Israel requests funding for Iron Dome interceptors from U.S.


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
I have no problem with the US supporting Israel. What I find odd however is that the makers of the Iron Dome system are both (according to Wiki) 'government owned (Israeli) corporations.

So the Israel government has to pay for interceptor rockets to defend, among other things, the very buildings the interceptors are being made in? Huh? Even if they weren't 'government owned' corporations, if they're on Israeli soil, how about you give us all the rockets we need and in exchange we'll shoot a few your way instead of letting the Qassams land on your heads?

Rafael Advanced Defense Systems - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Israel Aerospace Industries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Iron Dome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I have no problem with the US supporting Israel. What I find odd however is that the makers of the Iron Dome system are both (according to Wiki) 'government owned (Israeli) corporations.

So the Israel government has to pay for interceptor rockets to defend, among other things, the very buildings the interceptors are being made in? Huh? Even if they weren't 'government owned' corporations, if they're on Israeli soil, how about you give us all the rockets we need and in exchange we'll shoot a few your way instead of letting the Qassams land on your heads?

Rafael Advanced Defense Systems - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Israel Aerospace Industries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Iron Dome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the self-defence capabilities of Israel. But in return the administration should exact some concessions from Israel that would be positive steps toward peace. You can see by the casualty toll Israel is waging war against a much weaker enemy with a much more vulnerable civilian population.
The U.S. taxpayer footed the bill to develop the Iron Dome to the tune of $250 million dollars.

And now the Israeli's want us to pay for the rockets they expended!! ..... WTF!!

The zionist jews have no shame when it comes to begging for money. ... :doubt:
The U.S. taxpayer footed the bill to develop the Iron Dome to the tune of $250 million dollars.

And now the Israeli's want us to pay for the rockets they expended!! ..... WTF!!

The zionist jews have no shame when it comes to begging for money. ... :doubt:

Got a sawbuck you can spare???
The U.S. taxpayer footed the bill to develop the Iron Dome to the tune of $250 million dollars.

And now the Israeli's want us to pay for the rockets they expended!! ..... WTF!!

The zionist jews have no shame when it comes to begging for money. ... :doubt:

Yeah the rockets they used to defend their country.....
The U.S. provides the weapons and money for Israel's apartheid policies and genocidal wars against muslims.

And yet, the American people can't seem to figure out why people in the middle east call us the "Great Satan". .. :doubt:
12 hour cease fire, AGREED to, by all parties; not horrible news, for once. If Israel needs help, the US should oblige.
So many brain dead American's act like Israel is our 51st state and must be defended at all cost.

Not realizing that our unwavering loyalty to Israel causes about 95% of American's problems in the Middle East. .. :doubt:
"Even a single night in jail is enough to give a taste of what it means to be under the total control of some external force.

"And it hardly takes more than a day in Gaza to begin to appreciate what it must be like to try to survive in the world’s largest open-air prison, where a million and a half people, in the most densely populated area of the world, are constantly subject to random and often savage terror and arbitrary punishment, with no purpose other than to humiliate and degrade, and with the further goal of ensuring that Palestinian hopes for a decent future will be crushed and that the overwhelming global support for a diplomatic settlement that will grant these rights will be nullified.

"The intensity of this commitment on the part of the Israeli political leadership has been dramatically illustrated just in the past few days, as they warn that they will 'go crazy' if Palestinian rights are given limited recognition at the UN.

"That is not a new departure. The threat to 'go crazy' ('nishtagea') is deeply rooted, back to the Labor governments of the 1950s, along with the related 'Samson Complex': we will bring down the Temple walls if crossed.

"It was an idle threat then; not today.

"The purposeful humiliation is also not new, though it constantly takes new forms."

Impressions of Gaza
I have no problem with the US supporting Israel. What I find odd however is that the makers of the Iron Dome system are both (according to Wiki) 'government owned (Israeli) corporations.

