Israeli Settlers Teach Their Children To Kill Early

It has EVERYTHING to do with your creed and beliefs and customs Boys do that which makes them a HERO in the eyes of the girls -----in the societies of the UMMAH the girls love a boy who grabs four year old KAFIRAHS and blows her brains out Boys LOVE TO SEE GIRLS DANCING IN PRAISE OF THEIR ACTIONS The pigs who got out of Israeli jails after murdering children----in exchange for SHALIT are not considered criminals in the UMMAH they are GREAT HEROES. This situation ecourages more of the pigs and pimps of the ummah in the comission of more and more murders and more and more depravity

Irosie shut the fuck up you moron....he was a madman....and I never praised that attack idiot....

He was not a madman----he was a GREAT JIHADIST doing what
he was taught to do in the mosque which is why the sluts danced

And more fucking lies the people exchanged in the shalit deal didn't kill children....Israel let them out anyway stupid bitch .....blame Netanyahu

Blame Netanyahu for what ----he gave dung back to dung Many many of the lumps
of Jihadist dung had been involved the jihadist activity of murdering children in
emulation of "al nabi" and for that they are STILL HEROES IN OF THE UMMAH

Hahaahha netanyhu is a failure....before 2006 Hamas militants promised to free Palestinian prisoners....and in 2011 they were true to their promise.....and succeded and netanyahoo failed
Irosie shut the fuck up you moron....he was a madman....and I never praised that attack idiot....

He was not a madman----he was a GREAT JIHADIST doing what
he was taught to do in the mosque which is why the sluts danced

And more fucking lies the people exchanged in the shalit deal didn't kill children....Israel let them out anyway stupid bitch .....blame Netanyahu

Blame Netanyahu for what ----he gave dung back to dung Many many of the lumps
of Jihadist dung had been involved the jihadist activity of murdering children in
emulation of "al nabi" and for that they are STILL HEROES IN OF THE UMMAH

Hahaahha netanyhu is a failure....before 2006 Hamas militants promised to free Palestinian prisoners....and in 2011 they were true to their promise.....and succeded and netanyahoo failed

you analysis is typical of a GLOATING CRIMINAL delighted over the FILTH OF HIS CRIMES
Blame Netanyahu for what ----he gave dung back to dung Many many of the lumps
of Jihadist dung had been involved the jihadist activity of murdering children in
emulation of "al nabi" and for that they are STILL HEROES IN OF THE UMMAH

Hahaahha netanyhu is a failure....before 2006 Hamas militants promised to free Palestinian prisoners....and in 2011 they were true to their promise.....and succeded and netanyahoo failed

you analysis is typical of a GLOATING CRIMINAL delighted over the FILTH OF HIS CRIMES

Just pointing out netanyhus failure and that's pretty embarrassing a militant group makes it public that they will capture an Israeli soldier and they tell the public they will free prisoners........

To find out they actually did weeks later do that and years later got prisoners out to Gaza
Blame Netanyahu for what ----he gave dung back to dung Many many of the lumps
of Jihadist dung had been involved the jihadist activity of murdering children in
emulation of "al nabi" and for that they are STILL HEROES IN OF THE UMMAH

Hahaahha netanyhu is a failure....before 2006 Hamas militants promised to free Palestinian prisoners....and in 2011 they were true to their promise.....and succeded and netanyahoo failed

you analysis is typical of a GLOATING CRIMINAL delighted over the FILTH OF HIS CRIMES
Speaking of CRIMES:

"Israel stole land during the 1967 war something it is not allowed to do under international law (correctly IMO) regardless of who started it.

"And if you want to talk black hearted fascist Avigador Liebeberman with his loyalty oaths racistly ONLY for non Jews ring a bell? Israel holds people in concetration camp like conditions in Gaza frequently witholding, food, fuel and medical supplies and they attack aid boats and hold their crews hostage, also fascist IMO.

"And that's not to even mention the land Israel holds beyond it's recognized borders at the green line that it continues to expand despite the worlds insistence that it stop this illegal land grab."

