-------just as the stinking sluts with bombs on their stinking asses were responsive to nothing except adoration of the rapist pig
Irosie where is your evidence that prophet Mo was a rapist

it was a near universal culture at that time to marry very young girls and have several wives

abraham married his half sister in the bible story and whored her to the Pharaohs...all kosher according to that culture

so is Abe a sister F****r and a pimp and a slave woman Hagar rapist???

many english queens were married as young as Mo's Aisha

put up your evidence for this vile slander or shut up
Tinnie, you didn't answer my question, how many Israelis do you think will die in the span of a year if Israel lifts the 'blockade'?

the same number will die as die now
or do you suffer from compulsive islamic tarretz syndrome

if so go see a the-rapist and stop boring us

pity because some of your posts are interestin and you are well travelled and knowledgable...
wrong again-----the bombs are always launched at residential areas-------and are responsive to nothing-------just as the stinking sluts with bombs on their stinking asses were responsive to nothing except adoration of the rapist pig
Irosie where is your evidence that prophet Mo was a rapist

it was a near universal culture at that time to marry very young girls and have several wives

abraham married his half sister in the bible story and whored her to the Pharaohs...all kosher according to that culture

so is Abe a sister F****r and a pimp and a slave woman Hagar rapist???

many english queens were married as young as Mo's Aisha

put up your evidence for this vile slander or shut up

Its in the koran obviously you never read the book I am not referring to his marriage to the Child Aisha as "rape" I am referring to the women he captured in war and passed out to his friends as sex slaves and raped himself and the continuation of that practice by muslims over their 1400 year history During the Pakistani civil war 1/4 million girls were raped by the WEST PAKISTANI army------legally according to Shariah law since the victims were either HINDUS---or were muslim girls under an edict a "TAKFIR" (a kind of loophole making even muslim girls LEGAL targets of rape For the record-----thru marriage I also have relatives who survived islamic cesspits-------and they have their own family legacies-----including the LEGAL RAPES-------how many of the rapes comitted upon southern sudanese christians have been prosecuted as CRIMES?

Did you know that in jewish jurisprudence of ancient times-----even CONSENSUAL SEX WITH A CAPTIVE IS CONSIDERED "RAPE" just as it is in all modern civilized systems
In islamic jurisprudence-----forced sex with a LEGAL sex partner is not considered rape------"legal" are------captives of war, slaves, ----and even any non muslim girl not under the protection of "dhimmia" That not under the protection of dhimmia rendered millions of rapes in sudan LEGAL. These laws are based on Muhummad as an EXAMPLE OF PROPER BEHAVIOR-------
wrong again-----the bombs are always launched at residential areas-------and are responsive to nothing-------just as the stinking sluts with bombs on their stinking asses were responsive to nothing except adoration of the rapist pig
Irosie where is your evidence that prophet Mo was a rapist

it was a near universal culture at that time to marry very young girls and have several wives

abraham married his half sister in the bible story and whored her to the Pharaohs...all kosher according to that culture

so is Abe a sister F****r and a pimp and a slave woman Hagar rapist???

many english queens were married as young as Mo's Aisha

put up your evidence for this vile slander or shut up

Its in the koran obviously you never read the book I am not referring to his marriage to the Child Aisha as "rape" I am referring to the women he captured in war and passed out to his friends as sex slaves and raped himself and the continuation of that practice by muslims over their 1400 year history During the Pakistani civil war 1/4 million girls were raped by the WEST PAKISTANI army------legally according to Shariah law since the victims were either HINDUS---or were muslim girls under an edict a "TAKFIR" (a kind of loophole making even muslim girls LEGAL targets of rape For the record-----thru marriage I also have relatives who survived islamic cesspits-------and they have their own family legacies-----including the LEGAL RAPES-------how many of the rapes comitted upon southern sudanese christians have been prosecuted as CRIMES?

