Israel vs Hamas

I cannot imagine why people VOLUNTARILY stay in a concentration camp

During the late 1930s the sole preoccupation of my grandfather was to get
his siblings and his family OUT of Austria Why do millions of muslims leave
their beloved bretheren in a concentration camp I also have relatives who in the late 30s and into the 40s gave up everything they owned to get out of islamic shit holes-----which were certainly like concentration camps for dhimmis ------some even died during the escapes
GAZA is a semi-self-regulating concentration camp.

It's population concentration is 9,000 per square mile.

It is an ongoing human right violation.

There are NO non-residential areas.

Gaza, like much of the self-perpetuating islamist terrorist infrastructure, is a self-perpetuating, income-producing enterprise for islamist terrorists. Many islamist terrorist kingpins have amassed huge fortunes by maintaining the population in misery and despair. Islamist terrorists have learned that begging at the feet of the international community like underpaid whores is a money making opportunity.
I am not a Muslim or a Nazi. I am a white liberal Englishman. who gives a cap about the 30s. All of your posts show that you are just vengeful and think killing people now is justice by acts decades ago.if all Jews in the Us are as inhumane as you then the killing will never stop.
woody your posting lies is not an answer to the problem
your idiot statement of "GAZA IS A CONCENTRATION
CAMP" is non productive -----In fact the people of Gaza have
a standard of living which his better than MOST OF THE
MUSLIMS OF THE WORLD----and might even be better than
the average EGYPTIAN FELLAH. It has one of the best infant
mortality rates too. -------the infant morality rate in Aushwitz
was--------well you would not understand or care----you
would probably laugh
I am not a Muslim or a Nazi. I am a white liberal Englishman. who gives a cap about the 30s. All of your posts show that you are just vengeful and think killing people now is justice by acts decades ago.if all Jews in the Us are as inhumane as you then the killing will never stop.

If your post was directed toward me, your comments were misplaced. I'm not Jewish. I am, however, able to differentiate between those who value freedom and democracy vs. those who embrace a death cult mentality.

In my view, there are two responses available to islamic terrorism: Capitulation or Conquest.

When Israel unilaterally left Gaza to "Palestinian" control, the international community pledged to transition the successful businesses left behind to help enable the Gazan "Palestinian" economy as well as create new businesses, even resorts. Instead, hate and self-destruction that typifies islamic terrorist mindset trumped opportunity. The Hamas imposition of a retrograde islamist theocracy squashed democracy and Gaza, which could have shown the "Palestinian" potential to create a peaceful state and economy if Israel would retreat from occupied land, instead became an armed terrorist camp espousing the elimination of Israel and attacking her with thousands of rockets year after year.

Comparatively, the US after being attacked at Pearl Harbor by Japan unequivocally concluded WWII with the unconditional surrender of Japan.

Machiavelli wrote in The Prince, "Since love and fear can hardly coexist together, if we must choose between them, it is far safer to be feared than loved."

Israel, however desires both, and thus it gains neither nor safety.
I am not a Muslim or a Nazi. I am a white liberal Englishman. who gives a cap about the 30s. All of your posts show that you are just vengeful and think killing people now is justice by acts decades ago.if all Jews in the Us are as inhumane as you then the killing will never stop.

If your post was directed toward me, your comments were misplaced. I'm not Jewish. I am, however, able to differentiate between those who value freedom and democracy vs. those who embrace a death cult mentality.

In my view, there are two responses available to islamic terrorism: Capitulation or Conquest.

When Israel unilaterally left Gaza to "Palestinian" control, the international community pledged to transition the successful businesses left behind to help enable the Gazan "Palestinian" economy as well as create new businesses, even resorts. Instead, hate and self-destruction that typifies islamic terrorist mindset trumped opportunity. The Hamas imposition of a retrograde islamist theocracy squashed democracy and Gaza, which could have shown the "Palestinian" potential to create a peaceful state and economy if Israel would retreat from occupied land, instead became an armed terrorist camp espousing the elimination of Israel and attacking her with thousands of rockets year after year.

Comparatively, the US after being attacked at Pearl Harbor by Japan unequivocally concluded WWII with the unconditional surrender of Japan.

Machiavelli wrote in The Prince, "Since love and fear can hardly coexist together, if we must choose between them, it is far safer to be feared than loved."

Israel, however desires both, and thus it gains neither nor safety.

