Israel terrified of Iran strike

But the question you should be asking is "why would Israel sponsor an organization whose charter is putatively laced with "Jew-hating" rhetoric...wanna float an answer hon????

Israel sponsored HAMAS when it masqueraded as an organization devoted to social services for the arabs living in Gaza It was much later when it revealed its true colors----as an organization devoted to developing bomb on whore ass sluts and launchers of baby brains smashing nail bombs The US made a similar mistake in Afghanistan when the US naively believed that the Taliban islamo nazi pigs were "FREEDOM FIGHTERS" There are lessons in these experiences that should not be forgotten----especially in reference to domestec organizations based on the meccan creed

An interesting fact about the islamo nazi culture is that its brutal criminal organizations EMULATE AL NABI----they get followers by presenting themselves as BEING THERE TO HELP the rapist pig helped other bedouins by enlisting them as caravan robbers and SHARING THE BOOTY That is how he developed his power base. Hezbollah is situated in an area of Lebanon that has no industry or agriculture-----so the group develped a following and their all important CIVILIAN SHIELDS by materially supporting anyone
willing to live in that waste land That is how they ensure a civilian death rate every time they attack Israel The place is so barren that Hezbollah (Iran) has to supply the residents with BOTTLED WATER to bribe them to stay there----free food free schooling and they have their baby shields Its THE MECCAN CULTURE

Israel was just desperate to find somebody, anybody to be on their side over there.

Of course---that is true too-----so they chose what they were tricked into believing were human beings NIDAL MALIK HASAN was needed in the army because he was a doctor----so the army was tricked into thinking he was a human being and accepted him what is your point?
Israel sponsored HAMAS when it masqueraded as an organization devoted to social services for the arabs living in Gaza It was much later when it revealed its true colors----as an organization devoted to developing bomb on whore ass sluts and launchers of baby brains smashing nail bombs The US made a similar mistake in Afghanistan when the US naively believed that the Taliban islamo nazi pigs were "FREEDOM FIGHTERS" There are lessons in these experiences that should not be forgotten----especially in reference to domestec organizations based on the meccan creed

An interesting fact about the islamo nazi culture is that its brutal criminal organizations EMULATE AL NABI----they get followers by presenting themselves as BEING THERE TO HELP the rapist pig helped other bedouins by enlisting them as caravan robbers and SHARING THE BOOTY That is how he developed his power base. Hezbollah is situated in an area of Lebanon that has no industry or agriculture-----so the group develped a following and their all important CIVILIAN SHIELDS by materially supporting anyone
willing to live in that waste land That is how they ensure a civilian death rate every time they attack Israel The place is so barren that Hezbollah (Iran) has to supply the residents with BOTTLED WATER to bribe them to stay there----free food free schooling and they have their baby shields Its THE MECCAN CULTURE

Israel was just desperate to find somebody, anybody to be on their side over there.

Of course---that is true too-----so they chose what they were tricked into believing were human beings NIDAL MALIK HASAN was needed in the army because he was a doctor----so the army was tricked into thinking he was a human being and accepted him what is your point?

Israel needs to stop its war.
Israel was just desperate to find somebody, anybody to be on their side over there.

Of course---that is true too-----so they chose what they were tricked into believing were human beings NIDAL MALIK HASAN was needed in the army because he was a doctor----so the army was tricked into thinking he was a human being and accepted him what is your point?

Israel needs to stop its war.

