Israel Palestine International Law Symposium: One State or Two?

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
In this clip, we hear from Michael Lynk and Virginia Tilley. They dig deep into international law and Israel's behavior. Followed by a joint Q&A.

Israel already IS one state.

The Palestinians can sort out their own stuff.
Actually this is 'four state' symposium; they already got the two-state solution a long time ago, then they got the three state solution with Gaza. now they want a fourth? For who? lol they're a joke.

A much better peace plan is no Arab states at all. We can sell the place to Oprah and build theme parks and off road vehicle trails.
I think the possibility of Israeli annexation of the West Bank is now approaching, which also means there is approaching a key turning point that will largely influence future conceptions for how to resolve or even how we discuss the Israeli/Palestinian problem. There is no doubt that prospects for a separate Palestinian state — Palestinian Arab “self-determination“ — have never been weaker, that Israel has never been stronger. Nevertheless, short of another massive expulsion of Arab Palestinians en masse, this may paradoxically lead only to a greater appreciation of Israel’s tragic character as an apartheid-like state, and hence a subtle shift of the conversation away from “two-state” solutions altogether. The “perfect moment” for annexation may even come ... and pass by:
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It's people who think with Palestinian mentality like Tinmore that insure there will never be any Palestinian State.
The Palestinians do not need to "create" a state.

Arguably true. They do need to develop their own government and infrastructure so they can ACT as a State, though. They need to sign treaties with their neighbors. Once they pull up their socks and start acting like a State they might be able to achieve that status and the recognition with comes with it.
It's people who think with Palestinian mentality like Tinmore that insure there will never be any Palestinian State.
The Palestinians do not need to "create" a state.

Arguably true. They do need to develop their own government and infrastructure so they can ACT as a State, though. They need to sign treaties with their neighbors. Once they pull up their socks and start acting like a State they might be able to achieve that status and the recognition with comes with it.
I do not know exactly what P F Tinmore meant, but your call for Palestinians to “pull up their socks and start acting like a State” is absurd. It is like asking the same of the old Bantustans of South Africa. The ANC rightly outright rejected such proposals. The days of nationalist infatuation with “self determination for an independent Palestinian Arab state” may have already come and gone, to be gradually replaced by a fight for full civil rights inside a future “secular democratic” state of Israel/Palestine.
It's people who think with Palestinian mentality like Tinmore that insure there will never be any Palestinian State.
The Palestinians do not need to "create" a state.

Jews were originally called palestinians, by the British, in the British Mandate, nicknamed palestine, which led to Israeli statehood. Earlier, palestine was a Roman name imposed on Jews, making Jews, again, palestinians. There never actually were palestinians. These are fake Euro terms.
It's people who think with Palestinian mentality like Tinmore that insure there will never be any Palestinian State.
The Palestinians do not need to "create" a state.
________ <------- here is where you cut and paste your "Treaty of Lausanne invented the country of Pal'istan", nonsense.

Palestine was nothing more than the fictional name for the British Mandate, which ceased to exist in 1948 with Israeli statehood. Palestine was a European colonialist invention.
Their countries still exist; Turkey and Syria never went anywhere, they just didn't want a big influx of some 300,000 cowards who ran away and wouldn't fight for their alleged 'country', is all. The King of Jordan, after listening to crowds of these fake 'refugees' whine about how the Arab armies weren't doing enough to kill all the Jews, walked out into the crowds of idiots and pointed out he had a recruiting station right behind his HQ. Very few of them signed up. Now the gangsters just find nut jobs and assorted people they can extort into suicide missions whenever they need money from their fellow Arab states or the UN. These murder rackets make them the best fed and clothed 'refugees' in the world. Run low on cash? Blow up a few busses in France or Britain and watch the money and piles of goods roll in. Murder a few Jews and Americans and watch Europeans and American Democrats, and many Right wingers, swoon with admiration and cough up major bucks.
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