Israelis settlers teach their children to kill early | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Hahaahha netanyhu is a failure....before 2006 Hamas militants promised to free Palestinian prisoners....and in 2011 they were true to their promise.....and succeded and netanyahoo failed

you analysis is typical of a GLOATING CRIMINAL delighted over the FILTH OF HIS CRIMES
Speaking of CRIMES:

"Israel stole land during the 1967 war something it is not allowed to do under international law (correctly IMO) regardless of who started it.

"And if you want to talk black hearted fascist Avigador Liebeberman with his loyalty oaths racistly ONLY for non Jews ring a bell? Israel holds people in concetration camp like conditions in Gaza frequently witholding, food, fuel and medical supplies and they attack aid boats and hold their crews hostage, also fascist IMO.

"And that's not to even mention the land Israel holds beyond it's recognized borders at the green line that it continues to expand despite the worlds insistence that it stop this illegal land grab."

Israelis settlers teach their children to kill early | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Naturally Georgie would never mention those cartoons shown regularly to the Palestinians children which teach them to hate and kill Jews. Maybe Georgoe thinks it OK for show these cartoons because he too believes if you kill a Jew you go to the Big Cathouse in the sky where the beautiful houris will wait on Georgie hand and foot all day long.
There would be less need for those cartoons if Jews were not stealing the land and water rights of Arabs, don't you think?

No Jewish State.
No cartoons calling for the killing of Jews.
There would be less need for those cartoons if Jews were not stealing the land and water rights of Arabs, don't you think?

No Jewish State.
No cartoons calling for the killing of Jews.[/QUOTE

Intereesting idea Georgie no jews, no Auschwitz
no georgie---far less filth in the world
no georgie----no stink in the world
Hahaahha netanyhu is a failure....before 2006 Hamas militants promised to free Palestinian prisoners....and in 2011 they were true to their promise.....and succeded and netanyahoo failed

you analysis is typical of a GLOATING CRIMINAL delighted over the FILTH OF HIS CRIMES

Just pointing out netanyhus failure and that's pretty embarrassing a militant group makes it public that they will capture an Israeli soldier and they tell the public they will free prisoners........

To find out they actually did weeks later do that and years later got prisoners out to Gaza

you are doing a good job of emulating the rapist pig of arabia ----he and his depraved companions were proud of the fact of every rape upon every little girl they accomplished ---it made them feel like "real men" You are no alone in your sense of triumph over depravities so many criminals celebrate their crimes
Here is a CPT, Christian Peacemaker Team, report addressing settler exploitation of their children, addressing incidents in Occupied Palestine.

"Children Affected by Serious Incidents - The Ibrahimi School

This incident is a microcosm of the forms of violence that continually take place in Al-Khalil. On 22 September, a local business man alerted three CPTers to a group of soldiers outside the Ibrahimi School, located in the heart of the Old City. Upon arrival, the school principal informed CPT that a settler boy, around seven years old, had accused two Palestinian boys from the Ibrahimi School of throwing a rock at him. Soldiers wanted to enter the school with the settler child to identify and arrest the Palestinian boys and the school principal responded by stating they would first need to get permission from the Palestinian Minister of Education.

Over a period of three hours, 50 Israeli soldiers, 20 settlers and Israeli police gathered outside the school. When the Palestinian Ministry of Education stated to the soldiers that they could not enter the school the Israeli army disregarded his decision and entered the school with the settler boy in tow. Two Palestinian boys under the age of 18 were arrested in front of their peers and taken to the local police station. The Israeli army and police informed the Minister of Education that these arrests were necessary to “maintaining the peace” as the group of settlers gathered outside the school had threatened to remain and harass the school children if the Palestinian boys were not arrested.

This particular incident speaks not only to the Israeli police’s lack of impartiality, but also to the reality that settlers’ accusations supersede preserving the educational environment of Palestinian children. The entry of soldiers into educational institutions signifies to children that schools are not safe places for them, thus creating further barriers to education.

Furthermore, this situation highlights settler children being used as vehicles to perpetuate violence. Within this particular incident, the young settler boy that made the rock throwing accusation was prompted by his father and other adult settlers to demand entry into the Ibrahimi School during school hours. In addition, settler adults brought a number of settler children with them to the school and didn’t respond to soldiers’ instructions for children to leave the scene. CPT believes this to be a common tactic employed by settlers because, by law, Israeli children under the age of eighteen cannot be arrested.


