Israeli court rejects Israeli nationality status

"Israel cultivates, as South Africa once did, what scholars term 'grand apartheid'. This is segregation, largely covert and often often justified by security or cultural differences, to ensure that control of resources remains exclusively in the hands of the privileged community.", How Israeli Apartheid is Coming Unstuck.
Do we have anything else beside that smelly cretinous counterpunch garbage dump?
Feeling stressed, Drivel?
Why not spend a day at Superland where you'll breath the invigorating air of apartheid:

"One incident of racism, though small in relation to the decades of massive, institutionalised discrimination exercised by Israel against its Palestinian Arab citizens, has triggered an uncharacteristic bout of Israeli soul-searching.

"Superland, a large amusement park near Tel Aviv, refused to accept a booking from an Arab school on its preferred date in late May. When a staff member called back impersonating a Jew, Superland approved the booking immediately."

Can you dog paddle as far as Cyprus yet?

How Israeli Apartheid is Coming Unstuck » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Why, Georgie Boy, do you think that many Muslim countries would allow those non Muslims to take advantage of an amusement park if they had one in that particular country? Georgie Boy has a burr against the Jews and keeps on going on and on with his cut and pastes to show us how terrible Israel and the Jews are when the truth is that the Arabs in Israel have it much better than they have it in other Arab countries. What's with Cyprus, Georgie Boy, when practically half of Cyprus is occupied by the Turks, and you seem to have no problem with that. Meanwhile, why not give us a laugh and tell us how the Arabs think that the Israelis are training rats to only go into the houses of Arabs in Jerusalem. I never thought that rats could tell the differences in groups of people, and maybe you can tell us something about their training.
Do we have anything else beside that smelly cretinous counterpunch garbage dump?
Feeling stressed, Drivel?
Why not spend a day at Superland where you'll breath the invigorating air of apartheid:

"One incident of racism, though small in relation to the decades of massive, institutionalised discrimination exercised by Israel against its Palestinian Arab citizens, has triggered an uncharacteristic bout of Israeli soul-searching.

"Superland, a large amusement park near Tel Aviv, refused to accept a booking from an Arab school on its preferred date in late May. When a staff member called back impersonating a Jew, Superland approved the booking immediately."

Can you dog paddle as far as Cyprus yet?

How Israeli Apartheid is Coming Unstuck » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Why, Georgie Boy, do you think that many Muslim countries would allow those non Muslims to take advantage of an amusement park if they had one in that particular country? Georgie Boy has a burr against the Jews and keeps on going on and on with his cut and pastes to show us how terrible Israel and the Jews are when the truth is that the Arabs in Israel have it much better than they have it in other Arab countries. What's with Cyprus, Georgie Boy, when practically half of Cyprus is occupied by the Turks, and you seem to have no problem with that. Meanwhile, why not give us a laugh and tell us how the Arabs think that the Israelis are training rats to only go into the houses of Arabs in Jerusalem. I never thought that rats could tell the differences in groups of people, and maybe you can tell us something about their training.
Israel/Palestine Forum, remember?

How Israeli Apartheid is Coming Unstuck » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

"Israeli TV recently revealed, for example, that a group of children with cancer who had been offered a free day at a swimming pool were refused entry once managers discovered that they were Bedouin.

"According to another TV investigation, Israel’s banks have a secret policy of rejecting Arab customers who try to transfer their accounts to a branch in a Jewish community, even though this violates banking regulations.

"The settlers, whose violence was once restricted to setting fire to the crops of Palestinians or rampaging through their villages in the West Bank, are now as likely to attack Arab communities inside Israel. Torched mosques, offensive graffiti on churches and cars set ablaze in so-called 'price-tag' attacks have become commonplace."

Any particular reason why your only response to Jewish racism is to point out examples of Arab apartheid?
Feeling stressed, Drivel?
Why not spend a day at Superland where you'll breath the invigorating air of apartheid:

"One incident of racism, though small in relation to the decades of massive, institutionalised discrimination exercised by Israel against its Palestinian Arab citizens, has triggered an uncharacteristic bout of Israeli soul-searching.

