Israeli democracy vs militant Islamic fascism

Ha Ha ha! This sick fuck can't control his Muslim hate. Perfect example or a Nazi. Roudy is a Zionist Jew. A Zionist Jew is someone who would betray the Jews during the holocaust, and will shoot 60 Jews in their heads and put them in ovens. Then after the holocaust he will claim to be a super Jew who wants to protect jews and make a state for them. Sick people. These Zionists.

It is clearly you who is sick.
Very sick indeed.
Another stupid thread. Both are democratic governments.

Since when do we define threatening and killing the competition democratic?
People being allowed a vote does not a democracy make, particularly when opposing candidates are intimidated (or worse) right out of the process, and particularly when the winning party throws the opposition from rooftops, murders them and so on. There are many aspects to what constitutes democracy and democratic process and its outcome. Palestine doesn't really quite qualify imho.
Wow. That was stupid.
You don't think what you said was stupid, or did you actually think it was very, very clever of you? Have you ever looked at reality and seen how many Muslims can't control their hate for anyone who is non Muslim, and they can't even control their hate for Muslims of different sects?

Nope. You're a conspiratorial Muslim hater.
Am I blowing up people in the name of a religion like your brethren are doing in many places, Baghdad Bob? The trouble with you is that you don't want to face the truth about what is actually going on.

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"briefly, Israel democracy had an Arab president."


you mean the iranian jew Katsav convicted for rape and goin to jail?
yep, that's what happens in a Democracy, nobody is above the law, not even the president of Israel.
see what happens to olmert trial 3 and liebermann trials etc etc etc etc etc

was there ever an arab president of israel or is micho so pig ignorant he doesn't even know iranians aint arabs???

i think israel is as good or bad as any democracy when it comes to jewish affairs

but anything involving stinks to racist hell

and why do you have a system that gives the jewish religious taliban shas, etc a veto and huge funds?

and so many of your leaders get corruption charges, dont they???

dont it piss you off, too?

Strange. When selling yourself as Jewish you speak of Jews as "we" yet here you speak of Jews as "they."
yep, that's what happens in a Democracy, nobody is above the law, not even the president of Israel.
see what happens to olmert trial 3 and liebermann trials etc etc etc etc etc

was there ever an arab president of israel or is micho so pig ignorant he doesn't even know iranians aint arabs???

i think israel is as good or bad as any democracy when it comes to jewish affairs

but anything involving stinks to racist hell

and why do you have a system that gives the jewish religious taliban shas, etc a veto and huge funds?

and so many of your leaders get corruption charges, dont they???

dont it piss you off, too?

Strange. When selling yourself as Jewish you speak of Jews as "we" yet here you speak of Jews as "they."
Ssssshhhh! We're supposed to make skit think that we don't know it's him.
The thing that amazes me most about this threads is not how fantastically stupid and dishonest they are, but how gullible other posters are.

You could post ANYTHNING on this board, and Hoss, Roudy and Rosie will line up to confirm how true it.

OP: "Jihard watch proves Palestinians have horns!"

"Yes, they do! Rody said so!"

"I saw a Palestinian once in the post office, and he had horns!"


You guys are either three least honest or three most gullible people on this forum. I just don't know which.
Many times, Jews are discriminated against in Isral in order to promote Arabs rights affirmative actions.

I see this claim was never backed up.

Brilliant posting, OP!

Jews, often second class citizens in Israel - affirmative action for Arabs
Preferential treatment for Arabs over Jews under Zionism - democracy

Column of Professor Steven Plaut, WJNews Agency Senior Political Commentator
A Master Plan to Defend Sderot... (2006)
If anything, Israel discriminates in FAVOR of its Arab citizens and against Jews...

Affirmative Action ? the Israeli Edition - Op-Eds - Israel ...7 Feb 2002 ... Affirmative Action.., aggression against Israel supported by most Israeli Arab students, ...
Affirmative Action ? the Israeli Edition - Op-Eds - Israel National News

Affirming affirmative action
Social and economic inclusion of Arab society in Israel will contribute to creating true equality, the foundation stone for building a shared society - a declared, key goal of MK Avishay Braverman, the minister of minority affairs. Let’s hope the plan succeeds, and impels us to move in the right direction.
By Mohammad Darawshe
Last week the cabinet approved an investment of more than $210 million in the economic development of the Arab community over the next five years. This is considered the largest such investment ever in this population, and is intended to strengthen the economy through construction and expansion of industrial areas, creation of administrative institutions, development of professional and academic training programs, and improvement of the police force, as well as infrastructure, tourism, transportation and day-care services.
Affirming affirmative action - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