That's what OMAR said "just agree to be enslaved to the ummah and the war stops"

in fact muhummad said the same thing for the DHIMMI deal---muslims congraulate themselves as being the MOST BENIGN AND LOVING PEOPLE IN HISTORY.

the people of the sudan could have avoided genocide-----the biafrans could have avoided genocide ----the armenians could have avoided genocide -----the hindus could have avoided genocide by SIMPLY ACCEPTING THE TERMS OF DHIMMIA
Israel does fear an Iranian retailation but they don't fear attacking Iran, trust me they have a very very powerful airforce, in gaza I was watching their routes and training exercises they do around gaza and southern Israel, they are well prepared for a strike, although they are afraid of how the world will react and how it will affect the world, I don't want to see another war which will result in hundreds of thousands of innocent Iranians killed, also many israelis civilians killed
Of course---that is true too-----so they chose what they were tricked into believing were human beings NIDAL MALIK HASAN was needed in the army because he was a doctor----so the army was tricked into thinking he was a human being and accepted him what is your point?

Israel needs to stop its war.

That's what OMAR said "just agree to be enslaved to the ummah and the war stops"

in fact muhummad said the same thing for the DHIMMI deal---muslims congraulate themselves as being the MOST BENIGN AND LOVING PEOPLE IN HISTORY.

the people of the sudan could have avoided genocide-----the biafrans could have avoided genocide ----the armenians could have avoided genocide -----the hindus could have avoided genocide by SIMPLY ACCEPTING THE TERMS OF DHIMMIA

What about the PFLP?

BTW, there has been no DHIMMIA In Palestine for hundreds of years.
Israel needs to stop its war.

That's what OMAR said "just agree to be enslaved to the ummah and the war stops"

in fact muhummad said the same thing for the DHIMMI deal---muslims congraulate themselves as being the MOST BENIGN AND LOVING PEOPLE IN HISTORY.

the people of the sudan could have avoided genocide-----the biafrans could have avoided genocide ----the armenians could have avoided genocide -----the hindus could have avoided genocide by SIMPLY ACCEPTING THE TERMS OF DHIMMIA

What about the PFLP?

BTW, there has been no DHIMMIA In Palestine for hundreds of years.

wrong again DHIMMIA is an aspect of SHARIAH LAW to muslims it is not only an ideal IT IS ALLAH's LAW and thus it has a strong effect on their thinking and behavior It STILL EXISTS thruout the middle east as a SOCIAL PRESSURE ISSUE at the very least and in some hell holes the law of the land Dhimmia is at the base of the genocide of HUNREDS OF MILLIONS-----and scores of millions in just the single past century Your comment is very shallow minded it also demonstrates your support for DANCING ON THE DEAD BODIES OF INFANTS it is dhimmia thinking that makes baby throat slitting LEGAL FOR YOUR HEROES It also renders RAPE legal In fact rape of muslims can be rendered legal by simply declaring this or that group NON MUSLIMS That is how west pakistan legalized the rape of 1/4 women in east pakistan they simply issue an EDICT OF "TAKFIR" upon the BENGALIS
That's what OMAR said "just agree to be enslaved to the ummah and the war stops"

in fact muhummad said the same thing for the DHIMMI deal---muslims congraulate themselves as being the MOST BENIGN AND LOVING PEOPLE IN HISTORY.

the people of the sudan could have avoided genocide-----the biafrans could have avoided genocide ----the armenians could have avoided genocide -----the hindus could have avoided genocide by SIMPLY ACCEPTING THE TERMS OF DHIMMIA

What about the PFLP?

BTW, there has been no DHIMMIA In Palestine for hundreds of years.

wrong again DHIMMIA is an aspect of SHARIAH LAW to muslims it is not only an ideal IT IS ALLAH's LAW and thus it has a strong effect on their thinking and behavior It STILL EXISTS thruout the middle east as a SOCIAL PRESSURE ISSUE at the very least and in some hell holes the law of the land Dhimmia is at the base of the genocide of HUNREDS OF MILLIONS-----and scores of millions in just the single past century Your comment is very shallow minded it also demonstrates your support for DANCING ON THE DEAD BODIES OF INFANTS it is dhimmia thinking that makes baby throat slitting LEGAL FOR YOUR HEROES It also renders RAPE legal In fact rape of muslims can be rendered legal by simply declaring this or that group NON MUSLIMS That is how west pakistan legalized the rape of 1/4 women in east pakistan they simply issue an EDICT OF "TAKFIR" upon the BENGALIS

How does all that blabber fit into the Israel, Palestine conflict?
What about the PFLP?