As global parents it is important to create safe environments where children are provided with the opportunity to learn and grow. Unfortunately, what CPT observes here in Al-Khalil is that children, both Palestinian and Israeli, are not being brought up in a spirit of love. The Israeli authorities in this area are not preparing children for a life of peace, tolerance and equality. Children growing up in settlements are being taught to hate through a serious of activities encouraged by parents and supported by authorities. It is often worrying that settler children are being exploited in order to further push forward the desires of settlers in Al-Khalil.

The actions exerted by soldiers and settlers, supported by the state continually hinder the growth and development of the Palestinian children. They continue to witness violence and are denied access to proper resources to grow into healthy adults. Sadly CPTers conclude that Palestinians on a whole face discriminatory policies and practices that deny their freedom to a dignified existence.

Source: Christian Peacemaker Teams"

Holy Land: report highlights impact of conflict on children on Independent Catholic News

There would be less need for those cartoons if Jews were not stealing the land and water rights of Arabs, don't you think?

No Jewish State.
No cartoons calling for the killing of Jews.
I wonder why anti-Semitics are so naive. However, Georgie is doing such a fine job as a Dhimwit. I guess he doesn't realize that as an Infidel (unless he is actually a Muslim), he is hated too. Meanwhile, Georgie, this was way before Israel became a state. You can see how the Muslims just love the Jews.
Did Allah transform Jews into apes and pigs? An analysis of three passages in the Quran.
AT-TUWANI: Report, “A Dangerous Journey: Settler violence against Palestinian schoolchildren under Israeli military escort” by Christian Peacemaker Teams and Operation Dove now available

This report was released October of 2008, attacks by Jewish settlers on Palestinian childen walking to and from school in Occupied Palestine continue to this day, unabated, which all can read of on CPT's website.

The report concludes, “Nearly four years after the Israeli military’s agreement to provide an escort, and the affirmation of this agreement by the Knesset Committee for Children’s Rights, the situation of the children … has worsened. The children continue to be harassed and attacked by Israeli settlers … The Israeli military, which was given a mandate to ensure the safety of the children, has consistently failed to do so.”

During the school year, up to 25 children from the villages of Tuba and Maghaer al-Abeed, located in the South Hebron Hills of the occupied Palestinian territories (OPT), attend primary school in the village of at-Tuwani. The children walk to school, usually on a road that passes between the illegal Israeli settlement of Ma’on and the illegal1 settlement outpost called Hill 833 (sometimes called . “Havot Ma’on” or “Ma’on Farm”). The children use this road because it is the most direct, taking them to school in 20-30 minutes. Alternative routes through the hilly landscape can take up to 75 minutes, but nevertheless are occasionally used for safety reasons. For years armed settlers have harassed and attacked the children on these routes. By the start of the 2002 school year, one-third of the school-aged children from Tuba and Maghaer al-Abeed had stopped attending school in at-Tuwani because of the harassment and attacks.

In 2002, Ta’ayush, an Israeli Jewish-Arab peace group, began visiting the children. They occasionally walked with the children and began to apply pressure on the Israeli military authorities to take action toward a definitive end to settler violence. On 27 September, 2004, a joint team comprising members of Christian Peacemaker Teams and Operation Dove (hereafter “internationals”) began accompanying the children on the short route to school. Settlers attacked these internationals and the children twice in the fall of 2004.2

In response to this violence, the Israeli District Coordinating Office (DCO), the section of the army that coordinates civilian affairs in the OPT, made a verbal agreement with the mayor of at-Tuwani that the DCO would begin a daily escort of the school children along the short road from Tuba to at- Tuwani. In November, 2004, the Israeli Knesset Committee for Children’s Rights met to discuss the safety of the children from Tuba and Maghaer al-Abeed during their walk to and from school. The Committee affirmed the need for the military escort. The Committee focused on settler violence and instructed the Israeli police to take full responsibility for prosecuting settlers who used violence against the children. Member of Knesset Avshalom Vilan indicated that if no progress was soon made in these investigations, the Committee would arrange a meeting with the Commander of the Central Command.3

The twice-daily escort of the children, in addition to prosecution of violent settlers, should safeguard the children’s rights to safety and education as ensured by multiple international
agreements and by Israeli law.4 However, the Israeli police rarely apprehend or prosecute any of these settlers. Even with the daily military escort, the children are frequently victims of violence by settlers and even the soldiers charged to protect them.