So the Israel government has to pay for interceptor rockets to defend, among other things, the very buildings the interceptors are being made in? Huh? Even if they weren't 'government owned' corporations, if they're on Israeli soil, how about you give us all the rockets we need and in exchange we'll shoot a few your way instead of letting the Qassams land on your heads?

Rafael Advanced Defense Systems - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Israel Aerospace Industries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Iron Dome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If the UN would do the job we are paying them to do (Chapter VII specifically), then Israel would not need an "iron dome" to stop Hamas`s missiles.
The UN has 350 "peace keepers" stationed in Jerusalem to " prevent isolated incidents from escalating," according to the CIA fact-book.
Why aren`t they in the Gaza strip raiding these make shift bomb factories or start confiscating the Ammonium Nitrate fertilizer which comes from Israel and is used by Hamas to make these rockets?
But you can`t expect a self-serving bureaucracy like the UN to do something that might actually get some positive results.
Seeing who sits on their human rights commission and voted for their latest 29:1 condemnation isolating the US along with Israel it`s getting rather obvious that many of those would like to make Israel as expensive as possible to the US taxpayer.
So far, (since 1949) the US has forked out over 133 000 billion $ aid to Israel, money that the US had to borrow and pay the interest as well.
That`s at any given time more money the US spends on Israeli citizens than it does for US citizens...if what these guys claim is true:

The American Educational Trust (AET) is a non-profit foundation incorporated in Washington, DC in 1982 by retired U.S. foreign service officers to provide the American public with balanced and accurate information concerning U.S. relations with Middle Eastern states
AET does not take partisan domestic political positions. In general, AET supports Middle East solutions which it judges to be consistent with the charter of the United Nations, international law, the Geneva Conventions, and traditional American support for human rights, self-determination, and fair play.
At any rate Israel can`t afford to pay for the upkeep of their IDF in the long run either.
$72.55 billion
$82.66 billion (2013 est.)
Public debt:
67.1% of GDP (2013 est.)
Israel exports only 60 Billion $ worth of goods and imports over 87 Billion $ mostly raw materials, such as rough diamonds from Africa via Belgium and needs to buy fossil fuel for it`s power system, 98% of it is produced by burning fossil fuels....and these don`t get any cheaper after ISIS consolidates more territories & oil fields.
So unless the UN does the job we intended them to do and are paying for already, Israel`s dependence on US foreign aid will keep increasing.
A nation like Israel might be able to reduce military spending or reduce their almost total dependance on fossil fuels by actually producing electricity with their nuclear facility, but they can`t avoid running out of water sooner than later:
Total renewable water resources 1.78 cu km/year
Fresh water withdrawal 1.95 cu km/year...( no wonder Hamas does not have any problems with their tunnels getting flooded)
And there is no way these problems can be solved with an "iron dome".
There is also no way to negotiate a lasting peace agreement as long as either side claims that God is on their side.
If there was a God authorizing any of this, all he has accomplished so far is to drench that piece of earth in blood, but has been rather stingy with the water it takes to sustain human life.
That area may have been fit enough to support far less people centuries ago, but God apparently did not foresee how quickly his chosen people would suck it dry after they got it.
Perhaps we should not just re-invent the UN to see who should be "the chosen people" to lay permanent claim to this cursed piece of earth drenched with the blood of humans who have been sacrified for it in the "name of God".
Aside from our futile attempts to replace him with a more compassionate UN authority not much else has changed.
If you try to promote peace in that area and with the people who inhabit it you still get nailed to a cross.
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So many brain dead American's act like Israel is our 51st state and must be defended at all cost.

Not realizing that our unwavering loyalty to Israel causes about 95% of American's problems in the Middle East. .. :doubt:

Again we have Sunni the Muslkm troll blaming Israel for exactl what Muslims aee guilty of :lol:
I bet you couldn't even come close to proving that statement.

The real truth: Muslims are reaponsible for 100% of the problems in the Middle East: mass murder, rape, opression , war, torture etc....

Allowing so many Muslim Arab states to exist was a huge mistake. Hopefully a mistake that will ine day be fixed :cool:

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