Hollie----you have expressed the situation very well There is a poster on this board
who INCESSANTLY POSTS "Israel can stop the bombing any time it wants" Yes
Israel can-----simply sign the PACT OF OMAR
A comedian you ain't ,Studley.
"At the most basic level, Israel’s actions in Gaza are inextricably bound up with its efforts to create a Greater Israel that stretches from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea."

Do you doubt it?

What is Israel Really Up to in Gaza? » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Oh how nice!!! All the anti-Semites get around to pulling up stuff from Counterpunch from time to time. I am beginning to wonder if Georgie Boy here is practicing to becoming the Imam at some big mosque in the Los Angeles area and uses Counterpunch in his practice sermons. Is there an opening for an assistant Imam at that mosque in Culver City, Georgie Boy, that you are trying to get hired for?
Let's see if Hossie can refute any of John Mearsheimer's content:

"There is some chance that Operation ‘Pillar of Defence’, as the Israelis are calling their current campaign, might become a full-scale war. But even if it does, it will not put an end to Israel’s troubles in Gaza.

"After all, Israel launched a devastating war against Hamas in the winter of 2008-9 – Operation Cast Lead – and Hamas is still in power and still firing rockets at Israel. In the summer of 2006 Israel went to war against Hizbullah in order to eliminate its missiles and weaken its political position in Lebanon.

"That offensive failed as well: Hizbullah has far more missiles today than it had in 2006 and its influence in Lebanon is arguably greater than it was in 2006. Pillar of Defence is likely to share a similar fate."

Do you think John's an anti-Semite or a self-hater?

What is Israel Really Up to in Gaza? » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
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I am not an anti Semite. I hate what Israel is doing and I cannot see why anybody who is remotely humane cannot see that occupying Palestinian land and blockading Gaza will result in Palestinians fighting back.

You will never have peace whilst Israel continue to do this. This is because whilst these things happen Israel will always be the aggressor and Palestine will always be able to justify their actions to the international community.
The Jewish State wants to rule all the land between the Mediterranean Sea and Jordan River.
The problem stems from the demographic fact that there are about a million more Arabs than Jews in that area.
The "chosen" solution is to make life a living hell for every non-Jew in the still-occupied territories and whoever wishes may leave.
I am not an anti Semite. I hate what Israel is doing and I cannot see why anybody who is remotely humane cannot see that occupying Palestinian land and blockading Gaza will result in Palestinians fighting back.

You will never have peace whilst Israel continue to do this. This is because whilst these things happen Israel will always be the aggressor and Palestine will always be able to justify their actions to the international community.
The Jewish State wants to rule all the land between the Mediterranean Sea and Jordan River.
The problem stems from the demographic fact that there are about a million more Arabs than Jews in that area.
The "chosen" solution is to make life a living hell for every non-Jew in the still-occupied territories and whoever wishes may leave.

Do you read your children these fairy tales at night?
"At the most basic level, Israel’s actions in Gaza are inextricably bound up with its efforts to create a Greater Israel that stretches from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea."

Do you doubt it?

What is Israel Really Up to in Gaza? » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Oh how nice!!! All the anti-Semites get around to pulling up stuff from Counterpunch from time to time. I am beginning to wonder if Georgie Boy here is practicing to becoming the Imam at some big mosque in the Los Angeles area and uses Counterpunch in his practice sermons. Is there an opening for an assistant Imam at that mosque in Culver City, Georgie Boy, that you are trying to get hired for?
Let's see if Hossie can refute any of John Mearsheimer's content:

"There is some chance that Operation ‘Pillar of Defence’, as the Israelis are calling their current campaign, might become a full-scale war. But even if it does, it will not put an end to Israel’s troubles in Gaza.

"After all, Israel launched a devastating war against Hamas in the winter of 2008-9 – Operation Cast Lead – and Hamas is still in power and still firing rockets at Israel. In the summer of 2006 Israel went to war against Hizbullah in order to eliminate its missiles and weaken its political position in Lebanon.

"That offensive failed as well: Hizbullah has far more missiles today than it had in 2006 and its influence in Lebanon is arguably greater than it was in 2006. Pillar of Defence is likely to share a similar fate."

Do you think John's an anti-Semite or a self-hater?