"Superland, a large amusement park near Tel Aviv, refused to accept a booking from an Arab school on its preferred date in late May. When a staff member called back impersonating a Jew, Superland approved the booking immediately."

Can you dog paddle as far as Cyprus yet?

How Israeli Apartheid is Coming Unstuck » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Why, Georgie Boy, do you think that many Muslim countries would allow those non Muslims to take advantage of an amusement park if they had one in that particular country? Georgie Boy has a burr against the Jews and keeps on going on and on with his cut and pastes to show us how terrible Israel and the Jews are when the truth is that the Arabs in Israel have it much better than they have it in other Arab countries. What's with Cyprus, Georgie Boy, when practically half of Cyprus is occupied by the Turks, and you seem to have no problem with that. Meanwhile, why not give us a laugh and tell us how the Arabs think that the Israelis are training rats to only go into the houses of Arabs in Jerusalem. I never thought that rats could tell the differences in groups of people, and maybe you can tell us something about their training.
Israel/Palestine Forum, remember?

How Israeli Apartheid is Coming Unstuck » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

"Israeli TV recently revealed, for example, that a group of children with cancer who had been offered a free day at a swimming pool were refused entry once managers discovered that they were Bedouin.

"According to another TV investigation, Israel’s banks have a secret policy of rejecting Arab customers who try to transfer their accounts to a branch in a Jewish community, even though this violates banking regulations.

"The settlers, whose violence was once restricted to setting fire to the crops of Palestinians or rampaging through their villages in the West Bank, are now as likely to attack Arab communities inside Israel. Torched mosques, offensive graffiti on churches and cars set ablaze in so-called 'price-tag' attacks have become commonplace."

Any particular reason why your only response to Jewish racism is to point out examples of Arab apartheid?
Any new viewers out there? Georgie Boy thinks hundreds of new viewers find these forums each day, and he doesn't want to miss his chance of dissing Iarael or the U.S. so that the new viewers can begin to hate these two entities the way he does. He has been going on and on about Apartheid in Israel even though the Arabs there have it much better than they do in other Muslims countries, there have been Blacks who have visited there who say there is no Apartheid in Israel, and the bottom line is that Georgie Boy uses these Arabs as pawns because he really doesn't care about them but they serve his purpose. So he has become the Cut and Paste King of these forums, pulling up stuff from the sites that think just like he does, vomits the same sites out ad nauseam so that whatever new viewers are here will read them, and wants everyone to take as the Gospel truth whatever these sites say. Over to you, Georgie Boy. Find some more cut and pastes so that you will feel you are getting viewers to think like you do. I think after a while the viewers are smart enough to get Georgie Boy's number and realize what he is up to. By the way, Phillip, since you as usual enjoyed Georgie Boy's shtick, the viewers also catch on to you eventually.
Why, Georgie Boy, do you think that many Muslim countries would allow those non Muslims to take advantage of an amusement park if they had one in that particular country? Georgie Boy has a burr against the Jews and keeps on going on and on with his cut and pastes to show us how terrible Israel and the Jews are when the truth is that the Arabs in Israel have it much better than they have it in other Arab countries. What's with Cyprus, Georgie Boy, when practically half of Cyprus is occupied by the Turks, and you seem to have no problem with that. Meanwhile, why not give us a laugh and tell us how the Arabs think that the Israelis are training rats to only go into the houses of Arabs in Jerusalem. I never thought that rats could tell the differences in groups of people, and maybe you can tell us something about their training.
Israel/Palestine Forum, remember?

How Israeli Apartheid is Coming Unstuck » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

"Israeli TV recently revealed, for example, that a group of children with cancer who had been offered a free day at a swimming pool were refused entry once managers discovered that they were Bedouin.

"According to another TV investigation, Israel’s banks have a secret policy of rejecting Arab customers who try to transfer their accounts to a branch in a Jewish community, even though this violates banking regulations.

"The settlers, whose violence was once restricted to setting fire to the crops of Palestinians or rampaging through their villages in the West Bank, are now as likely to attack Arab communities inside Israel. Torched mosques, offensive graffiti on churches and cars set ablaze in so-called 'price-tag' attacks have become commonplace."