Did you know that in jewish jurisprudence of ancient times-----even CONSENSUAL SEX WITH A CAPTIVE IS CONSIDERED "RAPE" just as it is in all modern civilized systems
In islamic jurisprudence-----forced sex with a LEGAL sex partner is not considered rape------"legal" are------captives of war, slaves, ----and even any non muslim girl not under the protection of "dhimmia" That not under the protection of dhimmia rendered millions of rapes in sudan LEGAL. These laws are based on Muhummad as an EXAMPLE OF PROPER BEHAVIOR-------
Thankyou IRosie, I learned something from that post

and yes, i agree with some of it, tho Christians and others at that time would have been exactly the same.....would they not???

The Christians in serbia who mass raped Bosnian muslims recently should also be on your list and most armies of all types until recently, including Japanese shintoists and their "comfort women".

One thing Iran, before they execute a virgin woman in their prisons, they dutifully rape her first because in their Islam all virgins go to heaven and they want their victims to go to hell.........

I agree the Jewish tradition is good in this respect. Very few rapes of arabs in 1948, etc tho there were some.

Some Rabbis think that the reason that a Jewish mother not father is necessary to be Jewish is because Jewish women were often raped in Europe and so the Jewish community would look after their children rather than cast them out as products of rape. A good rule, if that is true.

But I condemn any attempt to justify such horrors in any law, especially religious law, as much as you do.
IRosie..on the subject of religiously sanctioned cruelty to women, Hinduism despite its goddesses has a claim to the gold medal.

In their sacred text the Laws of Manu, the hindu law giver, divorce is forbidden to women under any circs.

Two verses in that ghastly text were used to justify widow burning,,,suttee which still occasionally happens and the women who do it are regarded as saints and shrines built.

Muslim widows are encourages to re- marry

sex with child girls within child marriage is sanctioned in that text and still happens in hindu villages now

honour killings are ordered by hindu village councils all the time, usually of women

Low caste women are raped all the time in villages today as a right of higher caste men. Routinely.

and millions of children are trafficked; india is the worst country in the world for trafiicking; my wife's brother was stolen and never found.

but hinduism has its good points; the philosophy especially........and the goddesses and i don'y condemn the whole thing.............
thanks Kvetch-----but sorry-----you are tell me nothing new HOWEVER---when it comes to every day life------especially amongst the MORE EDUCATED people-----sorry----but muslims even in india do lose. As to sutee----I am willing to bet that the number of "honor killings" of muslim women----FAR EXCEED the number of primiive "lets kill the woman" decrees in tribal law in India PLUS the sutees ------Some hindu women do -----find the idea of dying with hubby ----such a nice idea------they do it on their own and are considered noble for doing so? SO? ----see above-----still less than the honor killings which just in Ramallah and Nablus seem to "happen" every few weeks I have read that the number in Turkey----is so high that the police have been compelled to EUPHEMISTICALLY call them "suicides"

Another impression I have---is that the more educated the Hindu----the MORE of the old stuff he discards ----completely---including caste restrictions----Amongst my friends and colleagues MIXED MARRIAGES are very common-----but I do get to hear how indignant was some ----grandma or elderly aunt. A friend of mine in school----had a married friend who came down with leukemia-----his dying wish to his friends was "MAKE SURE TO FIND A HUSBAND FOR MY WIFE" which considering the hindu thing was a bit touching. Getting back to Muslims----education does not seem to help all that much-----the Taliban came off the medical school and engineering school campuses of Pakistan.

Haha, i guess you're another Muslim who is jealous because you come from a hithole country and ISrael is THRIVING and GROWING !


Allah Ahkbar bitch
agreed mostly

the honour killing count would be more hindu victims but only because there are 80% Hindus to 14% muslims; both do so equally I would say.

only widows are better treated by muslims and christians than hindus today.

its all against the law; legal marriage age is 18 but imposs to enforce in villages

in bigger cities even the poor as well as rich and educated of ALL faiths have been discarding all the old crap at a hugely fast rate

suttee was not that widespread at any time; not always voluntary; often not

the brits banned it: they told the hindus that our custom is to hang murderers. you carry out your suttee custom and we will then carry out ours!!

to me india was the very best of humanity right next to the very worst side by side....a love hate relationship

mothers there REALLY love their sons... (not daughters so much; loads get aborted)

sex ratio is 12 boys to 10 girls in the north west and that is richer indians doing it

Haha, i guess you're another Muslim who is jealous because you come from a hithole country and ISrael is THRIVING and GROWING !