BTW, there has been no DHIMMIA In Palestine for hundreds of years.

wrong again DHIMMIA is an aspect of SHARIAH LAW to muslims it is not only an ideal IT IS ALLAH's LAW and thus it has a strong effect on their thinking and behavior It STILL EXISTS thruout the middle east as a SOCIAL PRESSURE ISSUE at the very least and in some hell holes the law of the land Dhimmia is at the base of the genocide of HUNREDS OF MILLIONS-----and scores of millions in just the single past century Your comment is very shallow minded it also demonstrates your support for DANCING ON THE DEAD BODIES OF INFANTS it is dhimmia thinking that makes baby throat slitting LEGAL FOR YOUR HEROES It also renders RAPE legal In fact rape of muslims can be rendered legal by simply declaring this or that group NON MUSLIMS That is how west pakistan legalized the rape of 1/4 women in east pakistan they simply issue an

How does all that blabber fit into the Israel, Palestine conflict?

it is the background information ----history of the developement of Israel which includes a reaction to islamic oppression just as the history of the new country SOUTH SUDAN is tied up in the issue of ISLAMIC OPPRESSION just as the history of the ARMENIANS is tied to islamic oppression HISTORY and how societies develope The history of the US includes religious freedom issues too
wrong again DHIMMIA is an aspect of SHARIAH LAW to muslims it is not only an ideal IT IS ALLAH's LAW and thus it has a strong effect on their thinking and behavior It STILL EXISTS thruout the middle east as a SOCIAL PRESSURE ISSUE at the very least and in some hell holes the law of the land Dhimmia is at the base of the genocide of HUNREDS OF MILLIONS-----and scores of millions in just the single past century Your comment is very shallow minded it also demonstrates your support for DANCING ON THE DEAD BODIES OF INFANTS it is dhimmia thinking that makes baby throat slitting LEGAL FOR YOUR HEROES It also renders RAPE legal In fact rape of muslims can be rendered legal by simply declaring this or that group NON MUSLIMS That is how west pakistan legalized the rape of 1/4 women in east pakistan they simply issue an

How does all that blabber fit into the Israel, Palestine conflict?

it is the background information ----history of the developement of Israel which includes a reaction to islamic oppression just as the history of the new country SOUTH SUDAN is tied up in the issue of ISLAMIC OPPRESSION just as the history of the ARMENIANS is tied to islamic oppression HISTORY and how societies develope The history of the US includes religious freedom issues too

The creation of Israel had nothing to do with Islamic oppression.

It was all about stealing Palestinian land.
How does all that blabber fit into the Israel, Palestine conflict?

it is the background information ----history of the developement of Israel which includes a reaction to islamic oppression just as the history of the new country SOUTH SUDAN is tied up in the issue of ISLAMIC OPPRESSION just as the history of the ARMENIANS is tied to islamic oppression HISTORY and how societies develope The history of the US includes religious freedom issues too

The creation of Israel had nothing to do with Islamic oppression.

It was all about stealing Palestinian land.

wrong again it has everything to do with islamic oppression the most ardent zionists have ALWAYS BEEN ESCAPEES FROM SHARIAH SHIT HOLES The concept that zionists STOLE land is based on the filth of DHIMMIA which disallows jewish ownership of land Thus when the TURKS decided to sell land to jews in the early 1800s ISLAMO NAZI PIGS saw those purchases as THEFT OF MUSLIM LAND The reason that jews fled the shariah shit holes in the 1800s was BECAUSE the turks made it legal for jews to buy land in fact---the single most important factor in the current zionist project was that the turks ameliorated the filth and stink of dhimmia in Palestine because they knew jews would buy land from them which is why arabs still hate the turks and why so many muslims want turkey to slip back into the shariah cesspool as do you