Any particular reason why your only response to Jewish racism is to point out examples of Arab apartheid?
Any new viewers out there? Georgie Boy thinks hundreds of new viewers find these forums each day, and he doesn't want to miss his chance of dissing Iarael or the U.S. so that the new viewers can begin to hate these two entities the way he does. He has been going on and on about Apartheid in Israel even though the Arabs there have it much better than they do in other Muslims countries, there have been Blacks who have visited there who say there is no Apartheid in Israel, and the bottom line is that Georgie Boy uses these Arabs as pawns because he really doesn't care about them but they serve his purpose. So he has become the Cut and Paste King of these forums, pulling up stuff from the sites that think just like he does, vomits the same sites out ad nauseam so that whatever new viewers are here will read them, and wants everyone to take as the Gospel truth whatever these sites say. Over to you, Georgie Boy. Find some more cut and pastes so that you will feel you are getting viewers to think like you do. I think after a while the viewers are smart enough to get Georgie Boy's number and realize what he is up to. By the way, Phillip, since you as usual enjoyed Georgie Boy's shtick, the viewers also catch on to you eventually.
I don't cow-tow to anyone's shtick like you do Hoss...When I see injustice, I speak out, whether it is Muslim, Jewish or Hillbilly. I notice the deafening silence by you and others on this board to the grave smashing of Christen graves by Israelis.

That tells it all.
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In its 26-page ruling, the court explained that doing so would have "weighty implications" on the state of Israel and could pose a danger to Israel's founding principle: to be a Jewish state for the Jewish people.

Says it all. "Israel - A Jewish Nation" is tantamount to saying "United States - An Aryan Nation" or US - A Christian Nation".
Naturally Alfalfa, the two-bit anti-Semite and Dhimwit, has no problem with the Muslim countries being know as solely Islamic countries. Alfalfa, why not go to Saudi Arabia and put a crucifix on. See how you would be treated. When you get back and attend a Bund meeting, tell them what happened.
Islamic republic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So because ARAB states are racist it's okay, then for Israel to be racist, too?

That's the best defence ya got?
Israel/Palestine Forum, remember?

How Israeli Apartheid is Coming Unstuck » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

"Israeli TV recently revealed, for example, that a group of children with cancer who had been offered a free day at a swimming pool were refused entry once managers discovered that they were Bedouin.

"According to another TV investigation, Israel’s banks have a secret policy of rejecting Arab customers who try to transfer their accounts to a branch in a Jewish community, even though this violates banking regulations.

"The settlers, whose violence was once restricted to setting fire to the crops of Palestinians or rampaging through their villages in the West Bank, are now as likely to attack Arab communities inside Israel. Torched mosques, offensive graffiti on churches and cars set ablaze in so-called 'price-tag' attacks have become commonplace."

Any particular reason why your only response to Jewish racism is to point out examples of Arab apartheid?
Any new viewers out there? Georgie Boy thinks hundreds of new viewers find these forums each day, and he doesn't want to miss his chance of dissing Iarael or the U.S. so that the new viewers can begin to hate these two entities the way he does. He has been going on and on about Apartheid in Israel even though the Arabs there have it much better than they do in other Muslims countries, there have been Blacks who have visited there who say there is no Apartheid in Israel, and the bottom line is that Georgie Boy uses these Arabs as pawns because he really doesn't care about them but they serve his purpose. So he has become the Cut and Paste King of these forums, pulling up stuff from the sites that think just like he does, vomits the same sites out ad nauseam so that whatever new viewers are here will read them, and wants everyone to take as the Gospel truth whatever these sites say. Over to you, Georgie Boy. Find some more cut and pastes so that you will feel you are getting viewers to think like you do. I think after a while the viewers are smart enough to get Georgie Boy's number and realize what he is up to. By the way, Phillip, since you as usual enjoyed Georgie Boy's shtick, the viewers also catch on to you eventually.
I don't cow-tow to anyone's shtick like you do Hoss...When I see injustice, I speak out, whether it is Muslim, Jewish or Hillbilly. I notice the deafening silence by you and others on this board to the grave smashing of Christen graves by Israelis.