Israel a safe haven for Arabs - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews 27 Apr 2011 ...
Op-ed: Israel is only place in Middle East where Arabs are entitled to full democratic rights
The Tunisian revolution began when a green grocer, Mohamed Bouazizi, self-immolated after suffering from severe police harassment. Through this brave, desperate act, he was transformed into the symbol of the new Arab revolution. Reflecting on Bouazizi’s ultimate act of protest, one can hardly conceive of what atmosphere and surroundings would compel an individual to resort to such an extreme Israel’s Arab citizens are also afforded affirmative action measures in educational institutions and government offices.
Israel a safe haven for Arabs - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews

Mazuz wants affirmative action for Arabs - Israel News, Ynetnews 17 Dec 2008 ... News: After ultra-Orthodox block bill granting Arab sector ...
Mazuz wants affirmative action for Arabs - Israel News, Ynetnews

Beware Palestinian apartheid
Op-ed: Palestinian leader Abbas seeks to adopt racist policy based on ethnic cleansing of Jews ..,
Beware Palestinian apartheid - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews

2000 students owe university place to affirmative action - Haaretz ...19 Nov 2009 ... The affirmative action policy, which has been implemented at Israel's universities for several years now, was intended to help academically ...
2,000 students owe university place to affirmative action - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper
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Micho -

And how is investing in a project in an Arabic area "affiirmative action"?

Are you aure you understand what "affirmative action" is?
"briefly, Israel democracy had an Arab president."


you mean the iranian jew Katsav convicted for rape and goin to jail?

One of those that denounced the lie of "apartheid," is the Arab Druze MK Majallie Whbee, who exposed its falshood. In fact, this Arab was an 'acting President' (link) of the Jewish State. (In 2007, Majadele was the second Israeli Arab to serve in the Cabinet. Salah Tarif, a Druse leader, served nine months as a minister without portfolio before resignin in January 2002 because of a corruption investigation against him) A simple historic fact, Which explodes right in the faces of the "apartheid" accusers. An article of note is: "Israel's Arab president" (2007):

Majallie Whbee Israel's first non-Jewish President has rubbished claims that the Jewish state is an apartheid country.
Speaking to TJ, Arab Kadima Knesset member Majallie Whbee said his ascent to the position proved that those who draw such a parallel with the former South African regime were ignoring the �facts on the ground.
And saying he was proud of being an Israeli citizen, the Druze MK also spoke of his wish to show the world that Israel is a democratic country with equal rights.
Whbee will serve as ceremonial President until next Tuesday, while acting president Dalia Itzik is in America. Itzik took over the position from Moshe Katsav...
( link)
yep, that's what happens in a Democracy, nobody is above the law, not even the president of Israel.
see what happens to olmert trial 3 and liebermann trials etc etc etc etc etc

was there ever an arab president of israel or is micho so pig ignorant he doesn't even know iranians aint arabs???

i think israel is as good or bad as any democracy when it comes to jewish affairs

but anything involving stinks to racist hell

and why do you have a system that gives the jewish religious taliban shas, etc a veto and huge funds?

and so many of your leaders get corruption charges, dont they???

dont it piss you off, too?

Strange. When selling yourself as Jewish you speak of Jews as "we" yet here you speak of Jews as "they."
Why would anyone buy the notion that kvetch is Jewish at all? I have seen plenty of taqyyia (muslim order deceiving the infidel) on forums.
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To Saigon, how strange a Muslim of Indonesia, with its EXTREME bloody history of anti Chinese and anti Christian genocide (including in Ambon /Maluccos and in East Timot) and anti Papuan ethnic cleansing and apartheid speaks of discrimination and "rights"
see what happens to olmert trial 3 and liebermann trials etc etc etc etc etc

was there ever an arab president of israel or is micho so pig ignorant he doesn't even know iranians aint arabs???

i think israel is as good or bad as any democracy when it comes to jewish affairs

but anything involving stinks to racist hell

and why do you have a system that gives the jewish religious taliban shas, etc a veto and huge funds?

and so many of your leaders get corruption charges, dont they???

dont it piss you off, too?

Strange. When selling yourself as Jewish you speak of Jews as "we" yet here you speak of Jews as "they."
Why would anyone buy the notion that kvetch is Jewish at all? I have seen plenty of taqyyia (muslim order deceiving the infidel) on forums.
jewish english aristocracy mum.........anti zionist

french-german dad

brought up quaker christian

so i can have it both ways, can't I

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