In 2006 a group of influential Israeli intellectuals wrote a letter to Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert demanding that the children’s safety be ensured and the settlers be held responsible for their criminal actions:

"Beyond the shame inherent in the very necessity of providing a military escort for
children and the [State’s] helplessness in the face of the assailants, it appears that the
escort in its present format cannot protect the children ... A situation in which elementary
school children are exposed to attacks from lawbreakers without adequate protection is
insufferable. The right to obtain an education is a basic human right, and ensuring its full
realization is the responsibility of the State of Israel. We demand that the IDF be
instructed to provide the village children with full and adequate protection that will
ensure that they get to and from school safely. We call on the authorities to deal with the
rioters, the residents of Ma’on and the Ma’on Farm outpost, with the full force of the law,
and not to stand in the way of the activists who are assisting the village children".5

Furthermore, on 30 May 2006, the Israeli DCO issued demolition orders for 18 illegally built structures inside the Hill 833 outpost. Defense Minister Amir Peretz stated that this action was a direct response to repeated attacks by Hill 833 inhabitants against Palestinian school children.6 Peretz stated: “We are talking about a very serious trend, one that has no place in Israeli society. We will not permit lawbreakers to continue to target helpless children and everything will be done to bring an end to such incidents.”7

This report is from 2012, documenting continuing attacks by settlers on Palestinian children, near At-Tuwani.

AT-TUWANI: Israeli military refuses to escort Palestinian children to summer camp despite settler attacks

[Note: This morning, 27 July, settlers attacked Palestinian children and At-Tuwani team members accompanying them on their way to summer camp in the village of At-Tuwani. Details will follow.]

On Saturday 26 July, at least four settlers from the settlement outpost Havat Ma'on threatened fourteen Palestinian children from the village of Tuba, as they walked to summer camp in the village of At-Tuwani. The children, accompanied by two members of Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT), left Tuba at around 7:30 am and walked to the area where the Israeli military escort is meant to meet the children on their way to At-Tuwani. Israeli settlers from Havat Ma'on walked towards the children, shouting and jeering

A CPTer called the military immediately, explaining the dangerous situation for the children. The military personnel told the CPTer, "the army should come any second". However, ten minutes later when the military had not arrived, the CPTer called the military escort personnel and was told that the military was not coming to escort the children. The military personnel said, "the commander had not given orders for the escort" and then refused to give their names. When the CPTer asked the name and brigade of the commander, this request was also refused, and she was told to speak with the District Coordination Officer (DCO) (the branch of the Israeli military that deals with civilian matters in the occupied Palestinian territories). The military's refusal to escort the children forced them to walk unescorted, by a longer route, to the summer camp. They faced further taunts and jeers from settlers along the way.

On 22 July, the military also did not escort the children. Only seven children were willing to risk walking alone to At-Tuwani. The children informed CPT that at least eight other children did not attend the summer camp because they were too afraid to walk without a military escort. On the morning of 23 July, the military again refused to escort the children. The children were chased by three settlers, one of whom was masked and carrying a stick, while they walked unescorted to the summer camp.

In the past week, the mayor of At-Tuwani has had several meetings with the DCO in an attempt to arrange a military escort for the children. The DCO refused his request for an escort and told him the children should walk the short, direct route to summer camp, unescorted.

In 2004, following international media coverage of the settler attacks against the school children on this route, an Israeli Knesset committee, the committee for Children's Rights, recommended that the Israeli military provide a daily escort for the school children. In 2006, Israeli Defense Minister Amir Peretz stated that the illegal outpost of Havat Ma'on should be dismantled because of the settler violence towards school children, and and Israeli authorities issued evacuation orders. During the 2007-2008 school year, settlers used violence against Palestinian school children on at least fourteen occasions. To date the 2006 evacuation orders have not been enforced