Dhimmia is a very important issue in the minds of islamo nazi pigs----it creates the POWER OF ISLAM over non muslims In fact it is just about all that ISLAM has as an attraction
How does all that blabber fit into the Israel, Palestine conflict?

it is the background information ----history of the developement of Israel which includes a reaction to islamic oppression just as the history of the new country SOUTH SUDAN is tied up in the issue of ISLAMIC OPPRESSION just as the history of the ARMENIANS is tied to islamic oppression HISTORY and how societies develope The history of the US includes religious freedom issues too

The creation of Israel had nothing to do with Islamic oppression.

It was all about stealing Palestinian land. simply cannot say this to a Zionist Jew---it won't penetrate that mindset no matter how it is articulated....Jews have immunized themselves against such horrid thoughts---like truth
it is the background information ----history of the developement of Israel which includes a reaction to islamic oppression just as the history of the new country SOUTH SUDAN is tied up in the issue of ISLAMIC OPPRESSION just as the history of the ARMENIANS is tied to islamic oppression HISTORY and how societies develope The history of the US includes religious freedom issues too

The creation of Israel had nothing to do with Islamic oppression.

It was all about stealing Palestinian land.

wrong again it has everything to do with islamic oppression the most ardent zionists have ALWAYS BEEN ESCAPEES FROM SHARIAH SHIT HOLES The concept that zionists STOLE land is based on the filth of DHIMMIA which disallows jewish ownership of land Thus when the TURKS decided to sell land to jews in the early 1800s ISLAMO NAZI PIGS saw those purchases as THEFT OF MUSLIM LAND The reason that jews fled the shariah shit holes in the 1800s was BECAUSE the turks made it legal for jews to buy land in fact---the single most important factor in the current zionist project was that the turks ameliorated the filth and stink of dhimmia in Palestine because they knew jews would buy land from them which is why arabs still hate the turks and why so many muslims want turkey to slip back into the shariah cesspool as do you

Dhimmia is a very important issue in the minds of islamo nazi pigs----it creates the POWER OF ISLAM over non muslims In fact it is just about all that ISLAM has as an attraction

Naw, it was all about stealing Palestinian land.
The creation of Israel had nothing to do with Islamic oppression.

It was all about stealing Palestinian land.

wrong again it has everything to do with islamic oppression the most ardent zionists have ALWAYS BEEN ESCAPEES FROM SHARIAH SHIT HOLES The concept that zionists STOLE land is based on the filth of DHIMMIA which disallows jewish ownership of land Thus when the TURKS decided to sell land to jews in the early 1800s ISLAMO NAZI PIGS saw those purchases as THEFT OF MUSLIM LAND The reason that jews fled the shariah shit holes in the 1800s was BECAUSE the turks made it legal for jews to buy land in fact---the single most important factor in the current zionist project was that the turks ameliorated the filth and stink of dhimmia in Palestine because they knew jews would buy land from them which is why arabs still hate the turks and why so many muslims want turkey to slip back into the shariah cesspool as do you

Dhimmia is a very important issue in the minds of islamo nazi pigs----it creates the POWER OF ISLAM over non muslims In fact it is just about all that ISLAM has as an attraction[/QUOT
Naw, it was all about stealing Palestinian land.

how much "palestinian land" did you and your pimps and whores steal? how much of that which you and your pimps and whores stole did you sell to jews so that the lovers of shariah shit would feel "CHEATED"? do you and your pimps and whores steal land in other parts of the world like the shariah shit people do?
wrong again it has everything to do with islamic oppression the most ardent zionists have ALWAYS BEEN ESCAPEES FROM SHARIAH SHIT HOLES The concept that zionists STOLE land is based on the filth of DHIMMIA which disallows jewish ownership of land Thus when the TURKS decided to sell land to jews in the early 1800s ISLAMO NAZI PIGS saw those purchases as THEFT OF MUSLIM LAND The reason that jews fled the shariah shit holes in the 1800s was BECAUSE the turks made it legal for jews to buy land in fact---the single most important factor in the current zionist project was that the turks ameliorated the filth and stink of dhimmia in Palestine because they knew jews would buy land from them which is why arabs still hate the turks and why so many muslims want turkey to slip back into the shariah cesspool as do you