What is Israel Really Up to in Gaza? » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Why should I even bother to read what he has written. If he is Jewish, we all know that there are Jews who would just let the Arabs march into Israel and take over while they themselves roll over and play dead. Have you read all the rebuttals to his piece? Of course you haven't.
woody your posting lies is not an answer to the problem
your idiot statement of "GAZA IS A CONCENTRATION
CAMP" is non productive -----In fact the people of Gaza have
a standard of living which his better than MOST OF THE
MUSLIMS OF THE WORLD----and might even be better than
the average EGYPTIAN FELLAH. It has one of the best infant
mortality rates too. -------the infant morality rate in Aushwitz
was--------well you would not understand or care----you
would probably laugh

Hollie my post was not aimed at you but at Rosie who called me an islamo nazi.

Rosie your post above shows why you will never be satisfied, you are arguing with points that people do not make. I never said that Gaza is a concentration camp. Somebody else did.
woody your posting lies is not an answer to the problem
your idiot statement of "GAZA IS A CONCENTRATION
CAMP" is non productive -----In fact the people of Gaza have
a standard of living which his better than MOST OF THE
MUSLIMS OF THE WORLD----and might even be better than
the average EGYPTIAN FELLAH. It has one of the best infant
mortality rates too. -------the infant morality rate in Aushwitz
was--------well you would not understand or care----you
would probably laugh

Hollie my post was not aimed at you but at Rosie who called me an islamo nazi.

Rosie your post above shows why you will never be satisfied, you are arguing with points that people do not make. I never said that Gaza is a concentration camp. Somebody else did.

rosie is a lovely person
dont be fooled by her lingo
she knows everything,just about
and i aint pro israeli govt at all
India eyes Israel's Iron Dome to counter Pak, puppets

India eyes Israel's Iron Dome to counter Pak, puppets - The Times of India

told you the iron dome was going to be a huge world class industry

israel has hamas to thank for that, at least!!

You are clearly a complete idiot. The simple truth is that you will not get peace whilst you occupy land that you took illegally. The further simple truth is that by occupying it you cannot truthfully claim self defence as you are clearly the aggressors.

How many more have to die on both sides for you to satisfy your need to claim victory and carry on with the complete lunacy of killing eachother.

If Israel want the fighting to stop they should hand back the land and stop attacking people in Palestinian territories, either with military or police force.

You may say that the Arabs want the destruction of Israel, frankly at the moment given the attitude of the Israeli government to bombing Palestine I can see why that would be appealing to them. Take away the land theft and the killing and maye Israel can claim to be a victim and the Arab arguments evaporate.

The simple truth is that the Palestinians do not have a choice is topping aggression, since the Israelis continue to occupy their land. The Israel's do have the choice but elect not to use it because they are arrogant racists who consider themselves to be more important than the Palestinians.

the simple truth is that you are a typical islamo nazi idiot-----you did not even bother
to address the fact that your fellow islamo pigs were engaged in terrorism
against Israelis even before 1967 ----there are all sorts of other issues which you
fail to address-----but I am not here to educate you------why you claim that -----I STOLE LAND----from whom? I was born in the USA-----and the only land I own is a tiny parcel wth a tiny house on it in the USA --------you are quite an idiot

why do you post if you know nothing about the issues?

were engaged in terrorism against Israelis even before 1967

You forgot to mention the 1948 occupation of Palestine.

You are clearly a complete idiot. The simple truth is that you will not get peace whilst you occupy land that you took illegally. The further simple truth is that by occupying it you cannot truthfully claim self defence as you are clearly the aggressors.

How many more have to die on both sides for you to satisfy your need to claim victory and carry on with the complete lunacy of killing eachother.

If Israel want the fighting to stop they should hand back the land and stop attacking people in Palestinian territories, either with military or police force.

You may say that the Arabs want the destruction of Israel, frankly at the moment given the attitude of the Israeli government to bombing Palestine I can see why that would be appealing to them. Take away the land theft and the killing and maye Israel can claim to be a victim and the Arab arguments evaporate.