Allah Ahkbar bitch
agreed mostly

the honour killing count would be more hindu victims but only because there are 80% Hindus to 14% muslims; both do so equally I would say.

only widows are better treated by muslims and christians than hindus today.

its all against the law; legal marriage age is 18 but imposs to enforce in villages

in bigger cities even the poor as well as rich and educated of ALL faiths have been discarding all the old crap at a hugely fast rate

suttee was not that widespread at any time; not always voluntary; often notthe brits banned it: they told the hindus that our custom is to hang murderers. you carry out your suttee custom and we will then carry out ours!!

to me india was the very best of humanity right next to the very worst side by side....a love hate relationship

mothers there REALLY love their sons... (not daughters so much; loads get aborted)

I mentioned---I have lots of hindu friends over the years----in the USA
Based on my observations about hindu mothers and hindu sons------they are CLONES
of jewish mothers and jewish sons. Both jewish mothers and hindu mother
thanks Kvetch-----but sorry-----you are tell me nothing new HOWEVER---when it comes to every day life------especially amongst the MORE EDUCATED people-----sorry----but muslims even in india do lose. As to sutee----I am willing to bet that the number of "honor killings" of muslim women----FAR EXCEED the number of primiive "lets kill the woman" decrees in tribal law in India PLUS the sutees ------Some hindu women do -----find the idea of dying with hubby ----such a nice idea------they do it on their own and are considered noble for doing so? SO? ----see above-----still less than the honor killings which just in Ramallah and Nablus seem to "happen" every few weeks I have read that the number in Turkey----is so high that the police have been compelled to EUPHEMISTICALLY call them "suicides"

Another impression I have---is that the more educated the Hindu----the MORE of the old stuff he discards ----completely---including caste restrictions----Amongst my friends and colleagues MIXED MARRIAGES are very common-----but I do get to hear how indignant was some ----grandma or elderly aunt. A friend of mine in school----had a married friend who came down with leukemia-----his dying wish to his friends was "MAKE SURE TO FIND A HUSBAND FOR MY WIFE" which considering the hindu thing was a bit touching. Getting back to Muslims----education does not seem to help all that much-----the Taliban came off the medical school and engineering school campuses of Pakistan.
IRosie sorry clicked the wrong sg i dont agree with that one at all

agreed mostly with what you said

the honour killing count would be more hindu victims but only because there are 80% Hindus to 14% muslims; both do so equally I would say.

only widows are better treated by muslims and christians than hindus today.

its all against the law; legal marriage age is 18 but imposs to enforce in villages

in bigger cities even the poor as well as rich and educated of ALL faiths have been discarding all the old crap at a hugely fast rate

suttee was not that widespread at any time; not always voluntary; often not

the brits banned it: they told the hindus that our custom is to hang murderers. you carry out your suttee custom and we will then carry out ours!!

to me india was the very best of humanity right next to the very worst side by side....a love hate relationship

mothers there REALLY love their sons... (not daughters so much; loads get aborted)

sex ratio is 12 boys to 10 girls in the north west and that is richer indians including sikhs aborting girl foetuses for economic reasons not religious ones; girls leave home and cost a fortune in dowry
The Hindu custom of leaving the widow with the family of the dead husband------is also breaking down----in my limited series-----of circle of hindu friends with family back there. It is that widow ---completely losing status -----but having to be supported by her husband's family that makes the life of a hindu woman OFTEN MISERABLE Interestingly enough---I have known muslim families who engaged in the SAME thing-----because somehow the husband's family demands the right to KEEP THE KIDS -----so either she stays or loses her kids----even though islamic law actually does not really DEPRIVE a widow of her kids<<< must be the hindu influence ?????

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