Dhimmia is a very important issue in the minds of islamo nazi pigs----it creates the POWER OF ISLAM over non muslims In fact it is just about all that ISLAM has as an attraction[/QUOT
Naw, it was all about stealing Palestinian land.

how much "palestinian land" did you and your pimps and whores steal? how much of that which you and your pimps and whores stole did you sell to jews so that the lovers of shariah shit would feel "CHEATED"? do you and your pimps and whores steal land in other parts of the world like the shariah shit people do?

Nice rant.:clap2::clap2::clap2:
LOL !!!!!!!!!! 'Pimps and whores"???? sounds like the relationship between AIPAC and our congress...Jews cannot process the fact that an absentee land claim that spans 13 centuries ain't gonna fly----no matter how often the slugs exploit the holocaust....
wrong again it has everything to do with islamic oppression the most ardent zionists have ALWAYS BEEN ESCAPEES FROM SHARIAH SHIT HOLES The concept that zionists STOLE land is based on the filth of DHIMMIA which disallows jewish ownership of land Thus when the TURKS decided to sell land to jews in the early 1800s ISLAMO NAZI PIGS saw those purchases as THEFT OF MUSLIM LAND The reason that jews fled the shariah shit holes in the 1800s was BECAUSE the turks made it legal for jews to buy land in fact---the single most important factor in the current zionist project was that the turks ameliorated the filth and stink of dhimmia in Palestine because they knew jews would buy land from them which is why arabs still hate the turks and why so many muslims want turkey to slip back into the shariah cesspool as do you

Dhimmia is a very important issue in the minds of islamo nazi pigs----it creates the POWER OF ISLAM over non muslims In fact it is just about all that ISLAM has as an attraction[/QUOT
Naw, it was all about stealing Palestinian land.

how much "palestinian land" did you and your pimps and whores steal? how much of that which you and your pimps and whores stole did you sell to jews so that the lovers of shariah shit would feel "CHEATED"? do you and your pimps and whores steal land in other parts of the world like the shariah shit people do?

Ratso...crawl back into you dusty coffin and don't let that lid slam on your head....this sicko must drift off to sleep counting "pimps...whores and IslamoNazis'....hahahahaha
how much "palestinian land" did you and your pimps and whores steal? how much of that which you and your pimps and whores stole did you sell to jews so that the lovers of shariah shit would feel "CHEATED"? do you and your pimps and whores steal land in other parts of the world like the shariah shit people do?

Ratso...crawl back into you dusty coffin and don't let that lid slam on your head....this sicko must drift off to sleep counting "pimps...whores and IslamoNazis'....hahahahaha

Impossible I can't count them ALL
How does all that blabber fit into the Israel, Palestine conflict?

it is the background information ----history of the developement of Israel which includes a reaction to islamic oppression just as the history of the new country SOUTH SUDAN is tied up in the issue of ISLAMIC OPPRESSION just as the history of the ARMENIANS is tied to islamic oppression HISTORY and how societies develope The history of the US includes religious freedom issues too

The creation of Israel had nothing to do with Islamic oppression.

It was all about stealing Palestinian land.
Yeah, except there was no such thing as "Palestinian Land". Unless you're referring to the Jews that lived there that is.
Poor downer He keeps doing threads entitled "ISRAEL IS TERRIFIED OF IRAN" hoping that if he writes that line enough times----IT WILL HAPPEN.
Keep up the good work downer------you will manage to convince yourself

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