Israeli report: COVID "vaccines" can re-activate herpes and shingles


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
It's right on the goldarn Moderna and Pfizer's own fact sheets that this stuff is bad news for immune compromised or auto-immune disorders. The information is only getting worse and worse.

Herpes zoster reactivation -- a.k.a. shingles -- following COVID-19 vaccination in six patients with comorbid autoimmune/inflammatory diseases may be a new adverse event associated with the Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA vaccine, suggested a new report.


Minnesota Woman Loses both Legs and both Hands Following Second Pfizer COVID-19 Shot

Jummaci was working as a medical assistant in a clinic in Minneapolis and was instructed to take the COVID-19 “vaccines.”

She complied, and immediately after getting the second injection, according to her husband, “she started to experience chest pain at work.”

Things went down hill fast after that, as the all-too-familiar symptoms of blood clots, a known side effect of the Pfizer COVID-19 shots, were found in her heart, and today she has had both legs amputated, and will also have to have both of her hands amputated.

Her case is supposedly “rare,” as her husband reports that after the CDC and “70-80” doctors investigated her case, and reported back to him:

“the CDC sent us a letter of their conclusions which stated that Jummai was infected with MIS-A and covid-19, but they cannot conclude whether the covid-19 vaccine contributed for now.


Below image from Moderna fact sheet (click for larger image)

"Israeli report: COVID "vaccines" can re-activate herpes and shingles"

Ain't life just a bitch? Now you get to choose between the possibility of these two very painful conditions if you get the shot, or a 99+% survivable virus. And what's beautifully, deliciously ironic is how many folks are getting the rona even after they take the poke.

I'll tell ya, life just isn't going to get any more fun than it's been for the last year and a half.
It's right on the goldarn Moderna and Pfizer's own fact sheets that this stuff is bad news for immune compromised or auto-immune disorders. The information is only getting worse and worse.

View attachment 537926

Minnesota Woman Loses both Legs and both Hands Following Second Pfizer COVID-19 Shot

View attachment 537927

Below image from Moderna fact sheet (click for larger image)

You Lie!!!

"Jummai Nache (pictured) contracted COVID-19 in the days after she received the second shot of a vaccine. Complications from the virus led to her needing both legs amputated!!!"
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You Lie!!!

Jummai Nache (pictured) contracted COVID-19 in the days after she received the second shot of a vaccine. Complications from the virus led to her needing both legs amputated!!!
So you're admitting that the shot did not protect her.

Y'all need to work a little harder at getting your stories straight. Choreography.
"Israeli report: COVID "vaccines" can re-activate herpes and shingles"

Ain't life just a bitch? Now you get to choose between the possibility of these two very painful conditions if you get the shot, or a 99+% survivable virus. And what's beautifully, deliciously ironic is how many folks are getting the rona even after they take the poke.

I'll tell ya, life just isn't going to get any more fun than it's been for the last year and a half.
you are telling the truth the fact CIA shill KISSMY hates the post.LOL

this shill who works out of his house for langley in stank louis is butthurt over the Rams leaving that shithole for LA.he is so childish about admitting when he has been proven wrong,he wont even own up to it and admit that he once said the Rams would never be in LA by 2016 even though the words are on record he did post that.:abgg2q.jpg: everytime i call him out on that how he wont admit he was wrong,he doesnt even try and refute it,his answer is a thumbs down unable to admit being checkmated by me,seriously.:laughing0301:
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OhPleaseJustQuit check out post# 6 of mine,i just added some more on it about the liar you will find amusing how he can NEVER own up to being wrong,even over just a tiny little thing like sports,he would rather kill himself first rather than own up to admitting he was proven wrong. i been waiting 6 years for him to address how he was proven wrong,he wont own up to it :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
And nearly every pHARMa commercial on TV, in the disclaimer that the voice actor reads really fast at the end, includes, "Side effects may include death". They've been telling us over and over, in TV and magazine ads, for a couple of decades, that they're going to kill some of us.

And you fucking nitwits keep on buying it and taking the poison, OVER and OVER and OVER ad infinitum.

You pieces of shit deserve what you get.
OhPleaseJustQuit check out post# 6 of mine,i just added some more on it about the liar you will find amusing how he can NEVER own up to being wrong,even over just a tiny little thing like sports,he would rather kill himself first rather than own up to admitting he was proven wrong. i been waiting 6 years for him to address how he was proven wrong,he wont own up to it :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
I read it. Funny shit.
I read it. Funny shit.

we know he WONT come back on here and address my point on sports on owning up to admitting he was wrong. :abgg2q.jpg: like clockwork,so predictable,instead of owning up to it,as always his only rebuttal he has is a thumbs down sign:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

it never fails,when i bring that up,he does this EVERYTIME.:scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1:

COMEDY GOLD.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301: IF he comes back to this thread,i guarantee he will pretend i did not bring up that fact and pretend i did not make that post and change the subject to something about 9/11 or this virus.:laughing0301: never fails.

like clockwork,so predictable.:abgg2q.jpg:
And nearly every pHARMa commercial on TV, in the disclaimer that the voice actor reads really fast at the end, includes, "Side effects may include death". They've been telling us over and over, in TV and magazine ads, for a couple of decades, that they're going to kill some of us.

And you fucking nitwits keep on buying it and taking the poison, OVER and OVER and OVER ad infinitum.

You pieces of shit deserve what you get.

With that logic never take any medication for any reason the rest of your life, OK?
You Lie!!!

"Jummai Nache (pictured) contracted COVID-19 in the days after she received the second shot of a vaccine. Complications from the virus led to her needing both legs amputated!!!"
From the NIH. Vaccination can make the effects of COVID more severe.....

COVID‐19 vaccines designed to elicit neutralising antibodies may sensitise vaccine recipients to more severe disease than if they were not vaccinated. Vaccines for SARS, MERS and RSV have never been approved, and the data generated in the development and testing of these vaccines suggest a serious mechanistic concern: that vaccines designed empirically using the traditional approach (consisting of the unmodified or minimally modified coronavirus viral spike to elicit neutralising antibodies), be they composed of protein, viral vector, DNA or RNA and irrespective of delivery method, may worsen COVID‐19 disease via antibody‐dependent enhancement (ADE).

Ironic. I don't. And won't. But thanks for caring enough to mention it.

Great, just stick with that plan. Be sure to tattoo it on your forehead so there is no chance you are resuscitated at the hospital if you get in an accident. Also, while we're at it don't take any topical medication for the tattoo either.
Great, just stick with that plan. Be sure to tattoo it on your forehead so there is no chance you are resuscitated at the hospital if you get in an accident. Also, while we're at it don't take any topical medication for the tattoo either.
Trying awful hard, aren't ya? I wear a tag that says "Do Not Take Me To A Hospital In The Event Of An Accident".

PS -- No thanks on the tattoo. That's not MY fetish.

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