The simple truth is that the Palestinians do not have a choice is topping aggression, since the Israelis continue to occupy their land. The Israel's do have the choice but elect not to use it because they are arrogant racists who consider themselves to be more important than the Palestinians.

the simple truth is that you are a typical islamo nazi idiot-----you did not even bother
to address the fact that your fellow islamo pigs were engaged in terrorism
against Israelis even before 1967 ----there are all sorts of other issues which you
fail to address-----but I am not here to educate you------why you claim that -----I STOLE LAND----from whom? I was born in the USA-----and the only land I own is a tiny parcel wth a tiny house on it in the USA --------you are quite an idiot

why do you post if you know nothing about the issues?

were engaged in terrorism against Israelis even before 1967

You forgot to mention the 1948 occupation of Palestine.

oh the 1948 occupation of Palestine------ok In 1948 PALESTINE was occupied
by the British-----during world war I -----the occupation of palestine was removed from the
Control of the OTTOMAN CALIPHATE. In 1948 ---the jews of palestine and the arabs of palestine ----were in conflict-----therefore a partition of the land was the only answer to end the blood shed-------but tinnie wanted the bloodshed to continue because he would love to see the land part of an ISLAMIC CALIPHATE and shariah rule which includes the legal rape and enslavement of non muslims-----------a condition he also wished would persist in SUDAN and longs for in NIGERIA

the simple truth is that you are a typical islamo nazi idiot-----you did not even bother
to address the fact that your fellow islamo pigs were engaged in terrorism
against Israelis even before 1967 ----there are all sorts of other issues which you
fail to address-----but I am not here to educate you------why you claim that -----I STOLE LAND----from whom? I was born in the USA-----and the only land I own is a tiny parcel wth a tiny house on it in the USA --------you are quite an idiot

why do you post if you know nothing about the issues?

were engaged in terrorism against Israelis even before 1967

You forgot to mention the 1948 occupation of Palestine.

oh the 1948 occupation of Palestine------ok In 1948 PALESTINE was occupied
by the British-----during world war I -----the occupation of palestine was removed from the
Control of the OTTOMAN CALIPHATE. In 1948 ---the jews of palestine and the arabs of palestine ----were in conflict-----therefore a partition of the land was the only answer to end the blood shed-------but tinnie wanted the bloodshed to continue because he would love to see the land part of an ISLAMIC CALIPHATE and shariah rule which includes the legal rape and enslavement of non muslims-----------a condition he also wished would persist in SUDAN and longs for in NIGERIA

In 1948 ---the jews of palestine and the arabs of palestine ----were in conflict-----

Not really.
You forgot to mention the 1948 occupation of Palestine.

oh the 1948 occupation of Palestine------ok In 1948 PALESTINE was occupied
by the British-----during world war I -----the occupation of palestine was removed from the
Control of the OTTOMAN CALIPHATE. In 1948 ---the jews of palestine and the arabs of palestine ----were in conflict-----therefore a partition of the land was the only answer to end the blood shed-------but tinnie wanted the bloodshed to continue because he would love to see the land part of an ISLAMIC CALIPHATE and shariah rule which includes the legal rape and enslavement of non muslims-----------a condition he also wished would persist in SUDAN and longs for in NIGERIA

In 1948 ---the jews of palestine and the arabs of palestine ----were in conflict-----

Not really.

OH?? everyone I have spoken to about the situation of that time---- who lived there-----do agree that there was a conflict between jews and arabs. You know jews and arabs who lived in palestine during the 1940s who DENY that fact?
oh the 1948 occupation of Palestine------ok In 1948 PALESTINE was occupied
by the British-----during world war I -----the occupation of palestine was removed from the
Control of the OTTOMAN CALIPHATE. In 1948 ---the jews of palestine and the arabs of palestine ----were in conflict-----therefore a partition of the land was the only answer to end the blood shed-------but tinnie wanted the bloodshed to continue because he would love to see the land part of an ISLAMIC CALIPHATE and shariah rule which includes the legal rape and enslavement of non muslims-----------a condition he also wished would persist in SUDAN and longs for in NIGERIA

In 1948 ---the jews of palestine and the arabs of palestine ----were in conflict-----

Not really.

OH?? everyone I have spoken to about the situation of that time---- who lived there-----do agree that there was a conflict between jews and arabs. You know jews and arabs who lived in palestine during the 1940s who DENY that fact?

I think you will find that the perceived conflict was largely a matter of arab/moslem intransigence. The collapse of the islamist caliphate was a resounding slap in the face to arabs/moslems.

The Caliphate is long gone and will not be coming. However, these people do not understand this. In their minds and hearts, it's always going to be Caliph Omar conquering Jerusalem and Tariq bin Zayid snatching the Iberian peninsula from the infidel Christians like so much ripe fruit on a tree—because they are true believers in Islam's superiority, unbelief's inferiority, and their divine right and ability to destroy it by any means at their disposal. And that is why they are still dangerous.

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