That tells it all.
You know what people think about the graveyard vandalism so give it a rest, Mr Agitator.
Says it all. "Israel - A Jewish Nation" is tantamount to saying "United States - An Aryan Nation" or US - A Christian Nation".
Naturally Alfalfa, the two-bit anti-Semite and Dhimwit, has no problem with the Muslim countries being know as solely Islamic countries. Alfalfa, why not go to Saudi Arabia and put a crucifix on. See how you would be treated. When you get back and attend a Bund meeting, tell them what happened.
Islamic republic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So because ARAB states are racist it's okay, then for Israel to be racist, too?

That's the best defence ya got?
Naturally, you quoted my post verbatim. How about hi-lighting the basis for your question.
editec; Hossfly; Alfalfa; et al,

There is nothing to defend here.

Says it all. "Israel - A Jewish Nation" is tantamount to saying "United States - An Aryan Nation" or US - A Christian Nation".
Naturally Alfalfa, the two-bit anti-Semite and Dhimwit, has no problem with the Muslim countries being know as solely Islamic countries. Alfalfa, why not go to Saudi Arabia and put a crucifix on. See how you would be treated. When you get back and attend a Bund meeting, tell them what happened.

So because ARAB states are racist it's okay, then for Israel to be racist, too?

That's the best defence ya got?

Israel is a Jewish State. It was intended to be the Jewish National Home and was forged that way by the League of Nation/Allied Powers and the United Nations. It was not done as a matter of "racism;" but as a matter of cultural preservation and to provide a basic measure of protection.

Is it a matter of "injustice?" Is it a matter of apartheid?" ----> No, not at all.

What is it? It is a matter of allowing the right of self-determination to craft its nation. It needs no real defense.

Most Respectively,
editec; Hossfly; Alfalfa; et al,

There is nothing to defend here.

Naturally Alfalfa, the two-bit anti-Semite and Dhimwit, has no problem with the Muslim countries being know as solely Islamic countries. Alfalfa, why not go to Saudi Arabia and put a crucifix on. See how you would be treated. When you get back and attend a Bund meeting, tell them what happened.

So because ARAB states are racist it's okay, then for Israel to be racist, too?

That's the best defence ya got?

Israel is a Jewish State. It was intended to be the Jewish National Home and was forged that way by the League of Nation/Allied Powers and the United Nations. It was not done as a matter of "racism;" but as a matter of cultural preservation and to provide a basic measure of protection.

Is it a matter of "injustice?" Is it a matter of apartheid?" ----> No, not at all.

What is it? It is a matter of allowing the right of self-determination to craft its nation. It needs no real defense.

Most Respectively,
True self-determination in Mandate Palestine of 1948 would have required ballots not imperial bullets. 650,000 Jews and 1.35 million Arabs would have buried England's "little loyal Jewish Ulster" beneath a Semitic Union stretching from the Nile to the Euphrates.

Obviously, Sir Ronald Storrs and other imperial war mongers of the time would not have approved:

"Sir Ronald Storrs, the first Governor of Jerusalem, certainly had no illusions about what a 'Jewish homeland' in Palestine meant for the British Empire: 'It will form for England,” he said, 'a little loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism.'”

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules - FPIF
editec; Hossfly; Alfalfa; et al,

There is nothing to defend here.

So because ARAB states are racist it's okay, then for Israel to be racist, too?

That's the best defence ya got?

Israel is a Jewish State. It was intended to be the Jewish National Home and was forged that way by the League of Nation/Allied Powers and the United Nations. It was not done as a matter of "racism;" but as a matter of cultural preservation and to provide a basic measure of protection.

Is it a matter of "injustice?" Is it a matter of apartheid?" ----> No, not at all.

What is it? It is a matter of allowing the right of self-determination to craft its nation. It needs no real defense.

Most Respectively,
True self-determination in Mandate Palestine of 1948 would have required ballots not imperial bullets. 650,000 Jews and 1.35 million Arabs would have buried England's "little loyal Jewish Ulster" beneath a Semitic Union stretching from the Nile to the Euphrates.

Obviously, Sir Ronald Storrs and other imperial war mongers of the time would not have approved:

"Sir Ronald Storrs, the first Governor of Jerusalem, certainly had no illusions about what a 'Jewish homeland' in Palestine meant for the British Empire: 'It will form for England,” he said, 'a little loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism.'”