Last edited:
Somehow I cannot find the number of children killed due to the violence Sherri describes I grew up in the USA and was subjected to violence too as ---at age five---I walked home from school I was not killed and a bit embarassed that those kids who attended catholic school were attacking me-----so I did not tell anyone. How many children did the heavily armed settlers kill, Sherri? any limbs lost? One day my kid came home from school with a VERY DEEP gouged out groove in his cheek -----and one day I got a note from the teacher-----"get his foot X-rayed ----a kid dropped a desk on it" it was ok-----I never got the xray---his foot was fine Tell us about the STATS sherri BTW children walking to school and on trips in Israel often are accompanied by armed guards -----I mean the jewish ones----because of the terrorism you advocate I was startled on a visit to see a row of ---kids being marched along ----followed by two soldiers holding machine guns But that was long ago-----now----when I go to the synagogue I attend-----there will be armed guards at the door------I am in the USA we need armed guards because of the terrorism you advocate My all time fave guard is a Sikh-----he is shy ----he covers his hair with a large baseball cap-----but I noticed the steel bracelet I wonder what he tells his family back home "I have a job guarding a synagogue on jewish holidays"

there seems to be lots of violence in the world lately

how are things going in Yemen? Syria? somehow the muslims of KHARTOUM decided to riot they must miss the rape and murder opportunities in south sudan
Sherri, the land captured during the 1967 war was kept by the Israelis because the stupid Palis and other stupid Arab countries REFUSED TO SURRENDER after Israel kicked their butt. Don't you get it ?!?
Why would they give the land back to them if they refused to surrender !?!? Refusal to surrender means they are basically going to attack Israel again !!! This is how war works ! Any country would do the same.

"The wars in 1956 and 1967 were waged by Israel to ensure the state's survival. As most hostilities were initiated by the Arab side, Israel had to fight and win these wars in order to ensure the state's sovereignty and safety. Territories captured in the course of those wars are therefore legitimately under Israeli administration for both security reasons and to deter hostile states from belligerence.
In the absence of peace treaties between all the parties at war, Israel has under all circumstances the right to maintain control of the captured territories. Their ultimate disposition should be a result of peace treaties, and not a condition for them"
Here is a CPT, Christian Peacemaker Team, report addressing settler exploitation of their children, addressing incidents in Occupied Palestine.

"Children Affected by Serious Incidents - The Ibrahimi School

This incident is a microcosm of the forms of violence that continually take place in Al-Khalil. On 22 September, a local business man alerted three CPTers to a group of soldiers outside the Ibrahimi School, located in the heart of the Old City. Upon arrival, the school principal informed CPT that a settler boy, around seven years old, had accused two Palestinian boys from the Ibrahimi School of throwing a rock at him. Soldiers wanted to enter the school with the settler child to identify and arrest the Palestinian boys and the school principal responded by stating they would first need to get permission from the Palestinian Minister of Education.

Over a period of three hours, 50 Israeli soldiers, 20 settlers and Israeli police gathered outside the school. When the Palestinian Ministry of Education stated to the soldiers that they could not enter the school the Israeli army disregarded his decision and entered the school with the settler boy in tow. Two Palestinian boys under the age of 18 were arrested in front of their peers and taken to the local police station. The Israeli army and police informed the Minister of Education that these arrests were necessary to “maintaining the peace” as the group of settlers gathered outside the school had threatened to remain and harass the school children if the Palestinian boys were not arrested.

This particular incident speaks not only to the Israeli police’s lack of impartiality, but also to the reality that settlers’ accusations supersede preserving the educational environment of Palestinian children. The entry of soldiers into educational institutions signifies to children that schools are not safe places for them, thus creating further barriers to education.

Furthermore, this situation highlights settler children being used as vehicles to perpetuate violence. Within this particular incident, the young settler boy that made the rock throwing accusation was prompted by his father and other adult settlers to demand entry into the Ibrahimi School during school hours. In addition, settler adults brought a number of settler children with them to the school and didn’t respond to soldiers’ instructions for children to leave the scene. CPT believes this to be a common tactic employed by settlers because, by law, Israeli children under the age of eighteen cannot be arrested.


As global parents it is important to create safe environments where children are provided with the opportunity to learn and grow. Unfortunately, what CPT observes here in Al-Khalil is that children, both Palestinian and Israeli, are not being brought up in a spirit of love. The Israeli authorities in this area are not preparing children for a life of peace, tolerance and equality. Children growing up in settlements are being taught to hate through a serious of activities encouraged by parents and supported by authorities. It is often worrying that settler children are being exploited in order to further push forward the desires of settlers in Al-Khalil.

The actions exerted by soldiers and settlers, supported by the state continually hinder the growth and development of the Palestinian children. They continue to witness violence and are denied access to proper resources to grow into healthy adults. Sadly CPTers conclude that Palestinians on a whole face discriminatory policies and practices that deny their freedom to a dignified existence.

Source: Christian Peacemaker Teams"

Holy Land: report highlights impact of conflict on children on Independent Catholic News

I wonder if Sherri follows all the Catholic news sources to see what her brethren are doing to Catholics and other Christians in Muslim countries. No doubt the children in these countries are also taught the same about going to Paradise because you see young children becoming suicide bombers -- not only taking out non Muslims but also Muslims of different sects.
[ame=]Palestinian children taught paradise is reward for martyrdom - YouTube[/ame]
AT-TUWANI: Report, “A Dangerous Journey: Settler violence against Palestinian schoolchildren under Israeli military escort” by Christian Peacemaker Teams and Operation Dove now available

This report was released October of 2008, attacks by Jewish settlers on Palestinian childen walking to and from school in Occupied Palestine continue to this day, unabated, which all can read of on CPT's website.

The report concludes, “Nearly four years after the Israeli military’s agreement to provide an escort, and the affirmation of this agreement by the Knesset Committee for Children’s Rights, the situation of the children … has worsened. The children continue to be harassed and attacked by Israeli settlers … The Israeli military, which was given a mandate to ensure the safety of the children, has consistently failed to do so.”

During the school year, up to 25 children from the villages of Tuba and Maghaer al-Abeed, located in the South Hebron Hills of the occupied Palestinian territories (OPT), attend primary school in the village of at-Tuwani. The children walk to school, usually on a road that passes between the illegal Israeli settlement of Ma’on and the illegal1 settlement outpost called Hill 833 (sometimes called . “Havot Ma’on” or “Ma’on Farm”). The children use this road because it is the most direct, taking them to school in 20-30 minutes. Alternative routes through the hilly landscape can take up to 75 minutes, but nevertheless are occasionally used for safety reasons. For years armed settlers have harassed and attacked the children on these routes. By the start of the 2002 school year, one-third of the school-aged children from Tuba and Maghaer al-Abeed had stopped attending school in at-Tuwani because of the harassment and attacks.

In 2002, Ta’ayush, an Israeli Jewish-Arab peace group, began visiting the children. They occasionally walked with the children and began to apply pressure on the Israeli military authorities to take action toward a definitive end to settler violence. On 27 September, 2004, a joint team comprising members of Christian Peacemaker Teams and Operation Dove (hereafter “internationals”) began accompanying the children on the short route to school. Settlers attacked these internationals and the children twice in the fall of 2004.2

In response to this violence, the Israeli District Coordinating Office (DCO), the section of the army that coordinates civilian affairs in the OPT, made a verbal agreement with the mayor of at-Tuwani that the DCO would begin a daily escort of the school children along the short road from Tuba to at- Tuwani. In November, 2004, the Israeli Knesset Committee for Children’s Rights met to discuss the safety of the children from Tuba and Maghaer al-Abeed during their walk to and from school. The Committee affirmed the need for the military escort. The Committee focused on settler violence and instructed the Israeli police to take full responsibility for prosecuting settlers who used violence against the children. Member of Knesset Avshalom Vilan indicated that if no progress was soon made in these investigations, the Committee would arrange a meeting with the Commander of the Central Command.3

The twice-daily escort of the children, in addition to prosecution of violent settlers, should safeguard the children’s rights to safety and education as ensured by multiple international
agreements and by Israeli law.4 However, the Israeli police rarely apprehend or prosecute any of these settlers. Even with the daily military escort, the children are frequently victims of violence by settlers and even the soldiers charged to protect them.