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules - FPIF

True self-determination in Mandate Palestine of 1948 would have required ballots not imperial bullets.

The government of Israel was imposed on Palestine by military force. There was no election. Nobody was even asked.

Three fourths of the potential negative voters were removed at the point of a gun before the first election.

Israel calls this democracy.
editec; Hossfly; Alfalfa; et al,

There is nothing to defend here.


Israel is a Jewish State. It was intended to be the Jewish National Home and was forged that way by the League of Nation/Allied Powers and the United Nations. It was not done as a matter of "racism;" but as a matter of cultural preservation and to provide a basic measure of protection.

Is it a matter of "injustice?" Is it a matter of apartheid?" ----> No, not at all.

What is it? It is a matter of allowing the right of self-determination to craft its nation. It needs no real defense.

Most Respectively,
True self-determination in Mandate Palestine of 1948 would have required ballots not imperial bullets. 650,000 Jews and 1.35 million Arabs would have buried England's "little loyal Jewish Ulster" beneath a Semitic Union stretching from the Nile to the Euphrates.

Obviously, Sir Ronald Storrs and other imperial war mongers of the time would not have approved:

"Sir Ronald Storrs, the first Governor of Jerusalem, certainly had no illusions about what a 'Jewish homeland' in Palestine meant for the British Empire: 'It will form for England,” he said, 'a little loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism.'”

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules - FPIF

True self-determination in Mandate Palestine of 1948 would have required ballots not imperial bullets.

The government of Israel was imposed on Palestine by military force. There was no election. Nobody was even asked.

Three fourths of the potential negative voters were removed at the point of a gun before the first election.

Israel calls this democracy.
And there were thousands of Jews and Arabs like Uri Avnery who would have voted for a Semitic Union, a federation of Semites, which would have united secular Arabs and their oil wealth with Jewish organizational genius in such a way to have produced a global superpower over the last sixty-five years instead of the motley assortment of apartheid states currently on display in the Middle East.

Anyone interested in why the Middle East has turned out the way it has should simply follow the money: Arms sales and Oil sales.
True self-determination in Mandate Palestine of 1948 would have required ballots not imperial bullets. 650,000 Jews and 1.35 million Arabs would have buried England's "little loyal Jewish Ulster" beneath a Semitic Union stretching from the Nile to the Euphrates.

Obviously, Sir Ronald Storrs and other imperial war mongers of the time would not have approved:

"Sir Ronald Storrs, the first Governor of Jerusalem, certainly had no illusions about what a 'Jewish homeland' in Palestine meant for the British Empire: 'It will form for England,” he said, 'a little loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism.'”

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules - FPIF

True self-determination in Mandate Palestine of 1948 would have required ballots not imperial bullets.

The government of Israel was imposed on Palestine by military force. There was no election. Nobody was even asked.

Three fourths of the potential negative voters were removed at the point of a gun before the first election.

Israel calls this democracy.
And there were thousands of Jews and Arabs like Uri Avnery who would have voted for a Semitic Union, a federation of Semites, which would have united secular Arabs and their oil wealth with Jewish organizational genius in such a way to have produced a global superpower over the last sixty-five years instead of the motley assortment of apartheid states currently on display in the Middle East.

Anyone interested in why the Middle East has turned out the way it has should simply follow the money: Arms sales and Oil sales.

And there were thousands of Jews and Arabs like Uri Avnery who would have voted for a Semitic Union,

Even the native Jews were opposed to a Jewish state.

Of all the people who signed Israel's declaration of independence, there was not a native Jew among them. They were all foreigners.
The government of Israel was imposed on Palestine by military force. There was no election. Nobody was even asked.

Three fourths of the potential negative voters were removed at the point of a gun before the first election.

Israel calls this democracy.
And there were thousands of Jews and Arabs like Uri Avnery who would have voted for a Semitic Union, a federation of Semites, which would have united secular Arabs and their oil wealth with Jewish organizational genius in such a way to have produced a global superpower over the last sixty-five years instead of the motley assortment of apartheid states currently on display in the Middle East.