In 2006 a group of influential Israeli intellectuals wrote a letter to Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert demanding that the children’s safety be ensured and the settlers be held responsible for their criminal actions:

"Beyond the shame inherent in the very necessity of providing a military escort for
children and the [State’s] helplessness in the face of the assailants, it appears that the
escort in its present format cannot protect the children ... A situation in which elementary
school children are exposed to attacks from lawbreakers without adequate protection is
insufferable. The right to obtain an education is a basic human right, and ensuring its full
realization is the responsibility of the State of Israel. We demand that the IDF be
instructed to provide the village children with full and adequate protection that will
ensure that they get to and from school safely. We call on the authorities to deal with the
rioters, the residents of Ma’on and the Ma’on Farm outpost, with the full force of the law,
and not to stand in the way of the activists who are assisting the village children".5

Furthermore, on 30 May 2006, the Israeli DCO issued demolition orders for 18 illegally built structures inside the Hill 833 outpost. Defense Minister Amir Peretz stated that this action was a direct response to repeated attacks by Hill 833 inhabitants against Palestinian school children.6 Peretz stated: “We are talking about a very serious trend, one that has no place in Israeli society. We will not permit lawbreakers to continue to target helpless children and everything will be done to bring an end to such incidents.”7

This report is from 2012, documenting continuing attacks by settlers on Palestinian children, near At-Tuwani.

AT-TUWANI: Israeli military refuses to escort Palestinian children to summer camp despite settler attacks

[Note: This morning, 27 July, settlers attacked Palestinian children and At-Tuwani team members accompanying them on their way to summer camp in the village of At-Tuwani. Details will follow.]

On Saturday 26 July, at least four settlers from the settlement outpost Havat Ma'on threatened fourteen Palestinian children from the village of Tuba, as they walked to summer camp in the village of At-Tuwani. The children, accompanied by two members of Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT), left Tuba at around 7:30 am and walked to the area where the Israeli military escort is meant to meet the children on their way to At-Tuwani. Israeli settlers from Havat Ma'on walked towards the children, shouting and jeering

A CPTer called the military immediately, explaining the dangerous situation for the children. The military personnel told the CPTer, "the army should come any second". However, ten minutes later when the military had not arrived, the CPTer called the military escort personnel and was told that the military was not coming to escort the children. The military personnel said, "the commander had not given orders for the escort" and then refused to give their names. When the CPTer asked the name and brigade of the commander, this request was also refused, and she was told to speak with the District Coordination Officer (DCO) (the branch of the Israeli military that deals with civilian matters in the occupied Palestinian territories). The military's refusal to escort the children forced them to walk unescorted, by a longer route, to the summer camp. They faced further taunts and jeers from settlers along the way.

On 22 July, the military also did not escort the children. Only seven children were willing to risk walking alone to At-Tuwani. The children informed CPT that at least eight other children did not attend the summer camp because they were too afraid to walk without a military escort. On the morning of 23 July, the military again refused to escort the children. The children were chased by three settlers, one of whom was masked and carrying a stick, while they walked unescorted to the summer camp.

In the past week, the mayor of At-Tuwani has had several meetings with the DCO in an attempt to arrange a military escort for the children. The DCO refused his request for an escort and told him the children should walk the short, direct route to summer camp, unescorted.

In 2004, following international media coverage of the settler attacks against the school children on this route, an Israeli Knesset committee, the committee for Children's Rights, recommended that the Israeli military provide a daily escort for the school children. In 2006, Israeli Defense Minister Amir Peretz stated that the illegal outpost of Havat Ma'on should be dismantled because of the settler violence towards school children, and and Israeli authorities issued evacuation orders. During the 2007-2008 school year, settlers used violence against Palestinian school children on at least fourteen occasions. To date the 2006 evacuation orders have not been enforced

AT-TUWANI: Israeli military refuses to escort Palestinian children to summer camp despite settler attacks | Christian Peacemaker Teams

Since you are so good at finding things on the Internet, Sherri, how about finding for us the video where it shows the French Catholic woman crying because of what she found the Palestinians children were being taught. Now she was there to observe, but she was so upset over this. I am sure you can find it for us in no time at all.
I am still waiting for Sherri to let us know the names of israeli children who were fitted up with bombs to kill arabs ------lets define "child" as anything under 16
There would be less need for those cartoons if Jews were not stealing the land and water rights of Arabs, don't you think?

No Jewish State.
No cartoons calling for the killing of Jews.[/QUOTE

Intereesting idea Georgie no jews, no Auschwitz
no georgie---far less filth in the world
no georgie----no stink in the world
This world is a much better place with most Jews in it.

It's headed toward extinction with a Jewish State in it.

Do the math.

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