Anyone interested in why the Middle East has turned out the way it has should simply follow the money: Arms sales and Oil sales.

And there were thousands of Jews and Arabs like Uri Avnery who would have voted for a Semitic Union,

Even the native Jews were opposed to a Jewish state.

Of all the people who signed Israel's declaration of independence, there was not a native Jew among them. They were all foreigners.
Of course an Arab like Tinnie is going to keep on saying this over and over and over. Meanwhile, his own brethren were not originally from the area but came in droves from the surrounding impoverished countries. Years and years ago, when travelers were visiting throughout the area, all they saw were a few Bedouins moving about until they came to the cities and saw Jews. I wonder how many in the Gaza Strip would listen to the Egyptian officials who said that the people there should come back to Egypt. At least he is aware of what happened. Probably loads of people in the Gaza Strip have Egyptian last names. Maybe if there were no trouble in Egypt right now, many Gazans would heed the call. Nice to see, though, that Tinnie is always on the job for Hamas.

And Tinnie, remember this: All the people who signed the U.S. Declaration of Independence were not American citizens either. 100% of them.
P F Tinmore, georgephillip, editec; Hossfly; Alfalfa; et al,

Hummm, I guess that is right. There was no election. It wasn't an issue raised in the Implementation Process by the Arab Higher Committee; not once.

The government of Israel was imposed on Palestine by military force. There was no election. Nobody was even asked.

Three fourths of the potential negative voters were removed at the point of a gun before the first election.

Israel calls this democracy.

Oh, that is right. The Arab-Palestinians declined to participate; they immediately opted for war.

The Arab-Palestinians have no room to complain; no room at all. If they wanted something specific in the implementation, they should have showed-up to the meetings.

Most Respectfully,
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So because ARAB states are racist it's okay, then for Israel to be racist, too?
That's amusing much - jews are demanded and expected to be holier than the pope, while nothing of sorts and even less is demanded and expected from arabs, because enlightened ideas are alien to the latter, of course.
The government of Israel was imposed on Palestine by military force. There was no election. Nobody was even asked. Three fourths of the potential negative voters were removed at the point of a gun before the first election.
Arabs are perennial losers, aren't they?
The government of Israel was imposed on Palestine by military force. There was no election. Nobody was even asked. Three fourths of the potential negative voters were removed at the point of a gun before the first election.
Arabs are perennial losers, aren't they?

Herr Mauser: The only reason the Israelis have subdued the Arabs is with Western technological aid in weaponry, and in time the gap will close...As you know, money and religious chauvinism has brought nothing but destructive pain for your people through out History...

Perhaps you should learn this lesson and realize that becoming part of the world community is the only way for long-term survival rather than the isolation and dis-regard Israel shows for UN International norms and protocols.
P F Tinmore, georgephillip, editec; Hossfly; Alfalfa; et al,

Hummm, I guess that is right. There was no election. It wasn't an issue raised in the Implementation Process by the Arab Higher Committee; not once.

The government of Israel was imposed on Palestine by military force. There was no election. Nobody was even asked.

Three fourths of the potential negative voters were removed at the point of a gun before the first election.

Israel calls this democracy.

Oh, that is right. The Arab-Palestinians declined to participate; they immediately opted for war.

The Arab-Palestinians have no room to complain; no room at all. If they wanted something specific in the implementation, they should have showed-up to the meetings.

Most Respectfully,

The Palestinians participated constantly with the mandate. After 25 years the mandate had still not created the government that it was mandated to do. The mandate was a complete flop because it would not work with the people.

You can't blame the Palestinians. It was Britain that dropped the ball.
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True self-determination in Mandate Palestine of 1948 would have required ballots not imperial bullets.
The mexicans know, indeed.
The Mexicans and other Americans I know don't have to worry about jack-booted SS-types kicking down their doors in the middle of the night and kidnapping their children. It's sad Palestinian parents can't say the same. Two-thirds of the Mexicans I know aren't denied the ability to vote for those who write the laws they live under; what are Israeli Jews afraid of? Ready for the big VOTE, Drivel?(or SPLASH)?

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